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Posts posted by brimiste

  1. Is this a joke? I had a fun and operationnal Railjack and now I have to spend millions of credits and thousands of endo only to have my fun BACK? And more I need to spend forma on top of it? Meaning even more time for leveling up the plexus and spending time before recovering the original fun? WHAT THE HELL?


    Oh, and as our new AI companions (thanks for them BTW, they seems to be quite decent at their jobs, huge solo life improvement) do not give XP, you have to chose : enjoy the new  (good) content, or spent time to level up back to what you had previously before that. Couldn'y you AT LEAST, for people who had maxed out grid, give a maxed out plexus so that we could forma'ed it a first time right away? On that topic : why did you change the way XP was attributed? No XP for the frame when piloting the railjack? I can understand for the weapons but why the frame? Does not make any sense, given that now you decided (bad idea in my opinion) to make the railjack using the warframe energy (which in itself does not make any sense if you bring a new plexus thingy... At least make the Railjack use PLEXUS energy!)


    I can't understand the logic. We had max avionics, translate it to max mods. Not same rank, because the price is exponnential. If your goal was to make us have fun, the that was a solution. Now we have to farm AGAIN for things we already farmed once...


    And more : no plating given to early adopters. My railjack is back to square one concerning is tankiness. Seriously WHY? Couldn't you AT LEAST give us the sigma III plating? Now I have to wait for 3 level of research to finish only to have something whici ( I hope) will be at least as good as what I had...


    And finally : new ressource, but no conversion of the old ones into the new one... Seriously? I farmed for ressources before the update to be able to enjoy it, and... it is not even relevant? why...


    I... can't understand the philosophy behind these measures. Why? why taking back the thinks we had built? taking back the ressource we had? taking back all these things? the early adopters pak, even at mark III, is not enough to compensate for all of what you took us back...


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  2. Any new informations on the following steps of the self damage rework? The feeling of the new system is horrible with the majority of the weapons impacted. On that note, why the hell did you put self stagger on weapons which did not have self damage? Any reasons?

    What about the command intrinsic?

  3. I agree that Ordis simulating Lotus is boing since a long time ago. I would have like to have the true one back but with the way things are going on after the Jovian Concord...

    Also : agree that it is quite unerving to have the purple lotus poping at times not consistentlywith lore or the mission you are in (past quests for example. Do not tried lately, but it was quite surreal to redo the second dream with the purple lotus talking to you...)

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