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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

    Except they already did. Renamed but still.

    Like what? When I first looked it up it was originally a large runner. Then they changed it to the Jordas Golem that we are familiar with but there was a trial where the golem is so much larger and you have to go inside of it to completely destroy it. But the trials are gone and the arcanes now drop from the eidolon sentients. The J3 Golem doesn’t exist, anymore. Only the smaller Jordas Golem as a boss on Eris for the atlas warframe. 

  2. I could see an open world on eris with survivors. Like maybe these people have some sort of immunity. And there are certain areas where you must have Nidus in order to be accepted similar to the quills with the Tenno. And not to mention the advancement of infested weapons. We got primes, vandals, wraiths, but no advanced infested weapon. With all the mutations and advance infested like the juggernaut you would think there would be a more advanced version of infested weapons. Maybe that requires the regular ones as materials to mutate into better ones. 

    Not to mention it is about time they start making more infested that aren’t infected factions. Like some sort of infested hunter similar to the juggernaut but much slimmer and has spikes. It would run a lot faster and be more agile. And it could shoot the spikes at you that also poisons you. Basically unless you have a speed volt there’s no outrunning it. Not to mention stumbling across like juggernaut nests. That would be creepy. 

    It could also be an opportunity for DE to reintroduce the J3 Golem if they chose. Like as an event that occurs every now and then where the people notice some strange satellite hovering above them and it turns out to be the much larger J3 Golem. 

    But yeah I would definitely be bringing my Nidus to that specific base. The people could even respond to your Nidus differently than how they respond to other warframes. Like:

    ”an infested that’s on our side?”

    ”I never believe I would see the day where an infested is our ally”

    ”you’re an infested? I must study you to understand your biology. And maybe even stop the others.”

    But yeah you get the idea. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Wizardrous said:

    No worries. I understand, it can be frustrating dealing with that kind of closed-mindedness. They should realize that it's not about the theme of the Warframe, but about the playstyle; just because a Warframe has a similar element or appearance, doesn't mean its playstyle will be anything like preexisting Warframes. The whole point of introducing a new Frame is to introduce a unique style of gameplay; for example, a lot of people said Garuda seemed similar to Valkyr, but now we see she has an entirely unique playstyle. Some people will never get that though, it's best to just follow your inspiration and not worry if people like your ideas. People just go around shooting down good ideas because they have none of their own.


    Perhaps, but we still want him to be killable. I think that with Mods like Rejuvenation and Life Strike, Arcanes like Grace and Victory, and/or good allies, he already has extremely good survivability. Although, perhaps, his passive ability could instead be passive health regeneration! That would ensure decent survivability even without mods, arcanes, or allies. I'm glad you like Frame concept!


    I still have to watch that anime, I've heard it's amazing. Hopefully that means you like the idea!

    On the attack on titan. Better not eat anything. It is very gruesome. But it does have some exciting moments. But most of it is pretty depressing. And it has a little comedy. Basically it will get your emotions spinning like a tornado.

    Ive seen people post about a Shape Shifter style warframe but they mostly thought of some kind of offensive type. With the ability to copy other warframe abilities. Kind of old like, create-your-own-character old. Kind of takes away the uniqueness of others. 

    So I decided to make a post of my own idea for a shapeshifter except I was picturing it more of a survivalist type. Short version:

    1st- turns an enemy into a copy of itself that distracts the enemies and fools them.

    2nd- copies copies the appearance of an enemy to blend in. 

    3rd- copies the stats of other players or gains an armor/shield/health buff depending on the kind of enemy the ability is used on.

    4th- low strength leads to a standstill, higher power strength causes them to mow each other in panic leading to chaos. Due to them not know who the imposter is. 

    Passive- shades of color changes physical bullets into either all slash/puncture/impact. Which allows for better adaptation against certain enemies. 

    This idea of a warframe is to be the ultimate assassin. Someone that can sneak pass enemy lines and kill without anyone suspecting. The abilities would work in sync to create chaos or to calm it. Preventing alarms, death, and so forth. Due to its origin, it would be the only warframe that doesn’t have a gender and can switch between them. 

    But some guy compared it to Nyx. And said that it was too offensive but it’s abilities are neither offensive nor defensive. With Gara and Khora as defense, revanant and garuda as offense, I think it’s about time for another survivalist or support. Seems most people want nothing but killframes. Sometimes defense. 

