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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 1 hour ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

    really hung up on fishing.  since it seems you need fishing and mining for an open world... problem is, what kind of water system in the vmz/what kind of fish in them?

    (reason 3 on why I haven't done anything)

    Well the problem there is that Jupiter is supposedly made out of nothing but gas. Think Saturn is too, which is why the tile sets are on ships and meteors. Not the planets themselves. So fishing and mining is not possible.

    HOWEVER. I am picturing something like little flying half sentient drones, kind of like Fortuna Robotic fish, that fly around and you have to catch them with like a net. And maybe instead of mining, you find some sort of gas molecules that you have to absorb into some sort of container. Basically could lead to building more half sentient styled weapons. Maybe someone similar to or part of the quills would be able to dissect the little sentient flies(basically) to use for unique resources. 

    But a Jupiter Open World is way too complicated. Wouldn’t be an open world. More like a Jupiter City Utopia. And Alad V doesn’t take kindly to the people unwilling to engage or accept his greedy, power hungry, mad ideals. 

    Instead of some underground basement or native village. It would be a legit City with tall buildings and stuff. I could see moments of having a chase throughout the city. Be like a Hulk/Spiderman styled mission that requires climbing/leaping tall buildings to get to certain way points. And our job is to get rid of intruders or push back the corpus/amalgam forces that try to break into the city. Maybe could even have like a big fortified wall too. 

    Maybe some sort of giant in ground pool or Lake could be built for their way of having water. But some how little half sentient looking fishes began to show up. Maybe part of a quest is catching them all from one of the water locations and cleaning the water supply? Maybe turns out that the Amalgams weren’t the only things tricky Alad V made. 

    Idk. I’m just throwing a bunch of stuff up there. But doubt that another corpus styled OW is gonna be made. The next logical OW is for infested. But doesn’t mean these ideas can’t help DE plan for something even further down the line.

  2. Currently in a mission while typing this cause the squad refuse to open the door and I’ve been pressing the button for over but they refuse to help open. 

    Maybe even add a leave squad function for EVERY mission. This wasn’t just any mission. It is a fissure. Meaning some people like to have more options to choose from when it comes to relics. And like to farm quickly. Not spend 10 minutes in a meso exterminate. 

    Just now finally opened the door and now waiting at the extraction and they ran close to the extraction then ran back. Clearly they must be trolls. 

    Either way DE needs to make double doors either gone or can be opened after repeatedly pressing the button like 20-30. I’ve pressed it like over 100. And add a leave squad function instead of forcing players to abort the mission. 

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    You stand around while one Kuva cloud spawns every 1-2 minutes, adding anywhere from 7 to 14 minutes to just stand around waiting, 

    Clearly you haven’t waited for the siphon to fill up cause the mission only took 5:30 minutes to complete even when we allowed the siphon to fill up 7/8 to see if it did anything, which it didn’t. So no it wouldn’t take that long. Roughly 30 seconds per braid destroyed and like 10-15 seconds per cloud if allowed to be absorbed. 

    So that’s about 4 minutes tops. And with the right squad, the mission can be done in 1 minute or have 2-3 stay behind to deal with the siphon while 1-2 go and complete the mission. So no, it will not even be 10 minutes. And even if it did, it would be no different than spending 10 minutes in a survival. 

    Then the whole “standing around waiting”, you do that in Kuva Survival. Waiting for the kuva to be collected then move on to the next. But kuva missions also take time to appear especially if you complete them quickly like I do. So “waiting” to gain a bigger kuva reward is worth it. Especially if that gives the Kavat more time to activate its double resource/affinity ability and gain a whole lot in one go vs “standing around waiting” and dealing with other players in a kuva survival. 

    I don’t just throw posts up without testing to see how things currently work. And I don’t know what DE is doing. I may play the game but I’m not watching every single twitch video that gets thrown up. That’s the point of the forums. So commenting to basically say “you’re wasting your breath” is not very constructive. And the awesome part is you don’t have to respond to posts that you disagree with if the suggestion wouldn’t affect you. 

    The suggestion would be an option for more coordinated players. And encouraging players to be lazy is false cause they already do that in defenses, Mobile, kuva survival, interception, etc. there’s no encouraging that other missions or forms of Kuva farming don’t already do. And if players are impatient then they can gladly go ahead and destroy the braids. Instead of making everybody else do the work. 

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  4. I’ve been thinking for a while now that kuva is something people farm a lot for and get so little. So I’ve been thinking of a possible way to get more during Siphons and Floods.

    I was thinking that the more Kuva the machine absorbs before being destroyed, the more Kuva you get. Basically 50-100 per cycle. 100-200 for Floods. Of course the most you would get would be 7 cycles since 8 would be the end. 

    It would be a decent way to benefit from the mess ups or for players to put in extra time to gain more kuva per mission instead of constantly resorting to survival. This would be a risky move if you’re not that good at preventing kuva from entering the siphon. Especially in close space. But it would be an option.

    Just something to think about I guess. Running in circles during survival gets boring over time. But that’s just my opinion.

  5. I’ve been ignoring it for a while now but the companions are way too slow. Cause whenever I am moving quickly through the map I notice that my companion just stops moving until I stand still for like 5-10 seconds, then teleports. I don’t usually run with companions so it is not something I notice until they are down and I’m like 300-500 meters away. And sometimes my companion doesn’t move while I’m being knocked around. I have to be completely still. I’ve tested it so I know.

