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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. Definitely see wielding 2 primaries since there is a grineer executioner that wields 2 Heks. Four arms definitely do the trick. Thighs would probably be large due to the extra weight being carried. And you could switch between all 4 weapons and switch to holding both primaries. 

    Having multiple arms I could see it being able to increase Multi shot as one of its abilities. Like 100% power strength gives $50% multi shot while 413%(max with growing power and energy conversion) gives it over 200%. Which is triple. Throw in more power strength buffing frames and pair it with chroma and you’ll have a very powerful squad. 

    Kind of picturing it having an exalted shield melee for both sets of arms for wide radius guard and attacks. 

    Also could execute 2 or more enemies at the same time if they are close by each other when the first execution occurs. 

    Can kind of see it being able to run quickly and tackle enemies to the ground with its four arm and if a dagger type melee exists, or shield type, it goes all stabby stabby before getting up. Inflicting finisher damage or whatever it is called when you stab a downed enemy. 

    Still more ideas flooding in but I’ll leave it like this. 

  2. 55 minutes ago, buff7879 said:

    I think this would be a cool idea. A somewhat overly vicious and intelligent infested mutated by kuva. The system will be slightly different from the kuva lich system. First, you will need to collect the requim murmurs as usual. as each one finishes, you will craft a requim assassination key in your foundry. equipping this key in you gear section and going into any lich-controlled territory will turn it into an assassination mission you will fight the infested liches sergeant. once defeated with your parazon (no requim mod required) it will be converted to your side. Repeat twice more, with difficulty ramping up for each lich sergeant. once all three are converted, you must enter a new node in your origin system, which will lead to the infested boss. the fight will have three stages, and in each one, it requires you to bring down a third of the liches health bar. once this happens, one of the converted sergeants will charge in and self-detonate themselves (similar to volatile runners) once all three have sacrificed themselves, the lich will mutate once more, becoming a complete monstrosity. at this point, it is fully vulnerable to all damage. once it is downed, it can be killed using the parazon. (again, no mods required). you will obtain an infested lich weapon. Ideas:

    Infested Lich Amphis

    Infested Lich Lesion

    Infested Lich Astilla

    Infested Lich Lenz

    Infested Lich Pryana

    Infested Lich Lex

    Infested Lich Kulstar

    Well to explain their origin further I could see something like a new infested sabotage where they began to mutate further and the Tenno must stop them which leads to an infested capable of piercing warframe armor like a mosquito. As a result the new infested mutated to take on a form based on the frame that “killed” it.

    Gains minor intelligence, enough to somewhat speak, and a thirst for the Tenno that supposedly slayed it. Maybe talk about evolving even more than the ancients. Maybe give speeches like “we are you and you are us”. 

    Being that infested tend to melee more, I could see them having more melee weapons than anything. With a couple fully infested primary and secondary infused into their limbs. 

    Maybe the frames determine the overall appearance of the infested vs being completely random. Make people use more frames of each category. Their abilities would be more infested like. Example: Valkyr’s first mixed with Nidus’s second where the infested grabs you from a far distance and completely slings you in the opposite direction. Or summoning giant infested tentacles to wack you, similar to hydroid. Send flying maggots at you similar to Inaros’s scarabs. Or traps you in a hardening goo similar to frost. You get the idea.

    Maybe they’re motivation is to become more like the frames, considering that the frames are part infested based on the Umbra Sacrifice storyline. 

    Sure the idea would need more tweaks before becoming official. Hope to actually discuss more about it. And hope DE is watching. But it is too soon for that. Maybe give the infested their own assassin first that drops a juggernaut based infested hammer. Then maybe DE could/would move up to some sort of infested kingpin system.

  3. On 2019-11-30 at 6:25 PM, Vuroz said:

    In view that warframe integrated this system for the grineer i’ve been thinking how DE could make the kingpin system for the corpus feel different, so here is my take on it:

    For me the “kingpin” should be a wealthy corpus, that can be created by killing a brand new proxy in a early stage of development. Once you kill this proxy the kingpin will be interested in you for further develop the proxy.

    Once you created your kingpin, he won’t go personally to attack you, instead he will be sending his proxy. This proxy will be like the kuva lich, it will have some abilities attached to it, some resistances, immunities and weaknesses.

    The proxy  will need to be stabed with the parazon 3 times with new “hacking mods" in a certain order. The idea with “hacking” the proxy is to trace the location of the kingpin in the origin system. You could get these new hacking mods in spy missions guaranteed as an additional reward  by hacking the 3 terminals and they can be spread through all the spy missions.

    You can reveal the mods that are needed by killing lesser proxies with the parazon in the kingpin territory.

    Once you succefully “trace” the locaion of the kingpin, a node will reveal on the starchart. It will be a new variant of assassination mission, you will be going through his fortress in a linear way room by room clearing mulitple proxies, the same ones that he was sending to kill you, but this time, they will be killable in one go by just doing damage to them.

    Once you reach the kingpin area, you can finally kill him for good, no mods for parazon needed for this (he’s just wealthy, not strong).

    And congratulations, you can retrieve your rewards. Depending of the level of the kingpin there will be an extra credit reward, 1 million per level (Grofit).

    That’s it, I hope that you have fun Reading this as i did writing it, feel free to fill the blanks and/or suggest some changes.

    Honestly, I’m sort of picturing a new sentient hybrid. Grineer have been messing with kuva for a while. So a grineer with kuva(old) blood coursing through them is understandable. And grineer are all about biology(cloning) and war.

    For the corpus I’m picturing Alad V figuring out a little on the genetic make-up of warframes. So he combines his knowledge of infested, zanuka, and sentient to create his own powerful army. In a way.

    For starters he combines the infested and sentient into willing(or unwilling) participants. Sort of merging their DNA and technology. Kind like how the infested weapons and sentient weapons are created. But together.

