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Posts posted by Muminidas

  1. ... and it'll all turn out that Parkour 2.0 will actually be better, 'coz there'll be no coptering douchebags rushing every mission. 

    What [DE]Steve says and will prove it (probably next devstream), parkour 1.0 was for casuals, parkour 2.0 won't take the speed but will increase the amount of skill needed. Wait few more days till we get a better insight at Parkour 2.0 

    I believe in DE! No stamina and wall-jumping FTW! 

  2.  These changes sound promising! 

    Although I don't play as a Rhino since quite a while, I very often encounter Rhino players on missions and I must say .... 

    1) Rhino Charge - this power's rework will surely increase Rhino's survivability, it's a low dmg, not good but a decent mobility power and now it'll have it's own kick. Nice!

    2) Iron Skin - nothing changed. I agree, this power is a good one (know from my experiences while still playing Rhino and from what I see with other players).

    3) Roar - this is a super change! 30 sec base duration + can be increased by Duration Mods up to a 1min 30secs, woah! Will make Rhino a bit more into support-tank ... I love Roar's buff but it really last too short. I am happy and maybe I'll re-craft my Rhino again.

    4) Rhino Stomp - more CC viability for Stomp, be it longer or slower ... somehow I imagined slow/fast Nova effect but with Corrupted Mods it's possible right? :P

    Don't forget some basic stats buff ( maybe armor buff since Ex'cal has higher armor than Rhino now) and also Standard vs Prime stats.  

  3. Depends on a player's experience and gaming habits .... I always prefer fast warrior classes in other games or rouge characters so no problem playing fast frames. 

    Problem starts with tanky and slow ones, I can't rly build them right so they are tanky nuff ... Oberon, Chroma ( I still can't get a hold of him) also there's Limbo I must admit those frames need proper skill or I am rly bad casual player. 

  4. So maaaaany pages and I don't have strength to read them all, what a shame of a lore-nerd I am :'( 

    I bet it was said here many times over, but I just wanted to add some of my thoughts, based on the little lore we have in the actual game about the 'frames. 

    (as I said, I may be pointlessly repeating something that was stated few times over but the more it repeats the more solid the lore gets... I guess) 

    Let's start then!

    1) Excalibur Codex entry. "We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade."  Although, it's not any proof that Tenno are not energy it states that Orokin build a frame around "someone" ... we may say this someone was an organic being. As a lil' extra we read that 'frames are conduit of their affliction..... hmmm, interesting. 

    2) Smiling and talking Mirage. Just as OP mentioned, energy cannot smile but there's a chance for it to communicate (Tenno language is very ... specific and very different from other factions). Yet, we cannot precisely interpret what a "smiling and talking" means if it goes about the Tenno. 

    3) Rhino Codex entry. "I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it ... free."

    Can energy feel pain? Can energy respond to pain? He crafted them? Without shield, restraints - can we assume he's talking about the frame they builded around those "twisted few". Still no clear answer. 

    4) Ember Codex entry. Without any quotes here... this entry says about the children found by one of the Orokin officers. To sum it up, one child burned her pretty badly. Child. Not the energy. 

    5) Tenno need oxygen to breathe, Tenno can bleed. Yet, they are resistant to Infestation. Why? Other organics are easily infected. 

    To sum everything up ... Tenno feel pain and can show emotions like anger (Rhino codex and Valkyr), they can feel fear (Zariman children, Ember codex), they are afflicted with something and are bound to their "shields" their conduit. They can breathe and bleed, so they have basic, vital internal organs right? Energy beings cannot. It's confirmed yet again, Tenno are not energy! What are they then? 

    I believe Tenno are half-organic (human side) half-synthetic( Warframe side) ... something like cyborgs I guess. Living person inside it's shell that can feel pain, breathe etc. and that has an ability to transfer it's affliction (Void contamination, power) via it's conduit(Warframe) to the outside. 

