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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. Don’t know if this has been covered but the ability is really annoying. Some players be having high duration and they will use the ability on an enemy during like a defense and nothing can be done until the ability wears off. DE really needs to make it where teammates can still damage them regardless if they are affected by the ability. Cause I have had an easy 5 wave defense take 10 minutes to complete. When trying to farm for stuff, including the new Kavat In Wolf’s Armor, I like to NOT be in a mission twice as long. 

  2. Well he did come out with the nikana prime and spira prime in the Chinese version. And the Skiajati is basically a shadowy Nikana. So I could see him having his own throwing secondary. Almost a mixer between stalker’s despair and the Spira Prime. They could have a  hush effect. And possibly have a really fast reload speed. 

    For a primary, I could somewhat see a umbra styled Paris. Have U like designes on it. A U on the front handle part. Maybe even the arrow tips have a U design for double piercing. So basically double the actual damage shown in the stats. Could even have like the fastest charge rate of all bows.

    But that would also mean more umbral mods specifically for primaries and secondaries. Obviously sacrificial-like damage mods for both. Maybe critical chance as well. Or critical damage. 

    Either way, I agree that Umbra feels incomplete without his own primary and/or secondary. 

    Just my opinion anyways.

  3. I’m kind of picturing an armor and health link. Like if nidus linked to a teammate they gain extra health and armor for the duration of the link. Maybe the same goes for him too.

    That or it becomes a charged ability that adds like an extra percent or 2 for every mutation stack used during the charge. Some may call it OP but that requires a lot of time to use and most players don’t use nidus for the Link. But those lucky enough to pull it off could have a very powerful team build. 

    Then there’s the linking to 2 players at once with a reduce in power strength. May not be as powerful as patience but it would make it simpler for some. 

    Maybe since his stomp is applied to the teammate linked, maybe like their passives are applied to him? I say passives cause less OP and less complicated.

    Or link basically turns their melees into a muralist like version that grants mutation stacks per enemy killed. 

    Maybe fatal damage done to linked teammates reduces his mutation stacks instead? Or it can link to down players and revive them from a distance with maxed health. I would have no problem sacrificing stacks to save them. But with my build I would not use that mod. I like to boost my teammates. Especially ones like rhino.

    There are dozens of ideas or suggestions. Just hope the one DE uses is actually useful. 

  4. I had the same idea. Been discussing it with a warframe buddy and he agreed too. The third is practically useless the way it is now. And my umbra can reach to 3.5 times very quickly. Be cooler if exalted blade increased the damage a little further but then that may be too much. 

  5. Maxed range makes him nearly invincible with 360 degrees elude and allows me to distract most of the enemies. Then I have duration reduced and my power strength pretty high so I can quickly put them to sleep and when my baruuk’s tolerance basically reaches zero, I go all fist of fury on the enemies. I beat few high level Noxes around too. 

    People need to stop expecting every warframe to be used the same. Every warframe has their uniqueness. And baruuk is not only a good survivor type frame, but he is also a really good team frame. At least in my hands. 

    Also those believing Excalibur is worse clearly haven’t used Surging Dash. With my build for Umbra I can reach to 3.5x combo multiplier very quickly even with exalted blade and kill everything. 

    Wukong I would like if his pole slams were much wider so that it actually damages the enemies nearby. As an augment mod for an ability, it would be nice if my slams could actually reach the enemies around me. 

    But that’s just my opinion. 

  6. Sure somebody else has thought of this but I can’t find it anywhere so I’m making my own. 

    With all these different damage buffing or power strength buffing mods, I think it is about time for a critical buffing aura mod. Like 20% critical chance + 15% critical multiplier. Something like that. 

    Like any aura mod, this wouldn’t be all that powerful on its own. But if there was a whole squad with this mod then it would be very useful. Make all weapons more useful. Just something to think about. I know a few players who would farm the kubrow dung out of this game if a critical enhancing aura mod came out. 

    Would obviously be a gold aura mod. Madurai polarity. No less than 7 capacity, though I’m picturing more of a 9.  Probably have like a picture of Harrow with a rubico on it. 

