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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. My build uses Surging Dash augment and I have 260% power strength, 68% duration, 160% efficiency, and 100% range. 

    The build allows me to use his first to stack up his combo multiplier in like 5 seconds since surging dash adds 4 combo hits per enemy and sometimes Umbra will hit more than one if they are close to each other. With 260% that’s 11 hits per enemy. Most times I’m hitting 3 enemies. So 33 hits. After using it 4-5 times, my combo multiplied become 3x. My melee has combo duration including Contact Drift on my exalted blade. Then combine that with Gladiator mods and Bloodrush that stacks critical chance with the combo Multiplier. 

    So since bloodrush adds 165% critical chance per multiplier. That equals 495% increase in 5-10 seconds from Surging Dash. So if you’re melee has a base of 20% critical chance, then it would become almost 120% critical chance. With combo duration the buff will last roughly 10 seconds.

    Add gladiator mods and such you’d be hitting in the red. Red crit are your critical multiplier 3x. So if your critical damage is 3x then a red crit is 9x. Last I checked. This applies to exalted blade too if you mod it correctly.

    Most people want thing like blinding to inflict finishers. Third ability to kill nearby enemies but not that good against high level enemies. Or just go exalted blade.

    This Surging Dash build as I call it allows you to inflict a lot of melee damage even with exalted blade and if you come across a super tough enemy then blind would help even with the normal range, since you’re only using it for the tough guys. And surging dash can be used to travel faster too with high efficiency. 

    Chromatic Blade helps with dealing with “physical enhancement” sorties or night wave challenges. Could be used to inflict more corrosive and such but my Surging Dash build allows me to to inflict Red Crits. 

    BTW, nullifiers and stalker cannot negate the combo counter. So I was able to one hit the stalker. Run into the bubbles, kill the nullifier, then Dash all other nearby enemies. 

    But you got to remember that exalted blade combo counter and regular melee combo counter are separate. So if a nullifier or stalker cancels your exalted blade then you have to start over which once again the build allows you to build it up within 5-10 seconds. 

    Basically Excalibur(which is the name of a legendary sword) has the ability to bring out a melee weapon’s true potential with Surging Dash. People been asking me for my build non stop, especially when they see me one bit the stalker. 

    Have fun.

  2. To answer the question for the nerf of Ember. Last I checked DE specifically said that it was to make players move more. A lot of players would “press 4 and forget”. So by making her ability reduce in range and burn up more energy, player would be more inclined to move more or run out of energy and move around to gather energy orbs to recast. 

    That’s why I suggested that maybe her 4th ability would be based on movement to determine how far her range would go. So let’s start off with the basic 100% range. If she stands perfectly still her range gets reduced to like 25-50%. If she walks her range is 50-75%. If she sprints then it would be 100%. While sliding it would increase to 125%. And the “science” of it would be based on the friction she generates while moving. 

    But right now she is completely useless in the plains. And it did not solve the problem with low level missions, which is where most of the complaints were about. “This ember is taking all the kills, waaaaah”. 

    Me personally when an ember killed a bunch of guys I was just glad she cleared the way for me. And now I have all frames and every one of them has a team build. One being ember giving teammates a fire buff. Made a post about how much I hated how useless a lot of augments were including Fireball Frenzy. And suggested that she could detonate it nearby herself or something to give herself a buff too then the augment would be worth it. So I’m very glad DE is gonna make that augment and other like it be able to be applied to her as well. 

    Banshee was an issue as well because players would just stand in the middle of the map like Hydron and activate 4 and never let go. Some even complained how they didn’t get affinity because the AFK system kicked in since they never moved for over a minute. So DE made her augment to make players using banshee to move more. 

    The main reason I aimed for high range was for big maps where enemies were very spread out. I even used Ember for the PoE. But now she is useless in the Plains since her range cannot reach them and to make her range be able to reach them requires weakening the power strength more to where it does less damage. 

    So now ember is used way less often than before. It’s actually quite rare for me to find one Ember. Sad. Which is why I hate nerfs because all the people complaining are noobs/newbies. So what? So DE should take away all our mods too since ALL newbies don’t have the mods we have? 

    And whose fault is it that people are wanting to use such killframes for resources and affinity? Maybe if DE didn’t make us spend hours to farm for resources to progress a few inches, people wouldn’t be so desperate to have builds that allows them to get the job done quickly. 

    But it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. As someone who used to be new, that NEVER stopped me from moving around, collecting resources and MODS, and killing any survivors. I was being an Excalibur with NO MODS equipped. Yet I did better and survived longer than most MR20s. 

    A Saryn that is killing hordes “easily” should be a big motivator for you considering that you still gain a lot of affinity(xp). Faster than you would killing one guy at a time. You get missions completed quickly which makes it faster to farm resources. And you can’t expect everybody to stop just because you’re new. 

    So to quote every troll in every post about problems with other players, “play solo” if “fun” is all that matters to you. I’ve encountered this same type of post about Sanctuary Onslaught which the object is to “kill every enemy you encounter. Do not relent”. So Saryns and Equinoxes are gonna be the go to frames for killing hordes. Especially to gain a lot of affinity. 

    Like every other noob or newbie, you’re gonna realize how useful these warframes are and soon, if you don’t rage quit the game, everybody will be complaining about you too. 

    I have a Rhino build that allows me to triple all damage including from abilities for all nearby players when activated. So a few buddies of mine would destroy high level maps and rack up thousands upon thousands of affinity. BUT... most noobs or newbies would ask them what their Saryn or Equinox builds and calling them OP while completely ignoring the rhino that is tripling their damage. 

    Saryn is good for killing hordes, especially grineer. While frames like my rhino is good for teamwork and killing super tough enemies that a Saryn couldn’t kill. The first ability of Saryn takes a little bit of time to build up which is what usually does most of the damage. Saryn cannot kill the Stalker nor bosses with her abilities the same way a rhino or chroma could. 

    It is like I’m the only one who saw an “OP” frame and thought, “can’t wait get one of those”. Play solo if playing with other players who like to get things done quickly is that big of a problem. Cause trust me, there are way more of them than there are of people like you.  

  4. 7 hours ago, kikasnoob said:

    The game already has an AFK timer that a vote kick can be added too.

    This can’t be abused at all because you won’t get an option to kick anyone unless a player has gone AFK long enough to activate the AFK timer on themselves which will immediately activate a vote kick option for the squad to use at their discretion.


