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Posts posted by Harrock86

  1. 4 hours ago, Harulem said:

    But I wish people would stop complaining about getting too few of a certain relic (in this case AXI S3), compared to another relic in the pool, based on their personal experience.

    Why?  Because unless you are the leader of a Chinese farming ring with hundreds of members and you pool all your data, your personal evidence is nothing but anecdotal and mathematically irrelevant.

    You are right, but there is more to a RNG than "generate a bunch of rand() numbers". A good random number generator (or should we say "pseudo random") should be based on some preset distribution and give consistent approximation even for relatively small sample sizes. 300 Axi relics is not much when you think about all the players worldwide, but 300 Axi relics farmed in T4 void missions by one player is a lot. A good RNG would generate a sample as close to the underlying distribution as possible, even for that one player. 

    I think there are 9 active Axi relics in the current drop tables. Let's imagine 9 players, each doing 30 runs of 20 minute T4 survival. RNG is having a bad day, so each time player N finishes the 4th rotation he gets the Nth "Axi" relic (so he gets the same result over and over again, 30 times in a row). Considering the result as a total the sample looks ideal - you have the Axi relic distribution covered perfectly. But unfortunately, you also have 9 unsatisfied players rage-quitting the game, which is not something you'd want to happen. Of course I'm exaggerating, the warframe RNG is not that bad 🙂 But basically that's why I do not really agree with the "Chinese farming ring"-kind of arguments.

    So I think you need to balance your game, and thus the RNG, around the results possible to get by a single player in a reasonable amount of play time. Otherwise the game would be considered biased, unfair, unbalanced etc.. and you'd read "Axi S3 drop rate is bad" on the forum at least three times a day :facepalm:

  2. On 2018-07-30 at 7:00 PM, (PS4)delbert29720 said:

    That is a relatively small sample size still and again probability isn’t cumulative 

    Check the prices on wf market, a common Rhino part (systems) goes for 50-60p. It's more expensive than both uncommon parts. I'd say the people using the market site is a relatively large sample.


    On 2018-07-30 at 7:06 PM, FillyRarity said:

    (...) I had like big stacks of each of the meso/neo relics but had barely got any of the unvaulted ones I thought something was up.

    Same here, I play a lot lately (few hours a day), mostly doing Void missions (Mithra / Mot and the third one, don't remember the name). I've been farming these missions since day 1 of the unvaulting. 2 Axi S3 so far, one from a mission and another from one of the countless syndicate packs. I'm extremely unlucky or the RNG is biased.

  3. I farm Interception and Sabotage in the Void daily for few hours, I also pour every single syndicate point into relic packs (4 syndicates maxed). The result is TWO Axi S3 so far. I've been grinding since day 1 of the unvaulting. Drop rate for this relic is trash or I'm just very unlucky.

  4. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

    So you think the game should be designed/balanced around the player dieing constantly & endlessly until they have whittled the boss to death?

    No disrespect intended but that is extremely bad game design. DE only designed (I believe they hotfixed it in) Umbra's HP & Shields to not Regen because they people who didn't invest in their Operator literally could not defeat him.


    You have some valid points, but not giving us a proper tutorial on amps, gear & skills for the Operator and then throwing a high-level content on us is even worse game design. All we get is basically "search the quills"... At this point the nerf seems like the only viable solution.

  5. I'm not a veteran yet but maybe I can suggest something anyway. For me, the key to enjoy Warframe the most is patience. I never grind for resources and I tend to avoid cancerous sorties. Maybe this makes my progression a little bit slower than an average Warframe player, but it just feels right to me. A good example is Vauban Prime with his ridiculous resource cost - I never farmed for that oxium, I just played the game and the resources were there eventually. Took me a while to build him, but who cares - I enjoyed the game and didn't get tired of farming. Instead of "Ok, now I have to farm this specific relic to get this primed item." I rather try to think like "Ok, now I'm gonna do something fun and maybe get that relic as a reward in the process". I'm gonna try to keep that mindset, it works well for me and lets me enjoy this awesome game a lot (currently at MR 17 after ~200 days of playing).

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