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Everything posted by Drachnyn

  1. Completely agree. I really hate normal mirror defense because it's just yet another mobile defense but the time reduction from fighting the beefed up necramechs massively improves the game mode.
  2. I legit did not see anything during this week's EDA assassinate. It's bad enough on its own but something in the fragmented arena makes 100 times worse.
  3. No one is forcing me to find EDA fun. I am not a blind defender. You dont want anyone to decide which game mode is or isnt for you. Why dont you stop deciding for others what they find fun or not?
  4. I was impressed by dagath the moment i replaced her 4 with breach surge.
  5. It obviously is a money making operation. (something something for profit company) The reason I have less problems with this one over many other systems like crafting timers, slow grinds and riven gacha is that imo it asks a little bit of everyone instead of praying like hyenas on the impatient, neurodivergent or those with bad spending habits.
  6. We have gear access this week and the specters make mirror defense so much easier.
  7. What I really dislike about the loadout changing every day is that you really cant farm a weapon you dont already own. When it's weekly you do have enough time to farm out a weapon (except the sibear I guess) but if it's just daily then your only chance to catch a weapon parameter you own nothing from is to spend plat.
  8. I dont think pointing at the possibility of carry 4 carry runs makes a lot of sense. You can just choose to not do it. Matchmaking doesnt really lend itself to that kind of stuff since you can just easily get grouped with 3 other people looking for a carry. Meanwhile in recruitment chat you can clearly say what kind of run you are looking for.
  9. Bring the right stuff (within the 34 research point limit) with a buddy or two and EDA also becomes kind of a cake walk.
  10. I think attenuated enemies should not be able to heal through any means.
  11. Until DE brings back the heirlooms permanently all the talk about them learning from their mistakes rings kinda hollow. They pushed the envelope, apologized for it but didnt actually pull anything back. The envelope is still exactly where it was pushed to originally. The only thing that will be learned from this is how to do better damage control.
  12. Yea that's how it works right now? If you like getting carried then get carried. If you dont like getting carried then contribute. Warframe players need understand that there can be a possible middleground between "you solo'd the mission and carried 3 people" and "you got hard carried".
  13. No I mean much more boring. Everyone playing 1 of exactly 3 frames. I'd much rather be able to coordinate through a much wider range of randomized gear. What do you mean with fairness btw? Do I get a medal for 37 points? I think it's much more fun cooking up a team with my 3 frames and the 3 frames of someone else.
  14. I agree, the leech healing is far too aggressive when applied to attenuated enemies.
  15. That'd be a very easy disable on that modifier (exposure curse) and then you're just gaming on hildryn. Most other modifiers barely touch her and with her armor strip she can significantly boost the damage output of a lot of weapons and you still have a slot open for a helminth ability.
  16. This is already a possible modifier, we just havent gotten it yet.
  17. Honestly even in DRG the critical weakness modifier breaks the game in our favor. Enemies are pretty carefully balanced with their HP and that is very important for the regular game balance there. Slashers wouldnt be nearly as lethal if they had regular grunt or swarmer HP. Critical weakness does just that. Mactera almost never get their shots off. It wrecks some of the really dangerous enemies into the ground.
  18. Obviously we are far more powerful in warframe than we are in DRG so for a mode that is supposed to be challenging it doesnt really make sense to then also buff us to hell but there is something I have been thinking about ever since I learned about the game mode. I think it would be neat if the 3 warframes you have as gear parameter were also the same 3 frames you have invigorations on.
  19. I dont think this worst case scenario is the most likely outcome. There is just a ton of power available to us outside of the randomizer and the cheat slot ensures that you will always have access to something with real bite. I can definitely see a trend in recruitment chat that asks people to skip the final vosfor but the entire game mode is not nearly as tight on gear randomizer as many people might imagine. I've been assured by someone that it was impossible to solo as ivara this week if you arent hyper knowledgeable about every ivara interaction but it was actually very possible and lets just say i didnt even know concentrated arrow exists.
  20. This is the big one imo. It's so jarring going from preparing a special loadout for the deep dive to '3 netracell time :)'. I would still keep the 1 cheat slot for full rewards though.
  21. Yea it's a bit of a horror combo with the regen modifier. Them having no weakspot at all after shooting off the arms feels like a bug tbh. Bit of a jank solution but since exterminate spawns more enemies than you need to kill you can just let them be.
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