    Be cool if we had a unique prime aura mod that revealed enemies and loot on the radar. Or increased all damage by like 25%. But that is another story.  

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    There are spoilers. You been Warn.

    Are we going to have to kill space mom? I don't want to kill Lotus. 

    Well if every movie has taught me anything, is that we will find a way not to kill her. Find a way to bring her back. I refuse to believe this is the route DE really plans for us to go. 

  8. 8 hours ago, (PS4)livingdeathwoman said:

    That was kinda the idea, since we have Khora and Valkyr. Fenrir is a bit of a combination of both, but also just the opposite with the kubrows.


    On 2019-01-14 at 4:24 PM, (PS4)livingdeathwoman said:

    Let loose the dogs of war with Fenrir, the lord of the kubrows, and his highly trained pack, led by his most loyal kubrow Hati!

    Howl: Deafens and confuses any enemy within x radius. All weapons are silenced.
    Hunter Command: a. Hati becomes invulnerable for x seconds and seeks enemies, marking them on the map. b. Hati protects an area of x radius upon target mark. c. Hati aggressively attacks any enemy nearby. d. Hati licks the wounds of allies, healing them for 10% of max health every x seconds.
    Maim: Fenrir pounces on the closest enemy, ripping them apart, giving allies increased  critical damage and melee speed.
    Reinforcements: Fenrir howls, staggering enemies, and summons x amount of kubrows (up to 6) to his side for x seconds. These kubrows follow all Hunter Commands & look like Hati.
    Passive- Hunting Pack: Fenrir has a loyal kubrow named Hati that supports allies & attacks enemies. Pets deal more damage and have increased health.


    (I have a concept pic I made of him but I have no idea how to put it in the post)


    Be cool if he had werewolf like abilities that when he pounces on an enemy and kills them, they turn into wolf/Kubrow looking minions that act like companions.

    Could make his passive affect all companions the closer they are too him. Like a pack. Stronger together. The more companions, the stronger the bonus. Since Oberon already does health, armor, and shield link, I was thinking more strength and maybe health regeneration plus bleedout time. 

    First ability I could see being like a clawing pounce where he tears a target to shreds. Maybe turn them into Kubrow minions if wanted.

    Third ability I could see as the howl where he howls(maybe a blood moon effect) that grants increase in critical chance and critical damage to himself and those close by. A couple of warframes already increase speed so I don’t think they’ll allow a third. 

    Forth ability I’m picturing him summoning the kubrows and sicks them onto nearby enemies. Similar to how Nyx’s second ability hunts down nearby targets. Be cool if mods on “Hati” affected them too. Like frost jaw and venomous teeth causing viral damage with the forth ability. 

    There’s other options like him causing the animalistic rage within the enemies to go crazy. Make them go berserk where they throw their weapons down and start attacking each other. Maybe even cause them to turn into “werebrows”, eventually they’ll turn back to normal and pick up there weapons. 

    I have pictured him running on all fours like a Lycan and gains higher jumps, longer wall clinging, can run across the walls with more balance and control. And inflicts heavy slash damage with 100% bleed status effect. 

    Maybe his forth could also make the wild life kubrows on earth come out more and focus on attacking the enemies more. Would be a good way to collect Kubrow mods. 

    With Khora being a maiden I could see this warframe having a sort of Hunter/soldier kind of look. Would go good with the hunter mods. Him having like a kubrow pelt as a syandana. Abilities having a wolf effect applied to them. Like every ability causes him to growl, bark, or howl. Maybe even show like some Kubrow like aura that flashes every time his abilities are activated. 

    Since Khora has a whip, I’m kind of picturing him with an exalted shotgun. Enemies hit but survive are left with a mark that goes hand in hand with the mecha mod set.  

  9. 12 hours ago, KittySkin said:

    As someone whos using both chroma and rhino with maxed strentght builds, at the same strenght chroma's weapons deals more damage, provided that you modded the weapon without base damage mods.

