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Posts posted by LegendaryNeurotoxin

  1. Personally I ignore shields and go for armor, strength, some health, and the augments for 1 and 2 so I can charge through a pack to empower my iron skin refresh, and to not have to wait for iron skin to expire in order to detonate and refresh it. With that build, you don't need range and duration as much, but limiting those will make 3 and 4 less effective for helping a group. Just be sure you don't get stuck with low iron skin and no energy. 

  2. Anything that punishes people for not having something accumulated needs to be prohibited. The Ayatans were a slam-dunk for me because I'm lazy about processing them, but a diligent player gets shafted. 

    Anything MR-locked is restrictive and disincentivizing to new players. I feel like the sortie stuff is a bit unfair to newer players, as they used to be able to mash alerts to get what they needed, and now they need to grind to MR 8 and complete story content just to participate in the replacement for alerts. Same with anything that would require using the operator. 

    Anything that imposes more than 15 minutes of gameplay is too much. If three measly waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught is worthy of an elite challenge, 15 minutes of coordinated group play seems like a closer equivalent. With that in mind, additional challenges could be added, like 15 minutes with a derelict key equipped, or only using one weapon category . 


    I believe the philosophy behind Nightwave challenges should be to make players play the game in a way they may not be used to, in order to get a broader sampling of what they can actually do in the game. I love the "kill with X damage type" and execution finishers and kill a hydrolyst, those are great, some people may not do those as much so it'll get them out of their comfort zone. Making people K-Drive trick and grind, do stuff while in Archwing (open world or actual flight), complete a solo mission that isn't a copy of a riven challenge. Maybe a community Nightwave challenge list would be a good way to generate more player-approved stuff.

  3. Honestly the fastest way I found to level/faction is grinding on the curved rail out around the right when leaving Fortuna. Grind, jump, trick, repeat until 3000 score cap is achieved.


    3000 score cap is garbage though. What's the point of tricking out hard if all we get is peanuts? I can see adding diminishing returns over 3k, but 3k is a brutally low limit. Don't make leveling K-Drive any more painful than it is, since it is a slower fast-travel than archwing and generally useless aside from fun (or... I guess not losing Iron Skin). 

    • Like 1
  4. While the Moa has no Shields, partial Health damage, and is Reloading in a stationary position, it raises one leg to frantically try to speed up the reload process, poking at the gun parts rapidly with some matching clinking sounds, then banging on the side of the gun right when it is about to fire again. This will add a sense of sense of urgency to the Moa in a heated battle. (May add visuals later!)

  5. So let's not look at it in context of what they will or won't do, unless you are Steve on an alt and you know for sure! 🙂 I never thought they'd make arch-guns usable in missions but here we are. Hell I never thought Stamina was gonna go away back in the old day, but they dropped that like a bad potato.

    The idea can always be adjusted as needed to match the power of other frames. As it stands, they'll be good, and hit some niches that aren't being filled, but it won't replace Equinox doing Maim bombs for example. Bleedout could be adjusted to a one-life-per-mission so Nirvan either performs a self-revive or gets revived by an ally, or they are out for the rest of the mission. 

  6. Nirvan is a concept I've been working on since November, and it is finally ready to share. The concept is to use the power of the five Tenno schools of focus, amplified by an open exosuit invented by Helminth after accessing memories of the Old War. Originally I had more technical data, like energy cost and specific effects, as well as redundant information like how efficiency mods affect everything, but decided to trim it for the final presentation. Enjoy!








  7. I've run into a quirky issue. Radiant Eidolon Shard claims in the item description to be used for unlocking waybounds. I've got my last waybound to unlock in Zenurik, but with over 1 million focus and 7 Radiant Eidolon Shards, it should unlock, but it claims I lack the necessary shard.


    1) Log into Warframe with an account that has at least one locked waybound and at least 1 million points to unlock it. 

    2) In your inventory, be sure you have a Radiant Eidolon Shard, but not a Brilliant one.

    3) Attempt to unlock the waybound with 1 million points and a Radiant Eidolon Shard, observe the result.


