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Everything posted by Yamazuki

  1. Recycling content is fairly normal, and unsure how it went after Tencent took over, but before then, DE wasn't exactly making much money as a whole compared to their expenses. There's a pretty good reason why reworks are fairly rare and DE tends to continue rushing forward eventually leaving content to irrelevance with methods to bypass it in the future even if temporary. Not much different to how we don't ever get any real weapon balancing. It's too much of an expense for DE which they've admitted previously. DE has also been a fairly artistic studio for a while. The aesthetic of a map or item has a higher priority over practicality. It's why we have weapons that look good and sound good, but then feel terrible to use.. or when DE updates maps and they say look at how great it looks... and then it feels horrible to deal with the way enemies move around in it compared to the original version. Although, I disagree that they actually focus on selling cosmetics. If they did, they wouldn't design the game with so many inconveniences in order to make people feel forced into buying Platinum. DE does not release enough cosmetics to rely solely on them in the way some other games do, in fact, the number of games that focus on cosmetics primarily while being pve focused is fairly low. It's either pay a lot to get rid of problems deliberately created by the developer, paying for new content in some fashion or gambling your money away. Keep in mind some of the cosmetics sold aren't even done by DE either, as Tennogen has a decent amount of options; without it, there would be extremely limited options in some cases. Good luck on finding any game that releases content in a timely manner and with limited bugs. Pvp games hardly ever get any real content and just go on the endless train of changing metas to trick people into thinking the game is new every time, and multiple genres of pve games rely on the lame 'seasons' model with fairly minor additions while you do mostly the same thing every x months. What really should be done is spreading your playtime across different games you enjoy, not dedicating your time exclusively to one. There are 3-4 pve games I have been playing long term with random single player/short term multiplayer games mixed in and one pvp specific game.
  2. If they want to, they can. Not really sure why it ever matters what someone else is doing when it isn't impacting anyone else.
  3. Korean and Chinese games were released for the West [which my post said] in English/Portuguese/Spanish/French/German/Russian since the 2000s by companies such as AG, ijji, WZ, Nexon, etc. It isn't any different to what Amazon does now with taking Korean and Japanese games and having them localized for the West. Anyone could have played any of those games as they had servers in the either the US or Europe, and sometimes both for their NA and EU releases. FOr non-Western markets SEA often times got servers as did SA for countries such as Brazil. We even have games that are popular in the West that come from Japan, and the studio and associated games you mention a lot are Japanese and not Western. It is simply people discard most Asian games that are not Japanese in nature. How many people even know what Lineage is? Released early 2000s, multiple releases including mobile games and we're getting Throne and Liberty published by Amazon which is essentially Lineage 3 with the name changed. Unfortunately I can not remember the names of every game I played. The one Korean shooter I can recall the name of does not tick all the boxes you mentioned. Due to being purely pvp it didn't have the resource grind, just a daily time gate for non-spenders and monetized rng [S4 League]. Although gameplay wise, it was one of the shooters to have non-standard movement since you could jump around off walls, or spam it to dodge and pull out your melee to cc enemies since for non-whales melee weapons had bad dps. We're not discussing the vague thing such as Warframe's attributes. We were specifically discussing Warframe's monetization points that you listed and how it existed before Warfame. Adding time gates and selling the bypass, cosmetics for sale, layers of rng with monetized bypasses, or selling resources and boosters all in one game happened before Warframe happen to include them all. This was all very common for the MMORPG genre and any grind based game. Naturally, they all had stat checks and power creep is a main thing for pve games. Just to illustrate how important it was for devs to encourage spending on ROI, even if you were skilled and could clear content with mid tier gear, you would be punished instead of rewarded as I've seen games tie rewards to meeting a gear score [or what ever each game called it] check which meant you were forced to upgrade your gear even if you didn't need to. Of course this is rare, because generally you'll just instantly die and deal no damage in most games forcing the upgrade that way.
  4. Even if you only want to look at online PC games that have a client, you can look at the MMORPG genre and find that they have everything you listed in one game. Chinese/Korean Shooters also have the same thing, and they are even worse considering these are generally pvp games. The same was actually true for the racing [cars] genre. These are games that existed during the 2000s, before Warframe. I'm actually unsure, did you actually think free to play games as a service started in the 2010s? They popped up in the late 90s/early 2000s with most of them from Korea. I, unfortunately, had the pleasure of mostly only being able to play f2p games as a kid/teen which means I've played hundreds of Korean and Chinese online games from different genres and combat types; playing some that actually never made it to the West in an era where you couldn't just whip out your phone and have it easily translate everything to English. Time gates, rng, cosmetics and it all being monetized was the standard. Some of them even used p2p connections for both pve and pvp. From the 2000s to Warframe's release there was nothing that changed, just the terminology did. There are recent things games have that may seem new, but it really isn't. Take the 'battle pass' craze that's been going on in recent years and how just about all online games across every genre has them... well they aren't actually any different to 'optional subscriptions' that some free to play games had before. In either case for most games it's just extra rewards for money on a monthly or near monthly basis. They just happen to be worse and less rewarding, see LoL and their 'events' for a massively downgraded equivalent of an optional-sub or 'battle pass'. Leave it to a purely pvp game to come up with the grindiest events possible that put even deliberately grindy Korean games to shame.
