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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 17 hours ago, Alexiosz_L4k4t0s said:

    Hello everyone! I thinking abaot the warframes and they storyes, and i found the leverian page in codex, but i found on the internet a lot of storyes of frames etc: gara and more wich only can found on wiki, forums, or reddit threads. My idea is an ingame readeable full story description of the frames story, because i love these storyes what i found and i think if there is a page ingame where i can read these informations like an option in the frame eguip, next to the abilities option or something.I think that's very enjoyable can be. I hope the developer team can read this and a little bit think abaut that option. 

    Honestly I wish every frame had a quest that explains their story/origin. Maybe a little bit into who they were before becoming frames which could also explain their character. Maybe equinox was Siamese Twins with polar opposite personalities. The infestation caused them to sort of fully reunite back into a single organism but with split personality that takes on the form of night and day. Just something to bring more interest into the game. Since frames are just thrown into missions and such. I feel like all of them should get the Inaros treatment or Umbra treatment. We don’t have to fight every single one of them, but I feel like we should have story modes for each one. As we progress they tell about their history or origins. maybe have the option to view the prime versions who are given the Ballas introduction and such. Like if you view mirage and switch to her prime, you can listen to Ballas talk about her if not get the full trailer about her. 

    Maybe when the game starts to expand more, maybe DE will eventually add more quests and such. 

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  2. On 2024-01-10 at 10:47 PM, YeOldeSport said:

    For starts, Oberon is not a plant warframe just because Hallowed ground has grass effects. They weren’t even there to begin with, and contribute nothing to the abilities overall effects. That being said, onto the actual concept.


    Name wise I decided to call this frame Chloros. I’m sure there’s better names out there but this is a place holder.

    Stat wise I imagine them having average shield, high health, above average armor, average energy and average speed. I can’t come up with exact numbers as I'm not sure what would make them effective but not game breaking.


    Before I go into actual abilities I wanted to state that my goal was to make this a snowball frame as it fits the plant theme. Plants are known for growing and so I think this frame should reflect that aspect.

    Chloros’ passive is that every kill grants a percentage of their growth. Each percent grants Chloros 10 extra health. Additionally abilities grow stronger based on this value. It maxes out at 100% so up to 1000 extra health.

    Chloros’ first ability is Vine Skewer. This sends a vine from the ground and strikes directly forwards to hit enemies for puncture damage. Enemies killed drop “Glucose” orbs that restore 10% health and energy to any warframe that picks it up. For every 10% growth another vine is sent forward, increasing the attacks area of effect. Maxing out at 11 vines at 100% Strength scales the attacks damage and orb restoration, and range scales how far it reaches. 

    Chloros’ second ability is Harvest. This has Chloros cycle between four plants they can place down. Additionally there’s an effect when vine Skewer is used.

    Briar Patch creates Thorned vines that slow enemies and inflict slash damage when they walk through. Using Vine Skewer on enemies that are in Briar Patch makes them drop two orbs. Percentage increases the area this ability covers. It also is affected by range, strength and duration mods.

    Cactus Blast grows a cactus that draws aggro from enemies. It takes damage absorbed from enemies and releases it into a radial burst of damage. Striking it with Vine Skewer will cause it to release a burst preemptively without losing stored damage. Growth Percentage increases the multiplier given to absorbed damage. By default it is 1x but gains 0.1x for every percentage up to 11x. Affected by range, duration and strength (adjusts damage dealt by default that is added to absorbed damage)

    Pitcher Mortar creates a plant that lobs Corrosive bombs at distant enemies. These bombs leave puddles that linger for a few seconds dealing corrosive damage. Striking an enemy in a puddle with Vine Skewer will cause them to release a burst of corrosive damage. Growth percentage increases the Pitcher Mortars Fire rate. Scales with range, strength and duration (range and duration do not affect puddles).

    Sun Dew grabs enemies and groups them together, dealing viral damage. Hitting a bound enemy with Vine Skewer will cause a burst of viral damage. Growth percentage increases it’s grabbing range. Scales with range, duration and strength.

    Chloros’ Third ability, Woodland Guard, is a simple damage reduction power. It only affects Chloros and gains benefits by walking through harvests plants, destroying the plant and applying the affect for its remaining duration. Briar Patch causes attackers to take slash damage. Cactus Blast causes Chloros to periodically release a burst of damage. Pitcher Mortar causes Chloros to leave a trail of Corrosive fluids. Sun Dew grants viral damage to Melee Strikes. Growth percentage boosts Woodland Guards duration. Mods boost its damage reduction and duration.

    Chloros’ Last ability is Photosynthesis. Grants regeneration to Chloros and their teammates as well as buffs other abilities based on Chloros’ growth percentage. Additionally abilities gain heat and radiation damage and procs.

    Vine Skewer gains damage and doubles drops.

    Harvest gains increases to all plant damage.

    Woodland guard gives a percentage of Chloros’ damage reduction to all teammates.

    I keep picturing a plant frame that has a shade and light form. When standing in shaded areas, the frame becomes more slim and gloomy. While in lit areas, the frame blooms. While in the gloom form, speed is increased, but while in the bloom form, health is increased. Due to plants gaining some vitality from sunlight while at night the leaves are gone which reduces air drag.

    Can also create a sort of powdery fog to block light or can call upon lightning bugs that can add light. So that you can choose more easily which form regardless of the area. The ability would throw off enemy aim as well to make it more useful. Probably come with an augment mod that makes either form more permanent depending on darker or lighter energy colors. 


    Besides that, I picture each ability having a shade or light version. The gloom is more vicious while the bloom is more nurturing. And I’m picturing your suggested abilities being split between the forms. 

    I’ve seen plants that bloom during the day but close up during the night. So I can’t stop picturing a frame that utilizes both which could also give DE more options if they’re too indecisive on which abilities to choose. There’s just so many different kinds of plant related abilities. I even pictured one where the frame summons a garden of carnivorous plants that attack nearby enemies and paralyses them while slowly reducing their armor and health. Even after the ability is canceled, the enemies would remain paralyzed for a bit longer. But in bloom form the frame can take all that stolen vitality and provide health and energy orbs to allies. Kind of picturing almost horrific stuff like from the movie The Ruins.

    Just my opinion though.

  3. On 2023-12-24 at 8:38 PM, Mayurin000 said:

    That's a great idea. I think it's quite interesting about The story you're talking about I agree that Grineer is annoying because of his thick armor. It would be very interesting to see the design of the grineer warframe in the future, but I think the idea you gave skill 4 instead of Exalted Archgun, why not just call Exalted melee since skill 3 is a buff. Melee attack damage It may come in the form of heavy weapons. Hammer type is fine.

    Well the skills were just examples. When I make concepts, I try to be more open minded and welcome all that contribute to the theme for DE to ultimately decide if they ever take the concept into consideration. People can suggest pretty much anything and the only criticism I may give is if they are either without any sort of sync or if they already exist for another frame. Like if someone suggested an ability that boosts both armor and weapon damage, I would be forced to remind them that Vex Armor already exists. I try not to be narrowminded about ability similarities but some people seem to not have gathered all the frames before making their concepts.