    What finally made me make a post about it is during a Kuva Flood the kuva appeared about 900 meters away from the start of the mission. So best believe we were in a hurry. However I wasn’t speeding through like I usually do cause with a Nidus I was trying to stack my mutation on the way while my squad headed straight there. But even with me slowing down(a lot for me) or even stopping to stomp enemies, my Kavat was taking her precious time catching up and eventually she went down while I was 300 meters ahead. I’m sure y’all can understand why that may be a big deal. 

    So I had to run all the way back to pick her up and basically walk to the kuva or rush when the ghost is clear and stop for 5-10 second for her to teleport to me. Some of us don’t have time to deal with stuff like that.

    So it would be nice if companions actually ran more and quicker. If anything they should be a lot faster than the warframes. Basically they maintain like a safe 20 meter distance from the operator. No further. So if the warframe gets too far then they stop what they’re doing and run to catch up to the warframe. Before targeting somebody within 20 meters. Or maybe add a “keep up” or “attack” option when you look at them, similar to telling syndicate operators to “follow” or “hold position”. 

    But something has got to change. Especially with missions requiring faster mobility or parkour appearing more often.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Can't quite u derstand why somenone would say Oberon is plant based when hia only plant related skill is hallowed ground( hallowed ground from oberon prime ). 

    I did a plant based frame to , but a focused on using seeds to grow plants. These plants would either give fruit to allies buffing them or attack enemies.

    Well my idea of a flower/plant frame was more of a balance between buffing and assault. Like the first ability could be used to stun them and cause different effects. Second being more of a buffing ability. Third be more like a trap that stops enemies in their tracks. While the forth is a full on assault.

    The only thing about Hollow Ground was that DE added the grass or leaves effect. It used to be a rectangle field of energy in the ground. Like a carpet. But now it is the way it is. But before that, I made the idea and posted it before Oberon even had that slight change. But it still didn’t stop people from comparing. 

    Now the seeds growing I can see that as how the frame would cast abilities similar to how Octavia throws out those little rollers. 

    Ember and Nezha use fire differently. So 2 types of plant based frame shouldn’t be that hard. Of course I’m kind of picturing a complicated frame similar to equinox except the switch between forms is based on standing in lit or shaded areas. One throws out seeds that create flowers and such for mostly aiding or buffing allies. While the other form summons thorny plants that straight assaults enemies. 

    Would definitely be a quest that New Loka would interested in. Maybe the thorny form of the frame we have to fight which leaves New Loka horrified at the appearance. Believing it to have been “corrupted” like everything else. But when we complete the quest the frame returns to its original form. Would be a chance for DE to remake earth tile sets just a little bit. Like some areas have more life in them. Or they add a more dangerous jungle into it. One that contains complicated plants every where so you would have to watch your step. Could be poisoned, knocked out for a little bit, or even get caught and have to free yourself, all while being chased by carnivorous plants. Would be kind of fun and annoying. Bring atlas to have a little rumble in the jungle. 

    Kind of picturing a spiky plant whip as the melee weapon and maybe a thorny pellet shooting primary that is laced with different types of plant chemicals to cause other effects.

    But either way we don’t have a straight plant based frame. Nor a gas or blast/lava based frame either. All ideas met with narrow minded comparisons. Basically just be prepared for people to compare even the tiniest of details to a whole other frame. Believe it or not but I have thought of a frame very close to wisp, like 90% close. And another guy has been pushing a Gluttony Frame which DE is currently in the process of making. So DE is not ignoring their fans. They are watching and listening. 

    But right now I’m just excited for something completely new like the Gluttony Frame and waiting impatiently for the Wukong Prime so that I have an excuse to polarize Wukong. Don’t want to waste Forma. 

  7. I’ve made a couple of posts and suggestions in other posts about flower/plant type warframes but there’s always that one ☝🏻 troll that compares them to Oberon because of the plant effect DE ADDED to hollow ground after they REWORKED the ability. 

    Many suggestions were like roots that grab enemies and drains them of their health that produces health and energy plant pods.

    Creating a plant field either in lit areas or shaded areas to create plants that release a gas to put enemies to sleep(shaded) or inflicts toxic while throwing off their aim/reduce their accuracy(lit). 

    Summoning carnivorous plants that chases and attacks enemies. Even latching onto them which causes them to panic.

    Energy colors causing different status effects like toxic, sleep, blindness, etc..

    A trail of thorns that causes enemies to suffer puncture damage while slowing them down. Maybe a little toxic. 

    I’m sure you get the idea. But those were my suggestions.   

  8. Idk. I’m picturing more of a single rumbler that runs on all fours like a zanuka hunter and has 50-100% more health, armor, and speed. Instead of throwing rocks, it would role like a bolder into an enemy and continue to attack normally. Maybe even gain an actual explosive timer where if the duration runs out or ability gets canceled, then it will burst and rubble will fly in different directions inflicting impact damage to those far away and maybe, MAYBE, blast damage to those up close. 

    That’s what I believe it should be like instead of that slow semi weaker version it is now.  

  9. My idea of a SHAPESHIFTER based on the ability to actually shape shift and everything that comes with shape shifting. For example: 

    I thought that the passive could shape shift the bullets to do whatever physical damage type you choose. So if you have a weapon that does mostly impact but 180 damage total but going against grineer, then you can turn the entire 180 damage to puncture. How? Well that was mainly based on the energy color unless DE can think of a more creative way. But either way this type of passive would make it capable of going against pretty much any enemy except for corrupted since they are mixed.

