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Posts posted by Enderfenix

  1. If you shoot with a fulmin for example in a sonar spot not always triggers.

    I think that it should trigger if the "projetile" hit the spot but it doesnt (sometimes it does)

    But even if you shoot exactly in the center sometimes I doesnt work and sometimes you miss and it does.

    As you can see in the video, the first shot was hitting perfectly but does not trigger sonar, but the second which I have narrowly failed it does trigger the sonar and does a lot more dmg.


  2. If revenant is in his 4 and u use the 3 and hit something that whould do the climb animation he bugs and you cant exit his 4 or use other abilities.

    You have to wait till it rans out of energy and then you tp where u buged it and finish the animation.


  3. hace 6 horas, [DE]Tweep dijo:

    This is currently intended. 

    Thanks for letting me know, its sad, its not a mechanic that broke normal gameplay and it really helps on hight time endurance survivals,I hope your reconsider your decision.(edited: it promotes doing combos of weapons and frames combos)(the thing that hurts is everyone who knew this mechanic thought that it was a part of the limbo's kit and this changes nerf limbo, who wasnt affected by the isse that you where triying to solve)

    Please reconsider, please...

    Thanks again for your time.

  4. hace 5 horas, KazBrekker dijo:

    This should be left in. It increases the viability of all freeze abilities as you can now armour strip frozen targets, and not being able to negate the highest damage resistance in the game is what severely limited the dps effectiveness of frames like Frost, Gara and in fact Limbo. The freeze stopping incoming status procs made your abilities actively hinder your weapons.

    I dont want to remove it, just that status effects while the enemie is frozen last forever,I never said that I dont want to be able to introduce new effects.

  5. Now the has changed that if you shoot a frozen enemie it can proc status effect: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1119134-cold-status-effects-how-they-block-new-status-effects-coming-changes/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-11011211

    This is so WRONG, back then if a status effect was proc before the frozen the status was frozen too so it last until the freeze expired (infinite during freeze), now it doesnt:

    This affects limbo too that used to use 2 stop enemies and their status effects too, I dont know if this is intencional (I hope not) but I think that has to come back, it was a very important feature/mecanic.I hope you read this and fix it.

    Thanks for reading.

  6. This is so WRONG, back then if a status effect was proc before the frozen the status was frozen too so it last until the freeze expired (infinite during freeze), now it doesnt:

    This affects limbo too that used to use 2 stop enemies and their status effects too, I dont know if this is intencional (I hope not) but I think that has to come back, it was a very important feature/mecanic.I hope you read this and fix it.

    Thanks for reading.

  7. hace 40 minutos, (PS4)haphazardlynamed dijo:

    That was horrible to read. Just because of the strange formatting, lack of flowing sentences and punctuation.

    Better? Sorry isn't my language. 


    hace 40 minutos, (PS4)haphazardlynamed dijo:

    May I suggest:

    rather than trigger the arcane on doublejump/bulletjump + melee

    we remove the jumping aspect entirely, and simply have it activate on AIM+Melee ?

    this makes intuitive sense as throwing the sword is a ranged action that you'd probably want to Aim to do....

    additionally aim+melee is a much more Deliberate action than jump+melee, so players will be less likely to accidentally kill themselves with unintended throws

    No... Example when I jump and glide if I press E I will dye. And if I'm blocking and then melee I will dye too. 

    And what are you say is that you have to have equipted melee the same that before + u cant use it when u have a primary in hands. 

  8. First I want to clarify that some solutions are not mine. 

    I've been playing and testing it, it has some characteristics that give problems:

    1 Acts as a weapon and a skilk

    2 Take melee mods

    3 It is not affected by arcanes

    4 It is not affected by force of power

    5 Makes self damage 


    And as my frame has quick thinking but does not affect exodia as soon as one of these things happens I DIE instantly:

    1 You throw it but it just crosses an enemy or ally ... And you DIE

    2 You throw it and you are in front of a door and it closes ... And you DIE 

    3 You are planning in the air and you are doing a slam attack but unintentionally you make an angle of more than 15 and ... you DIE 

    4 Double jump to parkour and see ennemy forget to land before meleeing press E and ... You DIE 

    5 Launch it and lands just in time for the second explosion gets procced by viral / corrossive and ... you DIE 

    Therefore, apart from having you not killed instantly and consume energy like any weapon that does self damage with Quick Thinking, I have a few solutions:


    Hold E or Air attack while channeling or remove shelf damage or a medium solution to make that if you are in the radius of the explosion it just does not explode similar to Corinth but not so much.