    1). He creates a sort of infested blood infused with sentient nanites in a way. Then injects it into his most elite corpus crewmen. Turning them into something a bit more horrifying(would draw but that may take months since I’m not that good). Sure you can visualize it. 

    2). They become sort of sentient zombies capable of adapting to different environments but only once depending on the environment and planet. And Alad V releases them everywhere to watch how they “evolve”.

    3). When a tenno encounters one, slaying them with a specific warframe will cause them to adapt and evolve into something much stronger and capable of handling such a frame and the environment which they spawn in. 

    4). They gain abilities based on the warframe and certain attributes plus resistance based on the planet/environment they spawn in. Example: icy environments makes their weapons gain ice buff and they become immune to ice damage while a frame like rhino gives them resistance to impact. 

    5). They can no longer adapt, a “flaw” Alad V points out, which makes killing with other methods easier. Instead of the option to kill or convert, the new hybrids/“kingpins” make a choice depending on who they once were. If they were changed against their will, then they will regain their memories and fight alongside you. If they were willing then you are left with no choice but to kill them since they will always remain loyal.

    6). Appearance is based on the frame and environment. Female frames could make them female since corpus don’t really have noticeable genders. But mainly the frames determine their appearance such as Rhino, Atlas, Grendel, etc. making them more bulky. While slimmer frames would make them more simmer. They develop armor of their own so they don’t have exposed faces. Some may complain how they can’t remove the armor like it is a part of their skin. Colors would be determined by planet. 

    Part of their description like quirks will list whether they were willing or unwilling. Unwilling will have a more animalistic behavior until a jolt from the parazon jogs their memories and they start behaving normally. While a willing will express how they refuse to betray their own so you must deliver the final blow(similar to an execution) within a short time or they’ll flee and eventually return again.

    Weapons would be a more sentient hybrid of former corpus weapons. Like:

    1). Amalgam Opticor - fires a nonstop beam until magazine runs out. Bigger mag but less damage. 

    2). Amalgam Akdetron - fire rate is higher and can charge bullets to give them a homing effect. 

    3 - ?). use your imagination. 

    Now this is a sort of basic idea of how I picture it going. There would need to be more details added or changes which is the purpose of having discussions about the idea. Come to an agreement and hope DE is reading and taking notes.

    But that’s just my opinion. 

  4. I kind of like the whole Lich thing that is going on but I have a few issues that’s been getting on my nerves a lot.

    1). Lich spawns - tired of them spawning way, WAY, in the back. Making me and other people have to run back like 200 meters to fight them. Especially since they create more thralls(up to like 10) and can’t do that if they spawn far in the back where there’s no enemies to enthrall. Be nice if they always spawn right where the player is similar to Stalker, G3, and Zanuka Hunter. 

    2). Enthralled enemies - some enemies that are enthralled can’t be executed. Like sometimes a Nox can’t be executed. And they will enthrall like the grineer drones that just explode and reward no murmurs. One guy said a roller grenade was enthralled before too. Becomes a bit of a waste and annoyance. 

    3). Lich movement speed - don’t know what’s going on but they be moving way too slowly. I can understand if their quirk involves being scared so they’re more hesitant to move. But I think at the very least they should move faster the more ticked off they become. Like enraged has like a 200% movement speed increase. Based on how slow most of them move regularly. And chase after the target player if they are far away. 

    That’s just my personal experience and opinion. A few others have pointed this out so I’m sort of speaking for them too but y’all only have my words to go on. Either way I like hunting the liches but I hate how long it takes to build up murmurs due to these 3 issues. I’m sure there’s more to come but these are what I have right now. Hope something gets done about them. 

  5. For starters the first idea wouldn’t work very well. It will cause trolling issues and be completely useless for solo players. Instead I would recommend they made an augment that allows him to walk while continuously sucking in enemies. Maybe a hold down trigger to suck in enemies nonstop as long as there are enemies around in sight which the walking would make it easier to spot. 

    The second ability does sound decent. Kind of picturing him being able to boost teammates ability range and duration.

    Third I can also see him being able to shoot more than one enemy at once. Imagine if you fill up on 20 enemies and energy draining quickly, being able to fire all of them out like a heavy machine gun at other enemies would be nice. 

    Forth I would like to be able to have better control over his rolling ball form. And maybe he builds up speed as he continues to roll nonstop. That would be a decent augment for his forth ability. 

    • Like 2
  6. I’ve been picturing something like the higher he falls the wider the radius and more damage. I also pictured him having a passive where he slowly picks up speed when he continues to sprint with no stops, rolls, or slides and eventually can’t be knocked down while sprinting at maxed speed. Rhino charge doesn’t slow nor stop him from continuing to sprint. 

    Be cool if his heavy weight makes him difficult to be picked up by Liches or rag dolled. Or pulled by certain enemies. But that may be too similar to Atlas. 

  7. I usually call him Derelict Nidus due the Derelict looking more like what I expect Nidus Prime to look. Like the first attempt at a prime warframe that has been forgotten. Being that he is infested I can sort of see him having the typical prime armor like the others but has the infestation growing out through cracks, his hands, and his feet. His armor would probably look the least bit shiny compared to all the other primes. And probably a little bulkier too. 

    When it comes to his overall shape and mutation form, I’m definitely picturing something that would be from a horror film. Can kind of see his chest opening up to reveal like an eyeball or something. Course the image I have could also be used as a new infested enemy, like an assassin. 

    Either way I think Nidus Prime/Derelict Nidus would be the most complicated prime for DE to make. 

  8. Just a few thoughts. So please, be civil.

    1). Double Ephemera for equinox due to dual appearance. Maybe different color sets too. 

    2). There’s steps and there’s full body Ephemeras. Maybe a way to equip both? Or make them do more than just one or the other?

