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Posts posted by Gostteam

  1. This is what the DE's do.


    1st. They release a new warframe.

    2nd. They make it Overpower as F***.

    3rd. Make people pay money for it.

    4th. They nerf it and make it S#&$ as F***.


    I bet Necro will be OP.


    Look at Vauban.


    He was bastile was good, they nerfed it.

  2. Yeah, a mastery rank 2 guy joined a run on XINI with Loki, he kept dieing.


    Perhaps, perhaps not.


    In the positives, it would encourage players who wish to increase their game's difficulty and mod collections to rank up more weapons, as opposed to sticking with the same frame, melee, primary, and secondary, and perhaps increase sales of platinum weapons that people would be too lazy to farm for.


    In the negatives, people would be locked out of some content due to the always possible failing of a mastery rank test, or not having enough weapons, frames, slots, etc. to work with.


    If it does not make much sense, I apologize. I am getting rather tired.


    They should allow the First Mission of each Planet to be unlocked, but, it must be completed in SOLO, if they complete it, they get nothing, no EXP/MODS/RESOURCES Nothing, it's just so they can fight the enemies.




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