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  1. Bye bye hope you find real fun for you elsewhere
  2. Lol. Why are you still playing seeing as you hold this mindset? Enlighten me with your sound logic as to why you continue to engage with something that provides such 'fun' to you. Or plead the 5th. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. I concur. People need to literally chiiiiiiiilllllll
  4. Imagine adding LoS checks on something like Tragedy that had to have it to begin with given its nature as a radial, spammable nuke. This has been done before with other frames, it will continue to happen, and I want these changes. Nukes like old Tragedy should not be in the game because they are too powerful and they do not incentivize playing the game and engaging with its frame-agnostic mechanics. One two three button presses and bam rooms full of high level so enemies is gone with zero further interaction. Might be impactful for the user, but not for their squad mates. People really just want to AFK and stand still while carrying the squad and that is deplorably selfish imo. I love Dante and he will still be just as powerful. Been playing him and will continue to do so. I just need to make sure to play the game and be mobile, which is part of what Warframe has always been about. I get it, it's another git gud argument, but hey, all I'll say is if you keep hearing that same S#&$ from thousands and don't care to investigate the why, you will be stuck in the same cycle of insanity that will only serve to raise your blood pressure for no reason. Peace
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