    3). Possibly add them to abilities? The prime Ephemera only works when I’m standing still. Be cool if there is a way to make it flash during abilities. Make abilities more... flashy?

    4). Possibly make it toggleable? Like when equipped you can choose how it works? Choose for it to be channeled into just the steps, whole body, or abilities. Or all 3? 

    Maybe a few others. But it would be nice if there were more to that they can be used for. More creativity. Like I can kind of see a snowy snowflake one during Christmas time and a leafy one during thanksgiving. But considering that there are multiple frames and attributes it be nice to have them do more while also not get in the way of some players. 

    Just saying. There are lots of Ephemeras I’m picturing that haven’t been made yet. But the current ones I just want to be able to make my frames and possibly companions more... stylish... not be limited to movement, or lack of movement, for some of these to be noticed. 

    Just my opinion. 

  9. It’s a simple addition to the missions that wouldn’t affect the normal routine. Simply the more kuva that gets sucked into the machine before the final braid is destroyed, the more kuva you are rewarded. For the time(and possible risk) it took. Like 50-100 extra kuva up to 350-700. In a coordinated squad the mission can still be done quickly and everybody gets a bigger reward. I’ve done the tests and the absolute longest it would take is no more than 10 minutes SOLO. While in a coordinated squad it would only take no more than 5 minutes. Depending on how long it takes to find the machine. 

    But it takes a lot of kuva for the most part, to get the role you want for your rivens. And some people don’t have all day everyday to spend farming for kuva. And DE encourages teamwork so a bigger Kuva reward for a coordinated team doesn’t sound too much. 

    And again, this wouldn’t affect normal gameplay routine at all. It’s not a complete change. Just an addition. 

  10. 10 hours ago, ligonare said:

    As much as I understand that people will tumble if they try to do this in real life, this is warframe. Let us not think too deep into the physics and give a bit of leeway to the technology and the technique of warframes ok?

    If you need a compromise, i suppose that gauss could tumble if he slides too long while under mach rush?

    Well warframe has some real life aspects to it. I’m not really thinking that deep but I put a lot of details so people don’t assume that I’m disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. DE did say we should be constructive of our “criticisms”.

    And after sliding how long do you think it’ll be before people start asking/demanding that Gauss be able to make sharp turns? Otherwise what’s the difference between Gauss and volt other than knocking enemies over vs buffing teammates?

    Point is Mach Rush is suppose to be a rush. And you can’t slide while rushing. It is that simple. I have no issues canceling the ability, slide, then reactivate. I do wish that maybe as an augment mod DE adds the ability that allows you to inflict melee damage on enemies hit by Mach Rush. 

    Now maybe, MAYBE, DE could add that slide function as part of the Redline buff. Maybe DE could make his slides tumble but if you equip the less friction type mods, then you’ll slide more and tumble less? Maybe even slide perfectly on ice paths? Would make Gauss perfect for a new more icy map where there are a lot of ice paths everywhere. 

    But it is fine the way it currently is. And it is more scientifically explained. This game is not just some magic game. The whole concept of this game involves science and technology. Bad guys still trying to figure out the void. Might as well make all warframes fly since the laws of gravity should not apply to Mach Rush. 

  11. On 2019-10-23 at 11:23 AM, ligonare said:

    Normal frame movement does incorporate sprint into slide, so its' a shame that mach rush does not have slide function such that gauss can duck under obstacles and preserve momentum while doing so. It does have a jump (hop) available so that's nice.

    It would be such a +++ for style. 

    As much as I would like to slide, gotta ask one question. Have you ever tried sliding in real life while running with everything you have? I’m pretty sure you haven’t. So let me break it down.

    There are 2 types of running: speed - where you run with rapid steps which allows for faster dodging and turning. And power/momentum - where you take longer slower steps but you put so much power into them they basically push you forward which also builds up momentum. 

    While volt basically increases movement speed, Gauss enters a high powered rush. Building up so much momentum that not only is it hard to turn, it is very hard if not impossible to slide. To attempt to slide would force you to role. Maybe if you rushed on ice. Jumping can be hard but still possible. Sliding on the other hand... not so much. 

    What I would like is the ability to run along the sides of walls if you hit them at an angle instead of dead on. I’m no marathon runner but I have ran with so much momentum that I ran across walls cause that was the only way for me to turn. And it didn’t slow me down. Trying to explain the science is difficult but you do learn about such... forces?

    But I can fully understand and accept not being able to slide. Mach Rush is supposed to be a rush. Which is why Gauss knocks enemies over due to all the power and momentum. I’ve picked up dudes 3x my size due to all the momentum I built up and then I threw them a few yards by simply applying all the momentum onto them and using their weight to slow myself down to a stop. I’ve jumped too which basically threw me really far and I nearly had to role to keep the momentum going.

    I’m basing this off my own experience from playing football, basketball, a little soccer, and just running from bullies until I couldn’t tolerate them any further. Which is why I feel that Gauss should be able to run up and across walls if hit at a certain angle which would help him turn easier. But sliding... yeah haven’t seen anybody pull that off while running at full speed.

    Just my opinion.

  12. 4 hours ago, Steru said:

    I still believe that it could be helpfull, but of course it has to be costructive feedback, not a wrecking ball demolishing the idea for no reason

    For example:

    1 - Garuda and inaros both have an ability that drains their life, but they also have abilities that replenish it, making them self-sustainable; aeterna on Bee own can't heal herself which makes her a squad only frame

    2-aeterna's passive reminds of wukong's but with a different twist, so for me it's just fine, but could maybe have a little extra 

    2.1 - when warframes respawns they create a knockdown area around them and they are invicible for a few seconds; aeterna on the other hands, instead of a knockdown, could have a fire proc and/or a blind in a larger radius or on all enemies in line of night

    What do you think of this feedback?

