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  1. So a week ago my buddy took me to themisto, we killed alas V, and it was my first time killing him, and then a couple days later we go kill him again, after I saw my friend use Valkyr prime, I knew I wanted her, but I started out small, so I was going for normal Valkyr, I only had the chasis and systems, I was thinking if I bought the blueprints it would give me ALL of the blueprints, so I decided to prematurely sell the chasis and systems I had, and to my dismay, when I went to go build her, I only had the blueprint for just her, so I went back to themisto to get tge chasis and systems back, plus the neuroptics, and I don't know if im extremely unlucky, or its a bug, but I have 6 neuroptics, and 4 systems, yet no chasis, I have lost the will to farm for it again, and again, just to get another dupe, any suggestions on what to do?
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