    Right now I’m wondering what that Baruuk the Reluctant is suppose to be. Reluctant means like hesitant or refusal. Does that mean he refuses to die? Refuses to backdown? Make causes enemies to be hesitant? Kind of very curious of what kind of warframe he is. 

    Also Garudo made me thought of an exoskeleton looking warframe that can rip the bones out of enemies and gain bone points and the more it has the stronger the abilities. Could summon skeleton minions that have claws and will jump on enemies and the number is depended on the amount of bones collected from fallen enemies. The first ability would cause targeted enemies bones to crack and inflict damage passed their armor and shields. May not work well against machines. Turn some enemies into bone spike bombs where they explode once dead and their bones shoot out and hit nearby targets and inflict puncture damage. And last be able to create a thick bonemade exoskeleton that provides extra armor and reduces physical status effects. 

    Basically another horrifying and gory kind of warframe. 

    Just giving you ideas to start with so maybe you could come up with more of your own. Or make improved versions of the ones I thought of. 

  4. Be nice if ember could make the ignis reach further. It would make my accelerant build more useful and not depend on World on Fire. Also wish accelerant didn’t always depend on the enemies being hit. Be more useful if it made her other abilities more powerful for a certain duration. Maybe even increase their range. Basically accelerant doesn’t just splash the enemies but everything else too. Maybe if her augment mod added fire range. 

    Be nice if her passive was based on friction. Like if works on fire’s range and damage was based on how much she moves. Like standing still keeps the range down to like 10-25 percent of the overall range and damage. When walking it becomes 50%. When running it becomes 100%. Then when sliding it gains like 25% range and damage. And this passive applies to all abilities that inflict fire damage. Basically while sliding your fireball gains a minor buff. 

    Right now her passive is either useless on most maps or too risky to depend on. And because of the nerf to her forth she is useless in the plains. Mainly bounties. Enemies like to keep their distance and her forth requires to get close now. And her being a “squishy” frame is just not very good. 

    But that’s all just my opinion. I still use her when collecting medallions. I had 180 void relic packs worth of medallions by the time chroma prime came out. And I may have to do it again for equinox. 

  5. Me and a buddy be trying to go like 40-60 minutes. But other players refuse to go far. It’s too long even for me. I don’t exactly no-life the game. Meaning playing all day long on the same game. 

    My strategy is using Nezha’s halo with the augment mod so that my team has extra protection. You be surprised on how many people survived because of that. Those who didn’t have the protection died almost instantly. And me and the buddy only do survival against invested because if one of us dies(most likely him) then the other can go to extraction. Y’all know how “squishy” ember is yet with Nezha’s halo she is able to survive and kill the infested.

    Most people who play, only play for themselves. I have a power build Inaros and Nidus. I’ve only seen tank builds from others. My Nidus can double everybody else’s power strength. But nobody else seem to use link. And the rare few that did only gave me like a 25% increase. No better than most equinoxes. My Inaros can actually damage the enemies and have extra protection on top of being able to blind them with sand from a distance and leave them open to finishers. 

    So far the best strategy I use is Nezha so that I can keep my squad from dying. It’s a big responsibility but if they can keep killing everything while I constantly protect them then so be it. 

    Oh but let’s nerf all the killframes according other posts. Let’s make a killframe kill about as good as a Loki. 🙄 

  6. Basically what was done in Monster Hunter World? After completing the main part of the story an advanced version was unlocked to where all the monsters including the weak ones where harder and on the same level. 

    In this case, Vor would be as strong as every other boss. Maybe they even drop new items or rarer items too. It would definitely make me want to redo the entire star chart if there was a more advanced version. 

    Lotus: “Tenno, our enemies have decided to up their game. Due to your strength the grineer and corpus have developed more advanced technology. And the infested have mutated and evolved into uglier and more dangerous creatures. Be careful Tenno”

    Ordis: “operator this... excites... worries me. I hope you... kill everything... come out okay”

  7. I like how my rhino with 181% roar is ignored when a killframe like Saryn, whose damage is extremely buffed by my rhino, is taking the kills. Same with banshee, ember, equinox, even limbo. Yes even limbo who does very little damage was able to oneshot rank 30+ enemies with cataclysm after I buffed him. But everybody focused on the killframes. I linked my maxed power strength Nidus to a buddy’s rhino which increased everybody else’s damage by 400% and people said rhino is OP and should be nerfed. And during a fissure both frames were fissured and the roaring damage buff was 1,213% and people accused him of hacking. And I’ve never encountered another Nidus like mine. 