    Well I was thinking the passive could have an added bonus of being able to heal from fire status. Not completely reliable(For newbies) but it would be an alternative. Maybe the friction from sliding could heal a little bit? So a lot of sliding would restore the lost health. With enemies that can one shot you doubt it would be too OP if DE figured out the right numbers.

    Still trying to think of abilities that would be better without being too similar to another frame. But the feedback was actually decent. Hope to get more responses and suggestions. The more that are given, the more the concept can be improved.

  13. 5 hours ago, Kaggelos said:

    I've made posts in the past about this exact issue with Excal's EB.Useful, but boring. Normal attacks would be regular melee, and I'd Getsuga Tenshou'd the S#&$ out of his charge attacks.

    Just focus on Excal's section if you're interested ^^

    Glad I’m not the only one who says Getsuga Tenshou. Lol. Even made my energy black one time. But it would be nice if a charge swing could send a wider and more powerful energy blade. Kind of hate that his slide makes him do radial blind/howl. Makes it difficult to use. I’d rather just use his second ability. But this current set-up makes his exalted blade very annoying to use. Just throws me off every time I pull EB out. 

  14. For starters I’ve seen multiple posts about a shadowy frame and decided to make a concept of my own. To basically give an alternative that I’ve been thinking about for a bit since the first post I’ve seen. 

    Appearance: kind of picturing a more sickly version of Wisp in a way. Like being very thin compared to most frames. More... anorexic when it comes to overall shape. Has its own style of floating. It would have like a sort of dress or cloak, similar design to Night Equinox mixed with a little Wisp. Would draw it but I’m not super good at drawing.  But basically picture wisp with more of Equinox Prime lower dress, Nekros’s boney details with more of Inaros’s agile stance. Was thinking of it being a female. 

    Health: 250

    Shield: 250

    Armor: 100

    Speed: 1.1

    Energy: 240

    Roughly the stats. I’m not very good but this frame would have stats similar to Loki. Mainly to fit the appearance.

    Passive: standing in shaded areas grants invisibility. 

    First Ability: hops into an enemy’s shadow(or becomes one) and drains enemies health unnoticed. Have to look at an enemy to activate. Flying enemies may be an exception.

    Second Ability: becomes a shadow on the ground or walls and gains increased movement speed and invulnerability. Similar animation to Hydroids undertow except becomes like a black fog on the floor or walls. 

    Third Ability: area around the frame becomes dark/darker and reduces enemy accuracy. Enemies that are caught inside the radius are vulnerable to finishers/true damage. Can even affect Mirage’s Eclipse. 

    Forth Ability: creates a shadow that the frame stabs and all shaded areas nearby have a shadowy blade/spike shoot out and pierces anybody in range. Including enemy shadows. May require an effect like all enemies nearby will have a more noticeable shadow appear underneath them where the shadow spike hits them. Inflicts true damage and unalerted enemies are executed. 

    The abilities I chose are to make this frame a very good survivalist and a stealthy executioner. Basically when the job needs to be executed quietly, this frame would be the go to. Also the abilities would synergies more with each other as well.  

    Alternatives Abilities:

    Being able to create shadowy clones of the enemies that distracts them. Bullets that passes right through the shadow clones would inflict damage to other enemies that are hit. Or the clones are linked to the enemies so when they shoot them they actually hurt themselves. 

    Name: kind of thinking of Exspiravit. Which is Latin for Ghost. Umbra means shadow so we kind of can’t use it. Unless we want to call it something like Mortumbra which is a combination of Mortem which means death and Umbra which means Shadow. Names are tricky and usually based on real Latin words. 

    Either way, hope to see more suggestions. 

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Steru said:

    Why not?

    Also, stats of abilities would be much appreciated

    Well when it comes to the numbers I’m not very good. I don’t want to make it too OP nor too weak so that’s mostly up for DE to decide. The last ability would do a lot of damage even against high level enemies depending on the risks you’d be willing to take. If paired with a healing frame that could be a very OP combo. Similar to a Nidus paired with a chroma. If DE decided. 

    Also when I think of ideas I like to have a legit discussion about those ideas. Every time I think of an idea for a frame I would ask other dudes I play with what if they made this type of frame or what if this type of ability could be used. Most times they agree with me. Sometimes they try to throw in some ideas but they’re usually too similar to another frame. Too similar as in like 80% similar. 

    But many players on this Forum do not try to have a discussion. They simply throw the idea in the trash and put no effort to try and improve it. And they make it very clear they have no intent to. Which makes them “narrow minded trolls” as I put it, for just talking trash about an idea. 

    When I comment on somebody else’s post, I throw in some suggestions that may help the OP. Sometimes people do make concepts way too similar to another frame and I’ll point that out WHILE ALSO suggesting an alternative. 

    Here recently I’ve been trying to think of more creative, more synergetic abilities for frames. Old and new. I’ve been also trying to come up with drawings even though I’m not that good. The only successful drawing was that of a Volcanic Frame concept I made over a month ago. Made many before but not one with a drawing. 

    What I want is for people to actually discuss the ideas I post. Look at them, think about them, compare them to existing frames, then come up with unique ideas they think would be best for such a frame. But a lot of players don’t even try. They basically just bully OPs instead. Some people even get triggered when I tell them not to talk trash. That if they can’t explain a legit reason why they disagree then their opinion has no meaning. Cause all it is, is trash talk. 

    There’s a difference between saying “I’m not really into that kind of song” vs “the song sucks”. Believe it or not, the past few frames were ideas I’ve had for nearly 3 years. I’ve made posts discussing similar frame designs and abilities which were thrown into the trash by other players. But now these new frames that are like 75% close to the concepts I’ve made exist. Which proves that DE does read posts. They take some of the ideas into consideration. Seen a post way back about a “fat” frame and I suggested an ability where he sucks them into his body similar to Hydroid’s undertow. And could possibly spit them out. The fact that Gendel does just that with the added bonus of having a giant mouth as his stomach is cool, yet super creepy. 

