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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. Wouldn’t be surprised if it only dropped from some new sentient boss. Maybe even The Eidolons. 

    What I want to talk about is new upcoming Umbra Mods. Like some Umbra Aura mod. Or like sacrificial Hornet, Serration, and Blank. 

    Wish Umbra had his own primary and secondary. Like his own Bow and throwing secondary. 

    Either way. Really doubt DE is gonna make such an important not so common forma so easy to obtain. Unless they replaced every single mod with a superior umbra variant. Wouldn’t hold my breath. 

  2. Sure many people have post some version of this frame but this is my version. 

    Health: 300

    Shields: 300

    Armor: 100

    Speed: 1.1

    Energy: 250


    Passive: 50% damage reduction from toxic and radiation.

    First ability: sprays a cloud of inflammable Gas 10 meters that deals 200 Gas damage to enemies. The gas lingers for 10 seconds constantly inflicting status on enemies inside the cloud. Can be held to keep spraying. Enemies hit for the first time are stunned for 3-5 seconds. Duration affects the time the gas lingers but not the stun effect. Gas can be ignited with fire 🔥 or blast 💥 effects to cause an explosion that follows the trail, inflicting blast damage to those caught inside. 

    Second ability: uses a concentrated blow torch that inflicts fire 🔥 damage and can pierce enemy armor. Can be used to quickly ignite the Gas cloud. But be careful. Can do self damage. 

    Third ability: creates a decontamination zone that removes viral, toxic, corrosive or radiation status effects. And drains enemy armor caught in it. Only one zone can be used at a time. Keeps enemies from escaping it. But outside enemies can still come in. Those who remain outside shooting will shoot aimlessly. Can keep explosion radius from reaching outside the zone.

    Forth ability: has a meter that has 0% - 100%. 0% is green, 20% - 80% yellow to orange, 100% is red. It builds up the longer you are inside a gas cloud. Feels up quicker if you take any toxic or Gas damage. Once forth is activated you release a gas bomb the spread a cloud in a 15 meter radius. Dealing gas damage equal to 10 x the # on the meter, up to 1,000. If ignited can deal 5x blast damage to all those inside. Enemies caught in the cloud would have their accuracy reduced by 50%. Except for maybe robots. 

    Tips: the torch is long enough to ignite without being caught in the explosion. If forth is activated in the decontamination zone, the gas won’t escape and the explosion radius would remain contained. The torch can be used to ignite the gas cloud from outside the zone. The cloud would be thick which can make it hard to see outside of it. So try not to be too close to the center. The explosion damage caused by you can cause self damage. So it be wise to keep your distance or have a squad mate ignite it instead. Squad mates won’t take self damage.

    Another idea for an ability is an exalted Gas grenade launcher that fires grenades that release gas with a 5 meter radius and alternate fire would launch a fiery flash bang that stuns(not blind) enemies for 3 seconds and can ignite the gas fired from the launcher. Create a 10 meter explosion. 

    Now I know there are rooms for improvement. Just trying to make this warframe a little tricky to use. Feel free to give constructive opinions on suggestions to make this idea better. Please don’t suggest things like “equip these mods to these weapons”, cause that same thing can be said about every other elemental frame. 


    • Like 2
  3. It is why I don’t use the unairu wisps. I spend more time searching endlessly for them than I do... you know... actually hunting the eidolons. And I have very good eye sight. And now that the plains is... bushier... it is even harder to spot. 

  4. It breaks when I don’t even touch a rock. Like a slight shift in the ground. Like a super minor speed bump that is pretty much everywhere. DE would have to basically smooth out the entire ground of Vallis in order for me to not break my combos. Glad DE decided to make the races better. But I hate the complete every race challenge. Wish DE would make there be some sort of marker on my map for every single race that I’ve completed. So that any other ones I encounter, I would know if I’ve done them. Especially with how random these races spawn. Sometimes they’re there. Sometimes they’re not. 

    And no, those permanent markers don’t work because there isn’t enough to mark every race location on top of the fact they are so random DE can’t expect me to remember each of their locations. Multiple times I’m trying to complete bounties when I encounter them and don’t have the time to complete the race without failing the bounty. I also have ADHD so just flying around until I see one is not going to work either. I would rather hunt birds in the plains than look for race tracks.

  5. How is nerfing the one thing that makes itzal useful, suppose to make the other archwings useful?

    That’s like someone saying “we should nerf Volt cause his second ability makes all the other warframes look so slow”.