  5. Lets just say people hardly use them, low usage alone shouldn't be the determining factor as to whether something is changed or ever made stronger. There are things that are going to inevitably be unpopular, and it's not always due to them being bad. Add on the fact the system comes with a cost that encourages the copy/pasting of what someone told them to do rather than experimenting themselves.
  6. If someone is being 'hacked', their email would likely be compromised before their Warframe account, and having access to an email account grants automatic access to every account that the email is tied to. There is zero justification for no automatic logging in. Also, a lot of 'hacks' for games aren't even that, it's people sharing their account information under the assumption their 'friend' won't steal their stuff, or people involved in RMT. The other thing too is, as pointed out above the client loses focus, which happens even without alt tab, and you can easily type your password elsewhere unintentionally. More than half the time I'm logging into Warframe I'm not even typing my password into the game itself.
  7. Yeah, unfortunately over the years I've lost rewards. During two different periods lasting 1-2 months each where I had the black screen bug; after extracting I would just get a black screen with the falling sound going on and would require a force close and forfeiting everything. Had an endless relic run where I ran into a different issue with extracting and the game auto-sent me all the incorrect rewards I chose from the relics too. Although, it's not as if this is an issue with just DE. A lot of publishers/developers are like this when it comes to this sort of thing. Unless it's a wide spread issue, nothing gets done.
  8. The problem with this is you would have to make this optional or have a bunch of servers that fragment the player base further. For pve games, I actually prefer p2p over dedicated servers because I get to play the game as a host and as a client my ping is lower than games with dedicated servers unless I'm playing at off times such as 4 AM and get matched with a host on a different continent. Majority of games with dedicated servers I'm stuck with an inconsistent feeling 80-140 ping depending on how far east the server is located for NA. I don't know why people act like games with dedicated servers are problem free to begin with. I have always wished more games used p2p for any instanced activity that wasn't pvp; especially given how action combat games tend to be ping sensitive making them feel worse for anyone not able to live close to their server.
  9. I don't think completely changing the way a weapon functions qualifies as buffing the actual weapon. While Rivens are a poor system in general, if you actually like the way a weapon functions they end up being better because they aren't changing the weapon. The best solution would really be DE doing a balance pass on weapons. A lot of other pve exclusive games have balance passes now a days on a rather regular schedule... even some gacha games do. Although, the issue here is financially DE has no incentive to do this. DE's content includes releasing 'new' weapons that are the similar to an existing weapon but with higher stats. It gets people to do the new content, or spend plat. Buffing the existing options means more effort is needed to get people into new content or into spending.
  10. They nerfed aoe for the same reason they tried, and failed, to nerf Khora and previously nerfed melee being able to damage enemies in the same way a long time ago. You shoot downward in a corner with no risk and only move occasionally if you needed ammo. Wukong had already received a direct nerf by making the clone use ammo in addition to the lowered damage. Although, it all just comes down to usage.
  11. While she shouldn't be dying, you can't actually afk with her in Circuit or with certain enemies being present at levels or SP because they will drop shields down to 0 regardless of where they are at. You have to have a Pillage out constantly and manually return it when this happens or rely on transference to wait for shield to regenerate to cast Pillage. This is one of the reasons people don't like her. You can afk longer with something like Vauban.
  12. Ranged weapons are more popular, which is why you won't see many complaints, if any, over situations where most melee options are actually unusable. Content creators also get more views by lying than being honest, so it really shouldn't be a surprise they did what they did. Even before, outside of endurance runs, there was a long list of methods to deleting everything in SP with no melee, afk farming in SP didn't actually use a melee weapon either and then you had the essentially afk arbitration abusing aoe to spawn kill enemies.
  13. Circuit has multiple defense objectives... and somehow disarming enemies is useless; there is also group content and not everyone would be invisible. He makes all of Circuit SP easy to do, defends just fine, and essentially can't die for the other objectives. The Wyrms, despite being 'bosses', are disabled by stealth too. Consider that DE keeps on finding ways to nerf CC, and Limbo has enemies that ignore even his defensive mechanic, but Stealth acts like a vastly superior form of CC with extremely low costs anytime the mission isn't centered around defending something.
  14. Will Drifter melee ever be addressed? The change didn't do anything but remove melee mode, even though the whole point of enabling fire input is to melee with the fire input. Anyone interested in quickly switching between ranged and melee still has to do a full swap as there's a long delay between shots without doing so.