    Either way, I want an actual discussion on this frame. Not just comparing it to other frames as a means to throw it into the trash. Why bother commenting on a post if that is all you would do? You as in general. Sounds like a waste of time and of a life. Getting tired of the rinse wash repeat is basically what I’m saying. 

  16. This concept been pounding in the back of my mind for a while now and decided to finally make a post about it. But before we get started, no this isn’t your typical Fiery Phoenix, although there may be similarities. I’m not too good with stats and numbers but here goes:

    Health: 450 maxed

    Shield: 300 maxed

    Armor: 100 maxed

    Energy: 225 maxed

    Speed: 1.15

    Passive: one free instant revive per death. Basically you go down you instantly get revived with no energy loss. But if you go down the second time then you have to be revived the usual way. If you completely die then the passive resets.

    1st Ability: super heats enemy weapons that will cause them to explode dealing damage and leaving them disarmed.

    2nd Ability: creates a fire barrier that reduces damage taken by non explosives. Enemies who melee will be inflicted with a fire status and run panicking.

    3rd Ability: Become a blazing tornado that charges in the direction you face knocking enemies down and inflicting fire status to them. Can be held for longer travel but vision becomes  blurred by flames. Best used long places with no edges to fall off. 

    4th Ability: channels health to create an explosion that damages all enemies within the radius. Can be channeled till health reaches 2 or till killed by enemies. More health and power strength means more damage.

    There’s still other abilities that I’m currently working on for alternatives. But hope to hear other suggestions. And please be civil and not compare other existing frames. Thank you.

  17. 6 hours ago, SkyAxel98 said:

    Hello, today out of nowhere I had the idea to create a concept for a Warframe (actually i got the idea from YouTube), and I came out with the concept of a knight Warframe.

    Before I start I need to clarify that I am no designer nor artist, i just like drawing, that doesn't mean that I'm any good at it, lastly if there are some grammar erros here and there it's because I'm not English mothertongue. Let's begin.

    Appearence Concept

      Reveal hidden contents


    Ability Icons

      Reveal hidden contents



      Reveal hidden contents

    Following are the stats at rank 30

    Health: 400

    Shields: 150

    Armor: 400

    Sprint Speed: 0.8

    Energy: 200


      Reveal hidden contents

    Chavalier: Lancelot has increased proficiency with Spearguns, Swords, Greatswords and Sword and Shields.

    Spearguns: gain base 20% in critical and status chance and 50% critical multipilier.

    Swords: deal 50% more damage.

    Greatsword: have 30% faster attack speed.

    Sword and Shields: grant 250 more shield capacity and shields benefit from armor.


      Reveal hidden contents

    1) Bash; Energy Cost: 15. Lancelot targets 1 enemy within 15 meters from him (you can chose wich enemy to hit by pointing at them) dealing impact damage, stunning them and opening them to melee finishers, if Lancelot is wealding a Sword and Shield damage is doubled and stun lasts 10 seconds instead.

    2) Stand United; Energy cost: 2 per second. Toggle ability: while active generates an aura of 25 meters arround Lancelot that reflects 50% of the damage taken from allies to Lancelot's shields, if shields are depleted the ability is automatically deactivated.

    3) Oliphant; Energy cost: 50. Lancelot blows in his unting horn knocking down enemies within a 10 meters radius, enemies affected are also visible through walls for 15 seconds.

    4) Charge; Energy cost: 150. Lancelot charges in the direction he is facing for 15 meters dealing impact damage and knocking down enemies on his path, he is also invincible for the duration of the ability. If Lancelot is wealding a Sword or a Sword and Shield he transforms into a Griffin and instead of knocking down enemies he stuns and opens them to melee finishers for 8 seconds. If Lancelot is wealding a Greatsword he transforms into a Dragon and doubles the damage dealth as fire instead of impact and at the end of the ability grants himself and allies with 100% bonus damage to melee weapons and spearguns (if equipped by any of the team mates).

    So the concept is this.

    Again it was just for fun, but hey if DE wants to use it...

    JK they won't even see the post.

    have a wonderful day.

    Idk. When I think of a night warframe(technically Excalibur) I’m picturing something closer to the shape/size of Rhino. Makes me picture him wielding an exalted melee either a large heavy sword(galantine) or a sword and shield(Silva and Aegis). A heavy blade would have very long range unrivaled when ever he swings. While the sword and shield would have greater blocking/parrying and could redirect damage back at the enemies. As a knight, he would have one of the highest armors and have maybe an ability that not only buffs it further but it also applies to the teammates if they are close when activated. 

    Passive: something like an increase in speed for heavy blades. 

    Ability 1: still trying to think about. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Ability 2: Creates a shield around himself equal to his total armor 2x. Affected by armor mods and power strength. Can be applied to teammates if they’re nearby. 

    Ability 3: Something like boosting melee damage very high. Could be applied to teammates. 

    Ability 4 - Arondight: Draws a long heavy blade. Combo duration slowly decreases instead of resetting. Range of the blade can be increased to be unrivaled by any other blade. 

    That’s it for now. Kind of just thought of it off the top of my top my head so couldn’t put enough thought into it. The actual numbers are up to DE to decide. Hope this helps with furthering the concept. 

  18. 2 hours ago, -Kittens- said:

    The only growing here is needed on your part.

    1. Melee frame. Melee focused frame with immobilization based powers coupled with healing to incentivize further melee exploiting.

    2. There are already five other DoT frames one of which is even already a melee specialist (Ash), contrary to DJ khaled another one isn't needed.

    3. Sandstorm does hella damage in small areas as the enemy takes damage per hit per object. If you actually used it you might know that.