    It just comes to show a lot of people are very ignorant about the game and overestimate and underestimate some warframes. While some say they’re weak, otherwise say they’re OP. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

    People just need to stop. 

  8. Just now, (PS4)vortex2917 said:

    please no. the riven market is already expensive as is not to mention they really dont need it

    But it would be applied to many warframe abilities instead of just one specific weapon! 😭😭😭

  9. 1 minute ago, Grimmstyler said:

    Yea.. in the updates or HOTFIX

    So we can all agree that as long as they don’t create another sword melee ability that we can call them all Exalted Weapons and Excalibur's specifically Exalted Blade since his is the original? That would make it easier to discuss. Be nice if they created a riven for Exalted that can be applied to any exalted weapon. Firerate/attack speed, damage, element, physical, status, CC, and CD. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Grimmstyler said:


    Valkyr's Talons are not "Exalted"

    Mesa Regulators are not "Exalted"


    Only reason i say Exalted is because that's what I reference weapons included in Warframes as.

    I'm not sure exactly what "Exalted" is because there's no definition for it in Warframe. I know Excalibur has a Exalted Blade and Pyranna pulls an Exalted Pistol..

    I’ve heard that DE said they are. Excalibur has an exalted blade but Mesa are pistols and valkyr are claws. But then again it would throw off the name for Exalted blade although I heard DE called them all exalted weapons. 

  11. Be nice if atlas turned into the giant rumbler and fights like the gauntlets. Basically he creates a rock exoskeleton around himself, increasing his weight and height thus reducing knock back and increasing range and damage. And rock slide would cause him to not only punch but to throw the rock into enemies further away. Basically turning rock slide into a rock throw. Would draw him but I’m hoping people have a strong visual imagination and picture a bulky rock version of atlas. Maybe DE could change that during atlas prime. Along with Tekko Prime. Atlas prime wouldn’t be complete without his signature gauntlets. 

  12. That’s why I think DE should make it where you have to engage in the stages of the bounties within a time period or else it counts as AFK and you get none of the rewards, unless those stages get completed too quickly. There is no excuse. 

    Question: “What if they’re noobs that aren’t good?”

    Answer: “then they need to get better”. 

    DE doesn’t pull any punches about inexperienced players dying so why should they for bounties and other missions in open world maps? We should not have to report every dozen players we encounter each day or recruit players for a simple mission. Teralysts are one thing. Bounties are another. If anything, they should be the ones going to the recruit and asking to be carried. Or they get better. 

    When I first started, I adapted quickly to this game. By the time I was MR1 with a fully leveled Excalibur and MK1 weapons, I was participating in high level missions. It took enemies as tough as Kela Da Thame or Vay Hek to beat me before I started really farming and collecting resources, weapons, warframes, and mods. By the time I became MR10 I was leading MR20s through missions. Once I learned about their unknown warframes and quickly figured out how they could use them with me to turn any missions into child’s play. No joke, no exaggerations. 

    I’m not bragging or showing off. I’m proof that there is no excuse for DE to leave the training wheels on for these kind of mission while chaining them to frozen mountain climbers. These players need to get on those hover boards and learn how to ride themselves and not hold the rest of us back. 

    I actually enjoy teamwork. I like discovering new ways to combine warframe abilities to complete missions in some of the most craziest ways with the most efficiency possible. Forcing me to solo play or to spend hours in a recruit chat instead of forcing these players to play during a public game is just wrong and not fair. For anybody. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    A glance which already exist and a staff which already exists.....what’s the issue here? Did you understand what I wrote? 


    They released them because the animations abd stance were akreafy established, and they needed ‘content’ to shut us up, I don’t see how this contradicts the melee 3.0 argument 

    Ohhhhhhhh. That’s right the sentient nikana is a TWO-HANDED melee. Basically in between a regular nikana and heavyblade. Ok.

  14. Well I simply press the sprint button again to cancel the forward boost and pull back and I stop instantly. Or use the invisibility of itzal. What I would like is if DE added more to the plains that involved archwings. Like the grineer releasing some sort of floating pods from a giant ship that release a toxic gas to destroy life in the plains and hopefully Cetus. And our goal is to destroy the pods and then enter the giant ship and sabatage it. Be like a new event. Something that makes the archwing more useful other than speeding across the plains. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    Digging would also tell you that the giant katana is a brand new category of melee weapons, not a heavy blade, thus it’ll need a new stance and animations....what’s the point in making them when you’re about to change the whole system anyway? 


