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Posts posted by Yg-Dosst

  1. However the facts stands that some of the other frames don't live up to their names either. 

    What makes Valkyr's case a situation that her name MUST be changed again? 




    DE CEO: 


    "My dear Employee's here at DE, we have the work cut out for us today. We have the upcoming Armor 2.0 that needs tweaking, and I want as many eyes and ears on this development as possible whenever they aren't busy with other matters. Then there is the combo system addition to melee'ing in the game... We're going to have to do something about that. We have upcoming frames as well, I want numbers on all the new prime items, and a team taking feedback on the new frame's abilities that's going to be released. Oh, by the way there's some minor dispute going on about the zerkers name. Change it to Valkyr and be done with it, so we can get to more important task at hand rather than spend days collecting community feedback for something so simple as a name... Alright everyone! Get to work! We have a bright future ahead of us!" 

    So basically a made up metaphorical Situation you just pulled out of your &#!?

    Sweet, that sounds like completely legitimate evidence.


    On the other hand.

    Labeling oranges as Pickles is one way to quickly piss people off if they're going to be buying something.

    Calling the Zerker, Valkyr is basically labeling her akin to something of a Female paladin and people will expect her to be as such.

    That is not the case by any means.


    It's not just a case of the name not fitting.

    This situation would be like Naming the Electric 'Frame Myconid, Mystique, or Purifier instead of Volt.

    You at least need to have an idea, or a neutral stance, of what you are looking at or planning to buy, just from the name alone.

  2. To be honest I like Valkyr better than any of the names in the OP.  For one, most of those names I can't even pronounce...secondly, most of them don't even sound cool at all.

    However the fact stands that she is nothing akin to any Nordic trope.

    Basically spitting on Nordic culture, after all of this uproar of her not standing next to the standard definition or traits of the original "Beserkergang"


    She IS however, almost word for word a Greecian Fury.

    Following every single one of their descriptions "Of torn flesh" "Born from Desire" "Deliverers of Vengeance" 'The Vengeful"

    And HEAVILY following Greek Hystera tropes.

  3. How to make Loki viable again:


    Step 1: Bring back his magnificent sprint speed.

    Step 2: Just like what Thread Owner commentate about Decoy, Switch Teleport and Radial disarm should happen.

    Step 3: Remove the damage to infestation. Change it to stun for let's say 2 seconds when maxed.

    Step 4: ???



    If JUST the Radial Disarm was fixed/implemented as I suggested, you'd actually see Loki's played on Infested Defense.

    Beyond a Galatine Pony that is.

  4. Don't forget she's been practically flayed alive, so who knows what she started out as?  What we're seeing is the tortured version; she may well have been an armoured warrior angel before being captured and experimented upon, and her torture turned her from a noble warrior into a berserker... which would make the name Valkyr appropriate.


    Even for Prime versions the abilities stay the same.

    Your argument is invalid.

    I don't see how a Valkyrie would have a grappling hook and giant energy claws and still fit the term of Valkyrie.


    The closest thing to a Valkyrie we have is Trinity.

  5. No. Valkyr is fine.

    Valkyr is just as bad as Talon.

    If not worse


    Neither of them are even remotely close to fitting.

    Trying saying Valkyr out loud, It screws with your throat.


    Further more, she isn't even anywhere close to a Valkyrie. In fact it's more like spitting on Nordic culture at this point.

    She by no means follows any of the Nordic Tropes, and she sure as hell is not a shield-bearing angel, especially after the change in her abilities.

    At this point she follows more of a Greecian Hysteric Trope amplified ten-fold.

    Therefor a more greecian name would be in order.



    The name of the Greek Furies, Skinless Avengers of the Underworld.

    Literally translates into "Those born of Desire [for Vengeance]"

    They spend their time in Hade's realm tearing apart evil and damned souls with their claws.


    The Bezerker is literally a greecian Fury through and through and should be named after them.

    DERebecca confirmed Valkyr as just a placeholder anyways.