    Warframes are part of the Tenno that cannot be overlooked. Tenno and Warframe are one. That still leaves me with question .... how the hell they change 'frames now, they cannot change form and body structure to fit their all frames. So? Is there a hint at the end in the Rhino codex? 

    Who knows... maybe there actually is a hint. 


  5. Dude...they didn't show the wall-to-wall hops last time because it looked awkward at the time. It may just be 4x as fast as coptering, and allows for fast movement with heavy weapons.

    True. We have to wait till next devstream for the preview before we start haitin' :) just my opinion.

  6.  Tenno slept for generations, why would they sleep more? :D


     Probably, there's cryo-chamber somewhere in our Liset/Orbiter compartment and when we sleep Ordis controls our life functions and supplies us with nutrients so when we wake up we can fight for prolonged time w/o eating, sleeping or something like that ....

    "I'll never betray you Operator." Glad we have such a trustworthy ship Cephalon who takes care of us.

    PS. Topics like that are the essence of Warframe, the pure example of our interpretations of the current lore in the game. I kinda love it!

  7. i'm not entirely sure but i should have 1800ish hours in xD and they will almost double when ash prime comes

    That's amazing thing, but on the other hand it's also quite sad .... and the saddest thing is that the same will apply for me when Ash Prime'll be released :(  

    No Prime, no life! 

  8.  To be honest, with the presentation of the Tenno relays that are being updated frequently to help players gather and to increase the wrold's immersion, all those clan Dojos seem to be irrelevant now. Only thing that our Dojos have to offer us for now are Trading Posts and Faction Labs (soon there'll be trading rooms in the relays so dojos will lose their usefullness again).

    I'd love that to change! To transfer features from relays/orbiter into our Clan Dojo. In the face of new additions that are soon to come (world building, quest crafting, foundry updates, star chart rework and many more), clan safehouse should also have a BIG meaning and functionality in Warframe. 

    For now it's just clan meeting place, clan tech, trading. That's all. Seriously? Like really? In other games when guild house is presented it is something important, something that becomes a core of "that" clan/guild. Same thing should be with the Dojo, it should be connected with Warframe's world more! 

     I hope that this topic will stay out here for some time, so that WF's developers could see that post of mine. OP wants changes, I want changes, I bet many clan focused players want changes, not only for the Liset or relays....  DE when you release a FEATURE like a clan DOJO you just don't leave it in the dark and jump into more profitable one. If there's a need for rework, for polishing a game's system you should do it. Be it months, a year, whatever, just change it!  

  9. 1) Fight with Juggernaut Behemot on Phorid's boss fight arena was really entertaining. So are you going do replace Phorid with Juggernaut Behemot and maybe Ambulas with some overgrown Bursa?

    2) Are there any new Archwing mission types coming? Don't ignore the Archwing 'coz players don't play it massively!

    3) More info on Kela rework? Is she going to has her fight arena revamped too?

    4) Is Kubrow armor going to be purely cosmetic or maybe there's something more about it?

    5) Scott. What frame is your next target (after Excal's rework ofc)? Is it Frost as you said some streams before?

    6) Kubrow wallruning? Geoff, where did it go?

    7) MANY weapons need some really serious review and rework to balance them more into low-mid-high tier contents. Especially weapons that recquire other weapons too craft, shoouldn't those weps be more effective since they are more expensive than standard ones. What are your thoughts about it? 

    8) How big is the potential for expanding the Orbiter compartment of our spacecraft?

    9) You talked about stamina rework. You talked about charge attacks. What about melee counter and channeling multipliers? Don't they need any reveiws (maybe some buffing)?

  10. Had to dig for this but some info to share on this old bug: it will be fixed and the Attica will function as a Silent weapon in a future update!

    Hail the Lotus! At last, I will be able to do stealth spy runs without a Hush mod on it... rly, crossbow weapon types should be silenced the same way bows are.

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