    Thanks for your time.

  9. hace 39 minutos, KirukaChan dijo:

    I don't mind playing alongside a Limbo when his skills bring something to the table, i.e. Defense (especially Sortie Defense; he's a godsend there), Mobile Defense, Rescue and Defection, and arguably Excavation and Interception. He's excellent at keeping objectives safe. Survival? Nope. Absolutely not. His Stasis and the whole Rift thing makes it more difficult to kill enemies quickly and consistently. Life Support is much more of a problem in Survival than enemy strength is.

    Your suggested tweak is a step in the right direction, but as long as Limbo messes with ally projectiles at all, and gets to decide who his allies can and can't damage with weapons, there will always be those who want nothing to do with it. Limbo's nickname ought to be "Hat Trick", given how often he's able to make all 3 of his allies leave the mission.

    Precisely with this change I try to make it not god in defenses and more viable in most of the scenarios, as far as projectiles would go at the same speed as the enemies so you would have to aim as normal

  10. Últimamente se habla mucho de que limbo va a ser el siguiente warframe Prime y eso a mucha gente no le gusta porque cómo main limbo que soy he entrado a partidas en las que ni siquiera he utilizado ninguna habilidad y he procurado estar lejos de mi equipo y a los 5 minutos de la supervivencia han decidido irse y cuando pregunté: "¿por que?" Simplemente me dijeron: "por que eres limbo".


    Llevo jugandolo desde antes de su primer rework y si bien me gustó mucho a mucha gente no, y lo entiendo yo mismo e jugado con una Trinity de duración y al tener mucho coste de energía he tenido que utilizar EV sobre enemigos constantemente y al no tener mi Tigris(por estasis) no los podía matar y me costaba conseguir energía.


    Visto esto me puse a pensar y encontré una solución, ahora extasis no paraliza pero relentiza MUCHO y no es afectado por fuerza de poder no tiene duración simplemente cuándo se activa afecta a cada enemigo (algo parecido como el 3) que hay en la grieta ya que con las otras habilidades determinas la duración de esta, las armas hitscan no se verán afectadas sin embargo los proyectiles sí y los enemigos asesinados/el daño que les hagas sanaran a los aliados/la fuente de daño.


    De igual forma he tenido amigos que me han pedido que les meta en la grieta y al dar una voltereta hacia delante para avanzar más se han salido sin querer así que me gustaría que lo cambiarán a el mismo mecanismo que la velocidad de Volt ya que al dar una voltereta hacia atrás la desactivas.




    Espero que les hayan gustado los cambios y que me pongáis vuestra opinión en los comentarios de igual forma espero recibir apoyo para que con suerte implementen esto el juego. 




    Lately there is much talk that limbo is going to be the next Prime warframe and that many people do not like, because how I am limbo main I have entered games in which I have not even used any skill and I have tried to be away from my team and after 5 minutes of survival they have decided to leave and when I asked: "Why?" They simply told me: "because you are limbo".


    I've been playing it since before its first rework and although I liked a lot of people not, and I understand it, myself I played with a Trinity of duration and having a lot of energy cost I had to use EV over enemies constantly and not having My Tigris(because stasis) could not kill them and it was hard for me to get energy.


    Seen this I got to thinking and I found a solution, now stasis does not paralyze but slows down A LOT and is not affected by force power does not have duration simply when active affects each enemy (something like the 3) that is in the rift already that with the other abilities you determine the duration of this, the hitscan weapons will not be affected however the projectiles do, and the enemies killed / the damage you do will heal the allies / the source of damage.




    In the same way I have had friends who have said me to put them in the rift and when they roll forward to advance more they have left without wanting so I would like to change it to the same mechanism as the speed of Volt since when doing a roll backwards you deactivate it.




    I hope you liked the changes and that you put me your opinion in the comments in the same way I hope to receive support so that luckily implement this the game.

  11. hace 20 minutos, Arisu dijo:

    Partially I agree with you. Though it flies straight in the face of the argument some Limbo defenders have used. Namely that it's "easy to deal with stasis, just bring [insert stasis immune weapon]", which is a valid solution if you're the Limbo, but not when you expect every random to do the same just in case they are teamed up with a Limbo. I don't know if you're one of those people tho, so don't take it as a direct criticism. 

    I do agree that Limbo really needs some work. It's the only frame I can think of that forces people to work around it rather than with it. 