    How about we actually BUFF the other archwings and make their destructive properties more... destructive... in open world maps?

    I wouldn’t mind using other arch wings if they were actually useful in the open world maps. But they are not. Their only use, is traveling. And guess what? The Itzal was designed for better/faster traveling. 

    The other thing is itzal’s third ability that pulls all nearby items to it. Would be nice if there was some archwing Vacuum mod that made the magnetic pull of resources reach much further on archwings. Itzal would still be the go to for loot farming but at least the rest of them aren’t left to dry. 

    People use Itzal more because traveling and arch-guns are the only things that seem to matter. The destructive abilities of other archwings are not really destructive at all. They are mostly a waste of energy, especially with the time and effort it takes just to pull the abilities off. Maybe make some derelict vault mods for archwings? Something to boost their power strength. Otherwise they all have the most basic, balanced builds that only the abilities really determine the difference. 

    K-Drives are hover boards. Can whiners not see that? So a skate board or electric scooter should be faster than a plane? Or even faster than a car? So should our vehicles be nerfed to go only 20 mph because kids sensitive of their scooters? Sorry to be blunt but that is a very ridiculous excuse to nerf. 

    What DE needs to do is make the other archwings, more useful in open world maps. Make it where my odanata prime’s missiles, used for destroying outer space dargyns,  actually blow up the enemies in open world maps. 

    For K-Drives, maybe it is some mod or something but maybe DE could add the function of being able to use at least secondaries while on the K-Drives? I’ve been able to ride bikes, scooters, and obviously skate boards with no hands. Many times I’ve had to carry things in my hands. There were times I’ve gotten in fist fights WHILE RIDING. The only catch that I could see with this function is reduced accuracy and maybe slower speeds when aiming and firing weapons. Melees could bring back the basic left right swinging but on the K-Drives. Maybe melees can only be used on one side of the K-Drive and pressing which ever button makes it switch hands. But can only be swung in a single repetitive motion. However the melees could do a lot more damage due to the momentum of the swing caused by the fast movement of the K-Drive. So one swing is all that would be mostly needed for weaker enemies. So K-Drive fans won’t have to give up their need for speed. 

    I’m so tired of the insecurities. “Nerf this because it makes me look bad”. I can’t even do what sanctuary onslaught requires of me, which is KILL EVERYTHING, DO NOT RELENT. But noob valkyr fans and useless inaros fans like to whine that my saryn, equinox, ember, banshee, any warframe for that matter powered up by a 206% rhino roar is KILLING EVERYTHING or “taking all the kills” even though that is the objective of the mission. So I have to stop playing or be super bored because somebody else is slow or don’t have a life waiting for them outside of the game? 

    People need to stop whining and demanding pointless nerfs. It is getting really old.

  6. 6 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

    It's in latest devstream ( in first quarter of video I guess ) , Scott says Vauban is getting rework to kit because game is fast paced more than ever now and his static gameplay doesn't keep up with current flow.

    Ofcourse you can give suggestions. I wasn't trying to stop you , just wanted to say all abilities you mentioned might not be in his new kit. I should have been more clear , sorry for that.

    As for feedback to your ideas , I like them. Its cool to combine Trip Lasers and other grenades to build traps. More CC and utility tied together. 😄

    The one thing everybody can agree on when it comes to texting and typing, is that you can’t read emotions behind them. I wasn’t implying you were thinking anything negative. So no need to apologize though I do appreciate the respect. I didn’t get a chance to see the latest stream but it is nice to know they are acknowledging Vauban’s slacking behind in this fast pace game. I used to use Vauban for Heiracon to keep infested off of multiple excavators. But that is all he was really good for. So I’m glad DE is planning to improve his kit. Be nice to start using him again. Gets kind of boring using the same few warframes for every mission, but I like to avoid the stress of failing if it can be completely avoided. Finally got that annoying Wolf Sledge Hammer. So I’m in a positive mood.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

    Not sure if you know but Vauban is getting a whole kit overhaul. He will be more of an offensive engineer.

    I’ve heard rumors of it but until I see an actual unedited video of DE stating that it is going to happen, I’m not gonna believe what other players say. Also it doesn’t hurt anybody to give suggestions on more than one way to upgrade, change, or improve a warframe or weapon. Something that DE could take in consideration if not for the warframe that they suggested it to, maybe for another future warframe in the making. 

