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Everything posted by Marcus.Argonius

  1. Honestly I've got used to this bug already yes it's annoying but at least it alerts you of incoming arctic eximus
  2. Permanent Nightwave tasks appeared 15 minutes before the date change It happened midmission with some progress counting towards the tasks After the mission tasks were at 0 progress
  3. So now Plague Star is either 0/0 catalysts/phylaxeses or 4/4 and no option for something inbetween like 0/4 or 4/0 or whatever? And what is the cost of Advanced bounty for partial squads and solo players?
  4. Grenades are relatively rare drops Grenades are weak Your grineer companions easily steal your kills Making grenades either much stronger or a skill with a moderate cooldown would help a bit
  5. While doing Kahl Junk Run commanding grineer team to hold ground made 3 of them still following Kahl no matter what place been told to hold This made completing 10 grenade kills task incredibly annoying as 3 grineers are enough to steal your kills
  6. "Kahl go fast" task is back? What a shame
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