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  1. https://i.imgur.com/qlIQnaN.png in the screen shot, you can see the skill bar says I have 20 seconds of splinter storm left, but the actual splinter storm buff can be seen on top of the screen with only 6 seconds left. The buff expires before the skill bar says it should. https://streamable.com/o8z31h I cast mass vitrify when the skill bar said I had 4 seconds of splinter storm left, but the actual buff had already ran out. The buff displayed at top does not match whats displayed on the skill bar. edit: i figured out exactly how to reproduce the bug. When you break mass vitrify with 1, it resets the duration for the skill bar icon, but not the actual buff. To fix this they just need to make it so it doesnt reset the duration on the skill bar. Nothing in the Tips suggests breaking mass vitrify should reset splinter storm cooldown, it only gets reset when you CAST mass vitrify.
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