  8. Okay I’m sure a lot of people know that Vauban is almost the most useless if not THE most useless warframe. This is coming from somebody who is MR 27, used every warframe at least 100x and believes every warframe has a purpose. 

    For starters his most useless ability(somewhat) is his forth. All it does is sucks enemies into it. Can’t do anything else. With maxed range it can grab lots of enemies and put them into one place for you to unleash some explosive damage. But that is it. But with walls and other obstacles in the way, it is kind of still useless.

    My problem is that it is a FORTH ability, third or second ability I would let slide, but a FORTH? That only change/addition I suggest is making it where when the timer reaches zero it explodes and deals damage to all enemies caught in it based on the amount of enemies and time spent absorbing them. Like if it pulls in 20 enemies, and does 100 damage per enemy, then the explosion does 2,000 damage to all of them. Maybe the longer they are in it, it adds like 50 more damage per second. Obviously power strength would play a role. 

    Third ability is... ok... but I feel that it needs just a bit more duration. Kind of hard to keep that ability active while trying to maintain a decent amount of range. Decent as in it can actually grab enemies. Most of them keep their distance so only the infested tend to get captured more. But with limbo and gara, this ability is very obsolete. Not because theirs are both forth abilities, but because his is really weak. 

    Second ability. This one I believe just needs a slight buff. Like the Shred does more damage. The trip laser could cause a temporary dizziness from the concussion caused by the trip. The bounce pads do need to be a bit more clear cause sometimes these things become good trolling methods. Maybe players bounced in the air gain more damage and range in their melee slams?

    First ability, now this one doesn’t give me too much issues but it would be nice that if you place multiples in the same spot and they all zap the enemy/s that come near them, they would cause a little paralyzation.

    Now the Trip Laser would be cool if combined with the mines, where tripping them would make the nearby mines go off. Similar to how the first augment makes them form a barrier. It could be an augment where these separate abilities or traps could be combined. They sort of can already but I mean as in bonus effects as a result. Like tripping over the laser and hitting the bounce pad would knock them further and inflict more impact damage. 

     Also it be nice if holding the button down is what switches the second ability around. Cause most abilities you just tap them and when I’m trying to quickly place multiples of those traps it is hard and annoying when me tapping the button out of habit just to realize nothing was thrown. Ivara’s arrows are one thing since you hold them to shoot anyways. But vauban should be quicker to deploy. So holding down switches while tapping deploys. That in my opinion would be better. Well mine and like a dozen other guys I know who’ve used Vauban. 

    Just saying.

    • Like 1
  9. Feels like he only shows when the squad is weaker. Like when I’m leveling up a warframe or weapons, or when the other members are low MR.. Maybe it is a coincidence that all 20 times I’ve fought the wolf that they during those specific moments every time. And 10 times he spawned during extraction. So I tend to wait 5 minutes before extracting. He seems to show after 3 minutes. And every time he showed during extraction was after 3 minutes but before 5. Every single time. 

    Oh and I only got 2 heads and a motor. 😤😤😤

  10. Kind of got me picturing him having a unique channeling effect where he inflicts fire/blast damage to enemies while channeling. Like channeling channels his inner demon, and hell for that matter into his melee. His origin sounds like he may have been the worst if the frames to turn against Ballas. Like he was the worse of the worse. More than just some monster that couldn’t be controlled. But a devil for them all to fear.

    Would be crazy if Corrupted Vor found a way out the void and back the Grineer but he was running away from something. Something that doesn’t tolerate those who escape death. As the Tenno, we investigate the situation just to notice that Vor is terrified of something. Vor was never known to fear anyone. Just be feared. So what could he be afraid of? As we chase him down, and eventually face him, the screen flashes and Vor is like “NO, HE’s HERE!!!” And a fiery hand basically grabs him and drags him down. Ordis could even be like “I thought religion is just some fairy tale. Seems this one is... AWESOME... real.” I could also see the quest for this frame to be obtained from Red Veil. 

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  11. 38 minutes ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

    Did you copy pasted it from somewhere else? Because it's not using the default color, so with the forum black theme your post is unreadable

    Kind of. I was trying to submit a comment but then it asked me to put my email down and then it had me basically jumping page to page. Guess some new thing DE added with some flaws. Idk. I see it clearly like normal but I don’t know how to reverse it to make it the same for y’all.  

  12. 7 hours ago, Ver1dian said:

    I'm left with the impression that she's meant to be tanky, so I'd like to point out that every tanky frame has at least 1 damage reduction, healing or damage avoidance ability. Simply put, if you want her to be like Nidus, you shouldn't forget he has link, ravenous, innate regen and higher armor.