    As for his overall design, for starters grineer are know for their big forearms and thighs. I took my Rhino with an alternate skin and equipped him with Saturn Six armor and gave him a black and brown design with little bits of red. I also used Atlas’s boxing stance too. But basically picture a Rhino with extra large forearms and thighs. Bigger shoulders and back. And have that typical camouflage design. DE has made “Graxx” skins which gives Warframes a more grineer look which could help with the idea of what a grineer frame would be like. He would probably have what looks like breathing tubes around the face area, considering he was heavily damaged. His prime would have a unique orokin camouflage design.


    I also made a grineer concept of a big boxer type grineer who believes guns are for the weak. He was a unique mutation that made him physically bigger and stronger than most grineer and believe their reliance on guns and cybernetics is why they can’t beat the Tenno. But he got too full of himself and thought he could replace Ruk who then burns him to near death to teach him a lesson. When he woke up he became enraged to find out he basically had a suite built around him, making him not too different from the rest of the cybernetic grineer. His suit is designed to keep him alive so he has no choice. Basically picture the Dark Knight Bane but with half his face burnt, looking kind of old/deteriorated. His body would look like a mixture between Darth Vador and Iron Man but with large forearms and such. His signature weapon is the Korrudo. He has 3 bars of health, first one he fights with a more sparring style. But health bar 2, he fights like he is using Fists. At his final health bar 3, he fights using grappling and such. Losing a bar of health means damage to his suite which makes it hard to keep going and starts to rely more on berserker rage to keep moving. After his defeat during the main quest, he was cloned and becomes the guy who shows up during sabotage missions to keep the Tenno from extracting. So he would spawn by the extraction point and release a barrier that takes time to dismantle. 

    That concept was created for a Volcanic frame concept where he was protecting a large power source to a giant thumper like machine and your job is to sabotage it which he tries to prevent. But once defeated it does a cut scene where it shows him knocked into the power chamber/tube and leaves a crack. He starts wheezing and such before he starts to stand back up, but then a molten hand bursts out and grabs him by the face, burning him until he passes out. Then the volcanic frame bursts out of the chamber in an unstable form, forges a hammer axe that crushes the grineer’s skull before stomping the ground/body and making it bounce up and land over his shoulder mimicking the drawing I have made. 

    I try to get into really deep details mainly in order to make it easier for DE to add them into the game if they ever decide too. And I try to encourage others to join in. I figured if more people are united on concepts, DE would be more likely to take them into consideration. Like how Nova and Xaku were community frames. We could start our own. But dudes be wanting frames exactly how they prefer so people are never United but instead are likely to argue. 

    Maybe if someone started some sort of trend called “Community Frame: Insert Theme”, this for example being Community Frame: Grineer Theme, maybe people could gather with their own ideas of such a theme. No names, no big suggestions. No competition. And maybe DE would see it and take them into account. DE have expressed constantly that some of the concepts that exist is because the community asked for them. The most recent example being Voruna as so many people asked for a wolf theme frame and her abilities match some that I’ve seen on this forum. 

    But that’s just my opinion. Before I officially post a concept, I ask dudes I play Warframe with how they feel about the concept first. If they express that they would love it, then I officially post the concept. I’m not the best drawer so I can’t draw up concept left and right. So for the most part I try to describe them with as much detail as I can. 

  4. On 2023-12-23 at 8:21 AM, Mayurin000 said:

    I really like the Grineer in this game. Hopefully in the future there will be a Grineer themed warframe with the Grineer's unique metal legs and metal arms. I think it's really cool. Looks like kuva lich with its unique characteristics. Different body parts I think that's cool. I think the story can support that. If there is a grineer themed warframe, I really like the design of the kuva trokarian and kuva lich. I hope there will be a grineer warframe in the future, a grineer theme.

    I’ve made a concept before. One where a frame was designed to be the ultimate war machine. But he became severely injured. Losing an arm and a leg, all that. The grineer found his body and used their own cybernetics to fix him up. They also warped what was left of his mind into believing the Tenno was responsible. Leading to an all out war against the frame. Forcing the Tenno to use transference to fix his broken mind and “take away its pain”. 

    The original prime was influenced by the destructive nature of the grineer. Which is what made his inferior clone best suited for the role of cybernetic enhancement. While most frames were destroyed, he remained due to his tough design. Maybe has an alternate/deluxe skin where he doesn’t have such injuries. So for the most part, maybe the Prime could be designed like the Seer Pistol. Where it uses both orokin and grineer technology/designs. Fight fire with fire. That’s the sort of origin story I pictured for such a frame to exist following the original lore. 

    For his skill kit, I pictured his passive being that he can jump higher and melee slams have wider range. Only melee equipped increases the speed of his heavy melee swings.

    1). Fires 3 homing rockets at up to 3 enemies. Hold to mark a specific target. 

    2). Teleport slam. Simply teleports to an enemy and performs a ground slam. If no melee is equipped, he will just use his fist. With a melee equipped, he will inflict greater damage. 

    3). Heavily increase the damage of Melees. Can be applied to allies and companions.

    4). Summons an Exalted Archgun that can switch between explosive rockets and basically Gatling bullets. 

    That’s the basic. Grineer is all about destructive force. So basically I combined the most annoying/biggest grineer concepts into 1. He would have the absolute highest armor than any other frame. Maybe like 1-2,000. Probably zero shields. While his energy and speed would be a bit on the low side. 

    But that’s just my opinion. 

  5. 23 hours ago, (NSW)LordDarki1337 said:

    Dinosaur frame; base a Rhino base but slightly larger, armor plates optically reinforced (3d), blue glowing eyes, passive: more robust against melee attacks, 1 Rage which gives him Atk speed crit chance/damage damage reduction of 5% with strength scalable that lasts 30 seconds , 2 fire beam for 20 sec, 3 dino form (T-rex), 4 long sword (buffs atk speed and damage)

    I thought about what if we had mutated Investedinos. Maybe they’ve been dormant for a long time, maybe the grineer tried to pull a Jurassic Park. Either way the introduction would show like T. rex walking very wobbly. Grineer see it but are confused as it’s body started making cracking sounds. Then you see it’s head fall down in from of them after it’s neck twisted. 

    Wondering if it’s dead, they scoot closer when all of sudden, it’s legs started moving. But strangely they started bending a twisting, it’s tail raised up and split apart. Next thing they knew, it turned around revealing an infested face at the center of the star split tail just before unleashing an infested roar.


    Creating a new more Forest like open world on earth filled with such creatures. Along with a new more dinomight Warframe. Maybe like a Hunter who wore Dino bones as like a trophy armor which after being turned into a Warframe, became more Dino himself. 

    Passive: reduced physical status due to tough skin.

    1). Delivers hard headbutt that knocks nearby enemies flying with a head harder than a Pachycephalosaurus.

    2). Giant roar that stuns enemies and throws off their accuracy. 

    3). Shield forged from the spikes and plates of a stegosaurus. Can be thrown to damage enemies but shatter, dropping on the ground which slows enemy movement and inflicts further damage. 

    4). Berserker rage that causes him to gain increased sprint speed and unable to be knockdown. His heavy melees become faster and don’t use up combo counters. Gains increased critical chance. If he doesn’t have a melee equipped, he will forge one from the remnants of the dinosaur remains. Can switch between a hammer and an axe.


    Just examples.

  6. 16 hours ago, Dark-Sheer said:

    Grendelball in a flipper with Deathorbs as Bumpers 🙂

    It would be another game like Frame Fighter on the Ludoplex.

    Something similar has been done with Metroid Pinball


    Grendel style pac-man with different faction maps and getting a Loki head symbol causes the enemies to lose their guns temporarily so they flee in terror and primed to be eaten.

