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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 15 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    You don't need a heavy landing to trigger the shockwave, just slide after falling a good distance.

    We shouldn't give feedback on things that are lacking, in the Feedback section? 100% disagree.

    People aren’t asking for slight changes to a passive. They are asking for the passives to be turned into a complete full/useful ability like the rest. Basically asking for a fifth ability. That’s like asking for Umbra’s passive to do 50% damage increase for swords in order for it to be useful enough for some players. Passives aren’t meant for big noticeable uses like regular abilities. Seem y’all like to cherry pick parts of what I said instead of the understanding the whole point. 

  2. Dunkelheit (darkness in German)


    He is a mostly black frame with a red hole in his heart showing he doesn't have one. 


    Health(500)1000 at rank 30


    Sheld(350)700 at rank 30


    Max energy (100) 350 at rank 30


    Armor (350)


    Sprint speed (1.0)


    passive( Invisible in dark areas)


    Ability 1 He shoots a lazer from his heart doing 600 damage and setting them on fire. energy cost 45


    Ability 2 spawns in a black mist. when enemys go inside they will be blinded and delt 100 damage per second. energy cost 65


    Ability 3 increase damage by 300% and alies within 30m While decreasing enemy damage by 50% Energy cost 80


    Ability 4 Dunkelheit lets out a scream that freezes enemy's for 3 seconds and Dunkelheit had 500% more damage and 300% increase in sprint and melee. Energy cost 150 This will be a good idea so Devs please Email me at nevricgaming@gmail.com and i will change things if needed


    there you go.

  3. I figured that DE could make it where moving is the requirement. Basically building up friction to increase the abilities. Her world on fire could be at 25% range and damage when standing still. 50% when walking. 100% when sprinting. 125-150% when sliding. If AFK was the real problem.

    But right now she is useless in open world maps. And sometimes regular wide maps. Have to focus so much in my range and efficiency that my power strength is only 95%. Which turns to 190 while my range becomes like 100-120%. Not good when enemies like to hide far and spread out. Makes higher mission harder and people just don’t use often anymore. I’ve played for a few hours and haven’t seen an ember yet. That’s how often she is used now.

    If DE wants to separate the public match making by rank: 0-9, 10-19, 20+, then that would solve SOME of the problems. But nerfing a warframe cause somebody else is lazy, slow, or just selfish(holding other players back to “have fun”) is not the way to go. This rank separation could even be optional for those who don’t care. So nobody is FORCED to play by somebody else’s rules. 

    Just wish people in the forums would learn to have a grown, logical, civilized discussion. Instead of clicking on posts just to complain and insult the OP while wasting everybody’s time, including theirs.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    This is a fair assessment, and I agree that the way forward should likely be to give any future weapon of this kind more flavor, as well as perhaps some better synergy with the frame. I fully agree that Garuda's talons could become just a tiny bit more interesting if they had some special synergy with her kit, even if that synergy wouldn't necessarily make it the strongest weapon to have at all times. I personally don't really like the Cobra and Crane's hidden passive, and generally I don't think general-use weapons should have forced synergy with specific frames, companions, etc., but that sort of effect could be perfectly fine on a frame-only weapon, imo.

    Would be nice if having them out made her first and second do more damage. But it is also good during weapon specific sorties. Otherwise, it’s just a passive. Passives are not meant to be some secret 5th ability. Passives are like rank 1/2-1/4. Sometimes useful. Sometimes not. Most warframes’ passives are useless. Rhino is slowed a lot by his passive. Be nice if his passive was affected by how high he fell from. But point is, whining about a warframe’s passive is a complete waste of time and energy. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Genesix6 said:

    I know nobody buys them, but can DE remove this? Especially if there's a new player, think that "oh I can get some great mods in there". We can get the mods as well from farming, so what's the point of this being existed.

    Maybe if DE added a riven to the list. Otherwise I agree. Basically just a trick to get money. 

  6. I made a gory bone frame concept before. Guess look at it like a bone bender. (Airbender pun). 

    One ability the warframe makes the enemies bones crack which damages them and slows them down. 