    That said, I like the concept and would just change 2 things:

    Passive - The current one is too constricting, unless the enhancements are actually unique effects, which I don't see happening, only increasing damage will force the user into a few weapons or will be completely ineffective.
    So why not try something around that growing infestation theme that Nidus has? Like the frame and her minions create a patch of infestation behind them for 15 seconds, granting +0.6% armor, + 0.10 hp/s to the frame for any enemy killed or infected on the patch up to a cap of 500 stacks, while on the patch and activating 1st ability will infest everyone on the patch. If she stays in place, the patch grows around her.

    Second Ability - If cast on an infested target, the target will be consumed, healing the frame and any additional health will be converted into "overhealth" (or some shield that benefits armor), which increases by 0.5% in effectiveness by every enemy killed on infested terrain up to the cap

    As for the 3rd, as @DirePresent already mentioned, it would require too much resources, so just make it an infested exalted that shoots razor blades that bounce.

    Didn’t want it to be too similar to Nidus. But also the passive is not meant to be something you always use or even think about. Mesa for example is limited to Pistol use. Excalibur is limited to swords(not hammers, whips, heavy blades, etc). Oberon is limited to wild life companions. Then we have cases like Rhino with his heavy weight. Some passives are really noticeable and can be utilized with other abilities. But most tend to be very limiting to the point that people don’t think about them. Infested weapons don’t get used as much nor does the Helminth Charger from what I can tell, or even Djinn. This warframe would make infested weapons, Helminth Charger, and even Djinn more useful. I would be using infested weapons A LOT more. Plus her third ability turning them into infested weapons would activate her passive to them. Also the third ability is meant to be similar to how Nidus links to a warframe or enemy and covers them in infestation. Similar mechanic or effect but with weapons and a different design. 

    Infested are “tanky”. And nidus is really tanky. But this warframe I figure a little more health but less armor than nidus while also being quicker which allows her to dodge more. Sort of a balance in my opinion. 

    Also like how Nidus is the source of the resource needed to breed a Helminth Charger, I was thinking this warframe could the source to a new infested resource needed to craft more advance infested weapons. Advanced as in similar to Wraiths, Vandals, Prismas, and Primes. Like she provides some ancient or advance Mutagen Mass that is needed as a resource along with the respective infested weapon to make the superior one. Kind of like how the cernos is needed to make the Mutalist Cernos. 

    Sucks that I can’t draw. Cause I’m picturing like a horror film or comic that can be like a short introduction of this warframe that leaves everyone in suspense. 

  13. Umbra IS the Chinese warframe. Just left out Prime and made it more unique. It was originally called Excalibur Prime Umbra. As in the Shadow of Excalibur Prime. It even came out with the Nikana Prime and Spira Prime in the Chinese build while ours came with the new Skiajati. So no, there won’t be a Prime Umbra cause technically we already have it.

    That would be like if the Chinese made some Excalibur Gold or something and it looked exactly like the Excalibur prime but with slightly different abilities, like way higher armor and maybe like a passive where it makes some bullets bounce off and hit other enemies. Maybe have an exalted heavy sword like a galantine instead of a skana. Then the Chinese players ask for an Excalibur Gold Prime even though that is technically our Founder exclusive. 

    Second the list is close but there may be moments where wukung and atlas might switch places for their primes releases. The first Primes were sort of jumbled up and multiples regulars released at once. So I’m not really surprised about that order. But these latest primes have been released in very close order of their regular counterparts. But like mirage and zephyr, the others may get switched around a little. Doubt DE plans to jumble up the order now. I mean why make a prime of a more recently released warframe over one that has been waiting for years? The first ones were all waiting to be primed. 

  14. 39 minutes ago, DirePresent said:

    That sounds like a really awful amount of work for the devs, to create a literally new weapon as a counterpart to each weapon in the game would take an insane amount of time with way little pay off since they'd be limited to a single frame.

    Guess I should’ve given more detail about that. I wasn’t expecting anything big. More like how Nidus links with a warframe or enemy and covers them in some infestation. Basically just like that but slightly different design. Kind of like how Nidus’s deluxe makes his ability have spiky blades in them. This warframe would have its own infested design applied to the weapons instead of the enemies or other warframes. Example: the Quanta with the ability activated on it would NOT look like the Mutalist Quanta but just an infested covered quanta. Like an incomplete mutalist. If that helps. 