    If youre modding the weapon with them, then you are not using chroma to its full potential, but a chroma with a weapon modded arround his vex armor mechanics hits by a very wide margin more harder than a maxed damage buff rhino while also being way more durable.

    Yeah I managed to rebuild some weapons to be better for chroma. Like more critical and stat specific mods. But it complicates the builds. These builds are only good for chroma and it causes me forget sometimes when I’m trying to equip thing quick enough before an impatient player decides to start the timer. Also I play with a guy who can’t seem to make up his mind what to equip. And he is the same level as me, MR 26 1/2. So trying to think of his builds plus my builds makes it very complicated. But so far my chroma only does like 1/4 more damage than rhino with rifles, and like 2x with secondaries. And I still can’t use Void Strike. Maybe if his Vex Armor granted a few seconds of invulnerability the moment his fury reaches its peak then it would help a lot. But to make the range capable of buffing teammates requires making him weaker or duration not last as long. And most players these days don’t care about teamwork. My Nidus can currently double any warframe’s abilities. Making rhino multiply by 5.5x or making the Fury reach as high as 2,000%. Wish there were more critical mods. But I haven’t came across a single Nidus with maxed power strength like mine. And I’m currently working on an even more powerful Nidus build. 

    With void strike, rhino is now the go to warframe for Eidolon hunts. Just wish Chroma could do more for the team or benefit from some Focus Tree. Like a void ability that can increase the multi shot of gun type weapons. So chroma could still damage himself and be able to damage the eidolons more. 

    Chroma is just too complicated right now. And I did manage to get a couple of guys to use him again. Wish he could be more useful. Like if tapping his second ability made his attribute change and it applies like 50% of that attribute to his weapons. Would make him more useful against the Profit Taker. 

  10. 19 hours ago, xXKwisatzHaderachXx said:

    i really was expecting a very op warframe, but i think it looks very cool and  it's nice to start killing some eidolons, thx my dude

    Best way to make chroma more useful is to focus more on non-pure damage mods. Like elemental or physical enhanced mods, multi shot(cause that doesn’t really increase the damage but the number of bullets fired and more bullets means more damage). Then there’s the critical mods. With mods like serration for rifles being removed for chroma’s ability to take up the role, you can make the weapon do a lot of critical damage in its place.

    Since elemental and physical damage is increased by chroma’s ability plus more space for critical mods, you can make chroma do about twice the damage compared to a build that uses pure damage mods with a rhino. But it still requires damaging yourself so Madurai Void Strike is best used by rhino. 

    I still feel that chroma’s damage buffing should still be higher since it only affects weapons. And won’t need Void Strike to beat a Hydrolyst. 

    Also Vex Armor can be recast over and over to keep the buff going while rhino has to wait till it wears off before it can be activated again. So if you reactivate it in the last few seconds, you won’t have to damage yourself again. 

    I did the test in the simulacrum and compared the damage difference between the slightly different weapon builds and the rhino. The simulacrum isn’t always reliable since alerted enemies take less damage and unalerted enemies take more. So you may see enemies die quickly by abilities while others of the same type don’t. Just be aware of that so you don’t make the same assumptions about different warframe abilities doing more damage than others. Definitely requires an open and more creative mind. 

  11. I use the Shwaak prism, Propa scattfold, and Certus brace. I believe the number would be 277? Kind of new to this number code thing. 

    The reason is because the Certus brace has the highest critical chance making my normal fire 30% critical and my alternate fire 50%.

    I use the Propa scattfold cause it delivers a very powerful explosion that can hit multiple enemies in close space.

    Last I still use the Shwaak prism because it has the best firing in my opinion. For starters, one shot can hit multiple targets and does a good amount of damage. Easiest way to wipe out vomvalysts. Plus Madurai Void Strike makes it worth having a single powerful shot to take out shields.

    My 277 amp can reduce a teralyst’s shields very quickly on my own. My alternate fire can do over 4,000 damage to the shields every now and then. Second most common damage number is almost 3,000. So I can take out a teralyst on my own which gives my squad time to charge up their Void Strike to take out the Gauntalist and Hydrolist. Using the same prism, they can one shot the shields of both sentients and the guy with the Rhino can shoot off the limbs of the Hydrolist while I can easily shoot off the Gauntalyst’s. 