    Grendel style PinBall with the orokin design for the game as they’re full of different traps with death orbs being the bumpers and such.

    RailJack Galaga where you shoot at the enemies, they’ll drop different weapon types, colors demonstrate how strong they are. You can take multiple hits and catch repair kits if you’re lucky. The enemies are different factions eventually leading to the bosses like Profit Taker, Mother Orb, Vay Hek Large version, Jordas golem, J3 Golem, etc. 

    Warframe Luigi Ghost Mansion where you use Sevagoth and his wraith as the ghosts while the others are corpus or grineer having to avoid being caught. Running around a maze not knowing where the wraith will appear. 

    Gauss Rush, basically like those little app games like Sonic Dash or Minion Run, where you run down a 3 lane path and dodge obstacles. Collecting credits and such. Maybe few other fast frames can be used with slightly different skills in later updates. 

    There’s a lot more but they’re a bit too big to be side games. But these are what I could think of off the top of my head the moment I saw your post. I’m sure a few dozen more will come to mind that aren’t too big. 

  7. On 2023-11-25 at 1:33 PM, KrasherK said:

    Stats at rank 30:

    Health - 300
    Shields - 175
    Armour - 150
    Energy - 150
    Sprint speed - 1.1


    All abilities are presented with rank 30 stats


    Munin's abilities leave feathers stuck in enemies for 20 seconds. For every feather stuck in an enemy they have 10% increased damage vulnerability.
    Killing enemies without using the exalted weapon adds charges to the exalted weapon.

    Ability 1:

    25 energy cost, 7 base projectiles.

    Munin throws a barrage of feathers towards an enemy while dashing backwards. While dashing, Munin is intangible and enemies and projectiles pass through him.
    Each projectile deals 300 slash damage and applies the passive, with the projectile count scaling with strength.

    Ability 2:

    50 energy cost, 15 metre base casting range, 5 metre base radius.

    Munin teleports to a location in a shroud of feathers, dealing 250 slash damage, applying 3 feathers to each enemy hit and knocking them down.
    After teleporting Munin is intangible for 2 seconds which scales with duration. 

    Ability 3:

    50 energy cost, 7 second base duration, 7 metre base radius.

    Munin harasses a targeted enemy with a small swarm of feathers. These feathers will stun and silence the target.
    Enemies under the effect of the swarm will take 150 slash damage a second, have their armour drained 10% per second (scaling with strength), and gain 1 additional feather per second.
    Killing the enemy that is under the swarm will cause the swarm to disperse, dealing 300 slash damage to enemies in the radius, as well as applying the armour strip the target received and applying 3 feathers.

    Ability 4:

    25 energy cost, 10 energy/second drain, 50 charges maximum.

    Munin guides his feathers to attack targets as an exalted throwing secondary. The weapon will fire homing feathers that seek heads while it is not aimed, and will fire a faster, non-homing projectile that deals significantly higher damage while aimed. The charges add additional projectiles to attacks (up to 2), which fire in a spread while not aimed, and fire in a helical pattern while aimed.

    Weapon stats:
    Unaimed:                                     Aimed:
    30% critical chance                      40% critical chance
    2x critical damage                        2.5x critical damage
    20% status chance                       30% status chance 
    300 slash damage                        300 slash damage
    150 puncture damage                 500 puncture damage
                                                        30% bonus headshot damage
                                                        Infinite body punch through


    Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated :)

    Honestly I’m picturing a Peacock theme. Considering male peacocks are known for their feathers. And they use them for multiple purposes.

    His signature melee could be fan blades shaped like the tail of a male peacock. Can throw them as part of the heavy melee and can confuse enemies with their appearance when wielded specifically by him.

    Or a unique shield glaive that can be thrown and hit multiple targets while also used as a shield that block bullets while mesmerizing enemies, maybe even daring them to attack. When thrown the enemies will target it instead as it’s eye feathered design distracts them. 

    I picture one of the abilities he makes his feathers spread out like a Peacock’s which throws off enemy accuracy as the eye designs distracts them before he launches the feathers at them. Making him the perfect assassin. Swift and elegant.

    With Zephyr being a wind flying type bird frame, I figured the Peacock would be the perfect, more grounded bird frame. But that’s just my opinion. Could have 2 separate colors to represent the shade versus light version. In shaded areas, his feathers are concealed while in light areas, they bloom. Maybe part of his story is that he is regarded as one of the most beautiful Warframes. 

    Just my opinion though. Just going off how people described male Peacocks. Thought they were females because of how people described them. 

    • Like 2
  8. On 2023-10-19 at 4:38 PM, (NSW)DRAGOW999 said:

    I'd like to give an idea what if we can have a regular warframe in a bioenginered suit for every from in the game that can look just like there original look as there warframe but get all there stats buffed and they use archgun and Archmelee in combat and having new vones like flipped gravity when your upside down and having it be able to use nechramech mods only it will be a segment for use but will be in game and have its warframe stats but doubled u can choose them or the suits abilities and the suit is not as big as a rail jack but still has all the warframe stats doubled witch would make steel path fun because steel path is only allowed for one frame it sucks u can't choose your main faive


    Honestly the title made me pictured a pregnant woman being turned into a Warframe which also affected the child within her. But that would probably be too horrific for certain gamers to handle. Dudes got mad when I did the Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies background voice. 

    Imagine a very big primitive looking female frame that just so happens to have another that comes out. They’re permanently stuck together so she acts more like a suit that gives enhance strength to run around and wield arch weapons like they’re regular weapons. Like merging Grendel, Hildryn, and Chroma together for the appearance and certain mechanics. 

    Originally made a concept about a growth frame that can expand its size and such. But I could see certain abilities being applied to this concept. When switching with the child, you run as a pair with a link almost like Nidus’s third ability. And doing so, the mother shrinks to what her true appearance/shape would’ve been. Seeing multiple frames designed with their bodies looking almost split or with what looks like a ditch going from their chest, down to their waste. So it wouldn’t be hard to make her the same way but for a mechanical purpose. 

    Maybe she’s more calm and nurturing while her child happens to be male with a lot of anger and aggression. Due to being in fetal development, he didn’t mutate like others, so he didn’t turn into a mindless beast. Basically he would be half Warframe. Seeing his mother the way she is, the torture she had to endure at the hands of the orokin, caused him so much anguish and rage. The Tenno and infested orokin family are shocked to see them. The family expresses such shock if you use the frame when interacting with them. The Mother would probably talk as if they have a lot in common. Saying things like “as a mother also…” before each speech. 

    But like I said, it would probably be too horrific for some to handle. Or too political. Maybe she thought about abortion but the orokin tricked her. After being turned into an infested, she became much closer to her child instead. Literally being connected. Ballas probably saying something like “I tried to lift this burden from her. But now she seems closer than ever before. It’s sickening.” Since Ballas likes to insult the Warframes and their behaviors. 

    Point is, I was way off when I saw the title.

  9. 19 hours ago, LegOmniverse said:

    Varytita; Graviton Scourge

    Varytita was designed and created to aid the Orokin workers out in the vacuum of space by pulling objects towards her from welding and building materials to Life Support Modules with the use of a powerful gravity manipulating device that appears as a large gauntlet worn on her left hand, but after the Orokin empire fell to ruin, she was left on her own to continue the work of the lower class that have since disappeared.
    Through the years she continued building ships and stations that would fall to ruin as she left them to begin building the next, eventually running out of strength where she then drifted off into the empty void of space, forgotten for centuries before she was found by the Corpus who took her apart to study her technology.