    That’s what I’ve been saying every time I see a post about Vote Kicking. I figured AFK for 3 minutes activates it cause that is usually the time it takes to complete missions. I usually get them completed in like 1-2 but 3 is what I mostly get missions like defense done in. Interception if all areas captured takes like 3:20 minutes. So I figured 3 minutes would be the perfect amount of time. Sometimes you may need a bathroom break in the middle of a long grind and that only takes like 1-2 to do unless we are talking more than just a break. 

    But people are being paranoid about it and completely ignoring everything I say. Makes me wonder if they are the ones who like to go AFK for 3 or so minutes but don’t want to admit that. But yet their constant arguing against such a suggestion with poor excuses like bathroom breaks definitely speaks volume. 

    I’ve discussed this with guys who had been kicked out of games by trolls and even they agree that this idea wouldn’t be a problem. It is no different than going AFK at the last minute of a survival or defense and not getting the reward. Except that I also add that if you are vote kicked out of a mission then you will keep whatever rewards you managed to obtain. But at least other players won’t feel like they are being leeched on. 

    But if DE doesn’t want to do something like that, then my only other suggestion is to add a new assassin that specifically hunts down AFKers. People can argue that there is some flaw all they want but most people who AFK don’t come prepared for an assassin that is not some push over like Zanuka or Stalker. And this guy could spawn EVERY TIME someone AFK for 3 minutes. And once they die, it is permanent unless DE wants to make it more like arbitration where their life is in the hands of other players they expected to carry them. And hope that they are forgiving.  

  5. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

    situationally. in fissures, if an afk does not play, they dont get void reactant. and do not get the relics. 

    also, this already applies to a ton of missions. as they do not give out rewards to players who afk. it already exists. but very small-ly 

    its fine as is. its just that you seem mad about the double door thing. rushing the map, while others run around. this is easily avoided by the top right option.

    yes, click it and you can play in friends only, or solo. maybe invite people to play with using region chat. some people aren't as fast. and public sortie spy always fails...

    Sorties, I play solo but sometimes I get bored of solo and like to play in a squad. Not to mention that I like most players want to have more than 1 option to choose from when cracking relics. I’ve gotten a lot of rare prime parts from randoms. So I shouldn’t be forced to spend 15 minutes because other players don’t care about farming relics and void traces. 

    Just make the missions completable with 1 player during public games and there will be less complaints except for those saying “I shouldn’t be rushed” then all we say is “play solo, cause most players that do fissures are farming the relics and void traces”. 

    Plain and simple. You are telling US that we should be bored because SOME players like to take the fun out of the game cause they don’t have anything else better to do. Why bother making a multiplayer game if your only suggestion is to tell others to play solo. Getting tired of that lazy response every time players get sick of leechers. 

    There’s already a function where if you’re AFK for 1 minute, you get no rewards nor Affinity. I’m simply suggesting a little addition for those who CONTINUE to be AFK longer. And this post is mainly about having a hunter that spawns whenever someone is being AFK for 3 minutes. The other suggestions is a way to detect a leecher in bounties. I did the math, I broke it down. If people still want to argue that some how what I’m suggesting is “unfair” then they are only proven that either they are simply terrible at the game and should not be playing public. Or they are one of those leechers and are using straw man arguments or excuses that make zero sense since I already took all that into account when I made my suggestions that wouldn’t affect those who do bounties to actually complete bounties. 

  6. 15 hours ago, krc473 said:

    So, what kind of buff are you giving him to achieve this? I am yet to come across a single assassin enemy/group that is remotely challenging. I could stay with an AFK person in a low level area to farm him very easily. Sure, he could be ‘difficult’ like Wolf, but the Wolf would die in less than two seconds when you knew what to do.

    • I understand what your idea is. I don’t think it will actually work in many cases. The boss will have to receive significant buffs.

    Double doors don’t require everyone to be present. The solution to this is: if people are AFK you let it happen without them. We have an AFK detection system already, it wouldn’t be that hard to do this.

    What about ‘killed while on their way’? There are many other factors you are completely ignoring. 

    • How will you deal with people that go to the area, partake for 5 seconds and leave again? They were ‘helping’ and not AFK.
    • There are several bounties this system does not account for. Take ‘kill X enemies’, you don’t have to be in the zone for it to count. There are a bunch of these, or similar ones. How will you account for this? Because it seems like your system might fail here.

    You should also consider that not everyone moves quickly. You can not deny that people would lose rewards because they took too long to get somewhere. This will happen. I do think it would be better for you to drop this idea. There is only one bounty mission where people being AFK actually matters: the rescue one in PoE. The guy you rescue teleports randomly to players, so someone being AFK is a problem. 

    • Penalising innocent people because some don’t help on bounties is not a good idea. It is a great way to discourage people from trying.

    For starters all I’m asking is that double doors be open by one person if they have been pressing it for a while. I spent 15 minutes in a meso Exterminate because the other players were walking around looking for loot I’m assuming. Forced me to spend 15 minutes in a mission that usually take me no more than 3. Could’ve completed 5 of them and had 5x the amount of void traces and prime parts, roughly. I pushed the door button over 200 times. Figured after pressing it like 30 times then it basically crashes and opens just by one person. 

    Low rank players with little to no experience shouldn’t be playing in such a high level bounty in the first place. I didn’t have people carry me through sorties or complicated bosses. I learned how to play the game by completing every single mission on every single planet I moved to and I even beat nearly every boss with no mods equipped on an Excalibur. Because I didn’t know what the cards were and when I heard about “mods”’I thought “hacks/cheats”. Wasn’t till Kela Da Thayme that I realized what they were and how much of a game changer they were.

    I did better with no mods than most MR20 players with full builds. Which shocked a buddy of mine when he found out. Point is I’m proof that even noobs are capable of handling themselves if they learn how. Noobs won’t learn how to play if everybody else does all the work for them. So they shouldn’t be rewarded for dying. Just like they shouldn’t be rewarded for failing a mission. Cause that is exactly what would happen if they tried doing these high level bounties solo. They need to do the weaker ones first before jumping to more difficult ones. Common sense there.

    Now my suggestions are to REDUCE the chances for LEECHERS. My few suggestions won’t completely remove them but they shouldn’t have as much opportunities as they do now to leech. So I’ll explain a few in order again.

    1). After the first stage of the bounty is completed it would sort of leave like an invisible mark where when the second stage appears it would have the distance measured. When the FIRST player steps into the yellow at whatever speed they chose it will start a timer that is equal to 1 second per 10 meters. Most frames are faster than Frost and I was able to run that much. Plus the time it takes for 1 player to reach it before others. So unless the noob decides to go site seeing, they have plenty of time to run to the next stage. No speed mods or speed buffs. Nor parkour. 

