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Posts posted by iTawara

  1. Hello,

    I'm here again trying some Hystrix after I found [Fire Damage] on my Riven.

    The result of this change is that I produce [Gas Damage] when I use Poison Quills, but nothing change when I use Ice or Electric Quills.

    How Hystrix should work? Probably it should mix elements even with other Quills but actually only first one (Toxin) is coded properly so I'm here to report it as bug.

    Thanks and have fun.

  2. Hi everyone.

    Today I'm here for the first time reporting a bug I faced into "Profit-Taker - Phase 3" that I was trying to farm with my Hystrix.

    There you need to cycle damage to increase the %, while the Profit-Taker cycle weakness.

    I had my Hystrix modded with no element to matching the base elemental weakness of enemy with just secondary fire of Hystrix.

    The problem is that no elemental damage is applied by Hystrix on Profit-Taker. I tried to shoot during any element and the damage was still zero, but it start to do some damage when the Profit-Taker change into Puncture Weak.

    Is that intended or it's just a bug? This happen even on Phase 4?

    I haven't done any screen but it's easy to remake.

    Thanks and have fun.

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