    Varytita is designed to be a Heavy Hitting Ability user that can pickup and throw enemies at each other for increased damage, or crush everything around her with her forth ability.

    Her main blueprint can be purchased from the market, while the blueprints for her components can be find by completing missions in a new tile-set; Corpus Solar Facility, a set of corpus outposts that orbit close to the sun



    Health: 300 (600 at Rank 30)
    Shield: 150 (300 at Rank 30)
    Armor: 150
    Energy: 100 (150 at Rank 30)
    Sprint Speed: 0.8



    Aim-Gliding will switch Varytita's gravity, causing her to accelerate and fall in the direction she's aiming



    1 - Force Grip

    Reach out and pull an enemy to you with Varytita's gravity gauntlet, disarming them and holding them in her grasp 

    Casting the ability again will launch them at a high speed towards where ever you're facing, damaging them and enemies when ever they collide with them or when they collide with terrain

    • The held enemy will intercept attacks from other enemies
    • Varytita switches to her secondary while holding an enemy, and drops the held enemy upon switching to her primary

    Holding down the casting key instead switches Varytita's focus, instead causing her to pull away the weapons of enemies in front of her and disarm them

    Cost - 15 Energy +4 P/Second

    Range - 5 M / 6 M / 7 M / 8 M

    Launch Speed - 60 M P/S

    Strength - 120 / 240 / 360 / 480 Impact +20% / 30% / 40% / 50% Target Armor


    Drain - Reduced by Ability Duration

    Range & Launch Speed - Increased by Ability Range

    Strength - Increased by Ability Strength



    2 - G-Force

    Enhance yourself and your allies with altered gravity, enhancing your speed

    The Sprint Speed granted to you and your allies ramps up the more you move

    Colliding with an enemy damages them and knocks them aside

    Drain - 50 Energy

    Duration - 10 / 10 / 15 / 15 Seconds

    Range - 7 M

        Movement Speed - 10% / 20% / 35% / 55% +5% P/5 M
        Damage - 50 / 125 / 225 / 350 Impact +50 / 100 / 175 / 250 P/5 M


    Duration - Increased by Ability Duration

    Range - Increased by Ability Range

    Movement Speed & Damage - Increased by Ability Strength



    3 - Gravity Well

    Alter gravity around Varytita and cause bullets and projectiles to orbit around her and strike enemies that move too close

    Drain - 30 10 P/Second

    Range - 5 M / 7 M / 9 M / 11 M

        Projectile & Bullet Damage Increase - 1.5x / 2.0x / 2.5x / 3.0x
        Projectile & Bullet Punch-Through - 4 M / 8 M / 8 M / 12 M


    Range - Increased by Ability Range

    Strength - Increased by Ability Strength


    4 - Graviton

    Increase the gravity around you to an immeasurable strength, crushing enemies within their own armor

    Drain - 100 Energy

    Range - 7 M / 9 M / 11 M / 13 M

    Stun Duration - 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Seconds

    Strength - 200 / 400 / 700 / 1100 Impact +25% / 45% / 65% / 85% Target Armor

    Range - Increased by Ability Range

    Stun Duration - Increased by Ability Duration

    Strength - Increased by Ability Strength



    Gravity Pulse (Force Grip)

    Send out a burst of gravity that knocks enemies aside and suspends them in air

    Drain - 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

    Ability Drain - 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 Energy

    Range - 6 M / 8 M / 10 M / 12 M

    Duration - 2 / 2 / 4 / 4 Seconds

    Strength - 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 Impact

    Abilities are too similar to mag and we already have a few speed buffs. And giving allies the ability to knock enemies away by charging into them kind of copies Gauss. 

    As someone who can reduce gravity, their parkour and jumps would increase. Movement would only increase a little. Heavy melees would be much faster to swing. But your body can only move so much. So your sprint speed wouldn’t increase much, especially when trying to stay close to the ground. 

    So she would be able to increase jump height and parkour by a lot while only increase sprint speed a little. Like 20% at most. But she can also reduce the weight of melees which would make heavy melees be swung much faster. 

    As a gravity frame that also means she can increase the gravitational force on enemies or objects. So she can use it to pend enemies down, leaving them vulnerable to finishers. She can also increase the weight of melee slams at the last second for greater impact.

    So basically her first ability could be where she pends enemies down and using finishers deal extra damage due to the weight of the weapon crashing down on them. More effective on heavy melees and hammers. 

    Her second ability could simply boost jump height and parkour. Sprint speed would increase a little, less than Wisp’s ability. And heavy melees will be much faster. For allies, melee slams could cancel it out much like back handsprings cancels Volt speed. When allies use melee slams, not only does it cancel the boost, but their melee slam does more damage and wider range. That way players won’t complain, at least not as much about being boosted without their consent. I would take advantage of the boost but not everybody is me.🤷‍♂️

    Her third is okay but obviously there will be limits to how many she can hold. Casting again could allow her to send them flying in all directions. 

    Her passive might irritate those who use aim glide. So maybe pressing the jump button a third time could allow her to do her passive instead. Maybe she can also resist gravitational/magnetic pulls, so magnetic anomalies won’t affect her. At least she won’t get pulled but she could still suffer an electric EMP effect if she run through them. 

    Her fourth is a tough one. Fourth abilities are known for usually being the biggest, most effect ones. Depending on the mission and such, other abilities may shine, but that doesn’t negate the stats. Example, Rhino stomp would be weaker as a first while volt speed would be 2-3 times faster as a fourth. Instead of being similar to mag who crushes her enemies, I think being able to basically bury them would make it different. Crush them in a different way.

    That or she increases her orbital gravity to the point it pulls enemies in and spins them around her so much they catch on fire and canceling it sends them all flying like meteors inflicting damage upon them and those they fly into. Range boosts the amount of enemies she can pull in by expanding her orbit while strength increases the damage and launching power. Also while in her orbit, they absorb some of the projectiles.

    Either one would be okay, but I personally would prefer the latter as it would be the most unique and fun to use. Especially when dealing with a huge swarm of infested and such. Be shielded and can go on the offense, increasing her survivability. 

    That’s just my opinion though. I base this of the study/laws of gravity and what DE has already made, in order to make this concept more unique. Considering we have mag, I would assume this frame would be male. Maybe their origin story is they used to be lovers, 2 peas in a pod. Not even the force of gravity could separate them. Until the orokin came. Maybe this frame is enraged looking for his loved one. If DE wants to really go into depth of their origins.


    Hope this helped.

    • Like 1
  10. On 2023-10-06 at 11:56 AM, (PSN)RoboVampireKitty said:

    I think a lot of us have wanted more Zaws for a good long while now, but unlike a traditional Zaw, what about Sentient Zaws? I figured, after the New War, Sentient wreckage is now present all through-out the Plains of Eidolon, so maybe this could give Hok cause to go out, salvage and repurpose what remains after their defeat. Let me know what you think?

    Honestly I created a concept of a void rifle and melee based on the Tenno Amps. Basically they channel the Tenno void energy to the blades or bullets that can reach further distances. Give Tenno their own mercy/finisher. 

    The War blade is a sentient weapon made from Hunhow. I figured it should have the ability to inflict damage based on enemy weaknesses. But some people don’t want it to.


