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Posts posted by LegendaryNeurotoxin

  1. Either fire quad shot on secondary fire and the other on regular, or allow for a swap.... but the regular / zoom to access the firing modes really diminishes the weapon. I like the attributes and feel of it otherwise. 

  2. I have a feeling they're just teasing us with them, and allowing some early oddball builds. Once the Umbras start rolling in during the New War, I have a feeling they'll be a lot more available. Who knows, maybe they'll even get rid of Forma from sorties and make it Umbra Forma BP?

  3. I need grids, wireframes, and palm trees. Don't make Gauss run, make them OUTRUN!

    Aside from that.... tough to see how this will help. There's a point where high speed + tiny stuff to get caught on = same pace you'd go with more control... so I'm not sure how Gauss will manage that. Maybe the "wireframe" I mentioned is a sorta barrier system that funnels Tenno through doors and over rails, so the "getting stuck" part isn't as big an issue.

    Otherwise... If something is 300m away and I wanna get there, I can just void dash. If something is over 300m in an open world, I'll archwing or mach zephyr. Somewhere in-between, and any frame moves fast enough with mastery of the movement system, but it's dashing and rolling until void is full and I can charge again. 

    If the speed allows them to strike so fast that they ignore damage invulnerability on bosses, rockin, gimme that speed. Hit-the-weakpoint humanoid pattern bosses are only compelling the first time through Warframe, now when they come up I'm just bored. If the speed Gauss provides can aid me there, I'll get one ASAP. 

  4. TBH I don't mind sculptures, its needed the amber stars that I mind. I feel like that's what makes it a chore rather than a reward. 

    The real slap in the face is a Forma, or a catalyst/reactor blueprint, as a rare. Make catalyst and reactor complete instead of a blueprint if it's going to be rare, and take Forma out entirely. Exilus adapter is fine. 

    I've simply stopped doing sorties. Nightwave is enough of a chore, and it actually has one-time / FOMO rewards as a motivator. Buying 30 filled sculptures for 600 plat purchased at 75% off is such a meager financial pittance that there's no point to even doing sorties for them, and I still have a pile of unopened rivens and the 90 riven limit. Maybe one day Ordis will find a way to organize the data better so we can get more.....

  5. I will continue leveling weapons in ESO because Equinox set up for maimbombing ONLY NEEDS ONE GOOD WEAPON at most. And my 5-forma Rank 0 zaw is going to outperform a rank 30 forma-less anything. 

    But the issue is more a matter of people knowing what works best. Going with a no-lens frame, ditching companion, and only bringing the one weapon you need to level, every weapon gets to 30 by the end of round 6 of regular SO. Much lower risk, lower chance to lose affinity from being refused revives by the team. 

  6. Fulmin is a melee primary's dream weapon. Always have shots at the ready, and good customization attributes. The ability to swap from close-range blast to long-range shots makes it even more flexible!


    Ignis Wraith is a AOE sprayer of doom. Range limitation means you need a good secondary with it, but it has the ability to melt large groups (even when there's cover) with ease. 


    I have both catalyzed with multiple forma. But if you love melee, or lack a good secondary weapon, Fulmin is the winner in my opinion. Truth be told, what mods you have might matter even more...

  7. I have no idea how it works, but I have a feeling that there's a record of all suspicious phrases an account uses. This might have been the "final straw" rather than an instant slap on the wrist. 

    Nevertheless, you knew what edge you were approaching, and you happened to fall on the wrong side of it. I never have to worry about getting suspended for saying phrases that are commonly known to cause trouble because I don't say them. In 6 years I've never been chat banned, and the only technical ban was a desktop-in-VR app's DX injector tripping security - and that was cleared up in 2 weeks. 

    I will agree that there isn't a thorough "hey don't say this" list, and that they could easily just make inappropriate messages get deleted without actually banning you (or give a 1 hour suspension with clarity on the violation, so you actually learn what happened). I can understand how a transphobic slur or an overused meme that gets spammed aren't necessarily on the same footing, and neither is of the same magnitude as something like a death threat that uses an individual's name and address, but if the only system they have is immediate suspension then overturning it when they get a chance to look at the case, then they're all going to be enforced in the same way. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Damn, wish I'd known sooner!  I'm unable to attend as well and have plenty of cat pictures to share. xD

    She didn't say I was getting anything, I'm just confirming the reply on Twitter. I just appreciate that the team cares enough about cats and long-time players to toss a reply in their busy schedule!

