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Everything posted by Ginshu

  1. Oh no, Cavalero is hot. <3 Edit: There's eleven likes under the main post!! Don't mess it up, people!
  2. Yeah, announcing the cut-off and then announcing that the cut-off is today is not the best look. Saying, idk, "you have until the end of this weekend" would've been better. And I'm saying this as a person who doesn't have a console account and who's never bought TennoGen for plat but rather for cash via Steam. It's nice that at least some items will be able to be used on every platform, though.
  3. Thank you. Although I still wish the skins/signas could be bought for platinum - or that there was a pack that didn't contain Regal Aya nor platinum. Side note: descriptions of packs on Steam don't show the change.
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