    I would personally want more sentient melees with the unique ability to adjust damage type to the weaknesses of the enemies. Basically it would have a physical damage and an elemental damage, maybe 2. The physical will adjust based on the enemies such as it will do puncture to armor, impact to shields, then slash towards health. If a grineer loses his armor it will switch from puncture to slash. While the element will either inflict corrosive towards alloy armor or it would inflict corrosive AND ice. The moment it’s gone, it will inflict viral or viral AND fire towards the health. Just examples.  

    The War was a pain to obtain so it feels like a backhanded compliment when I received it. DE finally made melees more useful but I feel something as complex as the War should’ve been given a unique ability, maybe a secondary damage type that can adjust without affecting the usual damage. Maybe a heavy melee can cause it to switch to a more adapting type. In its default state it looks like sentient blade, but in its adaptable state, it has that energy aura around it. 


    Additional sentient weapons could make that happen. Could be Hok, or it could be a new lab in the dojo that is only unlocked after the new war. With all the sentient bodies in the Plains, you would think more Tenno weapons from the Quills and Hok would be available. Like maybe the Quills and Hok team up to create the sentient melees. Hok gives the melees their shape while the quills make them channel void energy for a unique Tenno blade that can hurt eidolons and bypass sentient adaptions. Give us the option to use our operator/drifter more often and freely besides just in the Paradox.

    Not to mention we now have Caliban who is a sentient. Honestly I pictured somebody drawing a frame by frame of Umbra pulling his sword out and placing it in the ground before reaching his hand out to accept Caliban despite his history with sentients, showing the final frame of their hands holding like that brother in arms thing.

    All that has been making me wish more and more for sentient weapons. But that’s just my opinion. 

  11. On 2023-08-01 at 10:08 AM, maddragonmaster said:

    like the title says its an ideal thats been drifting in my brain for a while mostly formless. i have no idea how this thing would be. and i an not going to pretend like i know about the math and practicality that it would take in making said warframe work. nor do i have the artistic talent to even make how it looks a thing. nor do i care if we already have a "dragon themed frame". besides i've been at odds with how chroma works for a long while so i give up on trying to force him to what i think should be done. besides i have a passion with dragons, why should i cater an idea of mine to some form of checklist every player seems to have?

    so the idea again like title says. combines the concepts of gargoyles and or dragon like qualities with void angels. possible  with one i haven't mentioned wizards, sorcerers and the like. i would imagine the frame would utilize the metallic, ethereal like material that the angels and the other stuff are composed of which i myself have no idea how they function but the whole stuff the incarnons been looking like has been appealing to me. i would like to imagine that the frame would have dragon like qualities to it maybe taking a nod from some void angels and some others. as for why i said gargoyle it was mostly a bypass for the said "but we already have a dragon frame" but i did have a few ideas for in case it had those themes to it. it would be maybe hardening itself to make it more durable with possible drawbacks in a way or form. other ideas would be maybe summoning hands from no were to either hold targets or punch them, i do not know.

    the idea is just so cluttered and in my head i am not really sure what it would do. maybe it could work with controlling space and time to an extent. maybe it could fire void missiles (based on magic missiles), maybe it could teleport. the idea for me is like some kind of schrodinger's cat for me. i can see it having a few ideas of stuff. but i am not sure what would be practical. i thought i would just get this idea out there. just because i wanted to and it feels a little bit better for me to just talk about an idea. i've always liked this stuff. just scratching an itch. 

    Got me picturing something more gargoyle like. Warframes tend to look like they’re made of plastic. Or like they got a not so shiny paint job. But as something related to Void Angels, I’m picturing him being more gray with some shine to him. I’m not super great at picking colors.

    As for detailed description, I’m picturing something closer to Rhino Palatine model but with noticeable front horns and obviously wings. I picture the wings looking similar to the Night Hunter Syandana. Has something like the loincloth and scarf that Umbra has. His face could look similar to Chroma’s, but if he is based on the Void Angels, it would probably be similar to citrine but with a more Scream like shape. That’s about the most I can describe. Warframes have a lot of weird but unique details to their designs/skin so I can’t really go any further. I wouldn’t know how to go about describing the exact texture and such which is where an artist’s imagination has to come in and I personally wouldn’t judge so long as the big/main details/features that can be described are accounted for. 

    His origin would be difficult as we don’t have much details on Warframe origin. SPOILER ALERT: they were created by the orokin using a special strand of infested. They went through all sorts of abuse by the orokin to control them. But then the Tenno came along and was able to “see inside an ugly broken thing, and take away its pain”. Which shows these Warframes aren’t as mindless as we were first lead to believe. 

    But I’m not entirely sure when the frames were created or how long it has been going on in timing with the Zariman and void angels. Otherwise I picture a guy trying to resist the “song” that turned others into void angels. But he was caught by the orokin and injected with the infestation virus. The virus not only mutated his body but it weakened his will enough for the “song” to take over. Turning him into a sort of void Angel frame. But his appearance resembles something closer to a gargoyle. Every now and then, he becomes dormant before he awakens and goes on a rampage.


    As for his stats, I picture him being pretty tanky. Decent amount of health and armor with some shields. Probably be pretty quick on his feet. I’m not good at picking exact numbers unless I wanted them to fit the same category as another frame with similar stats. 

    For his abilities:

    Passive: I picture him being able to jump high and far. Maybe when sitting still, he completely sits still like a statue, maybe develops a silver coating across his body like iron skin, which causes enemies to slowly approach him with caution. Eventually they start attacking him but it gives you some time to think and plan.

    I’m thinking of one where he basically targets an area, leaves a sort of mark. When pressed again, he jumps through a portal and crashes down on the enemies. If you press and hold, he will do it immediately. 

    I’m picturing one where he releases a loud noise that temporarily turns enemies into metallic statues. Basically he can release a minor version of “the song” that can affect those he faces nearby. Their bodies would turn shiny silver(what ever energy color) and they’ll sprout those weird looking branches and flames. While in that state, they are vulnerable to melees.

    He could create a sort of portal that sucks enemies into like Grendel but fires them out of another. Like he creates that sphere that can pull enemies from all direction while opening up a single flat portal that all the enemies are fired out of immediately. Tap to create the sphere and hold to open the portal. If both aren’t done, then nothing happens.


    Finally, the only other ability I can think of is he is releases a sort of shockwave scream that not only turns all surrounding enemies into the silver statues, but they become his minions and attacks others in a berserker like rage. While all nearby enemies are turn into statues, only a certain number become official void Angel minions that attack the dormant ones. Dormant enemies are more vulnerable to melee.  

    That’s about all I can really do to describe the frame I’m picturing. His abilities are more based on void angels and how they came to be.

    I feel like we need a new open world but this one is different(obviously). Maybe one day DE will create an open orokin world where it looks like a legit orokin city rather than the inside of some high security palace. But for now, I’m picturing a sort of floating island in space that kind of looks somewhere between an orokin city and the zariman maps. It has an outside view and there are lots of statues in the positions like trees. As if a crowd of people tried running and changed into void statues. However some amongst them are actually dormant void angels ready to pounce if you get near them. Maybe there’s part of an orokin tower or zariman ship that crashed and creates a sort of castle like background vibe. If DE doesn’t just make a darker looking orokin city. Like the open orokin world would be huge, possibly bigger than the Plains of Eidolon. While this dark version would be like a fracture of one. Like if an orokin city was damaged by the void angels and this fraction drifted off into space. Becoming the home of the Void Gargoyle Frame. 