    Result: A message notification appears to inform the player that they lack a necessary Eidolon shard.

    Expected Result: The normal waybound unlock process occurs. (I can't recall if there's a popup to confirm spending a shard or not.)



  8. Hello all! With Tennocon coming up, and being a one-day event, there's definitely room for more fun and activities around the event. To make for a more meaningful visit, I was wondering what there is to do out there that an individual or group would want to enjoy before leaving?

    A few thoughts come to mind:

    Any famous or unique restaurants or pubs, or ones which have Warframe content regularly decorating the place?

    What entertainment venues are nearby, such as an arcade, laser tag, amusement park, curated parks and gardens, local stage performance theater, etc?

    Is it possible to have on-site visits for folks who will be staying a few days after the event? 

    Will there be an official or unofficial party list for players looking to met more of the community? 

    How easy is it to get around, do buses get people to and from most areas or is it more of a taxi/rideshare sort of area? 

    Any specific landmarks worth visiting?



  9. Hi all. I've had this problem for a while, and it seems to potentially be worsening over time. When I've completed a Void Dash in Transference mode, there are a variety of errant situations where the Operator simply falls and resets, even though there's safe ground below, or enough room to continue dashing before reaching a standard Warframe fall and reset point. This is doubly frustrating as it ruins the use of the Operator as a means for added mobility, as well as causing all buffs to get wiped away for the Warframe (as if the Warframe fell and reset) which is a real problem for frames that use powers to stay alive. Being the host, playing solo, or being connected to a host, doesn't seem to make much difference. 

    Here's where it happens most:

    - Any time I cross a gap with a fall and reset region, even if I never crossed above the empty area, falling slightly will cause a fall and reset. This often looks like I'm over safe ground, maybe a meter or two away from it, and as I descend towards it, I'm reset back to either the beginning of the dash section, or the area where I exited the Warframe regardless of where I started the dash sequence. 

    - Falling slightly over a fall and reset gap will often trigger the reset, even if I am far above the gap. Many times they are places where I could have fallen much further with the Warframe and recovered safely. 

    - Ceiling resets also seem much closer. There are many places where a Warframe could safely reach a height without a reset, but the Void Dash triggers a reset. This happens most notably when attempting to get atop the debris outcropping at the end of Corpus crashed ship tilesets by dashing up from the side. 


    There are ways in which I recommend to improve this:

    1) Decouple Operator falling from Warframe powers. There's no reason why the frame should lose persistent powers, it was just standing where it had been left behind, and it isn't like frame powers transfer to the operator anyway. If the falling issue is never resolved, at least this takes the edge off being reset after a void dash. 

    2a) Improve the tolerance and thresholds for Void Dash triggering a fall and reset. Right now I feel as if my position and where the fall detector thinks I'm at are two different places, as if an invisible physics ball launches off from me when I dash, but falls or rises faster than the Operator, causing resets in areas where the frame still has plenty of room. 

    2b) Alternatively, set up volumes where falls occur to treat Void Dash as if it is hitting solid mass. This may seem like it gives the effect of making contact for a moment, but being stopped halfway through a dash into a pit or above a play area ceiling would be more acceptable than the current issue of dashing safely over a pit and being inexplicably dropped and reset. 





  10. I had a couple issues during the Gift of the Lotus Interception today. The first time in, I was unable to capture - I would get the capture sound, but the progress would stay at 100% red / uncaptured, and if I went to a point where there had been progress then cleared the conflict, the post-conflict result would be going back to red/uncaptured. I ended up leaving that session.


    My next time in, garbage collection appeared to break after the first round. The second round had three Moas by the capture point to the right of where you'd enter the two-story outdoor Corpus defense/intercept map. Every time they'd die, three new Moas of a different type would appear in the place where the old ones died. No more than three enemies were out at a time, and would all respawn in-place as new moas about 5-10 seconds after the last set was killed. 


    I have zero replication numbers, but I felt it would be worth posting about these two back-to-back oddities in case either is on a "we think we fixed it" list for those good ol' one-in-a-million bugs. Thanks!