    2). The YELLOW circle is the only circle that matters. Red ones don’t. If they don’t step within the yellow circle by the end of their calculated time limit, then it would count them as being AFK from the bounty rewards. I played solo a lot because I wasn’t dealing with speed rushing Volts. But once I gained knowledge and experience(in just a few days) I started playing Public. 

    3). If the objective is completed before the timer runs out then the timer gets canceled and the “late” players still get rewarded. Most bounty stages take 2-3 minutes to complete, sometimes longer when dealing with caves. So a player just sprinting to the objective will always have MORE than enough time. If I can run with a slow frame to the objectives on time every time, then so can they with a faster frame. Then they can learn some parkour and be able to run faster. If the objective is 600 meters away then 60 seconds is all that is needed. 1200 meters away then 2 full minutes. And those timers only start after the first stage is competed and after the first player steps into the yellow circle. Which means the moment the next stage appears, they would be able to start sprinting their way there and have plenty of time to make it. I did all the tests. I know. 

    4). If they step out of the YELLOW circle then it would count as abandoning the mission. Which will result in automatic AFK and zero rewards. But only YELLOW circles. Reds don’t count considering red ones are enemy locations to help with the objective of killing enemies ANYWHERE. The yellow is the actual objective and once it gets replaced with red ones, then the “late” players can run around as much as they want. 

    5). If they go down long enough for the stage to be completed and get no rewards then that is what they deserve. DE shouldn’t be forced to reward players for failing a mission. So why should players who fail to reach the stages in time be rewarded? They shouldn’t. If I failed to reach an objective in time to receive a reward then the only person I would have to be mad at is myself. You don’t get rewards for standing still for over a minute during a defense and survival reward phase. You don’t get rewards for completing 5 waves or 5 minutes while being dead the whole time either. Same thing would basically be applied to the bounties. 

    And the awesome part about the whole thing? They have the option to play solo or go to recruit and do invite only cause these suggestions ONLY APPLY TO PUBLIC. Which means that invite/friends/solo do not have these kind of rules since usually all players in the squad are on the same page don’t have a problem if one member goes AFK for a minute or so. But public with randoms is a whole other story. BUT THAT IS IF DE DECIDES TO IMPLEMENT THESE SUGGESTIONS. These aren’t demands.

    Now onto Misery. Misery is just the default assassin and unlike other assassins that have rewards and hunt you randomly, I figured this assassin has only one purpose and that is to hunt down AFKers. Which means he would be basically immortal and you are guaranteed to die permanently. So that other players will no longer be forced to carry you if you decide to go AFK. But if DE wants to make him have unique drops then I figured he could be as tough as Wolf but more relentless than Stalker. And unlike other assassins that show up once, he will show up EVERY TIME a player goes AFK for 3 minutes. So his drop table would have a low percentage. 

    You said that even Wolf could be killed if you know what to do, yeah well that requires premeditation basically. That requires players intentionally seeking him out and usually with the full squad in the loop. Not a bunch of randoms. And he will only show up in public games which means going solo or friends/invite only won’t spawn him. So they would have to get a full squad and do a public game. Can be done in open world maps so if players wanted to, they could go into the plains where there are no objectives and endlessly farm for him if they chose. 

    In the end it is up to DE to decide what they want to do. Honestly I feel like players aren’t fully comprehending what I’m suggesting. Like they are so scared to be labeled a sinner for making one tiny mistake. If DE wanted to, they could implement these suggestions and see how it goes. Most players are probably gonna say “I decided to take a smoke break and...” well onto the next complaint, “I’m knew to warframe and I did a high level bounty and got killed...” next.

    Basically most players that do complain are gonna be ones that were lazy but will try to claim that it was something else. So just like we have to have pics and such to show proof of an AFK, they should show pics or videos that show they were NOT AFK or leeching. I’ve encountered like 500 AFKers/leechers by now but I’ve only reported 5 of them. They are more common than you think. 

    And besides the Vote Kick option that everybody else be wanting, I’m simply providing a few methods to help detect a LEECHER and their punishment would be NO REWARDS. If you have someone else do your homework then don’t be surprised if you fail the test and get held back a grade. 

    Players are not going to learn if they get rewarded for doing nothing. Just like kids will never learn to be good if they will get Christmas presents regardless. Failure is the only way for people to truly learn how to not fail. You learn to be better by experiencing being worse. You work less if you are paid regardless. I’m just the guy suggesting that those working less get smaller checks while those who work hard get bigger checks. 

    I’m not saying DE should implement my suggestions. Im just saying that something needs to be done cause I don’t feel like taking hundreds of pics to report like 20 players every day. DE could easily look at my suggestions, tweak them a little bit, and then implement them. So I shouldn’t be having to explain every tiny little detail like I’m a member of DE. 

  7. 2 hours ago, LunaSelenis said:

    I wasn't making an Argument, i was asking you questions.

    The thing is, im not the one thats bothered by "leechers", so you saying "no u" deosn't work here. Since you seem repulsed to the idea of playing solo or in a dedicated squad, it makes me think that you either aren't serious about this and just want to complain for the sake of it, or you want to "troll" and think this is somehow funny, in which case i question i your sense of humor.

    I feel that this thread has become more of a one sided yelling contest. Everything that can be said about Vote kick has been said already, there is nothing more to add. Being ignorant deos not help in keeping the discussion going. At this point, i think it'd be best if this thread were locked. Here are two sides,.one  that explains in detail why Vote kick is a bad idea and the other side that keeps demaning Vote kick while ignoring everything else. In case you're not ignoring it, it sure feels like it. I don't intend to put more wood into the fire, since nothing will come from it. Solutions were given: Play in a dedicated Squad, Solo or ignore the "leechers". Its better to suggest how to improve something so a certain negative behavior deosn't happen, then to punish said behavior.

    1). If they are gonna do a bounty in public then they need to participate. DE doesn't reward people for standing still during the last wave of a defense or minute of a survival. So why should player be rewarded for not participating in a bounty they chose to go to? 

    I mentioned my capabilities as a noob cause some people love throwing the noob excuse while I’m evidence that even noobs can do better than standing still and do nothing.

    When I do bounties like in Fortuna, more players means longer bounty and I’m not trying to spend all day on warframe. Not to mention I actually like playing with other people. It is boring playing by myself. I even have a Nidus that can double(or triple during fissures) other players’ power strength. Guy with a Chroma nearly had his head explode when he saw his Vex Armor numbers. But some players don’t engage and it slows the rest of us down. 