    I’ve tested the amp and it works for me. Don’t always have the perfect team though.  

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    Yeah we kinda covered this the day of Chroma buff change. Rhino is better at buffing dmg. But at least Chroma can now spread his Armor Fury to his teammates which I think is suppose to make up for it. Chroma can still dish out good good dmg. I still see players bring him out to fight the Orb. 

    Now that I’m thinking about it. Chroma could be useful for focusing more on other non base damage buffing mods. Like if you’re using a melee and stack up on critical chance, critical damage, speed, and combos, chroma would be more useful than rhino. Rhino would be better for pure damage builds. But chroma could be used more strategically. 

    Like if you have a 100% critical chance, 8x critical multiplier, and like 1.8 melee speed, plus blood rush, chroma could be the one that increases the base damage more than rhino. Like the base damage is 200, chroma would turn it into 2,000 and the critical would make it 16,000. While with rhino, 200 x 8 x roar = 1,600 x 3 = 4,800. Then all that speed and combo multiplier.

    Maybe if DE added more mods to make weapons better that don’t focus on the base damage as much. Like more critical mods, then chroma would be more useful against high difficulty bosses. 

    Something to test out later.

  13. I think the paracesis is an exception because of the umbra mods. It is a sentient killer so umbra mods would make sense to add but instead of umbra slots(only for umbra) they made it reach 40. It is not a normal weapon like the others. So I have no problem with it. 

    The rest, the other commenters have already covered. 

    • Like 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    Yeah we kinda covered this the day of Chroma buff change. Rhino is better at buffing dmg. But at least Chroma can now spread his Armor Fury to his teammates which I think is suppose to make up for it. Chroma can still dish out good good dmg. I still see players bring him out to fight the Orb. 

    Yeah but that requires being close to chroma while rhino requires being close for a second. My rhino build has 206% roar, 145% range, and 36 second duration. The only benefit of chroma would be the armor buff, but Nezha can do a better, less complicated job. I’ve done many tests, even with chroma loving players, and we all agree that chroma’s Fury needs a little buff. Being able to multiply the weapon damage by 4x to 6x, compared to Rhino’s 3x, would help and make him more balanced. Especially since players use less range most of time so teammates barely benefit at all and it requires sacrifice to use which can be risky and it only affects weapons. Basically too many downsides to the ability compared to Rhino’s upsides. 

    I know a guy who loved chroma. I would combine my rhino with his chroma to destroy any boss. Not to mention my nidus doubling his power strength. We even did fissures where my nidus tripled his doubled power strength and his second ability made his health over 5,000. His fury was over 4,000. 

    But now, rhino is the best option for buffing. I really want to have an excuse to use chroma again. But until DE buffs his Fury(not to before the “fix”), I have no use for him. And many people I know are pretty upset about it. 

  15. On 2019-02-08 at 3:27 PM, SpadedTail said:

    Chroma already has the strongest weapon buff ability in the whole game (by far) + is one of the tankiest frames to boot. There's a reason all Orb and Eidolon speedruns rely so heavily on a good Chroma. Please inform yourself.

    Huh? When is the last time you used chroma compared to rhino? His buff only stacks additively with the weapon mods while rhino multiplies the overall total damage. Chroma is only used by those ignorant of his change/fix/nerf. 

    My lanka does 15,000. Chroma barely increases it to 20,000. While roar triples it to 45,000. Because Fury only increases the base damage(meaning without the mods) while Roar increases all damage. That is why less people even use chroma. Not to mention the Madurai Void Strike is suicidal for chroma’s ability but not for rhino’s. Otherwise chroma would one shot a Hydrolist, which he doesn’t. Cant even one shot a teralist anymore.

    So he no longer has the highest damage buff. Rhino does. I’ve done the math and did many tests with these frames. With multiple people to confirm it. Chroma’s Fury is super weak even as high as 900%. While rhino at 206% triples the total damage. 

