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Posts posted by Ahijuna

  1. You know that times when tens of enemies spawn and you time your movements precicely to jump in the middle and cast your 4th to kill everybody, you jump, press the ability key and... just roll over in the middle of an astonoshed enemy crowd? This bug that makes you roll over instead of casting an ability has been going for ages and needs to be addressed. I've even falled over the edge of the maps. Hillarious but annoying and again can easily make you fail an mr test.

  2. Sometimes when you switch to operator, void dash and try to switch back to warframe you cant, operator animations freeze and you are locked in operator mode. Void dashing again fixes it but sometimes you need a few dashes. This has lead to failing short timed missions like the new corpus ship bonus screens or mr29 test where losing precious seconds stuck in op mode cant be afforded.

  3. hace 49 minutos, Reifnir dijo:

    Amen to that.

    Thing is, I'm afraid the whole Kuva Weapon MR5 availability was a bug/oversight DE noticed too late (why put an MR requirement on Kuva weapons at all if they ALL are effectively, MR5?), and now they just don't know how to fix it without causing a backlash. because we already have herds of low-MR players running around with the best room-clearing weapon this game has to offer, and they will not like losing access to that shiny, OP-as-hell toy... 

    To not mention old players who have developed their own gaming style and have their own fun and subltle ways to clear rooms now have to deal with herds of newbies shoting flocks of exploding arrows in their heads.

  4. I'm going to leave this here because I love to watch my RJ depart but the animation has a flaw that drives me crazy. In space objects still have mass and inertia, RJ is supposed to be a massive heavy ship but when the docking arms release it the RJ shakes like a helium balloon. Such a mood killed 😛 it should float in space like a war ship floats on the water.

  5. Railjack "Move Up" key (usually space bar) does nothing. Works for jumping and moves up on archwing but doesn't work on RJ. I've asked around and I am not the only one with this issue. Everything on the Key Bindings section looks alright.

  6. I don't speak english so well so i need to take my time and pay attention if I want to understand what i hear or even read. I also have no idea what the guy told me and the crime scene itself was pretty dull. Crime scene should be the playable part. The trial part should be less stresdsing.

  7. EDIT: I fixed it! The holster animation is now unequiped by default. You need to equip it in your weapons holster style!


    Up. Same problem with Shildeg. Other people seems to be having troubles with Zaws but mines seem to work ok.

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  8. EDIT: I managed to fix this by entering the Holster Style animation in the weapons appearence menu and equiping the Holster animation. Seems to be unequiped.


    Weird. My Zaws work ok but I have the same problem with kuva shildeg as reported in other threads.

  9. Kuva Shildeg glues on my hand as soon as I equip it. My frames are wielding it when I'm using my primary, my secondary, walking on my orbiter and even in my login screen. Doesn't happen with other weapons. I tried to equip other melee and everything is ok. It affects only the Shildeg and reloging wont fix it.

  10. Not all of this pacing related but certainly big boomers for RJ missions flow and feel:


    - Engineering rank 10 you can fix the RJ remotely but:

    1-Takes so long to repair that is usually faster to just run and fix on the spot. Adventage is you can still repair while piloting but if you are the engineer this is not good. Perhaps reduce the repair time and only make it slower if you are doing something else like piloting, forward artillery, turrets, etc.

    2- Fixing remotely currently inhibits the ability to teleport through the RJ using the tactical menu


    - Piloting rank 10: 2000 damage while boosting is not usefull at all. I did this only for Mastery Rank points. More damage or other effects like temporarily disabling crewships would be fun.


    - Gunnery rank 10: Slightly usefull, the snap last close to nothing and it will miss targets changing their advance vector anyway, to not mention certain turret weapons do not generate lead indicators. That plus void hole+missile destroying all fighters around makes skilled gunners unnecesary. This is another one only really usefull for MR point. A shame cause turrets are my fav spot on a RJ but I feel I'm just sitting theer to enjoy the ride.


    Crewship boarding and Forward Artillery: Hopefully the mod drops will fix this because boarding was fun but nowadays people is just blowing Crewships out using the forward artillery. However this will happen again once people has farmed all mods (which should take 2 days as a tenno never sleeps). It would be fun to have some kind of mission type or a secondary objective that includes piloting a hijacked CS.


    Right now you can solo speed run Veil Proxima missions just shoting void holes, a few missiles and a Dome Charge now and then. Certainly an RJ mood killer.

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  11. We were defending the oplinks (I was not host). I was being affected by the "If you switch to operator you get stuck like that until operator dies and you're teleported to the murax entrance" and suddenly I realize I am fighting alone. My squadmates were not there. I checked the tactical menu and the map said they were in the Railjask so I used my omni. Nobody there. I entered the murax again and could see them. I think the operator bug caused it when I let operator die to get inside my frame again but couldn't tell for sure.

  12. I was hosting Murex Raid and on Mesa. After we finished I clicked the button to return to the flotilla there was still a sentient in the ship causing me damage so I pressed 4th and got rid of him right after we landed at the relay. Once at the flotilla relay I was stuck in the "Peacemaker" animation but without the guns, looked very funny, like that Jesus meme xD. Squad wanted to repeat so I launched again and took the Railjack wheel. Upon leaving hyperspace all functionality was lost, I could not move or leave my station nor chat to the squad, all I could do was opening the menu and abort the mission.


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