    Bosses like Tyle Regor, Kela Da Thaymr, and even Jackal requires ALL players to be in the room for the fight to begin. And double doors require 2 people to open but they are running around instead of worrying about the objective, then I’m FORCED to play solo.

    Which is why I made suggestions to reduce these issues like double doors being opened by 1. Boss rooms teleporting remaining players. And extraction timer started by one player. 

    But the Vote Kick option I simply suggested only can be activated IF a player has been non-moving for 3 minutes. IF DE decided to implement such a function. So players disagreeing are saying they want to be lazy and rewarded at the same time. But if DE made every mission capable of being one-manned in a public game, then most of these discussions wouldn’t exist right now. But some missions require more than one or all to participate. 

    Mine are simply suggestions or ideas that DE could think about. Not some demand. I’m simply providing alternatives to the Vote Kick demand while also trying to make such an option more reasonable and fair. 

  8. 5 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

    You're quoting me, yet you fail to see i'm with you on the door problem ... 

    I just explained to you in the very same post you quoted there's a matchmaking problem pairing bounties with free roam, yet you failed to adress this too.

    As surprising as it might be to you a very massive amount of people fail to use invite only whenever they go on organized squad. That would mean they're in the "public" setting and that means it would impact those squad too.

    Pretending i'm all about ridiculous excuses while you keep repeating yourself and don't say anything about what you're quoting is the ridiculous thing here. 

    Funny thing, you say it shouldn't impact organized squads yet just after that you talk about organized squad being impacted. You might think it's all about me but if i'm kicked from a squad, the squad is made weaker loosing synergy and they are punished themselves. This is about this Automatic suggestion kicking people after 1 minute. All of those defenders will get hit hard when they realize they're impacted too. 


    Oh and as i'm on this road, the longer you get on an endless mission the more affinity and ressources you get from it so YES being kicked at 45 min for a 60 min planned mission is a terrible thing. 

    Failing to see all the problems your solution bring to your current problem doesn't make your suggestion good. 


    1). I haven’t accused you specifically of “ridiculous” excuses. There are lots of people saying things like smoke breaks, bathroom breaks, and one guy said coffee break before. Not on this post but many others.

    2). All I said about the vote kick suggestion is that if DE were to implement it then it would have to include that person being AFK for like 3 minutes. Cause I’ve also been kicked out of games the moment I arrived. But I never stand still for more than 30 seconds. And in order to vote kick ALL other players would have to agree. But this is also a function I suggest be in public games only.

    3). Now it sounds like you are misunderstanding a few things. The game already has an AFK function where on defense you don’t get the reward if you stand still for over a minute during the last wave. You also don’t get affinity after 1 minute of standing regardless if you are an equinox or whatever with you 4th ability active. Double doors in 2 player squads can be opened by one if the other player was not moving for 1 minute. All I did was ADDED upon an already existing function. Cause Tyle Regor and even Extraction requires ALL players in order for the fight to start. 

    4). If those impatient players kick you out of a squad then why should you care if they start crumbling? I’m not suggesting an Auto-Kick function. I said that the ability to Vote Kick becomes highlighted if been AFK for like 3 minutes. Only in public games. So “friends” couldn’t prank you during invite/friends only.

    The bounties I’ve already said is complicated but I’m “repeating” myself but with different words and capitalizing key words that cherry pickers out there love to ignore. Such as Frost being a slow frame yet I’m able to travel 10 meters per second while only sprinting with no type of speed mods. 

    So even though I’m speaking TO YOU I’m speaking about others who don’t pay attention to every detail. Otherwise I be telling them to “read my other comments” every time they cherry pick a quote from me. 

    Texting is a difficult way of expressing emotions cause I’m actually pretty calm. If anything the trolls cherry picking and not even bothering to have a legit discussion just makes me laugh. I’ve discussed these things with other players who suffered from constant vote kicks and leechers. And even they agree with what I suggest. And they are not as good at the game as me despite playing more, longer, and way earlier than me. 

    Doesn't matter who I’m talking to cause others will basically misquote me. I’m also trying to make sure you know that I’m not some no life noob screaming my head off about things I know nothing about. 

    Be cool and funny if DE made Misery come back and hunts down players who have been AFK for 3 minutes and permanently kills them similar to arbitration where only the other players could bring them back. Including those who STAY outside of the bounty stages for 3 or so minutes.

    I’ve tried getting as detailed as I can but it is like people aren’t reading my entire comment and actually processing everything I’m saying. You aren’t the only one quoting me. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    This is a terrible idea. It just won’t work. Have you ever tried racing an Archwing on K-drive? People are going to not get rewards because they don’t have an Archwing. Regardless of your opinions on AFK people, this is not fair.

    Why Misery? The drops would encourage people to AFK to bait it. Or, are you talking about no (or different) drops/no ability to kill it? You haven’t mentioned this, so I am curious how you plan to mitigate this.

    • Perhaps a brand new enemy would be a better choice. Misery has existing drops and abilities, so these would be the same as now.

    For starters I’ve been texting a lot so I forgot to mention that when I used frost with no speed buffs and just sprint, I was able to travel 10 meters per second. So I calculated that when a new stage spawns then a timer will appear based on the meters from one stage to the next. So a stage 600 meters from the previous one would have a 60 second timer once the first player steps into it. So for me who doesn’t run around in circles, that’s more like a 70-80 timer since it takes a bit for a rushing player to get there first. Once it starts I would already be close. Especially since I’m good at parkour. I mostly don’t use any vehicle or fast traveling warframes. But those calculations are meant for noobs who only know how to sprint. So unless they get distracted by the view, no it would not cost them rewards. Especially since most stages take over a minute to complete like the armor vault, and ones that are completed before the time runs out basically cancels the timer and “late” players still get rewarded. 

    I said Misery cause he basically no longer exists so it is a way to bring him back. Also the drops could change. And the only ones who would want to bait it are ones willing to host a squad specifically to face it. And unlike wolf, he targets the AFKer and never lets up so the player is guaranteed to die and never get revived unless other players chose to. But if they ever decide to no longer waste time attempting to hunt Misery, then they will just leave the AFKer behind to be left out of the completion rewards. He comes, he kills, he leaves. Chances of killing him and getting a drop that other enemies have is like 0.00001%. Because I’m not suggesting he comes back like a regular enemy. I’m suggesting he comes back as an assassin against those who sit around and do nothing. I’m suggesting him be a solution to the AFK problem. Cause double doors and bosses like Tyke Regor that requires ALL player to be present in order to start the fight becomes a problem when players start AFKing. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, AkyFenrir said:

    Sorties, Fissures, Alerts are lotus gifts nowadays, assassinations and nightmares are EASY missions. Some events are trivials, some are "hard". Maybe bringing the right loadout would solve your problems here. Anything you just said i can carry solo (and it's not like i'm an amazing player or such, i'm not).