    Basically a dark creepy forest theme but of void statues. Introduction shows like maybe some corpus arrived on this island and saw the strange looking “trees”. As they approached, one of them notices a grineer mask on the ground. As they continue to inspect, they noticed some of these “trees” has grineer masks on them. That’s when the camera view changes into that of a semi blurry vision of an angry beast charging at the corpus. Then the camera switches to a far distance angle and all you hear are the corpus screams into the dark void of space.

    But that’s just my opinion.

  12. 11 hours ago, ElecDeathblade said:

    I mean... Vauban and Protea are already kinda Corpus based...

    And then there's Nidus that is basically pure Infestation, even if you ignore that Warframes are already made with an infested corpse.

    Oh, and Revenant and Caliban being outright half or partial Sentient.

    yep, this comment right here aged like milk.

    Don’t forget Hildryn. Believe it or not I thought of Hildryn like 5 or so years ago. The basic concept was a corpus destroyer. Figured having the highest shields than any other frame. Able to fire electric explosives like the staticor that could even damage nullifier shields. Could drain enemy shields and armor to replenish her own shields. And could boost ally’s shields. 

    What really got me was I even tried to describe her as a bulky female frame that’s like a cyborg. Couldn’t decide on her color between blue, purple, and aqua green. And yet this frame was all of the above. Granted Hildryn is a bit bulkier than I imagined, her passive using shields as energy and her fourth ability were definitely not what I thought of but makes sense. 

    It annoyed me that the main thing she didn’t have was the ability to damage nullifier shields. Which I suggested DE adds as an augment mod. And surprise surprise, they did. 

    DE made a few concepts I’ve tried to suggest and was trolled over. Including the corpus themed frame. Dudes called me names for wanting an ability that can damage a shield that cancels and negates abilities. And they compared it to Mesa. And later when I brought it back up, they compared it to Inaros and Harrow. 

    But Hildryn amongst a few other frames definitely convinced me DE is paying attention and taking ideas into consideration. Nobody would convince me otherwise. 

    Now for Grineer styled frame, I was picturing something a little more warmachine like. Basically a frame that specializes in heavy artillery. He was designed to be the best war machine. And he definitely lived up to that role, until he got blown to bits. In the middle of the war zone, his body laid damaged, disfigured, limbs missing. Then the grineer found him and rebuilt him using their cybernetic technology and equip him with their own heavy artillery. Along with filling his mind with lies that it was the Tenno that were responsible. Leading to the Tenno having to face him, show him the truth, and “take away his pain”.

    I have suggestions for his ability kit but I’ve typed a lot as is. Heck I even have an idea for a new kind of infested. One that could be added to the new open map. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Leontiesh said:

    All of you saying that I had 6 months to do it, you are sorely mistaken. I had exactly yesterday and today to do it, that's all. Not 1 second more. The way I use my time is purely my own business and nobody else's. This isn't the problem. The problem is that DE said it was possible to complete Nightwave using recovered missions but it's clearly bugged. This has prevented me from achieving what they said was possible. Had they announced this 10 days ago, perhaps this issue could've been solved by the reset, but it wasn't so. They announced yesterday and this made it impossible because of a bug and mismanagement on their part, which I was unaware of. I trusted them for this to work. It doesn't. 

    Yeah I started to experience what you was talking about. Was stuck on 26. Kind of mad. 2 umbra forma’s right in front of me but just couldn’t reach it. With the builds I have planned, I don’t need that many. But would’ve been nice. 

    All the other times it was announced like 2 weeks in advanced. So I figured I could take a break and by the time they say it was ending in 2 weeks, then I’ll do all the recovered missions. 

    The timing plus the bugs were completely unexpected. Not only were we caught off guard, but then got held back by the bugs. Too bad people who spend 24/7 on this game refuse to comprehend. 

    This is clearly not their problem, therefor not their concern, therefor their opinion is invalid. That’s like some anti-dog person responding to a dog loving post. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Leontiesh said:

    I would also like to add that this wasn't announced on July 17th. No. Perhaps this was talked about, perhaps this was posted about. This was announced on July 27th. There was an announcement in game in the News panel, where you'd expect, and the linked announcement on the forum. This was the actual announcement. If this was announced on the 17th then why do we have another announcement on the 27th, 10 days later? If this was talked about before, either on forums or during Tennocon, then it should've reflected that announcement in game, which is where I take my announcements from. I play the game, I see the News panel. I seldom visit the forums and I simply did not have time to watch Tennocon, because life happened. But I take the time to log in daily for 1 minute, that's how I knew about the Nightwave end date. So I foolishly panicked and cleared my schedule just to try to catch up, only to find out that it's not possible because recovered missions are bugged. Hence why I'm here and talking about this. 1 Day announcement time, bugged recovered missions, and my wasted time trying to reach rank 30 for the only rewards that I cared for, since I have everything else. Not good.

    Seems logging out then back in speeds up the recovery. At least for me.

  15. 56 minutes ago, Leontiesh said:

    I have no idea what you're referring to. Warframe has been online since 2013 and announcing Nightwave end dates in game has been done before with ample time. This time, 1 Day with bugged recovered missions. 

    Feels like everybody is purposefully ignoring your point and trying to use strawman arguments just to annoy you. Every other nightwave they warned us like 1-2 weeks in advanced. This time it was only 2 days. Not everybody spends their time on the internet obsessed with every detail of a single game. Some people still willing to get logins will check the news. If there’s nothing there, then it’s not their concern. Nor should it be. People shouldn’t be forced to put everything else on hold cause DE might hold some information back and wait till the last minute to put it in the news. 

    It’s like everybody is blaming you for NOT being a no life. 2021 is a very strange year indeed. Everything is reversed. What’s right is wrong and what’s up is down. 

    • Like 3
  16. On 2021-07-17 at 11:51 AM, [DE]Dudley said:


    Greetings Dreamers!

    At TennoCon 2021 we announced that Nightwave Intermission 3 is coming to an end on July 28th at 2 pm ET.

    When Nightwave Intermission 3 has concluded, there will be a transition into Nightwave: Nora’s Choice. This brings back some of Nora’s favourite Rewards but also introduces the new exclusive Yareli in Action Glyph and the Waveform Ephemera for the first time. You can tune into Nora’s Choice beginning on August 4th at 2 pm ET.

    Duplicate Protection Continues!
    Intermission rewards are sometimes a repeat of the previous Nightwave series, and while newer players might delight in getting some of these new items, we wanted to add a way for it to still be rewarding for returning Dreamers! We accomplish this by giving a 50 Credit reward instead of a previously owned item. This does not apply to items such as Warframe Slots, or consumable items (such as Forma), but rather for owned, unique items such as previous Nightwave Cosmetics.

    Upcoming changes?
    As we mentioned in our previous post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1247630-nightwave-intermission-iii-is-now-live/, we shifted our focus from Nightwave to develop The New War and beyond in Warframe. Nightwave is a regular and reliable reward track for Tenno of all experience levels. Play and get cool stuff! Continuing into Nora’s Choice will allow us to ensure we give The New War the attention it deserves. Our goal to have a simultaneous release across all Platforms remains the same.

    Too bad I’m not allowed to complete all my missed weekly missions since it’s stuck on just the syndicate mission one. Which those missions won’t refresh till tomorrow noon. Lovely. 