    For example: if you get enough mods to increase the damage by 900%, chroma adds another 900%. Which makes the total 1,800% increase while rhino at 206% roar over triples the 900% increase plus the base damage. Which makes the mod damage bonus 2,700% plus the base damage of the weapon being tripled. So a damage of 100 turns into 1,000 by mods then 1,900 by chroma while it becomes 3,000 by rhino. And the damage can still go much higher with mods, especially rivens. So every mod damage bonus is tripled by roar but not affected at all by Fury.

    No modded weapons = chroma better. Fully modded weapons = rhino better. Plus Void Strike = rhino is always better. 

    DE should change that. Make the Fury percentage go no higher than maybe 500% but change it to multiplicative instead of additive. That would be a fair balance since it only buffs weapons and requires a bit of a sacrifice. In my opinion anyways. 

  16. Or chroma turns into the effigy and you fly around doing all kinds of attacks. That or make effigy follows you instead of trying to shoot it like a canon with the augment. Be nice if second ability being repeatedly tapped could change the attribute. Similar to vauban and ivara. Make chroma more useful. Vex Armor Fury does need a bit of a buff since rhino tends to surpass it on all modded weapons plus buffing abilities too while chroma can’t. The nerf or “fix” destroyed chroma. He is no longer the go to frame anymore for damage buff. Secura Lecta buffed by rhino plus ignis, makes chroma completely useless. These few changes would bring him back into the field. 

  17. I try my hardest to cast at the right time. My roar reaches 206% which helps killframes a lot. I use a lot of energy in one build but my duration last for 36 seconds. Plenty of time to gain more energy. My range is 145% but some players still go too far. So I know the feeling.

    Combined with an Equinox and nidus, my roar can go over 500%. Not to mention when fissured. Reached 1,396% roar during a fissure mission. One dude lost his mind over it. A guy I know has the same Roaring Build as I do so my maxed strength nidus over doubles(triples when fissured) his roar. Equinox adds 50%(80% with augment mod) to both warframes.

    Makes me hate not being able buff everyone. Not very many use a high strength rhino and try to buff their team, otherwise I’d keep bringing my nidus to the squad. In fact, I have never came across a single power strength buffing nidus. It is like nobody likes teamwork anymore, except me, or they are unaware on how much nidus can really do for a team. 

    Idk. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  18. I’m sure many have made similar posts but none seem to get deep into the calculations. I’ve done many tests with chroma. I don’t know if this was intended but now Rhino is better than chroma in every way.

    Chroma’s Fury is a lot weaker than before. People focus and argue too much on the percentage size while ignoring one major difference. Vex Armor is additive while Rhino’s Roar is multiplicative. Chroma would have Rhino beat if weapons had no mods. But because they do, rhino ultimately becomes the superior damage frame in the end. Because roar increases ALL damage while fury only increases BASE damage. Then on top of that, Rhino buffs everything while Chroma only buffs weapons. 

    I understand there was some bug that DE chose not care about till the release of Hydrolist, but completely Nerfing Chroma was not exactly fair. Changing the calculations a bit to where it wasn’t too high would’ve been okay but this👇🏻, this wasn’t. 

    For example my lanka can do about 15,000 damage(not including critical). Chroma only turns it to about 20,000 since the base damage of the lanka is 525 and chroma increases it by roughly 1,000%. My chroma anyways. While my rhino at 337% ability strength plus energy conversion and growing power Aura, has a Roar at 206% which over triples my lanka’s overall damage. Making it over 45,000. Still not enough to completely one shot an Eidolon, especially a Hydrolist, but with Madurai Void Strike and a coordinated team, it can. Much easier than a Chroma.

    Oh and the best part? Rhino requires no damage for roar to be useful. Void strike makes vex armor suicidal. 

    I believe Fury should function the same way Roar does except self damage is the key to making it better. Basically the damage done to his health increases the percentage to maybe 300-400%, no higher than 500-600%, multiplicatively. Basically whatever the highest percentage is right now, should be cut in half or thirds and used multiplicatively like rhino’s roar.