    4. I don't have a problem with Saryn at all, I don't need another one because fire based is already on the way and antimatter based one already exists.

    5. Your premise is literally redundant. Wukong now does hard disruption on demand and one of the few gimmicks Revenant can do at will is roll over minions as fuel and power. And incidentally also has a "healing" offset tied directly to that. Apparently you missed it. Redundant, never mind Nidus has literally what you're proposing except it heals and explodes.

    6. Titania and every "fix" tried and applied. Enough said.

    7. "easier to kill" you mean like his one and four do now as that atterax mirage sweeps through the room with a pause to check if anything lives or not?

    8. Inaros is the other side of excalibur, except radial status and damage are traded for healing. And it works according to design. Calibro doesn't need fixing and neither does Inaros, and the amount-played metrics fall in line with that.

    9. You're basically asking for Hildryn without an exalted. Hildryn already exists.

    10. You want interesting Inaros, whereupon you just randomly smash buttons all day against moving numbers?

    Here ya go:


    Super exciting button smashing every mission.

    Still comparing to Saryn when the suggestion is nowhere near the same and then you’re assuming again that don’t use the 3rd at all when I actually have a power strength build and again against some high level enemies it was weak. Maybe actually think about the suggestion but instead you are just throwing random frames in the air while arguing like a child. Maybe once you stop talking like you know everything and that the solar system revolves around you, this discussion will go somewhere. You’re clearly obsessed. Have a nice day. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, -Kittens- said:

    So basically Saryn with a hawk mask, then.

    While turning Khora into metal Nidus proved a rousing success, turning Inaros into BeetleBorg Saryn is only going to raise complaints far and wide about power creep this and broken gaem leaving forever that, and while some of those complaints are justified, turning Inaros into incontinent Dimitri from Darkstalkers isn't changing the direction of anything other than giving Inaros moar damajes and reducing utility versus smashing all the drain buttons even further in an already skewed game.

    Speaking of afk, Limbo, Khora, Gara, and the undisputed King Afktavia own that category hands down, not even a contest. AFKing has also been a problem since U8 and your proposition doesn't cover the why at all.

    You are what is known in the vernacular as a "bad teammate". Inaros is the first frame in the entire game to have 100% power to Frame synergy, to be later perfected by Nidus into a complete ne' OP package, which is prolly why Khora's and Gara's reworks followed the same model.

    Inaros can literally CC and entire room and heal others while doing it with utter impunity, up to and including things that only Khora can heal as well. You not doing anything with those facets is entirely on you. The entire point of Inaros is to be self sufficient while providing a gameplay and mechanical hook, never mind a not insignificant portion of WF's playerbase play the game solo or in twos because outstanding hypertryhard stellar community that any PVE game with power creep almost invariably turns into, and Inaros fits this niche perfectly.

    I'll let you in on a little secret; Saryn is boring and takes rather little skill other than pop operator mode every 30 seconds to use effectively on a near indefinite basis, and with a punch through shotgun and radial melee can simply mouse1 her way to and through a several hour anything that doesn't involve protection.

    Since they're going to turn Ember into Orange Avian Saryn real soon, pretty sure that role is filled, and Inaros doesn't need to copy anyone. Inaros getting worked over is probably inevitable but rather little needs to change, and there's quite enough creeping DoT frames as it is already.

    Clearly you have a personal grudge against Saryn but resorting to name calling and assuming you even know how I play just from a single post makes you nothing more than a narrow minded troll. 

    I hardly use Inaros because his abilities don’t do very much other being a distraction or making him more tanky. I mostly use Rhino because I can survive way longer and buff my entire squad’s damage, including a Saryn. I also use Nidus more often than Inaros because not only can he survive but I can boost any teammate’s power strength a lot, including a rhino or chroma which further buffs the entire team. So know the insult “bad teammate” does not apply to me. Only time I use inaros is during something called SOLO. 

    Second, I didn’t ask for Scarabs to kill all the enemies super quick. It’s not like Inaros is throwing the full damage of an augmented scarab swarm into all his abilities onto every single enemies till it never goes away and continues to stack endlessly. The most scarabs would do is drain their health a little which would stack well with his abilities that do a little bit of damage which would require casting his abilities a lot to do. And mainly the scarabs would eat away at armor so that super tough enemies would be easier for Inaros and other frames to kill. 

    Third, he doesn’t do an enormous amount of damage over a wide radius. So it wouldn’t spread nearly as much as a Saryn who was designed to spread like a plague and kill everything in sight. His his scarabs wouldn’t do too much except make the enemies easier to beat. Didn’t ask for a complete change to his abilities at all so you are still free to use him the same except be more alerted. His scarabs at most would drain their health a certain percentage and no amounts of spread will increase that. 

    Next, all those frames you listed do not debunk what I was said about Inaros players being AFK. So all that was completely irrelevant to this post. 

    Clearly you didn’t take the time to fully process what I said. Instead you jumped straight to insults and irrelevant arguments. How about you follow DE’s rules and make CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms/discussions, not resort to name calling like a child. 

    Btw, I’ve already discussed this with a few other players who brag about Inaros and tend to use him a lot, and even they said that this suggestion would make his abilities more useful assist with killing enemies. So I know I’m not bias about his abilities. Grow up. 

  20. Most people use inaros as a tank and nothing else. It does get quite annoying when an Inaros user pops up in a killing type mission. But either way I’ve been thinking he needs a bit more synergy with his abilities and a little trick with his extremely high health. 

    As a mummy with a large health, I can kind of see his health being used as his source of energy. To give his massive health more use than just to be tanky. It would also give his 2nd ability more of a purpose as well. 

    As for giving his abilities more synergy, I was thinking that his scarab armor would be applied to his other abilities as well. Such as:

    1). First ability not only blinds enemies but throws the scarabs on all enemies hit. 