    Another he makes their bones shoot out of their bodies, instantly(or almost) killing the target its used on while the bone fragments fire into nearby enemies and inflict puncture damage. 

    Then he can collect the fragments dropped from enemies killed with his abilities and store them up for the other abilities like being able to create a thick exoskeleton that grants him additional armor. More collected, more armor built. Could even be cast on other allies. But once the percentage reaches 0% the armor would burst into nearby enemies. Armor, not protection or stun resistance. But does add faster recovery from knockdowns. 

    Then there is a forth where he uses the bone fragments to summon skeleton minions. They could have like claws or single pointy spikes like Baraka from mortal combat. One inflicts slash damage while the other inflicts puncture. Once they die he picks up the remaining fragments though less than what was used to summon them. The amount used would determine how many he summons and how tough they are. Power strength determines the damage they inflict. 

    I can’t draw too well, but his appearance is basically like average size warframe but with an exoskeleton design. Maybe spikes here and there like on the joints. There’s a different variety of skulls designs so I can’t really choose, especially since makes like several helmets for the warframes. But it could have something close to the masks the grineer be wearing. 

    Been thinking he could also use his fists when there is no melee equipped. Could deliver a lot of impact and puncture due to his exoskeleton. At the very least, he can still execute enemies with no melee equipped as long as he has enough power strength.  

    Originally I was thinking a second part of his passive, he has a chance to knock out enemies. Pretty much putting them to sleep regardless of how strong they are. If he swings without an equipped melee. The idea came from when I tried to execute an enemy with only my shotgun equipped, my warframe whacked him in the back of the head with the shotgun but it didn’t do much at all. This warframe would be the exception due to his very hard hits.   

  7. Well a new Prime bow would most likely come out for Prime Ivara. But the next Prime warframe is most likely equinox. Incase y’all have not noticed, the weapons tend to reflect the warframes they came with. So what kind of weapon would go good with an a warframe with DID? Lol. 

    Honestly I could see Prime Dethcube being with equinox due to dropping energy orbs for the assists and offering extra protection for equinox.

    Dual pistols already came out with Mesa so doubt there will be another so soon. 

    It would be cool for a Prime Dark Split Sword to come with equinox. Think about it. One is longer than the other and can split into 2 or stay merged into 1. Kind of goes good with equinox’s split personality. 

    Just an opinion. But the whole weapons reflects the warframe is a fact. Just look back at the other warframes and you’ll see. 

    Atlas would no doubt have gauntlets like Prime Tekko. Wukong would most likely have a Prime staff. The Guandao definitely looks like a Prime Wukong weapon. 

    Mesa being a pistol user makes dual akjagara perfect. Plus they came with her regular counterpart. 

    I swear, Dark Split Sword is definitely an equinox weapon, due to her split personality. 

    That’s what people need to think about. “What weapons would reflect the warframe the most?” 🤔

  8. Wish there was a Helios mod that made it scan things like plants for the Apothics for silver grove, over and over, no matter if the codex is completed. Basically unlimitly scans resources. Don’t know exactly how to explain it. But some items like the plants on earth, are rescannable resources. Be nice if the Helios could always scan them or at least there be a new mod that allows for scannable resources to be scanned again, instead of having to pull out the scanner. Scanning things like that take a very long time. 

  9. 8 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

    1.Please speak english in this forum, thank you.

    2The issue is already known and in the works.

    Not everyone speaks English. I do believe there needs to be separated forums for different languages. So I took it upon myself to translate for others to see what is being said/asked. 

  10. Translation:

    Hello to you and my wishes,

    I noticed that in the equipment profile there are not all MOA and K-DRIVE. We are a good majority of high level which it finds very annoying even if we saw that the masterie xp works. We just ask to see the MOA and K-DRIVE completed.
    thank you in advance
  11. For there to be a vote kick option, there would have to be a few factors that determine if vote kicking is allowed. For starters, if 2 of the members were invited, they can’t vote. Otherwise it would lead to trolling. Part of the same clan, same thing. And it would require 3 votes to kick. So basically all pure randoms. Also there could be an option to report for unlawful kicking basically, where if you feel you were kicked for no reason. But to prove that, there would have to be no conversation in the squad chat where the guys discuss vote kicking due to ______. DE would no doubt get a lot of reports. And the penalty of unlawful vote kicks would be banned from public games. They can still invite or play solo. But can’t join public games. Same should be done to leechers and AFKers. 