    I believe that would be fair since damage is required and it only buffs weapons. Rhino may be the go to frame for coordinated team ability field wiping while chroma would be the go to frame for solo weapon use. Bringing chroma back into the field. His Fury may be slightly higher than rhino’s roar but it would be balanced out by the required damage and buffable limitation. 

    So my lanka may be buffed to 45,000 by rhino but this change to chroma would make it 60,000-75,000. No higher than 90,000. No more than twice the buff as rhino but limited to weapons and requires a bit of sacrifice. Void Strike would still be better with Rhino than Chroma, but at least Chroma would still be useful without it.

    I don’t expect the changes to happen any time soon, but I do hope it does get considered. And so does many people I know who used to love Chroma. 

  19. All warframes and weapons should be used and leveled up to increase your mastery rank. You benefit a lot from having a higher mastery rank. Like extra trades, daily tribute for like your syndicates, or more void traces to be held till you get a certain relic. Plus having every type of warframe(prime or regular) helps you with having more options to choose from. And with DE changing or improving some warframes, it is less regrettable having them.

    But onto the warframe itself, Chroma has changed a lot since the release of the Hydrolist. Chroma use to be able to do a lot of damage. Which made sense to me. He buffs the weapons to like 8-10x the usual. Making weapons more useful. In my opinion, that is a bit over powered. But perfect for Eidolon hunts.

    But DE changed or “fixed” his Vex Armor ability where it increases weapon damage ADDITIVELY. People keep trying to compare chroma’s roughly 1,000% to Rhino’s 200% roar but they ignorantly forgetting to point out one ☝️ thing. Rhino’s Roar is multiplicative while Chroma’s Vex Armor Fury is additive. So for an example:

    Let’s say a lanka with 525 based damage was buffed by either warframe. Chroma’s Fury at 1,000% would make it 5,250 while Rhino’s Roar at 200% would make it 1,575. At first glance that is super good right? Nooot quite. Because if you added enough mods to make the lanka do 10,000 damage, like mine, Chroma’s Fury would turn it into roughly 15,000. But Rhino’s Roar multiplies all the damage, thus turning 10,000 damage into 30,000. Chroma use to be able to turn 10,000 into 100,000. 

    I figured it was a perfect balance since all of chroma’s buff only applies to the weapons while Rhino’s applies to everything. Even abilities. It allows teamwork like equinox or saryn to be able to kill high level enemies. While chroma is more of a lone wolf but now he can’t even be that very well anymore. Chroma is no longer the go to warframe for Eidolon hunts. Rhino is. And with a maxed Madurai Void Strike on your Tenno’s Focus Tree, damaging yourself to activate Vex Armor is literally suicide. Making Rhino and better option. 

    I believe DE needs to recalculate Chroma’s ability to make vex armor increase weapon damage by like 5x. Being that damage is required to use it and it only applies to weapons. Basically cut the maximum percentage of Fury in half and make it multiplicative. Rhino would still be a go to frame for boosting teammates ability damage while chroma would become useful again and bring the weapons back into the spotlight. 

    Now the example I gave you is based on a high damage weapon. Imagine the weaker ones. So while a maxed strength rhino triples the damage, chroma barely increases it by 1.5x.

    Just letting you know what to expect.

  20. Had a very similar idea way back but trolls compared it to Titania. 

    Passive: I was thinking reduced or complete immunity to knockdowns. 

    First ability: simply as Crush&Throw, can expand his hand and grab and enemy as he crushes him and activate again to throw the enemy into more. 

    Second ability: would be ground smash where he expands his fists and slams the ground causing wide vibrations that make all the enemies stumble. Duration causes the enemies to be unbalanced for longer time. Allowing for easier escape or crowd control. Can be performed in the air for increased radius. 

    Third ability: was the sonic clap where he expands his hands and claps. It does impact damage but mainly pushes enemies back. Could cause them to be stunned as their hearing would be off and throw off their focus. 