  15. It is not an absolute. What is considered productive depends on the goal of each individual. Choosing not to be a modern day slave shouldn't be looked down upon, as the majority of workers do not benefit at all from the success of those they work for, but receive all the drawbacks associated with being 'productive' such as degraded mental and physical health. Slowly killing yourself so someone else makes more money seems like the opposite of productive to me. Not everyone can physically start their own family either, does this make them worthless? If someone chooses not to start their own, it isn't the end of the world. By the way, being 'productive' at work and prioritizing family are complete opposite goals. If you truly focus on your own family, this means sacrificing work at some point, and if you focus on work this means sacrificing your family. Some people are 'less productive' because their value time with others more. The 'productive' thing to do should be doing what ever the individual finds joy in so long as they aren't harming another person in the process. Someone choosing to do the bare minimum to earn an income and playing games the rest of the day isn't any less productive than the person choosing to work the entire day. Eventually a lot of work is going to be automated, sooner or later the perspective on what's productive will have to change regardless.
  16. Don't really understand why we couldn't be given a 'token' to exchange for which ever we want and when we want instead, with new options just being added there overtime. People would still be encouraged to hit r10 for 2x per week but would be able to get the weapons they want in the order they want. Would also mean they could add other things to spend on when there's no longer a use for the individual rather than the content being pointless to participate when someone gets them all.
  17. Realistically, they're just trolling. Decrees exist because DE is copying what other games do. There are games where you get random weapons and then you get random upgrades similar to decrees along the way for defeating enemies or completing random events. The Intrinsics permanent bonuses is similar to what many of these games do too, where your first run is harder than the following runs. Although, not all of these games actually have random weapons and instead randomize everything else but are given a massive incentive to use the weapons they want you to be using through buffs to specific elements or weapon types. Although, the issue with how it is in Warframe compared to them is the significantly higher weapons to roll between, and the extremely wide gap between the worst and best options. The random gear also fills DE's other goal they obsess over, and that's getting people to use different things. DE already tried encouraging using random Warframes/Weapons with buffs to them in specific content, but you're better off using the best setup for the given job instead. Now, rather than DE designing content that inherently favors different types of weapons, DE went all out and just forced it on participants. For some proof people are just being trolls and don't actually care, multiple people here just respond saying those that disagree with DE's idea are incompetent morons incapable of playing Warframe properly because they're suffering from learning disabilities and rely on 'meta' weapons to exist in reality. Never mind the fact there are people who don't care to use 'meta' weapons and have no problems playing the game anyways who don't like how it's been done either, as they still get to just be called 'cry babies' for not fitting the previous labels.
  18. It's more so a preference thing than an age thing. I'm 30 now, but even when I was younger I found most things people did back then to be just as silly as I do now. At least they aren't actually harming anyone unlike some recent trends...
  19. "If you disagree it's because you're stupid" isn't a good argument. The content is easy, and failures have been due to bugs, which there are plenty. No amount of 'adapting' will change the long list of bugs that completely prevent progress, issues with gameplay, or whether or not they even enjoy the content in the first place as not everyone is going to like something. Even if they like it, the bugs alone ruin the experience and amounts to time lost. I've been able to do both the Worm and Circuits SP easily, but this doesn't change the fact I find Drifter melee disappointing and that the hotfix completely ruined it for me, or that the game is determined to give me mostly weapons I do not like. Emphasis on weapons I do not like, as I actually frequently get weapons and Warframes people claim are overpowered [aoe dps]. If you enjoy the experience as is, the fact others do not shouldn't bother you to the point you need to tell them they're disabled.
  20. Its subpar state has nothing to do with power or mobility. The melee combat is inferior to the games DE is trying to copy, and the earlier hotfix made it even worse unless you're someone who enjoys using your keyboard for melee inputs. Melee attacking and block/parry feels subpar, and enemies don't even attack that often making the counterattack aspect pointless, on top of it not really even doing much damage making it feel unrewarding despite there being a 'risk' associated with even trying to do it. Non-SP enemies are a joke and die fast. In SP, you can essentially permanently cc the enemies, or make it so they actually never hit you. If you're in a group and someone dies, there is no risk to revive because DE kindly provided the totally balanced mechanic known as stealth for free. You don't have to be one shotting enemies for there to be a lack of balance, an enemy could take 5 hours to kill, but if they can't even kill you then you're still overpowered regardless. We also have the decrees that are meant to make us overpowered, with some aura effects that kill enemies for you.
  21. Except it does matter... Your weapons can greatly outperform it. All the Imperator does is help anyone who got unlucky and have something worse than it, as if you had something good by the time they even appear you're done or close to done with the phase.
  22. Yeah, unfortunately the melee aspect feels unresponsive and the hotfix made it feel terrible for me since I'm a fire input to melee user... hopefully it doesn't stay that way.
  23. This doesn't change what Warframe is, considering Railjack, Archwing, K-Drive, etc didn't. They're all just small sub-sections of the game that have short lifespans. I never asked for your suggestion based on your made up assumption; and the matter isn't whether I built the weapon or not. There are categories of weapons I have no interest in and some are simply bad to begin with and are reliant on the Warframe it is paired with to do anything which is random; we also can't even change mods equipped with accordance to the random Warframe we got while in the cave. I would also have no control over what other people invest into, and DE has already stated most people play the game set to public.
  24. Yes, the type of game that Warframe wasn't, which is what the OP is complaining about. I'm not really bothered by the random Warframes, but the random weapons at SP feels terrible.
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