  11. During the Sortie 1 today (Survival, Grineer) a Drahk disarmed my gilded kitgun (Rattleguts, Haymaker, Killstream). I was unable to pick it back up - there was no model on the ground, and no other way to obtain my dropped weapon. I saw the blue indicator on the minimap to show where it dropped, but nothing I could do would let me pick my weapon up from that position, likely because there was no model visible. Even a forced revive after being downed didn't return it. 

    I haven't gotten duplication steps narrowed, nor repetition to verify the probability of the bug occurring, but here's a rough shot: 

    1 - Equip a Kitgun in the Arsenal.

    2 - Enter a mission where Grineer Drahk enemies can be located.

    3 - Keep the Kitgun armed, and allow Drahks to attack you, until they've successfully disarmed the Kitgun. 

    4 - Attempt to locate the disarmed kitgun. Use the minmap to assist with locating the position.

    Result: Kitgun model and pickup indicator are missing from the world, preventing pickup.

    Expected result: Any disarmed weapon must show the model and the pickup indicator in the world, so it may be picked back up by it's owner.


    My apologies if this is a duplicate! 

  12. I use Gara for defense missions. Stack armor and power, and you can easily do the level 30+ solo no-damage riven challenge, hold up against sortie intercept forces, or make it easier to follow and protect Stupid on the sortie defense missions. 

  13. From Reddit:

    User TheDarkstarChimaera: 

    Combo timer shown on screen.


    User glacius0:

    Automatic dash to targets within a certain range (could be variable depending on the weapon) when using short range melee weapons. Sort of how melee works in AW mode.

    I think that's the only way to equalize a lot of the dual daggers and fist weapons, aside from nerfing long range weapons (which I'd rather they didn't do).

    No more pause combos in stances.


    User somepeoplejusthate:

    idea 1 - All melee weapon catagories being prominently viable for specific uses, like frames. example : Make it so daggers do finishers incredibly quickly, or hammers have MASSIVE smash attacks. this would make me and likely many other players in the community consider more than a guandao / scoliac for EVERY SINGLE situation in every single mission type because they are so effective. I love spin2win and am extremely sad to see it go but if this overhaul is coming I don’t want my dark dagger, jat kittag and galantine gathering dust in my inventory. All catagories should have a good use with top weapons for each type, it would make the game a lot better.

    idea 2 - this is a PvE game. melee weapons other than polearms and whips should be able to cleave massive amounts of enemies, channeling can be re-vamped to be sort of like exalted blade, sending waves of damage out for small to significant portions of your energy depending on the weapon. People want to go fast through boring missions for good rewards and with these recent nerfs to ember and maiming meta ect I don’t like where melee in general is going.

    idea 3 - more special abilities, like how for example the ballistica prime creates ghosts, these could be applied to a S#&$ty item like the heat swords, you press a button and for 70 energy over 30 seconds they overheat and turn into blazing pyres on handles.

    melee should not be second hand. it is an entire weapon catagory in shadow of 2-3 whip/polearm strategies and it has been for years. again, i don’t mind this because it makes life easy after a very expensive grind to build said 2-3 weps making it deserved for the user, but it’s not a good thing for the game.


    Thread's probably dead now, but here's the link.


  14. Just now, Pie_mastyr said:

    The only way to cancel out of them is by pausing, though it may not help if you play solo. also the amount of time you save by pause cancelling isn't usually worth it if you have at least 1.0 attack speed

    This is exactly what I would hope to address with #1 at the top. My Twin Krohkur build uses Berserker and Arcane Strike R3, which are pretty much procced at all times. Finishers basically break everything for me. When someone is stunning enemies, I can slide attack to prevent entering finisher mode, but at the cost of control and accuracy. There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to turn finishers off. And if I recall correctly, finishers don't even consider combo meter in any way, which actively breaks my build. 

  15. With more talk of the Melee overhaul coming up, I'd like to get an idea of everyone's top three quality of life improvements for melee. What would you like to see DE do to improve melee?