    The idea was mainly cause even though I think Nidus should be unique, I don’t like that he is alone. This frame would be the perfect partner for Nidus and the only infested frame other than Nidus. 

    My Nidus is the perfect team buffing build. I can double or triple(if fissured) teammates power strength. That makes both Chroma and Rhino OP. I linked to a dude’s chroma and his armor buff went over 2,500%. Then linked to another dude’s Rhino and while standing next to Chroma, his Iron Skin became 250K!!! And that is without being fissured. So far a fissured Rhino and Nidus makes up to 1,430% Roar. And I’m planning a build in the near future to make it go higher. As in over 1,600%, when paired with equinox and all growing power aura. 

    So an infested partner that can infest other things just makes the idea more exciting for me. I can see all sorts of teamwork. All the damage buffing and an infested army under their command. They would be a powerful duo. Especially with the thought of a possible Infested Open World Map, and some sort of Derelict Nidus(Prime) coming in the future. 

    But I’m glad you like the idea. Very appreciated. 

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  15. Ok. For starters, this is my idea, my version of a new infested warframe. And clearly commenting on other posts doesn’t get my points across so I’m making my own. 

    Haven’t quite figured out a name that would be good for this frame. And I’m not exactly gonna study infections and bacteria to possibly come up with one. Y’all can do that if y’all want. But for now.


    health - 500 maxed

    armor - 300 maxed

    shields - 0

    energy - 225 maxed

    speed - 1.10

    Aura Polarity - Madurai

    polarities - Vazarin, Vazarin

    gender - Female(sort of)

    appearance - close to nidus but more slimmer. Sort of spiky looking, arms have sort of tentacles(similar to when nidus is mutated 10+) around them that connect to the weapons she holds. The rest, use yalls imagination.


    Passive - enhances infested weapons. Infested companions have a 50% health link. 

    First Ability - infects a target and causes them to sprout boils all over their bodies. When health reduces to 0, they become infested allies. But they are unstable and thus they explode over time or when killed, dealing damage to nearby enemies. 

    Second Ability - latches onto an enemy and drains their health to gain energy. If energy reaches maxed then she starts converting their health to armor by up to 50%. After that she just continues to feed on them till they die. Some enemies have a 25% chance to become infested when killed with this ability.

    Third Ability - infects the weapon held in her hands and turns it into a mutalist. Gains up to 100% damage buff and 50% critical damage. Slowly drains her bonus armor, or health when bonus armor is gone, to regenerate the bullets for the primary and secondaries. Uses health when channeling(for now) instead of energy. Range mods affects how long the mutalist melee can reach. Launchers fire grenades that leaves acidic  goo in the area of the explosions. Power strength increases the damage buff. Efficiency decreases the drain for bullets. 

    Forth Ability - as a sort of princess of the infested, she can spread swarms of parasitic ticks that chase after nearby enemies and inflicts viral damage to them. When they die they become enhanced infested allies while those already infected become enhanced. If the enemy faction is infested she gains control of them and her screeches sends them into a violent rage(doesn’t work on juggernauts very well but can slow them down). They follow her where ever she goes and when they die they drop health orbs. Power strength determines how strong and tough the allies become. Range determines how far the parasites go before they die, leaving an acidic goo on the floor for the duration of the ability.

    This is the sort basic idea I had. There are other abilities but that is about it for now. Tell me what y’all think and please be constructive about it. Offer some ideas or suggestions that would be better or improve the concept. Thanks. 🙏 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    A shot everytime you say "narrow minded 3

    That the best you can do? You know what, I’m done with this conversation. Clearly I’m talking to children who don’t want to have a normal discussion. This was a post about a change to nidus, I explained why I wouldn’t want that and offered some possibly better alternatives. But y’all turned it into a pointless narrow minded debate. If y’all gonna ignore my points just to criticize, then there is no point in discussing anything any further. Have a good day. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Atsia said:

    Yeah, no. You're basic idea of a frame that imbue weapons with toxin and spreading an infection among enemies is already Saryn with Toxic Lash and spores. Aside from the specific interactions, you're broad idea is already in the game.

    Then DE might as well delete every single warframe and stop making new ones with that kind of narrow minded point of view. For starters the infested warframe turns weapons into mutalist. That is the main point of that ability. The toxic is a possible additional bonus since infested do toxic damage.