  17. On 2018-02-03 at 2:02 PM, -RS-Covenant said:

    I think its a great idea, Ive noticed a influx in South American/Spanish speaking players.  I think it would really add some cultural diversity into the War frame Universe.  Just an idea.


    Honestly I picture a frame looking very similar to Kotal Kahn from MK. Having patterns on his body. Maybe different colors determines the attribute of certain abilities. Like determining the physical damage inflicted by certain abilities. 

    Could see him summoning statues that grant certain effects. From healing, extra shields, maybe even simply creating a distraction or barrier. I’ve seen a lot of crazy Indian like rituals and such. Maybe his passive makes it where suffering a bleeding effect adds a sort of bonus. And using the ability to summon the statues mention above makes him inflict the bleeding effect on himself temporarily. Like a blood ritual. Maybe even have an augment where he can summon all 3 as a single merged statue like some Hawaiian tiki tiki statue, or whatever it is called. 

    Maybe creating a barrier that keeps enemies stuck inside vs the usual barriers meant to keep them out. So once they step in, they won’t be able to step or shoot out until they destroy the barrier. Maybe the strength of the barrier is determined by the amount of shield sacrificed to create it. So imagine summoning a decoy that draws in the enemies and a barrier to trap them for one single assault. Like the perfect ambush. And so far I’ve seen Indian like people pull off some of the most craziest ambushes. 

    Basically this frame takes sacrificing and rituals to a whole new level. Which would also mean him being pretty tanky stats wise. To insure survival. 

    I’m picturing like 2 dozen abilities but can’t figure out which would be the best set-up where he would be more unique and not too similar to an existing frame. Basically combine the blood rituals type stuff with the supernatural demon seals type stuff.  

    • Like 1
  18. On 2021-03-02 at 3:28 PM, (XBOX)Violet Six9674 said:

    I believe that the first ability is fine and the passive that Ver1dian has stated. Yet I think the second, third and fourth ability can be changed a little. Here are one of my ideas for each ability.


    Change the first ability to the second one, yet replace the first with this and the rest follows.


    First ability: She sends out a tentacle from her body and attaches to an enemy. I believe it should be like the rip line of valkyr if pressed, but if held down it will send out a more thin tentacle that will buff her armor by a percentage amounts the amount I'm not sure, but to a 50% then starts to regen health and energy but slowly since it it does both but the rate can be increased with power strength.


    Third ability: As Ver1dian has stated that would be a lot of work to make a new gun for every single weapon already in the game. So I want to add something that will make her more like a princess or queen of the infested. This ability will be like Nidus's larva ability but instead of pulling them in, it will make a ball of tentacles that will search out targets and infect them with a maggot that will start to drain their health yet a small amount with a passive stun like Vauban's first ability, yet if an affected enemy dies they are turned into a random infested unit that fights for you and your allies. Allowing her to make her own subjects and force them under her rule like a iron fist queen. Power range will increase tentacles range of course and power strength will decrease the time it takes for the effected unit to become infested. This also adds a bit of RNG into the frame since if you're lucky you will get an ancient that will either heal you give you damage resistance things like that.


    Fourth ability: I very much like the idea of sending out a swarm of infested flies that attack enemies and borough the way into them slowly turning them into infested. Yet the way you put it makes it sound a lot like Atlas's rumblers, so I say make it half a swarm of flies and half maggots or larvas and have them seek targets forcing them to stager and be a form of cc while doing damage. Yet I believe it would be nice if she is able to make her own little infested "kingdom" like Nidus's fourth ability and make a little infested field around her that acts as a buffing station for her and her allies while slowly spawning more flies or maggots to infect more enemies to turn them into infested yet to make have such a big need to camp if you pass through the infested field you get the buffs but on a timer like Wisp's reservoirs but not as strong, power strength will help though. The second part the field I thought would be great in something like survival and defense while her ability to cc and do some damage while having slight buffing would help in the other mission types. 



    Also please be aware that I did indeed come up with this on the fly and in one sitting so not everything is balanced or have any percentages yet and more as you can most likely tell from reading, and I would most definitely appreciate any feed back and advice to help these abilities.


    Well I was trying to focus more on her being a queen of infested swarms. Able to infest anything. And has the ability to enhance infested. There are like multiple fighting styles or roles. Most concepts go for a damage build. I was trying to go for the kind of build similar to how Nyx and Nekros are with a little buff. To make the infested more useful too. Rhino can buff everything. Chroma can only buff weapons which makes his buff superior to rhino’s on a weapon damage level. So I figured her being exclusive to infested would make her a bit higher. Especially since infested weapons don’t have like a prime/wraith/vandal variant. 

    There are like dozens of infested abilities she could have. But I was strictly going for the whole infest everything theme. As you know, each frame has a “theme” as DE puts it. The theme for this specific one was basically The Queen of Infested Swarms. Strictly for infesting others and enhancing them. I’m not entirely sure what the play style would be called.

    But the explosive infested was literally based on the Runners that explode on you. Figured the same would be done for hers. With infested weapons, figure she could be capable of creating them. Like a mixture between a buff and an exalted. I even imagined her creating an exalted infested whip but guess that’s out of the question now. 

    I try to create abilities that synchronizes with each other. Where one affects the others in some way. And for this one I was also trying to make the infested weapons more useful. Similar to how Excalibur makes swords better and how mesa makes pistols better. This frame would make the infested ones better in her hands. 


    But either way, I just post ideas to assist DE. I welcome any alternative ideas. And I don’t have some like “copyright” mindset if others took notes to create their own version. Sometimes you have to post your own so that YOUR ideas get noticed. Most people aren’t gonna read every single comment/response to a post. 

    I honestly wish I was better at drawing. Got someone to draw a Volcanic Frame concept for me. But they haven’t been in a drawing mood since. They said they would draw more if the concept was implemented into the game somehow. Even if slightly changed a little. But the vision I have for the Infested Queen is pretty, grotesque. 

  19. 1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Update on the above 👆

    We have run a script to retroactively give the Palla Syandana to players who have purchased the Deimos Swarm Pack. If you purchased the Deimos Swarm Support Pack before September 3rd the Syandana is now available in your Arsenal to equip. Enjoy!

    Well now there are more issues occurring. For starters the animals are not spawning as much as before on top of some of the tracks not being located where the map says. That’s a major Big No since y’all decided to make tokens the only way to gain standing or to guild the companions.

    Also the isolation vault bounty has been causing lots of issues. From constantly respawning me when I try to step into the vault to gather resources or causing my sentinel to never respawn back even after self revive. There was a moment where after I stepped out of my Necramech I couldn’t return to my warframe and then couldn’t return to my Necramech either. Then when my tenno took fatal damage I was completed dead with no self revives. Almost like arbitration. Also did y’all intentionally made the toxic area build up faster? Cause that’s ridiculous, can’t even take a break to reload without nearly losing the bounty which has 2 problems: lazy players or not enough enemies while solo. It’s moving too fast and it would be nice if y’all turned it back down just a little bit. Got me nearly panicking trying to keep the percentage down.

    Also those Necramech definitely need a better place to level them up. Sort of a ESO for only Necramechs. Like Simaris taking an interest in them and wants to test them out. Don’t want to spend all day everyday doing Orb Vallis. That’s a lot of leveling up and polarization even with an affinity booster. Doesn’t have to be as big or full as ESO but enough to notice a difference. Not to mention Necramech needs some mods like vacuum and enemy radar cause it is hard dealing with such a wide space and so many obstacles blocking our view. Especially with Necramech being kind of slow compared to frames. 