    I'm not a fan of double doors, i'll concede you this one! Except that the fact that some people would be "slower" than you doesn't mean they're afk and again, TYle Regor is a joke to kill. Most bosses don't require everyone to be there anyway. You always need minimum 2 players to force extraction, suggesting one is enough might mean you missed some mechanics here.


    Here's my obvious question. What does it bring you to kick that player ? If the player is kicked or afk it won't affect the mission in any way for you, you won't get any new player as replacement? Most of the problem here seems that you're using very very weak stuff to me? Why should a mission be counted as incomplete if you've been an active player and carrying the team  (you know, the kind of stuff i do...)? 

    It's not about "thinking about not having 10 minutes", it's that breaks are an expected behavior for PEOPLE, you have a people problem there ! Whenever i launch a survival for 60 minutes i should be fine, if i've to go to toilet after 45Minutes and got kicked because you don't like breaks, I would be seriously annoyed. I can't predict such outcome, or phonecalls or stuff happening to normal people.

    About Bounties now! There's is a problem with the matchmaking ! It brings people for event, free roam and bounties together. Obviously to you it would seem they're not doing what they're supposed to, but they are.

    Asking for a tweak of the matchmaking would be a much more welcomed suggestion!


    Double doors get in my way and prevents me from progressing to the objective. Then bosses like Tyle Regor cannot be fought unless ALL players are there. I’ve had to wait 10 MINUTES before I could fight Tyle Regor.

    I’m a MR27 1/2. Completing all these missions solo isn’t a problem for me at all. But I HATE playing solo in a game where there’s an option to play with others. But if those others are not playing with you... 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I’ve played every type of mission. I’ve competed the entire Solar System. There’s not a single mission that exists that I haven’t done. And every single one of them, I’ve encountered am AFKer. They are a bigger pain than you realize if you’d till don’t understand what I’m talking about.

    I’m not talking about Slowpokes. I’m talking about AFK. As in NOT MOVING AT ALL. I’ve spent 15 minutes on a meso fissure exterminate. 15 MINUTES!!! If people want to farm that badly then they can go host a private game. 

    I have NEVER encountered a SLOWPOKE during a BOUNTY. NEVER!!! The only annoying people I’ve encountered during Bounties are people WHO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE BOUNTY. As in, they NEVER run to the yellow circles. NEVER. They run around and even fly around everywhere else but they keep their distance from the circles. I HATE BEING USED. And sometimes missions have been failed because the rescue target would teleport all the way to the LEECHER and the mission would just fail. Some stages are 2 minutes and 30 seconds. That more than enough time for a noob to walk to them. But they NEVER move anywhere close to the yellow circle. So I say that you have to be within the circle to get the rewards unless the stage is completed very quickly. Which 2-3 of them cannot be completed quickly. Sometimes 4 of them. 

    If you’re running 60 minute survival then you should be able to host a squad and put it on invite only. Since my suggestions ONLY APPLY TO PUBLIC MISSIONS. 

    The excuses people be making are ridiculous. Feels like they are joking half the time. If you got kicked out of a 60 minute survival but kept your 45 minutes worth of rewards. Why should it matter to you? You want to go that far to achieve some sort of goal then you should be playing with friends or recruit. Incomplete would only work on Sorties and those missions take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. 

  11. Before we get started just a few rules:

    1). Read the entire post before commenting.

    2). Be civil and use constructive criticism if you disagree. 

    3). Try to be open minded and maybe even provide better alternatives than simply “report” or “play solo/recruit”. 

    Well people been getting sick and tired of AFKers and some are willing to demand or beg DE to add a vote kick option to the game. Now I could see a vote kick option IF the player being kicked have been AFK for 2-3 minutes. Then the Kick AFKer option would light up for everybody else. 

    To reduce some of the issues from AFKers it would be nice if double doors could be opened by 1 player, extraction timers started by 1 player, and if 1 player reaches the boss rooms of like Tyle Regor then a 30 second timer would start which would teleport every other player straight to the room.

    And those who don’t participate in the stages of the bounties do NOT get any rewards from those stages. Using a Frost with no buffs and just sprinting, took me 1 second to run 10 meters. So if a stage spawned 600 meters away then other players would have 60 seconds to run to the stage or else it will count as AFK. If the stages get completed before the timer runs out then it is canceled and the late players still get the rewards. Not hard to figure out. Anybody that wouldn’t like that shouldn’t play in a public game, especially in missions like Fissures and Sorties where most players are gonna want to get the job done quickly to move on to other things.

    But another suggestion I would like to add that could make the whole thing interesting is if there was a new hunter or assassin that specifically hunts players who have been AFK for 2-3 minutes. Could be a different hunter from different factions but right now I was thinking more of the return of an old Acolyte, Misery. 


    Basically the room blinks maybe like a dark purple or something so it isn’t confused with Stalker or other Acolytes. And basically when the transmission pops up Misery would say something like “oh look... a sitting duck” before finally appearing. 

    Would be about as tough as Wolf while being as powerful as Stalker. But his abilities would be slightly different. Instead of just canceling abilities, he will completely take away your energy. And you can’t even escape through the rift from him. 


    1). He could use an ability similar to how Nyx takes away a certain percentage of armor and shield from the enemies, except he takes away like 33% of your health. So not even Inaros can take the hit. Or he can turn into a fog that engulfs you and strips the same amount while blurring your screen. Like a combination of wukong and Revenant.

    2). Uses a unique version of Shadow of The Dead where he summons minions equal to the remaining players that take on their appearance. Maybe even use their first or second abilities. 

    3). Uses the same kind of ability like stalker that cancels all abilities nearby. So no buffs, no rifts, no escape. 

    4). If you summon a specter, pods, etc.. Misery would destroy them in an instant. Maybe even revive the specter as his own. 

    5). Once you die he completely takes your soul in a way similar to Arbitration where you can NEVER respond back and then he leaves until another player goes AFK for 2-3 minutes. Maybe DE would make it where it is permanent unless the other players are willing to go by your grave(basically) and pick up 5-10 shards that surround your body. If they don’t then you only have 1 option. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    That’s a more complicated version of a hunter but that’s what I got for right now. He would even show up in bounties if a player doesn’t participate in any of the stages of the bounties for 2-3 minutes. And can spawn more than once. And target more than one AFKer. 