    First ability I figured the warframe could shape shift an enemy into a copy of itself that distract other enemies. If anything he would not even noticed anything wrong until his own people starts shooting him. And he becomes more vulnerable as a result. If he does then the enemies will no longer be alerted and whatever alarms would be reset.

    second ability would actual be a shapshifting ability but only certain targets can be chosen. If the target is of the right size or shape then you can shape shift into them and walk amongst them without raising alarms as long as you aren’t bouncing all over the walls and stuff which would raise suspicion. Basically just continue to walk or sprint normally and patiently. But you could bypass all security while doing it too as long as you remain in that form. 

    Third I was picturing it being able to copy the stats of either teammates or enemies. Enemies would simply grant a big buff. Armor(grineer), health(infested), or shields(corpus). If you look at a teammate then you could copy their stats but it may be complicated. If you have a lot of health you wouldn’t want to copy a low health teammate. And if you want more power strength then you must be careful about teammates with too low of a power strength. But that requires coordination with the teammates, otherwise it is just best to use on enemies.  

    Forth ability I was picturing something like an all panic that causes all enemies nearby to become paranoid of each other. Basically they become aware that there is an imposter amongst them but they don’t know who it is. If you have low power strength then they will end up in a stale mate where they don’t shoot but they don’t move. If you have high power strength then they will mow each other down in a panic(basically shoot non stop instead of running a hiding like they usually do). If your power strength was really high then it makes them more vulnerable damage. Which this ability can be canceled either by dying or using the first ability to create a copy cat and kill them to make their alert system or function reset. 

    Now I refer to this warframe as IT cause this warframe at this point doesn’t have a gender in my opinion due to its constant shape shifting abilities, it basically forgot who IT really is. The origin was basically about it being designed to be the ultimate assassin. But it turned out that it may be too good and the paranoia made them try to execute the warframe before it could possibly turn against them. But it escapes and wanders the solar system lost and confused. Not knowing who it is or what it true. So it continuously searches for the truth until the Tenno came and rescued it. 

    Thats just my opinion of a shape shifter. Most people who make post want to go completely overboard with it. Like copying other warframes abilities which would make this warframe either OP in public or totally useless in solo. It would have no real purpose if it is dependent on other frames. 

    But either way, I wouldn’t be surprised if DE is already making a shape shifter. Cause believe it or not I made many concepts of Wisp but never though DE would actually make her. I basically referred to Wisp as a sort of Sun Goddess. And even thought of the slim body and desert cloak like design. I didn’t think of the whole flying and the big butt. That was all DE. lol 

  10. 10 hours ago, Steru said:

    I never asked for a nerf, though there are warframes who are broken...

    Sorry for miscalculations on mirage vs chroma's damage buff, people told me stuff and i had no motivation to doubt them

    Well the reason I said “y’all” is cause all I asked for is a slight buff to an augment, possibly to the ability itself but it sounded like you were trying to argue against it. But because chroma is more powerful than mirage, to argue against a minor buff kind of creates a domino effect that leads to the nerfing of another frame. And I’ve encountered too many people that demand too much. 

    I just did the sortie yesterday and I used chroma to fight level 100 Vay Hek. It still took me a good minute to beat him even with over 1,000% damage buff. The armor buff plus the Prime Sure Footed is the reason I survived. I was by myself as everybody else left. 

    So I can honestly say that chroma does not need a nerf. But that still doesn’t stop people from demanding that he be nerf. I like to try different types of warframe combinations. Such as linking my maxed power strength Nidus, to over double any warframe power strength, to a chroma. So your chroma would have over 2,000% of almost permanent weapon damage and almost 3,000% of armor buff. That combined with warframes like frost or Gara makes the toughest barriers. Combined with a Safe Guard Nezha would create tough halos for all the teammates to increase survivability for all. 

    Me and 2 guys(Nidus, Chroma, and Rhino) all with growing power aura, made almost the most OP squad, all we needed was an equinox with Peaceful Provocation. But after I linked to chroma and he fully cast out his vex armor, I then linked to rhino who stood next to chroma and activated Iron skin. His iron skin was 249k. And his Roar for 36 seconds was over 600%. And equinox would made everything even higher. And don’t get me started on fissures. The armor buff affects many barrier or protection type abilities. 

    But accomplishing such an OP combination has fueled my desire for more combinations even further than it already was. So I like trying to figure out the best combination for EVERY warframe. And for arbitration Mirage was my warframe. So I tried a Total Eclipse build so that my entire team would benefit from the damage buff and be able to go further in arbitration. Also it was a defense so the quicker we kill all enemies, the faster the waves go. So I wanted to reach at least 30 waves before leaving. But since my mirage with an augment is nothing compared to my chroma without the augment and alert buff, the waves took longer and the other players chose to leave at the first 10 waves. 

    It is just a waste of an augment for such a solo type frame. Not to mention that there isn’t much teamwork to do other than the basic “you defend while I kill”. And enemies are getting tougher and tougher and such a squishy frame can not afford to be too weak to kill. Sure her standing in the shade makes her tougher, but then she is weaker. And as you try to move you’re constantly shifting between buffs. One misstep(literally) can cost you a life or the mission. 