  9. Hey so.... the rules for the tickets clearly state that the physical loot can't be obtained without attending, and I get that... unfortunately in the past couple weeks that's become impossible as my cat has become convalescent and needs daily care. So while it isn't quite in the rules for the event, a cat is involved.... anyone know how I can leverage cat cuteness power (image below) to get some assistance with this? It isn't like I didn't buy plane tickets or get a hotel, but even if my cat is able to be taken care of while I'm away, I just wouldn't be enjoying any of TennoCon. I suppose that would intersect with mental health, which is another thing DE cares about in an officially declared sorta way with CMHA Middlesex. 

    At this point I would be just changing the flight to arrive, get my swag, and immediately leave, which kinda seems like a waste of time and resources, and I doubt its really what DE would want either. Does anyone have any tips for trying to get some direct help with this? Obviously customer support and event services won't get me anywhere. I pinged a few folks, and sent messages directly to a couple folks from the team I've met in the past, but so far things look kinda dismal in terms of getting help with this. 






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  10. Combo Duration and Naramon's Power Spike can let you build super high combos and keep them going between fights easily. Yeah crit chance scales indefinitely when used with combo from Blood Rush, but the number of hits to get to 3x and beyond may be more than you'll see in most missions.

    Just remember that the % crit increase from combo applies to the base, not the modified amount.

  11. I have a feeling that enforcement goes through CS, which means a 2 week delay with anything. 

    SOE (before they turned to the dark side and became DBG) had a community manager essentially dedicated to the partner program, and could have easily revoked them if needed at any time. It seems like DE may want to hire a partner manager to deal with the partners directly if they haven't, and to give that person the tools and agency to curate the partner program.

    I know I've seen partners abuse it. I recall during the period where we had to log in and watch partner streams to partners to get rewards, there were a lot of partners seemingly abusing it, anything from leaving their character AFK with the stream running, to having WF minimized while something else is being played in full. And if no action is being taken for that, I don't expect action taken for other violations or things that violate the spirit of being a WF partner who represents the game (and themselves) in a positive way. 

  12. I have a Supra riven with -projectile speed. It makes the bullets come out so rapidly, but travel so slowly, that I feel like I should be playing a bird's eye arcade shooter. It is comical, but when things outside 20m avoid shots by simply walking, it kinda diminishes in value.

    Yeah as that video demonstrates, a shotgun just hits min damage immediately. Hilarious.

  13. I have brought these up before, and as the dev stream mentioned continued fixes to melee, I want to circle back to these two features that make up the rest of the Melee QoL issues that still persist.

    1) Toggling Finisher Use: Some builds are designed around opening finisher vulnerability then exploiting it, others are built around being so strong and fast that regular attacks are far more effective than being slowed down by single-kill finishers. For those who build in the second way, finishers are a massive hindrance, and can even be hazardous as it allows enemies to congregate and attack someone who - if they didn't have to perform a finisher - wouldn't be there long enough for enemies to gather, or would have already killed everything. As a master of blade and gun, a Tenno should have the agency to choose NOT to perform finishers, and be able to completely disregard them. 

    2) Adding Angles to Attacks: Some stances that lack a vertical strike, or a strike that goes below waist-level and above eye-level in order to hit grounded or flying targets. Instead of melee attacks always flowing exactly the same way, angling up or down should allow for attacks in those directions, so melee users don't have to switch to shooting to take care of a threat that is in their face or ankles and is actively blocking their collision path. I realize there's more to this than simply throwing in a "lean forward" and "lean back" blend shape that orients the character differently, and that this may require additional work or even a full overhaul of melee visuals to allow for angle compensation, but I have a feeling the team can find a more efficient solution. 

    What do you think, folks?


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  14. The first item I've had trouble with is the Eos Prime set, but only on Rhino Prime. In the past, the glowing areas could take on any colors. Now they only take on a yellow/orange/red color, which severely limits their ability to match an aesthetic style. This applies to all 5 pieces in the Eos Prime set, but it only seems to affect Rhino Prime, and frames with the same colors don't have the issue. 

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  15. I posted about bows elsewhere.... what they need is to be nocked and drawn as soon as possible, so the player need only click to fire. Half-drawn arrows could be fired too I suppose, but it would make more sense to just let it be ready and waiting for the player to fire. This takes away a lot of the awkwardness, and allow more of the standard point-and-click interface that most projectiles provide. They are still great for trying to be stealthy, though suppressors can be modded onto other weapons already. 

    I would also be willing to give innate punchthrough to bows, where single-shot bows that have no other effects get 2m or more, while ones with multiple arrows or special arrow effects only get 1m. 

    Alternatively, use the draw. Add an overcharge feature, where while an arrow is drawn, its damage slowly ramps up. The caveat is that a defensive maneuver that resets the hold would break the multiplier.

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