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Everything posted by Nocxia

  1. Can we please keep the ones we got, and maybe just issue a new set via an in game mail? this may sounds weird but i used some of those mods as a baby tenno a fair bit till i got the real ones, and it would be nice to keep as a momento. maybe rerun the april fools event if new folks want to get them + ammo drum?
  2. Hey guys! I really wish you would consider offering a just skin +halo bundle for $20-30. I don't really want aya, or emotes, or even the frames themselves. Few people I know, who are long term veterans, do (obv others experience may vary, just reporting mine). That or have these bundles re-run like the prime access does with Varzia. I adore this game, and the skins are gorgeous! This just has a really bad taste, I guess.
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