    But at least now you know. I may be the highest possible rank for a non-founder but I don’t know everything. So I can understand if you didn’t believe me. When I first started there were so many things higher rank players didn’t know. But I found out while I was only MR 1. But the biggest part is that most players are not team players. They don’t pick a warframe or build that’s best for the team. They pick what’s only best for them. Or what they like. Such as a high health Inaros on a high level defense. Forcing me with the 206% rhino roar to be the only one buffing the team. Then that same player will complain that the Saryn that I’m tripling the ability damage, is killing everything even though the objective is to kill enemies as quickly as possible in order to progress forward. While they chose a frame and build that makes them rely on whatever weapons they’re holding. 

    Either the ability itself needs to be slightly buffed or the augment. Or a slight change to make the ability combine better with other abilities. Synergy I think is the word. Otherwise mirage is just good for new players that don’t have a chroma and the right equipment to use his ability properly. 

    I just want mirage to be as good as the other frames. To be a better team frame. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Steru said:

    Sure the range of the augmented ability is very short, but as a team player as you call yourself, why are you using Mirage in the first places?? She's one of those warframes that can work alone and whose abilities don't affect teammates (like Inaros and Wukong).

    Because mirage's damage buff can get way higher than chroma's, having the possibility to get the buff for the remaining time while staying far from mirage would be unbalanced, so i like the idea that the augmented ability works only in a limited space, though it is too limited at the moment.

    What do you mean “way higher” have you not used chroma before? Chroma can go over 1,100% and has the armor buff on top of that. Mirage barely goes over 800% and requires you to be in lit areas. 

    The math is 2x power strength to equal to mirage’s weapon damage buff. 2.75x power strength to equal to Chroma’s weapon damage buff. 

    So no, mirage’s is NOT “way higher” than chroma’s. On top of that her Hall of Mirrors aren’t affected by eclipse. So can only double the damage from mirage and her 2 front clones. So that is barely equal to chroma but requires more energy to use. With limited movement. 

    You need to use both more often. And why did I use mirage? Cause I like to use different warframe’s, duh. Just cause mirage is a solo frame doesn’t mean she should be weaker than team frames. Being a solo frame should mean she is stronger, not weaker. 

    Brush up on your math skills. Get a chroma and mirage, then apply the same power strength build to both. Chroma is higher. And doesn’t require being afk in lit areas. And he can apply the buffs to his squad without so much range. 

    What is with y’all in making false assumptions and excuses to nerf decent warframes just cause some people know how to use them properly and better than y’all? 

  12. To put it bluntly, the augment Totally Sucks. It is way too short of range. The augment clearly is design for teamwork but that requires the whole squad getting into a group hug just to benefit from the ability. 

    I made a 265% range build for arbitrations and even with the power buff the eclipse is still nothing compared to Chroma’s vex armor. The range is about as long as chroma’s without range mods. If players aren’t gonna cuddle with mirage, then her augment means nothing. Her augment definitely needs a better buff. 

    2 options:

    1). Increase the range. Instead of 5m maybe make it 15-20 like every other warframe so with the range mods it could reach over 50m. Which would affect the entire squad within the area. 

    2). Make it permanent for teammates until duration wears off. Basically if teammates come near mirage with her eclipse activated then no matter how far they go, the eclipse buff is permanent on them until the ability itself wears off. Like a combination of Rhino Roar and the augment Everlasting Ward. 

    Of course other options like maybe eclipse causes her to absorb light energy like Superman and when she activates her forth ability Prism, she channels all the eclipse buff into her prism to make it do more damage but reduces the eclipse duration to 0. But the more power strength and duration, the more the prism gains.

    Maybe add a little bonus to her clones if they are activated while eclipse is activated and while standing in lit areas. Like she channels the light into her Hall of Mirrors to increase their buff until either abilities wear off. 

    But that augment definitely needs a buff. Maybe the buff could be that it adds those bonuses to her other 2 abilities. I don’t care. But that short range has got to change. It is a complete waste of space. And I’m a team player. Probably the biggest team player in the entire solar system. So it is infuriating that such an augment would be such a waste. 

    But that’s just my opinion. Well mine and couple of guys I know. 

  13. Well for starters Chroma requires self damage in order to successfully activate. So I can understand why his buff is a little bit higher than mirage’s. However mirage having to be in lit areas complicates her ability too much for such a low buff in comparison to chroma who also has an armor buff on top of weapon damage buff. Mirage is just too “squishy” for such complications. 

    Her eclipse doesn’t affect her first ability. So the first ability simply adds to her third and makes her survivability slightly higher. 

    Rhino increases ALL damage, that includes ability damage. And my rhino with the highest power strength build currently possible has a roar of 206%. Which is 3.06x all damage. Which includes mirages clones. If they are activated before the Roar is activated. Which makes Rhino the best partner for a killframe like Saryn or Equinox to be paired with. Many complainers don’t even realize that a rhino is making a crowd destroyer more destructive. So they complain about how “OP” a Saryn and such is out of pure ignorance. I’ve personally witnessed it multiple times. 

    Then Mirage’s augment Total Eclipse is TOTALLY USELESS. You have to stack on like 250-280% range just to be able have the same radius as a short range chroma. People love using the “chroma requires self damage” excuse but his third is like 5x greater than mirage’s. 

    1). Chroma reaches a higher buff.

    2). Chroma has weapon damage + armor buff at the same time.

    3). Chroma can now buff nearby allies at a decent range.

    4. Chroma can recast the third to keep the max buff going forever as long as he has energy. 

    5. Chroma does NOT need an augment to make it slightly better. 

    Now I’m not asking for Chroma to be nerfed. Just for mirage to be more useful. Like making eclipse affect the clones, the augment either has a much higher range or just make the ability itself affect teammates. Something like that.