      Before you say it, paracesis could’ve been in the same category, but for obvious story telling it needed to be released, and the only appropriate category was heavy blade. I doubt they’ll change its category after melee 3.0 for obvious reasons 

    When I mentioned 3 was also talking about Falcor and Pupacyst. Non-heavy blades. 

  16. On 2018-11-19 at 10:10 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    The only situation that this can occur is if you don't have enough slots to hold your rivens you are need to either buy more slots or dissolve some rivens before you can either buy or sell them.
    For instance say you had 60 rivens and had no slots and you got another riven from doing the sorties, or a gift of the lotus had one as a reward, so you went to 61 rivens out of 60.  The game won't allow you to trade rivens until you're back within your cap.

    Even still the game mentions in a few places to never trade for promises, only to trade for what is in the trade window and nothing else and that DE will not enforce trades for promises...so I doubt that the OP will get this resolved in his favor.

    When I had too many rivens I had to get rid of one immediately before continuing. So don’t know about the first part completely. Which is why I wouldn’t have fallen for such lies. But would be nice if there was some sort of list of scammers to warn players of or DE could have some sort of message every time you go to trade chat that reminds you that there are scammers. 

  17. On 2018-10-29 at 5:56 PM, TylerFreeman said:

    ...Isn't it already great as is?

    I mean, on my perspective, I've got a build that is solely on crits


    The fact that I can fit sacrificial mods on this thing really makes this weapon even more of a beast considering I already get red crits around the 2x combo multiplier (Until melee 3.0 arrives)

    I don't see how exactly you'd be able to suggest improvements on it besides adjusting the ragdoll flinging to manual knockdown, that'd only be my personal gripe with this thing.

    I have a riven that makes the critical chance 101%. And with the multiplier at 6.5, every hit is 22,000 with my build. It probably has 20 more capacity as DE’s method for the umbra mods without umbra polarities. Either way, it’s good to me and it has a lot of sentient damage. 

    Just wish it could damage teralyst shields. Tired of the repeated amps. Especially when newbies pretend to be experienced. Now I’m only gonna recruite MR20+ for complicated sentient hunts. This weapon having that kind of uniques would give more options for facing the teralysts and others like it. 

  18. Well with my riven and umbra mods my Paracesis can do 101% critical chance. And 6.5 times multiplier. Right now it is guaranteed to inflict 22,000 damage per hit. The status chance is bad but at least they die. Not to mention all the extra, extra sentient damage. Haven’t tested it against sentients yet. 

  19. No idea what you’re talking about since you didn’t state any actual facts. But I do believe calling it a “sentient killer” is a bit of an exaggeration since it is useless against the teralyst. Be nice if it could at least reduce their shields as much as the amps. Warframe abilities powering up the damage would be a balance for the risk taken to be up close.

  20. On 2018-11-17 at 7:53 PM, ej72702 said:

    It would be awesome if War and the Paracesis were twin swords or swords of light/dark in the New War Questline?

    my thoughts- The twin swords would then play a part with the light/dark choice meter from the cinematic quests i.e. choose to attack sentients with their own creation or choose to attack with an orokin creation.



    lore stuff that would make War effective against sentients:

    If War was able to channel Hunhow's consciousness/oro shouldn't a tenno be able to do something similar? In this case, wouldn't that mean that War could then be effective against sentients? (because it would mean that tenno are channeling their own oro to consume a sentient's oro)


    post your thoughts

    Just wish these weapons could damage the eidolons’ shields. If DE wants, they could do just a little more than the amps as a balance for getting up close to these things. I mean to call the Paracesis a “sentient killer” but can’t really do anything against a teralyst, kind of exaggerating. But dual heavy blades would be very slow, unless the warframe spins like a tornado. But starting off the swings would be slow even with speed mods. But a dual heavy blade melee would be different and new. 

  21. Y’all do know that saryn spreads like a virus right? Meaning in the air. Meaning it can spread quickly. And this game doesn’t follow the laws of physics like reality. Otherwise DE might as well turn this into a COD. Lots of contradictions and irony in the forums. 

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