    Then there’s the factors like if the player hasn’t moved much at all within a certain time period. I’m not talking about standing still. I’m talking about meters traveled. If you only traveled like 20 meters in 2 minutes, there is a bit of inactivity going on. You don’t kill that many or inflict that much damage at all. Abilities used. Bullets fired. Melee swings made. All have to be counted in order for the option to vote kick highlights. 

    Basically DE would have to do a lot of calculating in order to insure that only a leecher or AFKer can be kicked. Which is  no doubt complicated. 

    Then there are those childish trolls that love to complain over anything. Mainly “that Saryn, equinox, volt, ember, banshee, etc. is killing everything while I chose a weak warframe for a kill all mission”. You know how many times a buddy of mine was criticized for using an equinox powered by my 206% rhino roar? They only focused on the equinox, claiming that she is OP while ignoring that my rhino is tripling the damage. There are dudes literally complaining that there should be a vote kick option so they can kick these “selfish tryhards”. One dude used a Gara and criticized a buddy of mine for using equinox, in a syndicate defense mission. Claiming he is “inconsiderate of others”? Seriously? So we are not allowed to play this game because of other people’s feelings? 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

    So I doubt there will ever be a vote kick option as long as babies play this game. 

    For bounties, DE needs to make it where if the players don’t reach the way point of the next stage within a specific time period based on distance(takes 1 second to sprint across 10 meters) then they don’t get any of the rewards. Period. “What if they’re noobs” then they need to get better, or play solo. Like every forum troll keeps suggesting to players, sick of carrying. 

    If you are gonna join a public game in a bounty, then you have to participate in the bounties. Only people that would complain are the slow noobs or the lazy AFKers/Leechers. 

    DE is not gonna nerf the bosses because noobs get killed by them. Instead DE would say the same thing like every other game. “Get better”. So why should the bounties be any different? If you can’t handle high level bounties then play the lower level bounties. 

    I’ve fought and beat Kela Da thayme(how ever that is spelled) with I regular, unpolarized excalibur, heat sword, and braton prime. I was only like MR4. Until a buddy of mine helped me get everything else and now the Sedna boss isn’t a challenge. Stalker isn’t even a challenge anymore. 

    It is why I refuse to carry new players across the solar system to fight bosses. Cause then they’ll just not gain any experience and slow everybody else down. 

    But we, the majority, should not have to play solo or spend hours in recruit just for regular, simple, non-sortie/eidolon hunting missions. Recruit is meant for special, more complicated missions that requires a very specific and organized team. AFKers and Leechers should be the ones going to recruit and asking to be carried. 

    Btw, I’ve reported many AFKers and Leechers to DE in support. I would call them out, they would usually respond with some disrespectful remark(basically saying F*** you). Then I report them and show the pic of the conversation and the stats of the last mission results. Hate having to do that a lot, but it happens. I just hope DE actually did something about them. 

  12. On 2019-01-14 at 9:52 AM, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    I believe it's taking from the highest amount you've gotten during the mission and applying that against your limit.  For instance, if you're wearing the sigil for Steel and doing a Suda mission, unless you gain more standing for Steel, it will remove the amount equal to your Suda gains.  At least, that's what I think it happening.  I'll try to remember to check, but could you try the same?

    Before you run a syndicate mission, check your standing amount left.  Once you get back, check how much you have and compare to the mission results.  Try to run one where you're doing a mission for a faction that is different from the sigil you're wearing.

    Well I wear the arbiters of hexus sigil and when I did an AoH mission the total of about 6,000 that I got from that mission was subtracted from the daily tribute. And when I did a steel meridian mission, I got about 4,000 from the SM mission and a little over 1,000 from the AoH sigil. But the total of over 5,000 was subtracted from my daily tribute. Which would explain why my arbiters of nexus didn’t have 27,000 standing. Since like roughly 11,000 of it went to steel meridian. Well didn’t exactly go to steel meridian but you know what I mean. It was subtracted. So only about 16,000 was left for arbiters and suda. 