    No,  I'm not, I have gave a solution a time ago https://forums.warframe.com/topic/943425-el-mejor-rework-de-limbothe-best-limbos-rework-by-a-main/

    but at that time it was not certain that the limbo was the next Prime and the people did not give much importance

  12. hace 12 horas, Reaver_X dijo:

    Stasis should no longer freeze projectiles from teamates, only from limbo, i feel like this would alleviate a lot of issues people have with limbo joining they're squads.

    no please, I am main limbo and that would make the game much easier for others, it would be an injustice to limbo, I think we should find an intermediate solution not to give complete freedom to others and what limbo has a great disadvantage. and no one would use it

  13. hace 18 minutos, Acersecomic dijo:

    NO. No changes, no synergies. No nothing. Well, ok... her 1 could change, but other than that DO NOT DARE TOUCH ANY ABILITY ON HER. She is near perfect, it's just her 1 that's PARTIALY useless, augment is neat.

    Not everything needs synergies. Her EV, Link and Bless are all fine the way they are bless them.

    Who the hell in their right mind complains about TRINITY??!?!?! About her EV or anything?!

    Yeah you are right I think like you,  but if they need to change something I like to be like this

  14. Hola,el cambio de Trinity está por venir y creo que tengo la solución.

    Empecemos con los problemas actuales:

    La 1 es ineficiente para curar

    La 4 cura del todo y a todos al instante

    No hay sinergia entre sus habilidades. 



    Bueno dejando a parte el EV creo que una solución :

    La 1 ahora crea un aura que cure con el daño hecho a Todos los enemigos en ese aura en ved de parar a un enemigo y que sólo ese cure


    La 2... como la gente se está quejando daré mi solución en ved de arle y automáticamente recibir energía y visto que también hay que dañar enemigos funcionaría como la antigua 1 se pone a un solo enemigo y hay que hacerle daño y para compensar con el daño que tenía que escalaba en ved de inmovilizarles les abre a remates o que el daño hecho se haba más un porcentaje de su vida


    3 no hay muchos cambios solo que ahora que al dañar enemigos te curas y al recibir daño se lo pasas ganarías más vida de la que pierdes y para que no seas inmortal ese daño que les transmites que te de armadura/energía o que el daño transmitido no cure


    4 y por último aunque a la gente no Le parezca bien la única solución aquí es que conserve la reducción de daño pero ya no cure obligando a que utilicen la 1 y como ya no cura debería dar un potenciador de el daño.


    Con esto solucionamos sus problemas haciendo que cuida con el uno y sin dejar inútil la cuarta y solucionamos las quejas con el 2


    Bueno me despido decirme lo que nos ha parecido y darle apoyo para que con suerte lo implementen. 


    Hello, the Trinity change is coming and I think I have the solution.

    Let's start with the current problems:

    The 1 is inefficient to cure

    The 4 cure of all and all instantly

    There is no synergy between their abilities.

    There are complaints of EV



    Well I think a solution:

    The 1 now creates an aura that heals with the damage done to all the enemies in that aura instead of stopping an enemy and that only that cure


    The 2 ... as people are complaining I will give my solution, instead of giving it and automatically receive energy and seen that you also have to damage enemies to heal it would work like the old one 1 gets a single enemy and you have to hurt him and receive the energy and to compensate with the damage he had that he climbed instead of immobilizing them he opens them to ejecutions or that the damage done was plus a percentage of his life. 


    3 there are not many changes only now that by damaging enemies you heal and take damage you pass, you would gain more life than you lose and so that you are not immortal that damage you transmit to them that armor / energy or damage transmitted does not cure


    4 and finally although people do not seem right the only solution here is to preserve the damage reduction but no longer cure forcing them to use the 1 and as it does not cure should give an boost of damage.


    With this we solve your problems making you take care of the one and without leaving the fourth useless and we solve the complaints with the 2


    Well I say goodbye, tell me what we think and give support to hopefully implement it.