    The next one is not some herpes virus spreading endlessly to other enemies non-stop until there is nothing left. The other ability is turning enemies into infested allies which are more unstable than regular infested which causes them to explode when killed or time runs out, dealing damage to nearby enemies, maybe even toxic damage. Similar to those orange runners.

    The toxic bonus or possible viral bonus are just POSSIBLE BONUSES. DE might as well get rid of infested weapons too since Saryn is around. Maybe get rid of fire, ice, electricity and all them other elemental weapons since these elemental based warframes can already apply elemental bonuses to any non-elemental weapon. And don’t forget the elemental mods. 

    Guess we don’t need hildryn inflicting electrical exalted secondaries since we already have volt and mesa. Guess they need to change Chroma’s first ability since we have ignis, galaxion, and amprex. 

    I can play that narrow minded game too. Too bad that I’m a bit more open minded and constructive about my “criticisms”. If somebody has what I believe to be a bad idea then I’m going to explain every single detail, every single flaw, with their ideas. Not just lump them into a single category of others. That is not constructive at all nor do y’all provide any better suggestions. 

    What is so hard about having constructive criticisms or logical discussions? Why is it so hard to explain why an idea doesn’t work or is too “similar” to another idea? Why must y’all lump every idea into a single category just because of ONE, ☝🏻 thing they MAY have in common? Every warframe have something in common with another warframe. Some abilities are similar to some weapons. Doesn’t mean the idea should be thrown out the window. 

    Yall May disagree with some ideas but other don’t. This is why DE does not have the 👎🏻  emoji. Cause that is all y’all would do instead of providing any constructive feedbacks. 

  18. 2 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Uh... the frame you described is literally Saryn.

    Uh... the frame I described is NOT even close to saryn. That is a very narrow minded point of view. Infested intoxicates you which is where I got the idea from. The Helminth charger does toxic damage. So no it is not. Otherwise Nezha is a male ember. Hydroid is Frost’s brother. Chroma is all of their dad. Octavia is a Banshee with style. Stop with the narrow minded comparisons. 

  19. On 2019-04-06 at 5:27 AM, dwqrf said:

    Maybe you can tell me what are the connection of Equinox to Uranus, cause I don't remember anything significant.

    Maybe Tyl Regor tried to split Equinox in half which resulted in 2 separate forms? Lol

    what you’re suggesting makes sense to me. A lot of these trolls don’t seem to comprehend what you’re talking about and using too much reality in an argument about a game. I’ve fought and beaten Vay Hek “naked” as you put it and still beat him kind of quickly. Both bosses like to run away while acting like you’re the one running.

    I’ve spent hours getting the same part for a different aspect. And players were such noobs that I had to solo the fight. Splitting equinox between the day and night cycle makes a lot of sense and would make farming for a specific piece of equinox easier. 

    I have no idea what these other guys are saying. Clearly they haven’t fought both bosses with a naked Excalibur + heat sword + lex + braton. I have. Vay Hek is annoying but he can be beaten easily and like you said, the parts split between the cycles. So new players wouldn’t be farming and getting the same part of a different cycle. 

  20. You could make a Duality build where switching between forms can allow you to have a specter of the other that has perfect accuracy depending on the weapon held during the split. And the damage for the specter is increased a lot as well. Plus with duration and power strength when you switch to day form you gain a speed and damage buff of like 80%. And night form gives you more armor and shields. So she is capable of a little survivability. 

    That is the only alternative that can I suggest for the plains. Bringing a fast shooting sniper or even opticor vandal would be OP since the specter never reloads and shoots non-stop till the enemies are dead. 

  21. Would be cool if Nidus could link with his charger to increase its survivability and damage. For solo play.

    but I would like a different kind of infested. Maybe a female one that can turn whatever weapon into a mutalist by increasing the damage and adding like a toxic or viral status. 

    Her passive could make infested weapons and companions gain a damage buff.

    While Nidus mutates, she infects. Like she can apply a toxic or viral like status effect and enemies killed by the ability turn into infested allies before they completely break down and die then explode dealing more toxic damage. 

    Something like that. She could even be some sort of key of making some infested weapons unlock a more powerful version similar to wraiths, vandals, and primes. Kind of like how Nidus spreads infested boils on other frames’ necks, she could the source of a certain resource needed to build a more power version of some infested weapons. Like a heavy blade infested sword that requires a Mire and the new resource. 

    Either way, I wouldn’t want any of Nidus’s abilities changed. 

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