    2). Second ability would not only drain their health for Inaros’s but it would turn their mummified body into a sort of scarab hive that enemies who make physical contact would be affected by the scarabs. Maybe it would explode and send the scarabs onto nearby enemies to cause the spread?

    3). If performed with the scarab armor on, enemies caught into the tornado would be affected by them. The tornado should pull enemies towards inaros instead of just lifting them up. The wider the range, the wider the pull. 

    That’s about what I think would be a nice addition to Inaros. I hardly even use his 4th nor 3rd. Tried but they feel too weak and useless. And just being a tanky frame is not enough to me. But casting the abilities will drain the scarab armor. So recasting the forth would be a wise decision to keep the armor up. 

    Also maybe to motivate people to use at least one ability, maybe Inaros’s health slowly drains. Not too, too much but enough to not be ignored. And it would deceased to being like 20% of his over all health once it reaches 20% the decay stops and abilities can not be used. Energy pick ups would increase his health. Casting abilities pauses the passive drain so as long as abilities are being used, his health won’t go to waste.

    After all, he is basically a decaying mummy, and mummies are sometimes known for feeding on others to become whole. Sometimes I’ve found an Inaros, well a lot of times, that just stands there and does nothing and due to the health being so large, the enemies take a while just to reduce it some. At least this way players are less likely to go AFK and stall the rest of the squad.

    Either way, these suggestions won’t affect me nor a few guys I know at all except make him more tempting to actually use. Already got an arsenal set up specifically for him, and Nidus, so being able to do more with his abilities to damage enemies would be nice. Especially since I’ll have so much health to towards his abilities. 

    Just my opinion.

    • Like 1
  21. 37 minutes ago, AlphaRyuuxx said:

    Post heavily inspired by https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1005384-excalibur-radial-javelin-rework/ definitely check the thread out

    This ability sucks. I don't think anyone will deny that it is the worst of Excal's abilities that doesn't offer anything that his other abilities don't already cover. AOE 'damage'(if you can even call it what it outputs as damage)? EB has that covered and even slash dash can utilizes EB waves and can at least give him invincibility frames. CC? His blind costs less energy, has the same range, and opens them up to finisher damage. The only point this ability has is nuking level 20-30 ish enemies.

    Seeing as the only way to fix this ability would be to buff it's damage to absurd levels which would turn Excal into a nuke frame like the old days on draco which I'm sure DE doesn't want, my suggestion would be to turn it into something that Excal desperately needs the most, a real defensive tool. As of now, Excal's only actual way of surviving higher level enemies is spamming blind and spamming life strike or healing return. And with life strike being reworked to only work on heavy attacks, it might not even work on EB unless you can perform heavy attacks without combo at all.

    Here are two takes on the idea, inspired by the thread posted above with some personal changes.

    Radial Scabbard: Sheath the exalted blade into the ground becoming invulnerable and locking Excal into place, begin siphoning health from enemies. Gain damage reduction based on a percentage on how much health was taken. After finishing the channel, unleash javelins for each enemy within range. Maybe have javelin damage scale off of how much health was taken etc


    Sheath the exalted blade into the ground becoming invulnerable and locking Excal into place, begin siphoning strength from enemies giving damage reduction, with the more enemies in range/being siphoned increases the rate the damage reduction is gained. After the channel finishes, unleash radial javelins for each enemy in range. Maybe have javelin damage scale off of how fast the damage reduction was gained

    The "locking Excal into place" might be bad because of how important mobility is in warframe and is mostly just a motif for the whole sword in the stone shtick. But game play should always take priority over aesthetics. So unless the ability is fast, as in it takes a couple seconds to gain said buffs/effects, it might be best to have either Excal hold his sword in front of him or have his sword float in front of him. Limiting his movement but not locking him into place. 

    I know that these ideas are extremely similar to Wukong's defy, and that's because.... it pretty much is. I really like the way defy works. Giving Wukong a defensive tool that isn't just a press one button and gain armor/DR like a bunch of other frames.

    Or maybe just have the ability work exactly like Wukong's defy, where instead of draining enemies, it just taunts them and the amount of damage taken converts to Damage reduction and the javelins' damage are based off of the damage taken.

    Honestly my suggestion would be to allow it to remove armor from enemies based on power strength. Like 160 would remove armor 80%. High level enemies would become much easier to take out that way in my opinion. Maybe make radial javelin be able to do finisher damage to blind/unalerted enemies, to create a sort of synergy with his blind. Low level players would be able to reduce the enemy armor so that a primarily slash exalted blade would be able to do more damage straight to their health. 

    Either way, Excalibur does need a little buff to be up to other frames’ level. I use surging dash with 260% power strength, combo duration, and blood rush to do red crits. I use gladiator mods in order for exalted blade to do orange crits. Blind is used for super tough enemies like Nox. Duration ain’t that high but high enough for 1-2 super tough enemies. 

    Also be nice if Prime Reach made his blade much longer. Like noticeably longer. Close the length of a galantine. while range mods like stretch made the slash beams wider. Also I feel like they need to give him better combos with EB cause just slashing left, right, up, and down nonstop is kind of boring. 

    But this is just my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  22. Almost, ALMOST, reminds me of the Gas based frame I made multiple times. Basically he sprays gas type damage that can also be ignited to do blast damage. Figured he be called Hazard, as in biohazard. 

    His origin was more about him being a contingency plan against the bio weapon known as the infested. Maybe he went into hiding but as the infested continued to spread more rapidly he sort of felt the call to action. 

    Either way, one of his abilities I was thinking he basically throws a Molotov that can do some fire damage while also igniting the gas he spreads. 