    Forth ability: could be called Embiggen, where he grows to like the size or bigger than Atlas’s rock minions. But it drains energy to remain in that state. His fists grows a bit more than the rest and he enters into a boxing like fighting stance similar to the Furax. And he dishes out lots of impact damage. His slams could shake the ground within like 5-20 meters depending on range mods that throws of the enemy’s balanced which allows him to continue delivering heavy blows. If the passive has reduced or no immunity to knockdowns, then this ability would also increase the immunity. So while in this state, he can’t be knockdown. 

    For his stats:

    health - like 500

    speed - like 0.9-1.0

    energy - 250

    shields - 300

    armor - 300-500

    Origin could involve him being the source of major earthquakes. The source of the continental drift on earth. But eventually he disappeared like all the other warframes and the earthquakes have been greatly reduced. Could be where the myth of Hercules or Goliath came to be. A few ideas but with the most recent warframes, seems that origins stories don’t matter as much. But it would be nice to have more origins to these warframes. 

  21. Well the name sounds like something for a bug or evolution type warframe. 

    Like turning enemies into chrysalises that removes their armor and drains them of their health, if they manage to burst out the pods, they drop health orbs. Or maybe turns itself into a chrysalis that restores health and shields and can drain enemies of their health to gain energy. Something like that.

    But crystal abilities makes me think of something like diamond ammo with high punch through. Maybe even metal bullet damage increase but not energy bullets.

    As a defense ability, I could see it increasing its armor while also being able to reflect energy bullets back at the enemies with a damage buff to them. 

    Maybe a forth ability where it summons a big reflective pillar and when you and/or your teammates shoot at it, it multiplies the energy bullets and fires them in many directions. More power strength means more multiplication. Abilities that fire some form of energy or elemental beams would also multiply and be fire in all directions. So if ember shot a fire ball into the pillar, it would be reflected in multiple directions around the map. In order to hit all locations you would have to shoot it from all different angles. Not just stand in one spot. Unless an augment makes it spin. Imagine Umbra sending exalted blades into it. 

    Could also see an ability where it encases enemies into crystals and they are frozen and when killed while like that, they have a higher chance of dropping rare resources. Maybe even gems depending on the enemies killed. Like grineer dropping PoE gems while corpus drops OoV gems. Either way. They become vulnerable to impact damage while like that regardless of what enemy they are. Maybe an augment that can channel the ability into the melee weapon and enemies hit by it would instantly crystallize them and if it is a high impact melee the second swing could finish them off.

    Basically when I think of a crystal warframe I think of high armor and reflective abilities. 500 energy is way too high. Maybe if maxed but I seriously doubt DE would make any warframe energy go that high. Do you know how high that would be with Prime flow? Most likely over 1,000. Based on how these mods work. Like if at rank 0, it was 300, then maxed out with prime flow is like 1,325. That is way too much. 

    Just my opinion. 

  22. Honestly I thought of a solar frame before. 

    The second ability should be more like she(or he) can glow extremely bright for a short duration(like 5-10 seconds, 20 maxed by mods) that causes enemies aim to be thrown off. More power strength, the brighter it is thus the more their accuracy is reduced, maxed power strength or close, like 250%, could make them not shoot at all. Hard to pick the right number with all the new power strength buffing mods and abilities. That way it isn’t too similar to Excalibur or Gara’s passive. 

    I was also thinking that not just radiation but a little 🔥 damage as well due to the heat. After all the sun is super hot, leading to burns. 

    I did picture my version being able to create a glass like shield that increases the heat and radiation damage of laser type bullets or the first ability. Like a solar amplifier. While also blocking the bullets until it breaks or wears off.

    With solar energy becoming a big thing these days, I’m also picturing the passive being able to store up solar energy over time, even more in lit areas, that increases teammates energy regeneration when nearby up to maybe 3-5 per second when maxed. But when finally killed, causes a super nova that not only blinds enemies(maybe permanently) but inflicts fire status and radiation damage. Abilities like racial blind and mirage’s forth could possibly further increase it. Allowing more teamwork. 

    I’m also picturing a darkness version of the warframe that uses night/shaded areas and shadows as its abilities. Sun and moon basically. Could be a unique way for DE to release 2 warframes at once. 

    But that is just my opinion. 

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