    My only option is to get all the daily tribute first before completing the syndicates. Or complete the syndicates before the daily tribute refreshes at 6:00, my time. 

  13. We have a few martial arts type melees but there is one fighting style I can’t help be wish was in the game. And that is that dancing fighting style that uses more kicks than punches. The easiest example to give is Tekken Eddie. But I’ve seen that fighting style in real life a dozen times. So it got me thinking about Octavia, a dancing music warframe, and how melees that fight like that would be cool and fun to use. 

    The image I’m picturing is mainly the legs. Similar to how the Ankyros is a boxing style melee, this version would be mainly in the legs. Even charge attacks would make the warframe do the “dragon kick”. And certain melee stance would determine if the warframe does spinning cyclones and whirlwinds. So you could either deliver high power kicks or spinning fast ones.

    And the warframe would also fight using the capoeira fighting style. 

    Just something different. 

  14. Got me picturing someone wearing a cloak or long capped hood with a clock as one of its eyes. With a little mix between Inaros and Harrow Graxx skin. Basically the warframe is a little on the skinny side, wears a cloak, an eye-clock, and an hour glass fused into the front part of his/her body. 

    Passive: identical to a suggestion I made to another time warframe post. Which is a fatal blow causes the warframe to reset time to like 5 seconds earlier from where it was. So best not to stand still when being shot at, otherwise it does no good. And can only be done once per life. 

    One ability was speeding up their age until they completely decay or rust. Infested would probably mutate into an ancient. Every warframe has a weakness. Power strength increases their vulnerability. When they die, they turn to dust which the warframe can gather into its hour glass to gain health. 

    Could also increase the projectile flight speed of guns and fire rate. Can be applied to teammates. 

    Time Freeze could be used on cameras and alerts to stall their response time and allow consoles to be hacked during spy missions without interference or rush.

    Would be cool if it had a visual effect where it creates a clock on the floor within the ability radius. And others like showing an hour glass flipping. 

    This warframe could know all about history and could predict the future. Making people worship it like some kind of prophet or fortune teller.

    Could also be a warframe for like a Mercury open world map or Mars. Being in a desert setting. I can already see Baro Kiteer not shutting up about some ancient time artifacts. I could see some twisted maze that you have to go through and if you mess up, time gets reset and you are back where you started. And once the maze is completed the person that sent you on this quest would respond like “that was quick! You were only gone for like a few minutes” no matter how long you have spent in that particular mission. 

  15. Got me picturing the warframe being able to turn nearby enemies into infested allies that eventually explodes and inflicts toxic damage to other nearby enemies. 

    Then there is being able to temporarily jump into the body of an enemy and be able to run past other enemies unalerted until the infection completely takes over and you are exposed. Doing that would also give you a health and armor bonus. So less duration for quick health and armor boost, longer duration for stealth. Could be used in spy missions where you can walk through the lasers. But abilities would speed up the timer. 

    Passive - I could see it being able to shed its skin during a fatal hit that distracts the enemies and gives you a temporary speed boost to avoid anymore damage. 

    Another ability that I think would be cool is if it can mutate the weapons it holds and basically turns them into mutalist versions. Increase in damage and adds viral. 

    Roar would probably be better called screech. Cause they make high pitch screeching sounds. And so it doesn’t get confused with rhino. 

    That is about all I can think of that is different from Nidus. 