    Just some sort of alternative. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, LunaSelenis said:

    How can a noob improve if you were to kick them for being bad, instead of helping them get better?

    But if they're doing that, then they aren't exactly leeching? They're playing the game. They just not doing the same things you're doing.

    What has that to do with anything? It just sounds to me like you're presenting yourself to be better then you actually are, to make your opinion look more valid. I have only ever encountered less then 15 leechers over 6 years of play, which usually deosn't even bother me unless they prevent the mission from progressing or do something that negatively impacts my enjoyment of the game. Alot of the examples you stated, don't sound like Leechers to me, but rather people that do other things then what you want them to do.

    If it bothers you this much, either play solo or in a dedicated squad. Different people want to do different things, play with people that want to do the same things as you. Do not expect people to know everything and please, do not compare Mastery Rank to Skill, because thats like saying someone is an amazing baker because they bought a cake. You shouldn't ask for a Vote Kick system, but rather make suggestions to improve the system, to give "leechers" an incentive to participate, in a way that it can not be abused or is time based.

    Lol, lol, lol, lol, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Those got to be the poorest arguments I’ve seen since I’ve been on these forums. “Let me be lazy off your expense or get out”. Gotta try harder than that. 

    How about YOU play solo or go to recruit if you’re not going to participate in the objective. Don’t play bounties if you’re just gonna go fish or mine. But you know most people aren’t going to carry you. 

  13. 1 hour ago, AkyFenrir said:

    Except that if the one carrying the mission need to afk 1-2 minutes after 10+ minutes the team won't even get back on him, yet the carry was active and is now kicked and can't get rewards because stuff happens IRL. If it's just active on "early" mission people would go afk the exact moment they can ! So would it affect leechers yes, would it affect normal players who have stuff happening in their life yes too. I'm not willing to punish the second one to get rid of the first, i'd rather make my own groups.

    Funny what we've learned from Dog Days right ? nearly everyone was AFK before there was incentive to play. People complained about it being tedious and unrewarding to be active on the game mode vocaly on the forum. De reacted allowing pearls to be gained by kills. 85% afkers were no longer there after this hotfix. 

    Motivate participation that's where you should want to go, not the other way around, assuming people are lazy is a huge gap to make.


    If some guy carried others for 10 minutes then they should be able to extract if something happens that would take them like 3 minutes away from the game. Not much different then doing an exterminate and completing it in 2-3 minutes. When I say 2-3 minutes, I’m saying. AFTER the AFK officially starts which is after 1 minute of sitting still. So 3-4 minutes total of no movement. The IRL excuse don’t work because I have IRL stuff too. There were times where I had to go Super Saiyan 3 in the bathroom and what did I do? I left the game. Sometimes even aborted a game I knew was probably gonna take some time. Plus these are suggestions to add to COMPLICATED PUBLIC missions. Such as Sorties, Fissures, Alerts, Events, Assassinations, and Nightmares. 

    If DE made it where double doors can ALWAYS be opened by 1 player, extraction timer can be activated by 1 player, and complicated boss fights like Tyle Regor would teleport late players or AFKers to the boss room similar to the extraction on Open World Maps as long as 1 player gets there, then I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem about them. And those who don’t like being “rushed” can “play solo”. 

    Things like Bounties simply involves players getting ZERO rewards if they don’t ever participate in the stages before the time limit runs out. If the stages are completed before the timer runs out then it basically cancels and the late players still get their rewards. If they step out of the YELLOW circles it will count as abandoning the mission for them. 

    Seriously anybody arguing against what I’m saying clearly are looking with some sort of bias view. Like they’re trying to find some sort of selfish evil intent behind what I’m saying that they aren’t thinking clearly. Know how many times I’ve missed rewards because of IRL issues? A few dozens. So finally I just find the nearest stop and get off so that I don’t hold anybody else back. 

    And finally, if a player is kicked out of the squad after like 10+ minutes of NOT being AFK, then they get sent back to their ship WITH THEIR REWARDS. I for one don’t believe most of them deserve to keep them, but like you said, IRL issues. But least that way they aren’t slowing the rest of us down. But missions that have an end goal like survival in Sorties will count as incomplete. So they would have to redo it. Don’t play games if you don’t think you have even 10 minutes to complete a mission. 

  14. On 2019-08-14 at 5:03 PM, Goit said:

    Just about had it recently trying to grind rep and in various forms or another and having afk leechers or ultra low level people sponge along and contribute nothing. Just had 3 bounties in a row, with 2 totally afk players and 1 rank 6 with 3 kills and trash talking in the squad chat about how people can leave if it bothers them. Yes, the bounties can still be done relatively easily even though they aren't contributing but that is totally besides the point and it is the principal that these people think they can freeload off the work of other players, without penalty and get away with it because the system for reporting them is such a pain in the arse and what even is the actual penalty for doing it??

    There is no reasonable way for players to remedy this. the current method/ 'system' is convoluted and too burdensome. Screenshot and out of game ticket?

    Will we ever get a badly needed votekick system? Perhaps one as even as harsh as to remove all rewards from the mission to that point. 

    With the recent afk fest of the beach event, my recent sanctuary botting experience and tonight. It's really detracting from the enjoyment of the game. I try to play with friends mostly but that isn't a solution which doesn't damage the game and the player bases experience. 

    Please give us votekick initiative for the squad or host

    Host? No, cause sometimes hosts are AFKers. But maybe you should edit your post by saying DE should add like 2-3 minute AFK timer that highlights the option to kick the player for non-AFKers. 

    DE already added a function where AFKers don’t get affinity after 1 minute. Double doors can be opened, if just 2 players are in the squad. So adding another function to kick if AFK for 2-3 minutes wouldn’t be “abused”. The one being AFK and slowing other players down are the ones abusing the system. 

    Leechers, is another story entirely and DE would have to do some calculations to make it easier to detect and punish a leecher but most players these days are lazy and demand DE make the game reward them for doing nothing. So a function to prevent their laziness is not something many people will agree too. Out of fear that they will be counted as well. 

    Only like 1 out of 100 players would affected. Based on my experience. 1 out of 5 when dealing with Sorties. 1 out of 10 when dealing with bounties. Based on my experience. 

  15. Just now, DrivaMain said:

    -You’re killing faster than me, K I C K

    -You’re mean.. K I C K

    -Disobeying my orders... K I C K

    -You’re playing (x) Frame/weapon? K I C K

    -We did it! Now I will kick you before you reach the gate/extraction so you will not get the rewards.. K I C K.