  15. En 16/4/2018 a las 9:29, ZAXNIGHTMARE dijo:

    en lo personal el primer rework de limbo hizo que se ganara el odio que tiene ahora, dado a que los jugadores solian eliminar todo el mapa (hydron por ejemplo) con cataclismo, ahora aun se ve en menor escala, pero muchisimas personas le llego a molestar eso al punto que limbo acabo con tal reputacion... pero limbo de todas formas llega a ser un warframe util si se usa debidamente bien o se solicite en un squad organizado, solo es de no usar cataclismo en el momento menos indicado dado a que muchas veces que hay un limbo en un espionaje usa cataclismo y hace echar al que esta hackeando de la consola y ahi quedo la mision


    no se sabe si limbo tendria un tercer rework pero si DE lee esta sugerencia y lo aplique, seria genial principalmente que Stasis no detenga balas aliadas

    Gracias, se ha hablado mucho de limbo pero nadie ha dicho que le parece mi idea (ni para bien ni para mal ) (si sorry por llegar 10 días tarde) 

  16. hace 27 minutos, chofranc dijo:

    Dejaré esto por aquí, como usar a limbo correctamente(Tips & Tricks):

    Si le he visto varias veces tiene ideas muy buenas, ahora que ya no paraliza ya no puedes que no puedes hacer lo de dejarles cortante (con melé y vital strike creo que era) y que ese daño te vaya curando con el tiempo así que por eso he puesto lo de regenerar vida con el daño y lo de que se mantenga infinitamente hasta que el enemigo salga de la grieta es precisamente por la build que tiene de poca duración ese control que no se ve afectado por la duración sino por cuánto permanece el enemigo sería lo poquito que necesita para que esa build sea eficiente. 


    The issue of nova has given to talk about and I will also give my opinion because nova slows down and increases the damage and limbo slows down and in this case heal, it has also been mentioned in Gara Nova Frost and Vauban address that these offer control without No inconvenience in return Nix and Loki make them fight with each other which is more than just paralyzing them but in return they can also kill you if you get close enough

  17. Últimamente se habla mucho de que limbo va a ser el siguiente warframe Prime y eso a mucha gente no le gusta porque cómo main limbo que soy he entrado a partidas en las que ni siquiera he utilizado ninguna habilidad y he procurado estar lejos de mi equipo y a los 5 minutos de la supervivencia han decidido irse y cuando pregunté: "¿por que?" Simplemente me dijeron: "por que eres limbo".

    Llevo jugandolo desde antes de su primer rework y si bien me gustó mucho a mucha gente no, y lo entiendo yo mismo e jugado con una Trinity de duración y al tener mucho coste de energía he tenido que utilizar EV sobre enemigos constantemente y al no tener mi Tigris(por estasis)  no los podía matar y me costaba conseguir energía.

    Visto esto me puse a pensar y encontré una solución, ahora extasis no paraliza pero relentiza MUCHO y no es afectado por fuerza de poder no tiene duración simplemente cuándo se activa afecta a cada enemigo (algo parecido como el 3) que hay en la grieta ya que con las otras habilidades determinas la duración de esta, las armas hitscan no se verán afectadas sin embargo los proyectiles sí y los enemigos asesinados/el daño que les hagas sanaran a los aliados/la fuente de daño.

    De igual forma he tenido amigos que me han pedido que les meta en la grieta y al dar una voltereta hacia delante para avanzar más se han salido sin querer así que me gustaría que lo cambiarán a el mismo mecanismo que la velocidad de Volt ya que al dar una voltereta hacia atrás la desactivas.


    Espero que les hayan gustado los cambios y que me pongáis vuestra opinión en los comentarios de igual forma espero recibir apoyo para que con suerte implementen esto el juego. 


    Lately there is much talk that limbo is going to be the next Prime warframe and that many people do not like, because how I am limbo main I have entered games in which I have not even used any skill and I have tried to be away from my team and after 5 minutes of survival they have decided to leave and when I asked: "Why?" They simply told me: "because you are limbo".

    I've been playing it since before its first rework and although I liked a lot of people not, and I understand it, myself I played with a Trinity of duration and having a lot of energy cost I had to use EV over enemies constantly and not having My Tigris(because stasis)  could not kill them and it was hard for me to get energy.

    Seen this I got to thinking and I found a solution, now stasis does not paralyze but slows down A LOT and is not affected by force power does not have duration simply when active affects each enemy (something like the 3) that is in the rift already that with the other abilities you determine the duration of this, the hitscan weapons will not be affected however the projectiles do, and the enemies killed / the damage you do will heal the allies / the source of damage.


    In the same way I have had friends who have said me to put them in the rift and when they roll forward to advance more they have left without wanting so I would like to change it to the same mechanism as the speed of Volt since when doing a roll backwards you deactivate it.


    I hope you liked the changes and that you put me your opinion in the comments in the same way I hope to receive support so that luckily implement this the game.


  18. Attica and kestrel?

    you are saying weapons that have synergy with the warframe, but the weapons that come with the prime do not have to be related to the warframe.

    and for those who tell me what to, think about Mirage Prime: why has not it come with the prime simulor?

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