    The ONLY advantage the eclipse has, is that it requires just a push of a button to use while chroma requires damage. For new players that may seem awesome. But for experts like me, it sucks. My chroma has Prime sure footed so I don’t get knocked down and I use a glaive prime to damage myself and my sentinel instantly restores my shields every now and then. So it only take me like 5 seconds longer to fully cast my ability and it technically lasts forever. So for just 5 seconds longer I basically have a permanent, higher buff that affects other players. For arbitrations if my warframe is a chroma I have a range build just so my entire team can benefit from the buff. Allowing us to destroy the drones along with enemies. 

    Mirage’s eclipse just need a little buff to make her more useful. I’ll even accept that her third ability gets channeled into her forth to make the forth do more damage. Like if you activate eclipse and stand in lit spaces, she channels all the light she basically absorbs and focus it into her prism. Maybe even reduces the duration time on the eclipse to 0 for a much higher damaging prism. Either way she needs a buff.

    Chroma paired with a Nidus is OP. While mirage is basically useless with other frames. She is basically a solo frame. I made a range build for my mirage for arbitrations. I tested it out and omg it was a pain to watch. Even with the power buff she still couldn’t go as high as my chroma without the buff. Then her augment range was still super short, about as long as my chroma with no range mods. Then the fact that I had to stay in lit areas to keep the damage buff. So basically it was like I had to go AFK since there are too many shadowy spots. 

    Her instant cast means nothing to me. Her clones don’t make much of a difference since they aren’t affected by eclipse and that requires more energy. I was able to figure a way around the complications of Chroma’s vex armor. But there is no way around the complicated squishiness of mirage’s eclipse. Only a solo player would like mirage. And there are too many of them in public matches. Makes Arbitration a pain since many like to get themselves killed and host migrate the game over and over cause they chose to not be a team. And DE is all about teamwork. At least that is what they claim.  

  14. Kind of got me picturing crazy abilities like being able to summon a giant roller that he rides on to move at great speeds but less directional control. But it comes with other abilities such as being able sprout spikes for puncture or blades for slash. Could flatten enemies that are in its path. Basically a very Looney Tuney ability. Could also bypass nullifier bubbles but just function as a normal ball. Can be knocked off the roller but then it just keeps moving in what ever direction until it hits like a wall or something and blows up. Dealing impact and blast. Maybe energy color determines what special effects it has or could be one of those you hold the button to switch between different arsenals. 

    I could see him creating a wall of rotating cards that deflects bullets. Basically the cards spin whenever bullets hit them. The more range, the greater protection. But short duration. When timer runs out or you cast ability again he sends them flying into nearby enemies and they explode. If no enemy is nearby then they just fly off in whatever direction they are facing. The more power strength, the more damage they could do. 

    Now his laughing I could see being able to cause different effects. Depending on energy color or arsenal switching. Like a raging laugh that causes him to become the center target of all enemies. Even bosses and assassin hunting a specific target would target him instead. And their aim become sloppy. Range determine how far his ability can reach the enemies. Another one could be where makes the enemies laugh too. To the point they fall on the ground basically a ROTGLOL. And leaves them open to finishers like when you knock an enemy down and then you take your sword and stab them. Doesn’t work on machines. (Every frame has weakness). Could also see a crazy maniacal laugh where he sounds a lot like a manic and he gains a damage reduction. And he causes enemies to shoot less due to the fear he brings to them. Causing them to shake. 

    Being that he is such a clown and no doubt is prepared for people to get violent. I could see his passive making him have the fastest recovery from knockdown. Like 400% higher than any other warframe. Which can make him such an annoyance to all enemy factions.

    I can also see him having abilities similar to emotes where he does some sort of performance that distracts enemies before he unleashed some sort of trick. Like him sticking his hand out shocking enemies close enough for a handshake. Basically activates then you run up to any enemy for him to shock them. Or he gives them a card and quickly does like a black handspring before it explodes. 

    I could see him throwing cards into the enemies weapons which disarms them. Could even inflict elemental damage to them based on energy color.

    Last I could see him creating 2 separate portals where anything can pass through one and out the other. Including bullets. The range determines how far apart the 2 portals could be from each other. If placed right you can kill enemies around corners. Without the others knowing. Basically you throw a mark down and once you set it in the direction you want it to face, you set a second one down and establish a link. Otherwise you’ll just walk pass it. A different color on each side determines which direction it is facing. Now this ability would make him more like a magician than a jester. 

    Many of these abilities could used together such as the rotating cards and his enraged laugh. His passive plus his giant roller. Basically the main thing about his abilities, is that he always has a trick or treat up his sleeves. 

    But that’s just my opinion.

  15. Basically as the title suggests, is there any chance that we could have an additional mod slot on warframes that only an augment can go into? At the very least for Prime Warframes? 

    Cause there are some cool augments(most tend to be useless) that make the warframe different. That give you another way or method of using the warframe. Such as Equinox’s Duality augment. 

    But I hate how in order to equip an augment means weakening your builds. Some augments helps make the builds better like the Peaceful Provocation that actually adds more power strength instead of just taking it away completely. 

    So it would be nice if a new mod slot next to the Exilus mod slot could be added that is only for augments. So the only thing that changes is the how the warframe is used rather than the entire build. 