    For me, it comes down to these three:

    1) Finisher Priority Selector - This allows the player to remain at their current Finisher priority setting, or set their priority yo one of two additional modes for "None" and "Top" priority. 

    • None turns off finishers. There are many builds where finisher damage on a single target always does less than grinding through a cluster of enemies with regular attacks, and any time a Finisher is performed (on stunned enemies, for example) damage output and combat pace are completely ruined. 
    • Top causes the nearest finisher opportunity to be accessed, regardless of the situation. Any time an attempt is made to melee attack when an enemy in range is stunned, downed, etc, it will ALWAYS go to that, even if the target is not being aimed at. 

    2) Camera Pitch Dictates Attack Direction - This would allow attacks to target higher or lower based on where their camera is aiming. Some weapons aren't set up with combos that do well against low targets or targets down a slope (like stairs), and many lack a high line attack to strike drones that are within movement-blocking collision range but are outside the area of the melee combo. It would be great if this could be mixed with blend shapes for leaning forward or back, but even if the animation doesn't change, this would help with fixing the issue many weapons have with being able to flow through a pack of mixed height range enemies. 

    3) Secondary Quickfire - While ranged weapon use has the option to let a player quick melee to fight back when cornered between reloads, melee weapon users suffer when there's a single high target or a nullboy waiting to eat their buffs. Pressing R or Secondary Fire to allow a quickfire secondary weapon shot would be great. Quickfire doesn't get any capability to zoom, nor does it have access to secondary fire. Fire and detonate weapons will only be able to fire one quickfire, as the second press will detonate. Hold quickfire to reload the secondary. Some secondary weapons could get special consideration, particularly throwing weapons could instead draw and attack with a single piece if ammunition every quickfire and not touch the magazine.

  16. This is a suggestion to allow quick single shots to be launched from the secondary weapon without drawing it. It would still need to be holstered to allow the player to resume what they were doing, but they would be able to fire until the magazine is empty. A special feature for throwing weapons like Kunai allows them to ignore magazine size and have no required holstering after.

    For Quick-Fire, aim is slightly reduced, zoom is not possible, and secondary fire features aren't available unless the weapon is set for secondary on quick-fire in the arsenal options. This would be performed by using the Secondary fire button. Primary weapons with a secondary fire could only use this during reloads. Quick-fire doesn't reset the reload, but allows it to resume once the secondary is released or holstered. 

    There are two main cases for this:

    1 - When using melee and coming up against a nullifier, currently the options are basically charge in and recast buffs afterwards (or expertly cut down the shield with long range melee attacks), switch to ranged and break down the shield, or wait for some other source to deal with it. Corpus and corrupted are essentially anti-melee since they both have access to nullifiers. Quick-fire would allow melee focused players to deal with nullifiers without having to make two full weapon swaps. This also helps melee players destroy cameras without requiring the player to jump strike into them. 

    2 - Primary focused players sometimes need a bit of diversity - whether the enemy needs to be inflicted with a certain status effect, the player needs to take a quick shot at a longer range target (like an across-the-room orokin turret) when using a short-range beam, a quick blast-focused shotgun round to scatter nearby enemies while using a bow or sniper, or just one last ounce of damage to finish off an enemy between reloads before it starts doing something really annoying, being able to use the secondary for a quick shot opens up more battlefield possibilities. 

    When I think of a real-world sidearm on a battlefield, I don't think of badass soldiers carrying shotguns and carbines who instead go in pistol first. Its when their shotgun or carbine is jammed, out of rounds, or unable to be quickly reloaded, that I expect the secondary to come out. While space ninjas are a completely different type of soldier, I feel like the niche role of a sidearm is instead replaced by the option to use fully-powered weapons that just go in a different holster. I'd never ask for secondary weapons to be nerfed, but instead for a slight increase in their emphasis to be a support weapon that is used situationally as needed. 



    Is this a feature you'd like to see? Have suggestions on improving the idea? I'd love to hear them!