  16. Not just that. It’s like reducing the daily standing. I get 27,000 daily standing and I use the same warframe for all my syndicate missions and all my standing is gone by the time I complete just 4 of my missions. And the syndicate that I have the sigil for is few thousand below 27,000. So where did all my standing go? Only guess is that it got split between my two other syndicates somehow. It doesn’t do that all the time so clearly it is a bug. And I really hate it. I need to gather and rebuild the arch weapons again for the Fortuna Part 2 update. 😤😤😤

  17. Not just that. It’s like reducing the daily standing. I get 27,000 daily standing and I use the same warframe for all my syndicate missions and all my standing is gone by the time I complete just 4 of my missions. And the syndicate that I have the sigil for is few thousand below 27,000. So where did all my standing go? Only guess is that it got split between my two other syndicates somehow. It doesn’t do that all the time so clearly it is a bug. And I really hate it. I need to gather and rebuild the arch weapons again for the Fortuna Part 2 update. 😤😤😤

  18. This has been going on for months now and still hasn’t changed. Every time I do a mobile defense in the void, this one area the data mass sinks in the ground. A couple of times it sunk for good and had to abort. Can’t really describe the area other than being small, part of the Sanctuary Onslaught map locations, the area is more squared shaped. No elevators. 4 doors, north, south, east, west of the console. 

    But this bug has being going on for months. Haven’t been playing MD in the Void because of that but sometimes the sortie is in the Void. 

    Me and a few guys I know would really appreciate it if it got fixed soon. 

  19. While Mesa focuses on secondaries, I could see this one more focused on primaries. 

    The passive I could see would be like having a faster reload for primaries and better accuracy if primary is the only weapon equipped. Or depending on the color determines the kind of bullets that shoot out such as all puncture/slash/impact. So if if the primary can do a total of 100 damage, the color would make it all either puncture, slash, or impact. Making different color configs perfect for different enemies.

    The first ability I could see increasing the punch through of primaries while slightly increasing the damage done. Power strength would increase the punch through and damage bonus. Damage bonus would be no more than 50% since it is a first ability and punch through would probable increase no further than 5. DE would have to decide on the numbers there.

    Second ability I could see him dropping an ammo crate that supplies all types of ammo to teammates nearby while also increasing reload speed. Range would increase the radius of the ammo supply to further teammates. 

    Third ability I'm picturing being able to speed up the fire rate of primaries while reducing it for enemies. Power strength would increase the rate for teammates while decreasing the rate for enemies. Lower power strength I was thinking could speed up the fire rate for enemies, causing their guns to overheat and explode dealing damage towards enemies and leaving them unarmed. The lower the power strength, the quicker the weapons overheat and explode. 

    Forth ability may be OP but I was thinking Infinite Ammo for a certain duration and increase in multishot. 

    Other ideas like, channeled bullets where you use your energy to increase the critical chance and multiplier of the primaries. Depending on the efficiency and gun being used determines how much energy per shot. 

    Explosives rounds that penetrate armor or shields and delivers a secondary damage to enemies straight to their health.

    High density armor that reflect bullets that can hit nearby enemies for a short duration and has a recharge timer before it can be reuse. That or it can reflect a certain number of bullets before it goes away and has to be recast. 

    Just some ideas. But I do believe we need a warframe that makes primaries more useful. Excalibur for melees. Mesa for secondaries. A primary booster would complete the set. And get people using their primaries more often. 

    Just my opinion.

  20. As a blacksmith I figured he would be mostly a support type warframe which DE does need to make at least 2 and 1 more survivor to balance out the 2 defense(gara and khora) and 2 offense(revenant and Garuda). 

    I was picturing something that can increase the damage of melees. Maybe like increasing the critical chance and multiplier.

    Then there’s something like Shattering Impact, that destroys armor and shields based on the charge. If charged to 100%, all the armor and/or shields would be permanently gone. 

    I could see an increase in armor but then again, we have too many armor buffing frames. Maybe something more like an armor link where he links with enemies or teammates to gain an armor buff which applies to teammates as well. Mainly useful for a squad filled with high armor teammates. 

    Last I could see him summoning something like an Exalted Heavy Blade almost similar in shape to the galatine that has really long reach but is slow. And could inflict fire damage being that it is made of molten metal. 

    That or a buff where he increases the range of his melees and adds fire damage. The more range he has the longer the melees reach. The more damage he has, the greater the fire bonus. Basically could turn a dagger into a sword. Like turning fang prime into dual skana. Length wise. 

    If all 3 melee buffs were to be activated at once, it would cost a lot of energy but could become “OP” depending on the enemies and mission. Could even buff warframes like Umbra that would create an OP duo. 

    Just my opinion. 

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