    I know many probably already asked or discussed this. Many will agree and many will disagree. The only thing that comes with this suggestion is simply a better warframe(not entirely a stronger warframe). It is not a huge buff and it is not like any other mod can be placed in the slot. It would allow for multiple augments at the cost of lowering a specific stat but at least one being able to be added without changing our builds would make the experience or gameplay more interesting, at least to me. 

    That’s just my opinion anyways. 

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  16. Honestly, I’ve been thinking of a Mutalist Zanuka Hunter for Mutalist Alad V. 

    I can see it being able to inflict viral or toxic slash damage and shoot Acid Missiles. 

    I can even hear M. Alad V saying something like “how do you like Zanuka? New and improved. The pinnacle of perfection”. 

    Could be something added like as an assassin for completing infested type invasions. Could even drop parts for an infested type weapon. Like a Mutalist Detron. Either way. 

    A sentient styled Zanuka would be crazy. I could see the sentient wolf-like helmet being on the zanuka. Being able to inflict Tau type damage. I can picture it right now. God I wish I could draw. Hate having images in my head that I can’t get rid of or put on paper. I could see it jumping and doing like a barrel role towards its target while shooting the sentient-like lasers before it lands. Can cause impact damage and knockdowns on those who get hit by the role. Or damage them with the Tau lasers fired during the role. 


  17. Well considering the high capacity allows for the Sacrificial Mods and with both and at rank 40, it does over 140% more damage against sentients even the new Sentient Wolf. And has the ability to remove the adaptation from sentients and even the stalker. It is known as the “Sentient Slayer”. Be nice if DE added more sentients to kill instead of having to go to the moon to hunt them or wait for the stalker to show. But clearly this weapon is meant for more. It also has a high critical chance and a riven I have plus the Sacrificial mods makes it nearly 100%. 

    I still use this weapon regardless in case the stalker shows up. Then in the hands of a Surging Dash Umbra, the weapon becomes OP with Bloodrush and body count. I was able to one-hit the stalker. 

    No other Orokin Weapon has the ability to slay sentients the way this one does. Every weapon has a purpose. This weapon’s purpose is killing sentients. And according to DE, there are going to be more. 

    Now what I wish is that the War had a better purpose. So many weapons make the War look like an April Fools joke with how easy it is to obtain them vs the War. Being that it is a sentient weapon, part and host of the sentient Hunhow, I figured it should have the unique capability of adapting to the enemy’s weaknesses. At least while channeling. Where it can deal damage of whatever the enemy, that is hit, is weak too. 

    It is all about how you use it in the end. 

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  18. Well for starters it would be nice for like a Prime Multishot Mod that gives 100% multi shot for arch-guns. And maybe a Prime melee damage mod for the arch-melees. And maybe at least 1 Prime elemental mod for both to even them out with the other weapons. Now the only prime mods I like to see is for the arch wings. Like a prime range, duration, efficiency, and maybe power strength. 

    Now another option that has I’ve been thinking of for like a year or 2 is maybe a derelict arch-wing mission. Maybe we are exploring some blown orokin city and we are ambushed by infested enemies like mutalist Ospreys and maybe even infested Dargyns. Kind of gotten a very big picture in mind, like very big. Some of the traps are even activated where we be trying to dodge and/or avoid lasers and such as we fly through the wreckage. 

    Maybe the objective is simply exploring until we stumble across some ancient artifact that we must retrieve and bring back to the ship. I could even picturing a more Orokin Designed Infested Golem that chases you through the mission. Maybe killing it drops a new Infested Arch-Weapon that we don’t have yet. 

    Along the way we have a chance to encounter an Orokin Vault that has somehow survived the the destruction and we need to use the dragon keys to open it. Inside we could encounter a statue of Excalibur Prime, but I was thinking maybe more like the Odanata Prime on the Excalibur or even a Stalker Statue being he used to be an Orokin Guard last I checked. Either way we could obtain Corrupted Arch-Wing, Arch-Gun, or Arch-Melee Mods from this specific vault. So that people can choose what kind of build they want instead of it being mostly balanced. Balanced, speed, or “tanky” are kind of the only options. Maybe we would want more range, more efficiency, or more power strength. Could even be the key to making the Arch-wings more useful in open world maps. 

    Be nice if DE finally added a Prime Arch-Weapon like a Prime Veritux. Could be added with the Volt Prime Relics. I can picture the weapon right now. Almost looking like a large Skana Prime. Would draw it but I don’t know how to post the pic even if I did. But more base damage, and critical chance, and attack speed. Maybe even some extra range. But a prime Arch-Weapon is definitely missing. Seeing how DE added the Akvasto Prime without any other primes, I’m confident that they can easily add a prime arch-weapon or 2. If they added like Veritix and Imperator primes at the same time, they both could be placed in the same relic. Since both are 2 parts and a BP. That would be 6 total drops. 

    Just saying it would definitely get me playing arch-wing missions more if there were more to do. And to explore. 

  19. 2 hours ago, TheFlameFlash said:

    With its bright glow during channeling it should at least get a higher channeling multiplier or special ability during channeling

    IKR? Not to mention it is a part of a very powerful sentient and is a pain to farm for. It’s like killing stalker hoping for a powerful sword, but all we get is a butter knife. Literally since impact is its main physical damage. Not exactly sharp. I can understand not wanting the blade to be the only blade but to make it like the most forgotten is definitely too much. They wouldn’t have to change the stats. Just add like some unique damage adaptation while channeling or whatever passive to it, and it would be good. Won’t stop me from using the paracesis against sentients. Or heavy slash against infested or debuff armor/shield enemies. And guns are used the most to kill while melees aren’t used as much. Melees could do more damage than a gun up close. Putting a bunch of holes vs completely slashing them to pieces. Many would choose a sword or a knife over a gun for up close combat. Excalibur Umbra is the only reason I’m even interested in melees since he can bring out their full combo potential. 