    If DE decided to make him do self damage then that would make him risky to use. I wouldn’t have a single problem, not the way I have him. But some players aren’t very bright most of the time. One dude complained that he killed himself with Gauss cause he ran into his own explosives. So obviously this frame would not be for him. But if used expertly, he would destroy hordes of infested big and small. 

    Either way, another fire type frame is most likely gonna receive backlash from players who haven’t played games with 2 or more characters from the same attribute group. I honestly feel that DE should make a sort of new generation of ice, fire, electricity, etc. type frames that uses the attributes in a very different way from the current existing frames. But other players think there should only be 1 per attribute or category which is limiting DE a lot. If those players had it their way we would be stuck on MR20 for the next few years at least. 

  23. 8 hours ago, IamLoco said:

    As someone who is working in the CGI industry since 2001, I can tell you how incredibly time-consuming a properly done CG Clip or trailer is.

    That´s not an "out of the box" thing. Every little effect, from dust to fire, explosions, smoke, water etc.etc. has to be setup manually, tested and tweaked for days or weeks, until you get a single, little scene done. And I´m not even starting with motion capturing incl. actors for the warframe animations etc.

    We once spent 6 months on a 15 second sequence for a 45 second teaser. 

    Don´t underestimate the amount of work and the production process of Quality CGI. We are all spoiled by those fancy Blizzard trailers, and would expect a similar quality. But the costs for that goes into the millions $. Not to mention the whole CG team would waste all that time that could and should got into the development of the game itself.

    And then there´s a huge difference between game development and movie production. Special FX artists are usually very specialised people and they cost a lot of money to hire. They would also be of little use for the company when it comes to the ingame effect development, as those are totally different tools.


    The alternative would be sequences in game engine optics, but who would appreciate that?

    Could you create a Garuda video for me? Lmao

    But seriously when I first saw Garuda it made me visualize a scenario where the video shows a corpus lab with an alarm going off with guys saying “she’s here!!!” All thinking it is Valkyr coming to get her revenge so they activate a sort of ability dampener so Valkyr could not use hysteria on them. But then they hear claws scrapping against a wall and when they turned one is like “wait, that’s not Valkyr!!!” and all we see is a shadow and bloody claw marks splashing across the walls as the video comes to a close.  

    But I do understand that making such a video would take a good bit of time. If making 3-5 minutes videos were so easy then we should be getting a lot more shows and movies done in a much shorter time. Plus it is not like DE gets paid to make videos. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  24. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1082593-possibly-new-infested-warframe/

    This was a concept I made. To be honest I’ve thought of Nidus months before it was even announced that there was an infested frame in the making. And the dudes I discussed with were completely shocked to find out not only did DE make an infested frame but the abilities were identical to ones I came up with with the exception of the mutation passive. 

    Now I’m not trying to claim the idea as my own or anything but thing was is I’ve thought of a few dozen ideas for infested type abilities. Would be cool if DE created an infested Arch-Wing and Infested Arch-Gun/Melee. 

    But basically this frame was sort of a queen of infested swarms. Imagine flying maggots like what Nidus summons but with wings. Things like that. Even thought of a new kind of infested boss that would put Lephantis to shame. And the Arch-Wing would be similar in summoning infest drones/swarms that chase after the enemies and provide protection. Mainly a very high survivability Arch-Wing. 

    A guy even made an infested world concept which I’ve done too almost a year ago. And I even figured this frame and all the new pure infested enemies and boss would be introduced into the open world. 

  25. 34 minutes ago, (PS4)Ragology said:

    I don't think Atlas needs a complete rework. I also don't understand the difference between a rework and an adjustment ( Are adjustments just minor reworks? Are major adjustments a regular rework? Honestly sounds like a  battle of semantics that I'm ill equipped to handle.)



    Rework is basically like what DE is doing to Vauban right now. Even ember. Ember will have a different ability where she send meteors down onto the enemies. Which is funny cause I made an idea for a volcanic frame to have that ability years ago but most recently a month ago with a drawing. 

    But then there are changes like Ash’s Blade Storm. It use to require simply targeting an enemy and Ash will automatically target like 19 other dudes and kill them all one a very quick animation. Then he was changed where he is required to target each enemy by simply looking at them. Now he does the same thing as the previous but you get to choose to be a part of the animation by using his third ability. Or you can just let your Shadow Clone Jutsu kill the guys while you run off with data mass or something. Which even I sometimes hate the ability cause teammates kill the enemies too quickly for me to fully pull it off. I have to do several 360s in like 2 seconds and recast before teammates get the chance to kill my targets. A small change yet very complicated to pull off in a squad. But regardless the ability itself is basically still the same. 

    Just landsliding one enemy at a time gets boring and annoying especially in guns only missions. The suggestion I’m making would allow him to do more and in any kind of mission. And for enemies that can be targeted by abilities the gauntlets would allow you to do more damage. While the rumblers just remain as they are but as a first based on the Wukong and equinox allies that can shoot lots of enemies. Wukong and equinox can kill way more enemies with their first than atlas can with his forth. It is pretty pathetic if you ask me. Figured switching abilities and added gauntlets would be the easiest DE could do and be fun to use. And as a tap 4th ability, DE would have a legit excuse to upgrade the landslide for better use. Energy to cast wouldn’t change that much. DE has done all kind of stuff I didn’t know they were willing to do. And all kind of tricks and synergies a lot of players aren’t aware of. 

    Again it is just my opinion. And like 6 other dudes. But I’m all for other suggestions or further details or ideas for the current post. With Vauban and Ember rework coming soon and Grendel, Atlas Prime will be forgotten. Unless he already has. He was fun at first since I was a newbie and wasn’t in any rush nor did I understood the farming/grinding of this game. But now he is a frame I hardly use and hardly see anybody else use. Not to mention he is boxer even his signature weapon explains a lot. Just figure DE could branch off more on that aspect of him. Go all Nemean Cestus on them. 

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