  17. The fact that Plague Star is not returning, but the ghouls are, indicates that the Plague Star exclusives should probably be moved to the Ghoul Purge events as rare drops. They could be "Purple" rarity if you'd like, and they cycle every event appearance as the top bounty loot reward for the tougher one only, so you'd need multiple ghoul purge events to get all of the items. 


  18. With the upcoming Dark Sector overhaul, the tech is now possible for something completely different and uniquely amazing: Ultraviolet Sector, a Twitch-integrated gameplay mode where viewers direct the action. Participating players reap the rewards, and viewers earn things like art, items, or even a loyalty currency for watching and participating with UVS runs. 

    First there's two major diverging methods:

    Method 1: Characters choose their gear as they normally would, and viewers control mission and challenge modifiers. During every tileset, viewers are prompted to choose what the next tileset and objective will be. Each is meant to last about 5 minutes, though some things could be shorter (like rescue / capture / assassinate) or longer (intercept, hijack defense) depending on how they players do. Viewers also vote on hazards - additional difficulty level increase, global hazards like radiation or primary/seconday/melee only, etc. Every viewer vote has 3 options, and the options are cycled to make sure viewers don't keep choosing the same tileset, objectives, and hazards. 

    Method 2: More of a rogue-like scenario. Frames and gear are assigned by viewers while the mission is loading. Progression is driven both by player accomplishment and being granted by the viewers. Instead of conventional mods, players earn increases to their various attributes from defeating tougher enemies and collecting stat boosters and ability enhancements (things that are beyond core attributes like converting damage on health to energy). Alternatively, players may allocate the points they earned in a tileset before entering the next tileset. Like Method 1, viewers drive what the players fight, the tileset, the mission type, and hazard selection, and can also provide bonuses in various ways. 


    Between those two methods, which would you prefer?

    Is there a different method which you would propose using?

    Would you participate in these at all, either as a streamer, a person playing with streamers, or a voting audience member?



    For reference, here's a massive doc I wrote on Twitch integration features for Warframe: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W9lWsQt5OEeb5tjop4ScWpkDT52jq3RrPRAZ1J0XXkY/edit?usp=sharing


  19. Greetings Warframe community! 

    (tldr version: here's a doc I wrote in 2017 that the team received but did not use regarding Twitch integration.)

    I'm happy to share with you all a document which I wrote last year related to Twitch integration for Warframe. I wrote this as a follow-up to TwitchCon 2016, where I met the team in attendance after a panel about integrating games with Twitch. After talking about some of the possibilities, I offered to share my thoughts and feedback on various ways in which Warframe could be integrated with Twitch. After taking a few months to gather my thoughts (since I was stupid busy at the time with work and streaming) I wrote up a document detailing a variety of features and systems which the Warframe devs could use to add meaningful and interesting twitch features to the game, and submitted it via direct email. 

    I was glad to see Twitch integration features coming when they did, but it wasn't until TwitchCon 2017 that I was informed that the team decided not to read it and utilize it initially, because they wanted to approach it fresh and see what they could come up with on their own first. I totally get that, and as a game designer myself I understand the desire to make my own vision happen instead of doing what someone else suggests first. After talking with the team, we determined it would be fine to share the doc with the Warframe community for discussion and assessment.

    So, here it is, unaltered since January 18 2017: Warframe Twitch Integration

    Goals for Twitch integration, successful examples from other products, points of integration for Warframe, and making use of streaming features, are the main sections. Enjoy!

  20. I've run into a kinda crappy realization - the choice becomes owning a collection of gear or owning only what is planed for use so riven unlocks aren't garbage. I've been just fine using plat to expand my inventory and build my collection, but after getting a really bad Skana riven from last night's free riven mission, I see that there's a high chance for me to get a riven for something of poor overall usefulness unless I sell every piece of equipment which I don't plan to use (and I don't particularly want to sell rarer collectibles like Lato Vandal).

    Is there any way I can shut down or more permanently stash items that I may not want to use now, in the collection in case they become needed later?

    When it comes to rivens, am I better off trying to trade a locked one to someone who has an unlock for an item they don't want to use? 


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