  20. Well I just recently killed the wolf in like 5 seconds by using invisible Loki and shooting the wolf with the tombfinger. I even completed a riven that requires being undetected at the same time. Being undetected helps do more damage from what I can tell, and that last 5 second fight proved it vs when I fight him and he sees me & becomes alert. The only part that isn’t “fun” about fighting the wolf is when he drops nothing but mods. That basically applies to all bosses and assassinations. Farming for equinox was a pain. 

  21. On 2019-05-01 at 9:59 AM, (XB1)Nightseid said:

    I like what you started but what playstyle are you going for? Or role this frame will play?

    As I see it she will be either OP or underwhelming as there so seems to be no role focus. If you are looking fulfil multiple roles I would try and have her abilities interact with each other. This seems to the build theory that DE is going with lately with the newer frames.

    Well I kind of pictured a more advanced set of infested weapons similar to wraiths, vandals, and primes. But with infested. The starter name for them is the Ancient Mutagen Mass that is used as a resource along with a specific infested weapon to build a BP for the Ancient version of that weapon. Don’t know a better name for the weapons so I’m just leaving like that till a better idea comes around. 

    This frame I was thinking is sort of the queen/princess of the infested. In a way. She can turn enemies into unstable infested that support her until they explode and deal damage to nearby enemies similar to the orange runners. Her main purpose is being able to infect and control infested. Can’t control all of them but at the least she can cause them to attack each other. Her main ability is being able to have an army that follows her. Sure it wouldn’t be as powerful as other minion summoning type frames but with so many of them it would be hard for the other enemies to get to her. And they don’t last nearly as long as they are ticking time bombs. But the fact that they rush the enemies definitely makes use of their unfortunate suicide. 

    In a way she can make a wall of unstable infested that makes enemies focus more on them. However, if the enemies are high level enough, they can quickly take them out so for high level mission they would be a good distraction. 

    I was thinking that the way her abilities work is that she can have a lot of infested allies but the more she has the weaker they become. So for example let’s say 1 infested ally has 10,000 health and can do like 4,000 damage at a high power strength. If she creates 4 infested allies, they would be 2,500 health and 1,000 damage. At 10, they would have 1,000 health and 400 damage. Not to mention that lower duration would mean they would be quicker to explode so they could do roughly the same amount of explosive damage, like 2,000 each, regardless how many there are. It would be the one thing that would make lower duration useful. Now how high the duration could go would be up for DE.

    I was thinking that maybe the more she has the less duration they each have so like 5 seconds could be the base amount while duration mods determine how much more gets applied to each additional ally. Like a (5 + ((5 x 1 x duration mods) divided by # of allies)). So if duration was 200% and the allies were 5, (5 + ((5 x 1 x 2) divided by 5)) = 7 seconds for each.

    That is a sort basic math. DE would have to determine that. But from my experience in playing this game with Nyx, Nekros, Atlas, and Inaros, I feel this wouldn’t be OP. Now maybe if my Nidus linked to her and increase her power strength and/or Rhino Roared with enough range, then they would be considered OP but that is the point of teamwork. 

    Basically her origin could be that she kept mutating unlike Nidus, and turned into a giant infested boss that summons swarms of infestation onto the Tennos. Roaming the open world map spreading infestation like a plague. Once taken out, the infested boss drops the parts, maybe even BP(unless dropped from the completion of a quest), needed to build the frame. Once built maybe we were able to neutralize or stop her mutation. Maybe using the same method used to kill the infested nests and boss. 

    But she would be the source of the new resource similar to Nidus being the source of the Helminth Charger. Maybe she creates a sort of Ancient Mutagen Mass every now and then that can be used to to craft the newer more advanced infested weapons. And she can make the weapons more useful since she could also amplify them with one of her abilities. 

    She could use 1 infested ally to destroy, many to defend or distract, or even use them to do lots of damage. Of course that requires her to kill enemies with her abilities. She can’t just shoot them or slash them. So it wouldn’t be that easy to create an army unless she had a Nidus and/or Rhino on her team. And the allies would be quick so they could easily keep up with her parkour running. 

    Also I was thinking that since they would drop health orbs after death that would replenish her health that was used in the process of using her abilities that sort of stretches her so thin. Literally. The infested are practically a part of her. 

    Now there are still other ideas on other abilities. With the infestation, there is a huge variety of options to choose from. But these abilities would make her the Queen of The Infested. She can turn them into infested(after killing), toughen herself and infest the weapons, her passive would amplify the infested weapons and companions like Djinn or Helminth charged including those turned by her abilities, then she can send the infested allies into a violent rage that makes the allies gain a damage buff while sending swarms of infested locusts onto the enemies that can turn them into more infested allies. She uses health to buff the weapons since she is basically extending herself, her body onto the weapons. But the health orbs dropped from the fallen infested allies would replenish her health. So even if her army is gone, she would still be the more dangerous of them all. 

    I could even hear her having her own kind of howling screech like the juggernaut except more high pitch that causes the allies to charge after further enemies instead of just being her Guard Dogs while her loud screech would stun other enemies. Her unleashing locusts looking bugs from her body onto enemies would be pretty hard to watch, even for me. And enemies killed while being attacked by them would also become infested and be affected by her screech. Basically using a big, or small, army for defense and offense or better survivability.  