    -I simply don’t like you... K I C K

    See? It will do more harm then good if Votekick is added. The best solution is a simpler reporting function.

    Which is why I suggest a 2-3 minute AFK timer that highlights the option to kick if DE ever decided to make this happen. If you’ve been AFK for 1 minute, you get no Affinity. But if you’ve been AFK for 2-3 minutes then the option to kick would be highlighted and the other players who aren’t AFK could kick that player out. 

    And maybe DE could also add the function that if you’re AFK during the entire mission when it gets completed then the other players will be able to extract without you and the mission would count as incomplete or failed for you. IF you’re AFK.

    So only an AFKer would have a problem with that. Everything else I mentioned are other suggestions DE could decide to implement into missions like bounties since most players don’t just sit around during those. Otherwise these AFKers should play solo. 

  16. 15 hours ago, AkyFenrir said:

    I always liked the things like "It's how long it takes me to do such distance, therefore if you can't you're afk or abusing..." guess what, Nezha will always crush any non volt in speed, should everyone play Nezha because some genius thought it would be a good anti-afk measure ? Not for me, but who knows.

    I like the way you assume people against a kick system who can figure out how it can be abused by people like you are afkers ...

    Love how you ASSUME I’m some sort of “abuser”. So I’ll say it again. I SPRINT... WITH A FROST... AND IT TOOK ME 1 SECOND... TO REACH 10 METERS... so if the next stage appears 600 meters away, then the timer would be 60 seconds, aka 1 minute AFTER 1 player steps into it. Some stages take less than 30 seconds to complete and others take 2.5 minutes to complete anyways. 

    I wasn’t sliding and bullet jumping. I wasn’t using a Volt. I wasn’t using a Nezha. I wasn’t using 280% range Zephyr. I wasn’t using Rush or any other speed mod. And I wasn’t using an Archwing. 

    So no, there would be more than enough time to get to the objective. Only a noob who doesn’t know how to sprint or a LEECHER would have a problem getting to the objective on time. The noob would have to learn how to play the game first and do easier missions solo like I did. And the LEECHERS need to go play solo instead of leeching off others. There was NEVER a person that was simply “late”. Every time they just stayed back and farmed resources like fish or gems. Some just stayed by the door of Cetus and never moved till everybody else ran through the door to leave. No excuse. 

    Even with no mods and an Excalibur I still carried my own weight and sometimes others when I first started playing. I was disappointed on how many inexperienced, to put it mildly, MR 20 players went down and did less damage than me. It took Kela Da Thayme before I understood how mods worked. A buddy of mine was shocked when he found out I had no mods on my Excalibur yet I did better than most higher rank players he ever encountered. Now the game is boring because of how easy it is for me. But that is not my issue. Carrying noobs through a defense is one thing. But when they stand in a corner and do nothing is another.  I would have to report like 100 players each day doing it the DE has it now. And every single one of these leechers/AFKers talked smack every time too. So I had to report them for offensive language as well. 

    So stop defending these people. Unless you’re admitting to being one of these leechers. The only punishment I suggest for DE is simply banning them from public games for however long they decide. And since solo isn’t a problem for people like you, then you shouldn’t even care. If you’re a leech. 

     But nice cherry picking. 

  17. 5 hours ago, NoSpax said:

    1. This would need a lot of measuring, considering the "Rush mentality" in Sorties. There is always THAT one player looting all the things, so he would autmatically drop out of the Sortie for "AFK", although he is not.

    2. There should be a hidden "Efficency"-Value, which uses the game stats in a weighted fashion. if there is a player doing NOTHING for 5 Minutes straight (chat doesn't count) he should go, as his efficency is 0. Problem is Frost, place Snowglobe, go AFK, what do?

    Spawn campers are easy to detect. If all players assemble, an area is constructed of a certain size. This area expands over time rapidly. If all players leave this area, it lingers a bit before it dissolves. Triggering for example the Defense wave will have the area expire faster with a grace period. This area is connected to a timer. Once all players left the area and it expired, the timer is wiped. If there is still a player in that area as the timer runs out - instant kick. If a player stands outside the area as it lingers and catches up to him while the timer runs out, also bye. People wirh a bad connection will get caught in this area, but if the lag is so hard, timeout mechanics remove that player from the team anyway to reopen that slot.

    Another problem is how to detect "out of scope" AFK? While doing ESO, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I mean "near pants catastrophe". I told them, I had to go AFK (bathroom), and honestly did. We weren't deep into it, so me dieing once didn't matter (while dead you don't get anything anyway and if I took too long, I'd autoextract thanks to ESO mechanics). I excused myself when I was back and moved on. I didn't leech, but had to go AFK and came back. So, how can we judge that by code?   it wasn't malicious, but can be abused by lying "yo, need to get cigarettes" and never comes back ever again.


    1. uh... yes, probably. But keep in mind, even if they have nothing to do, they may have something to do, unless they start showing each others potato and do Emotes...

    2. a good Saryn can wipe enemies so hard, they still feel it in their reincarnation. so, it's a caveat, as no other frames are being able to do anything.

    3. Yeah, one has to take EVERY SINGLE detail into effect for a proper AFK detection and basic ones are prone to fail/false positive.

    4. Not unless you can't votekick late in the game. You cannot join a game when it has the first mission trigger or time runs above 5 minutes. Won't keep someone to camp invis as Loki after the 5 minutes have passed and can't kick anymore. 

    The main point I was making is that it is possible to REDUCE chances of AFK by adding a few certain features that better detect it depending on the mission involved. Even when I was a noob, I did NOT stand around just because a Saryn, Equinox, or even Banshee(at that time) was killing “everything”. Survival, there’s no excuse to not get kills. It actually gets annoying cause some AFKers would just stand in some unreachable spot and keep all the guys spawning by them, forcing the rest of us to stay in the same area. I even reported a guy even after he called my “bluff” about reporting him.

    Those excuses of “bathroom breaks” and such are nothing more than excuses. If you have to stop playing the game for longer than a minute, then you should be patient and get off at the next stop. Not make everybody else carry you.

    That post I made, I also explained how EVERY TIME I encountered these kind of players while I’m using a Disarming Loki, I would switch teleport them to the objective and they would run back to their hiding place. EVERY... SINGLE... TIME... So unless you’re telling me that these people be bringing their consoles, tv, and controller into the bathroom or outside with them, yeah... that excuse doesn’t work on me.

    But the post I made I covered a lot more ground or details for every single type of mission. And all I’m saying is that the mission would count as incomplete for players that don’t participate depending on what the objective is. 