    Also hotspots for fish aren’t working right. In Cetus and Fortuna we can be sure to see lots of them spawn especially after throwing out a bait. But this one they barely spawn at all and again, more tedious work requirements than both Cetus and Fortuna. Which can become a major issue. 

    I understand y’all have a lot to do seeing that y’all released an update on all devices at once. Just pointing these things out for y’all to look into. 

  20. On 2020-06-28 at 4:10 PM, CortiWins said:

    So collecting fish is pretty good. And doing tornadoes as Zephyr is good as well, but ...*dramatic pause* ..what if we could combine those? Tornadoes with fish flying through the air.

    Or use magnetic that increases the chance of the spear landing a hit. Or hydroid being able to grab them with his abilities, plus swim across the water in open world maps. Or frost could freeze the water for a period, maybe even walk on it as he turns the path he takes into ice. Or valkyr’s first ability to grab them no matter which fish it is. Mirage clones to all throw separate spears. Maybe Duality equinox can activated with a spear which the specter will also catch fish and once ability wears off she do the animation showing every fish caught. Volt could stun the robotic fish. Sleep abilities at least slow them down. 

    There are a lot of ways DE could make fishing easier. Give some of the frames more creative  uses. But doubt they ever will. Mag and Volt as starter frames would become more useful for sure to new players going into open world maps. 

  21. 3 hours ago, Marine027 said:

    That's a Lamia tho or a Naga in some cases.

    Snake can be a more variety, full snake or snake men like as example in Dark Souls as a more recent example in gaming.

    If you go by this picture you can also make a centaur while you at it aswell.

    Other then that i would like to see more animal based frames overall, more feral in design and behavior tho and not something like Valkyr as much i like her it is kinda lame as a full "cat".

    If we get such i like to see them using things like Tails as attack, bites, spit poison in a Snakes case etc as abilitys.

    Side note wise, concpets are nice and all but still should fit the universe and have lore, or else we get stuff like Baruuk with a concept but no connection to anything in the world or his own Lore, same for Hildryn and Garuda. To many concepts can ruin this game sadly.

    Well they have made frames that float. So I guess the next step is making one that slithers. Could be like some weird animation. Saryn’s molt used by her silver grove specter crawls on the ground after you like some zombie. So I could see her slithering around. Maybe her passive is that bullets are more likely to miss while she is “sprinting”. Cause snakes are pretty slippery. 

    Then the abilities would be somewhat complicated. All the things snakes are known for have already been used in current existing frames. Saryn being a toxic and corrosive frame plus her prime being very snake like along with her Molt. Atlas petrifying enemies like Medusa. Khora strangling enemies with her whip. Ain’t that much that can be done.

    I could see her being able to inflict high amounts of toxic and corrosive damage but only to single enemies instead of spreading like a disease like Saryn. So it can deal high amounts of elemental damage to a single target. Snakes can be very venomous but they don’t spread like a disease. Could also summon smaller ones that attack the enemies and cause panic while reducing their armor with corrosive. Kind of thinking about that Molt that Saryn does except her silver grove specter had a few that crawled on the ground like zombies. Which makes me see her being a very fast moving frame and one ability she travels quickly across the ground, wraps around an enemy, and then poisons them. Her toxic could be similar to corrosive in that it builds up damage over time but only to a single target which doesn’t get passed on. So no matter how tough the enemies are, they are bound to die eventually and quicker than what Saryn could do to a single target. So while Saryn is a horde killing frame, this one would be single target focused. 

    But regardless people will complain that “we already have one of those” so I doubt DE would be willing to make it. Regardless of how different it may be. There’s only 4 elements and 6 merged elements. There ain’t much else for DE to work with since the only elements that frames haven’t been fully based on is Blast and Gas. And so DE is having to focus on other themes which can be difficult to do the more frame they create. And trying to avoid making them too similar is a problem with so many narrow minded people. Gauss and Volt run very differently yet it doesn’t stop trolls from comparing the two. 

    And I doubt things like centaurs would be used. Frames are basically mutated/experimented people. So unless centaurs really did exist back then and the Orokin experimented on them too, I don’t think DE would create one. It would also be some complicated animation too. And there aren’t many abilities for a centaur frame. The few that could’ve been used have already been used on other frames. Would be a weird gruesome story if maybe a warframe somehow merged with its horse. Like due to the infestation part of the body, maybe something blew its legs off along with the head of the horse and the infestation trying to pull itself together before dying, grabbed the remaining body of the horse and merged it. Creating the origin of the “centaur” spoken in myths. 

    Either way, those kind of concepts would be difficult for DE to make. Especially if all people do is suggest a theme with no suggestions for abilities. And I don’t know what else to add that won’t be trolled by others. So I can’t exactly help add to the concepts. 

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  22. 11 minutes ago, Vulcanizor said:

    Since Wukong is one of the most convenient frames there is, I really like playing him in everyday and kuva siphon missions.

    I especially like his clone, since it complements my gaming style: I love meleeing around like a madman, the clone shoots the rest.

    Now my question: why does it only aim for the torso?

    It is designed to aim dead center mass. Mesa’s fourth ability does too. It is something I’ve suggested be changed due to multiple enemies being vulnerable or only weak in the head. But then I guess DE figured it would be OP if a frame could deal such damage against everything. 

  23. 22 minutes ago, zhellon said:

    On the other hand, I would like to exchange a couple of abilities between frames, albeit in tight restrictions, such as "only forest theme" Or "only corpus theme"

    Don’t think you understand how the “themes” work in this game. All the frames are different “themes”. Valkyr is not a corpus “theme”. And wisp is not a corpus nor forest “theme”. No two frames share the same “theme”. Attributes some share. Factions some share. But none of them share the same theme. Atlas is a Greek god that holds the earth. So the concept of him being a strong rock themed frame is understandable. While Oberon is literally a fairy king of the forest. Imagine atlas using something like hollow ground or Oberon using landslide. It would make no sense for their THEMES. Ember is a pure fire theme while chroma is a dragon and Nezha is based on a Chinese god. Wukong is based on the Monkey King Wukong. They are not the same theme. Switching abilities would never work cause all of their themes are different. 

    And again, that is not how DE designed this game for. You know how many games out there people wish they could just “switch abilities” or create their own characters? It’s the oldest and probably most childish request for any game. “Let me make my own” is one of the most popular demands/requests for any multi character game. 

    Why bother making over 40 characters just to switch their abilities? Might as well just change the game entirely into a character creation game with over 120 abilities to choose from instead. 

    So no, wrong game. It is not their style/concept for this game so requesting them change it into a different game for you is not gonna work. That‘s like someone asking CoD to make their game just like resident evil. And this isn’t just some duke it out fighting tournament game either. This game follows a story and has some lore. Noticed you can create your tenno? But your frames have a story. They are not simply machines that you can redesign or reprogram. Imagine somebody requesting Dante be able to use all of Virgil’s moves in DMC. Making such changes would ruin the entire concept. 

    DE has made it pretty clear that creating your own character is not gonna happen. And they made it pretty clear they have no intention on having 2 different frames sharing the same ability. 

    That’s not the direction they are going with this game so it gets pretty old when dozens of people keep asking for them to change course. 

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