    I’m stilling thinking of ways to make her more unique. A lot more different and tricky to use. Ways that can combine her abilities or even other players to make her more “OP” but not too much. I don’t know the entire math of the game involving health, strength if the enemies, etc. to be able to not make a frame too OP. But regardless any frame in my hands would become OP since I strongly believe in teamwork and always find ways to combine multiple frames into a single, very godly, OP team. 

    I’m all for other options. 

  22. 5 hours ago, (PS4)jaggerwanderer said:

    It's uniqueness is the fact that it has high impact damage for it's weapon type. Wish it had innate "hunter munition" effect so I can atleast proc slash somehow.

    Not quite what I was getting at. That “uniqueness” as you put it, is simply a difference. I’m talking about something that no other weapon period could be compared to. Especially since this is such a painful to farm weapon. Just for something like a gram, galatine, and fragor primes to make people forget its existence. Not to mention it being of sentient design and part of a powerful sentient known as Hunhow. Makes the whole thing a waste if impact instead of slash is the only thing it has in comparison to other heavy blades. Kind of missed the point. 

  23. Maxed power strength Nidus + maxed power strength chroma + both fissured = 5 shots with a tombfinger. Lol

    But seriously me and a guy managed to pull a very high damage buffing combo that allowed us to kill the wolf before he could even do anything. Took like 5 seconds. No joke. Teamwork is definitely a key factor in taking out the wolf quickly. Also shattering impact takes out the smaller armor but his health is a different story. 

    I could break down some HUGE numbers that will make you think it was all a hack from the beginning. Had to go full on math nerd for dozens of dudes to comprehend how such a “godly” warframe could exist. But the wolf proved “godly” was an understatement. We went full on Master Ultra Instinct on this dude. Lol

  24. Being that the War is of sentient design and is supposedly hard to farm for not to mention it USED to be the most powerful weapon in the game. I was thinking that maybe it could have the unique passive that allows it to inflict weakness damage to the enemies it hits. Corrosive to Grineer, magnetic to Corpus, etc. etc.

    Of course I’ve seen physical damage or elements be changed by a single mod. Maybe this War could convert all types of damage into that specific weakness of the enemies hit. Maybe channeling could make all damage become what the enemies are weak against. And channeling could increase the range. Maybe add a Prime Reach and you can see the energy aura blade extend. 

    The War used to be the most popular weapon people wanted. But now it mostly collects dust for the majority of players. Then the fact that the Riven Disposition is really low too which makes the Riven Mods for it completely useless since there are 3 blades much higher than it. 

    Then the Stalker hunts ALL Tenno so wouldn’t it make more sense for the War to be capable of slaying any and all Tenno? Ripping their shield, armor, and health down no matter how high they are. 

    Just saying it would make the War more useful and the ability for its damage type to adapt to the enemies weaknesses would bring it back into the spot light. Not to mention the pain in farming for the Broken War pieces and then the War bp. 

    The wolf Sledge’s unique ability to be thrown already makes up for its slight lack in damage compared to other melees. And at least the pieces only drop from one enemy and that very enemy’s spawn chance has increased. 

    The War and the Broken War are still a pain to farm for. Even if getting them to spawn more often is a little easier than the Wolf. 

    And once again it is a sentient weapon. But not just any sentient weapon. It is a part and the host of Hunhow. Figured that would make it qualified for a better buff so that the other weapons don’t completely outshine it and leaving following behind their shadow. 

    But seriously I really want an excuse to use it again. Sure I can just equip it but I like for it to be useful. So many weapons that put the War to shame. Having the ability to adapt to enemies’ weaknesses would definitely make it the go to weapon against the corrupted while the other weapons can be used against other enemy factions. Galatine or Gram Prime could be used against the infested, for example. 

  25. To me it is perfectly fine. The aura slot is one of the biggest issues or debates people have with themselves. Which polarity would be best for the aura. Madurai for Growing power? Naramon for corrosive projection? Too many to choose, too many repolarizing or more warframe sets just so they could have a different Aura mod without it greatly affecting their builds. 

    Weapons are much easier to farm for, and not that hard to figure out a build. Cernos does more impact while the Dread does more slash and the Paris or zhuge does more puncture. So not that hard to figure out which bow to use against which faction. 

    And DE is not going to make something so easy, so quick, so boring because a few players don’t play that often. Make the game too easy or boring for everybody else just so a few can even do what they want in a short amount of time so they can go play other game or do other stuff. While leaving the majority of players bored of the game, waiting for the next big update that comes once or twice a year. There is a guy who has way more time spent in the game. And our warframe’s are almost equally polarized. Tell me why I have 10x more forma than him built? Because it only take 1 minute, 2 at most, to login everyday and build a forma. 1 good day to farm for forma. Not to mention the warframe app that allows you to build many items anywhere you go as long as you know what time you started building the previous one. 

    Not that hard. Didn’t need handouts or favors when I started playing. And trust me I got bored quickly. But I kept pushing it. For a while I only spend like 1-2 minutes to get my logins and move on to something else. Instead of complaining that I made a choice to not login at all and demand DE give me all the new login rewards and event rewards. DE might as well give us a cheat code that allows us to have every warframe, weapon, pet, mods, and like 9,999,999,999 of every single resource and credit, if that is the kind of mind set people have. Make the game worth nothing. 

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