    But main things were like, reduced extraction timer at least for non endless missions. Double doors opening after pushing for a certain number of times. Things, like that. But if DE wanted to go further, then adding things like an AFK field around the objective if it is like a defense or mobile defense that requires players to be inside every now and then to count for them would be other options. I’ve had dudes hide far away from defensive type objectives. Others were like teleporting remaining players to the bosses if at least 1 players gets to the boss location. Some players simply get loss on missions like on Uranus. But other simply don’t move period. 

    But most AFKers would stand by the spawn and NEVER move until the objective is completed. Right now players can stand around and do absolutely nothing and still gain rewards for sorties and bounties which tends to be the biggest problem. 

    I was trying not to make such a huge comment but guess a bunch of cherry pickers couldn’t help themselves. THERE WOULD HAVE TO BE A LOT OF FACTURES DE would have to implement in order for these methods to work and not affect real players. 

    The whole frost globe excuse doesn’t work on me either. I use ALL warframe for nearly ALL types of missions or roles. None of them involves me standing around doing nothing. I throw up a globe and I run around the area picking up resources and killing survivors. The AFK kicks in after 1 minute. If DE were to add a vote kick option then that player would have to be officially AFK for like maybe 2-3 minutes. So basically AFK by wave 4-5 if you’re playing with a horde killing player like a Saryn or Equinox on a defense.

    If something is gonna pull you away from the game for more than a minute, then you should’ve got off at the last stop or should not have started the mission. But the rest of the players should not be forced to carry or be held back by other players. I spent 15 minutes in a low level FISSURE exterminate. When I told them to hurry up like 5 times they just sent “lol, lmao” responses. 5 minutes of that time was waiting at a double door. I had a Saryn stand by the Cetus door for 40 minutes of bounties and never moved an inch till I got back into the door to leave then the player ran through the door right then and there. 

    So definitely NOT bathroom nor Cigarette breaks. Maybe the rules could be removed if you’re playing with an invite or friend only game. But something needs to be done for public games. What’s the point of a public game if you’re just gonna encounter an AFKer/Leecher every 5th game? Then being told to play solo by lazy trolls. 

    People on this Forum needs to start showing some more respect. One of the main rules DE has when it comes to making a post and commenting on the posts. 

  18. I just wish it had some sort of plant research mod that allows it to scan plants on earth endlessly for resources. Some people suggest Helios but Helios is for codex research. Not scanning resources. Figured Oxylus should be able to assist with scanning the plants and gathering endless supplies of resources for the Apothics or any other future items that may require them. 

    Just my opinion. 

  19. I’ve made a few suggestions to reduce the possibility of AFK or to make vote kicking a possibility.

    People keep saying “imagine being kicked after playing ______ hours.” Not if DE made it an option that only appears if the player has been AFK for a while. AFK kicks in after 1 minute. So maybe if they were AFK for 2-3 minutes, then the option to kick them would highlight and be allowed. 

    One post I made was about a way to reduce afk. By creating a sort of time limit that forces player to go towards a certain area. Like if it is mobile defense and the data mass gets inserted then other players will have to get to that area within a certain time or it will count them as AFK for the objective. 

    Basically it would be like how the bounties have those big yellow circles you have to run to in order to start the next stage of the bounty. But I figured DE should add a timer that starts when the stage officially starts that gives other players a time limit such as 1 second per 10 meters. That’s how long it took me to sprint to each stage. Once that timer runs out it will count them as AFK and when the stage is completed they get no rewards. That method would only work with Armor Vaults or keeping the area secure do to how long they are. Maybe to avoid players showing up at the last second, they are required to be standing in the circle for at least 30 seconds. I did a lot of calculating. The only players other than AFKers that would be affected by this would be noobs. That don’t understand bounties or don’t know how to sprint. Well, they would have to learn. Just like it isn’t everybody else’s job to complete missions for them. They’ll have to learn to do it on their own. 

    But basically if a player has been AFK for the majority of the mission such as hardly moving a certain amount of meters per minute, barely killing or assisting in kills, etc.. then once the mission is completed it would count as incomplete for them. Mainly for Sorties. 

    DE would have to do some work to implement such a method to make sure all grounds are covered and that real players won’t be affected by some bug or glitch. 

    But I also made the suggestion at the beginning of my post for players to actually explain their reason for disagreeing, if they do, or else their opinions wouldn’t matter. Cause ONLY an AFKer would hate on such a suggestion. Sure enough I was met with a bunch of haters spilling nothing but insults so DE had to close the comment section stating “think this post has served its purpose”. 

    But some people actually liked the idea. It wouldn’t matter how fast one player rushes to the objective. Others would have time unless they are “farming” for resources. Which is why I suggest this sort of rule in only complicated missions like fissures, sorties, bounties, events, etc.. but if players want to farm for resources that badly then they should be the ones to go solo.

    tired of the lazy play solo response. Us real players shouldn’t be forced to solo a game that DE has designed for teamwork because of a few leechers/AFKers. They should be the ones to play solo. 

  20. After all this oxium needed to even build this dude. He better have the highest armor in the whole entire game!!!

    But yeah I fully agree that an exalted armor would be a unique ability DE hasn’t done yet. But I think your suggestion might be a little 👌🏻 bit too much. Like running into enemies to make them be knocked over or affect by status based on energy color and maybe the sentinel weapon can be changed similar to ivara’s arrows would be a nice addition.

    but going volted iron man might be a bit too much. Just saying.

  21. I’ve been wished that but figure it be applied to the new fortuna sentinel considering what its purpose is. Marks fish, catches animal(after tranq) and figured add the ability to gather plants by simply scanning them unless DE makes them farmable by destroying them like containers. 

    But yes we definitely need a plant farming augment for one of the sentinels. 

  22. Maybe not something many would care about but since Umbra has a mind of his own, I just figured that Umbra should be able to walk around the ship when you go to your Tenno. Maybe even play the guitar if it is nearby. The music could be the quest theme you hear when you look in the codex. 

    Idk, just something to make umbra more interesting. And maybe make the ship not feel as lonely. Lol

    • Like 4
  23. I can see duality being upgraded where the other half has the same amount of health as the player but gains a higher damage buff compared to Wukong’s clone. And possibly activates its third and forth with the player as well. Maybe not the second ability due its complications. Unless they could be enraged and pass out at the same time. 

    That’s more like what I pictured for Duality. Only health and shield mods determine how much the duality gets while power strength obviously determines the damage buff. And it activates the third and forth along with the player but probably drains energy faster as well. So less spam and forget. That way it is still more unique to equinox but also worthy of a mod slot. 

     But that’s just me.

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