  6. Being able to use it on other people, by nature of the game's mechanics, means you cannot use it on yourself.

    Just like you cannot use Shield Polarize on yourself.


    You'd essentially be ripping Trinity of her Primary defense and the only thing that makes her truly survivable.


    So in short, No.

  7. I don't feel like that's a fair comparison, considering that grappling hook was originally touted as a new thing for all frames. People who were excited about a new, cool mobility tool now have it limited to one frame that they may or may not like. This isn't the same as an ability which was already part of a warframe not being shared among the others. As far as it invalidating wall running...i'm kinda fine with that, considering how clunky the entire system is. This game is not good especially good at platforming.


    Everyone having a grappling hook doesn't make sense from a game design stand-point.

    It means they'd have COMPLETELY wasted every ounce of time and effort into developing the levels with all of their little convenient wall run locations and how carefully and meticulously placed they are.

    You wouldn't want to do that to our fragile MechaSkullGreySkree and his Pancake breakfast tree would you?


    Seeing a Grappling hook on say... Loki, or Rhino, would completely destroy and confuse their play-styles, as specific forms of mobility are INTEGRAL parts of the Frame. Swinging around freely just simply doesn't fit the instant teleportational or charging momentum of those two characters.


    This also means level design can stay it old, clean self, and we wouldn't have to worry about encountering mandatory "Grappling hook" puzzles.

    With Grappling hook being exclusive to one character, you can guarantee that there won't be any Grappling hook exclusive secrets.

    Which means every location you can get by Swinging, you can get to by Teleporation, Charging, jumping or Wall-running.

  8. The dildo bat doesn't hurt as much as a level 150 scorcher that touches u for 1 second.

    Perspective man.


    But disabling infested is a NEAT idea, in fact I have being asking for that for the longest time.

    Heck just cutting off all ancient infested abilities alone is good enough.


    Decoy could use a short invulnerability or a stun when destroyed though.

    So as to function to keep their enemy there.


    As for invisibility, I say live it alone, the bonus is flat across the board for all melee attacks.

    But we have to wait for armor 2.0 for any major improvement.


    Well, They won't be shooting flames anymore regardless. I'm just asking to replace their EDB's with the much weaker, much slower melee attack they already have and use when you normally get too close to them. Basically Actually Disarm them, not RE-arm them.

    Essentially make the Enemy DPS drop even more severe.

    And make is less visually strange/ immersion breaking.


    And the thought's behind the Stealth damage bonus tweak was because I personally believe this game unfairly leans towards charge damage weaponry. I'd like to use my Dakra P/Fang P on Loki/Ash and Keep up with Galatine/Orthos P DPS.

  9. Leave the name as is, and drop the fuzz, it's unlikely it'll change again so close to release. 

    Would it kill you if it was named Berserker or Valkyrie? 

    I may be over-simplifying this but:


    Ctrl F: Valkyr

    Convert to: Erinys


    Ctrl F: valkyr

    Convert to: erinys


    Ctrl F: VALKYR

    Convert to: ERINYS



    You've successfully changed every instance of "Valkry, valkyr, and VALKYR" in the Code to a different name.

    Including every single variable and method involving her.


    Shouldn't be that hard and shouldn't cost more then 30$ of Man-hours


    Ironically I also just bought a $30 package of Platinum.

    Meaning that I'd have enough to buy the 'Zerker.

    [size=1]please change the name DE[/size]

  10.     SIR/MADAM! The sheer number of times i've posted 70% of these ideas, I've yet to hear 30% of them! I do try to attack every single loki post I see slip through these forums.. I'm like an awful plague that way. and as I read your post i found for most of it I was yesing over and over!!! here be the sticky bits though.


        - Correct me if I'm wrong but the max range of decoy/switch teleport is only capped by the game's hard range limit? I've never particularly needed more range so I'm impartial to this part of your post~


        - You didn't clarify what happens to allies you switch with, I feel like all enemies who are arggroing your allies or you, should be stunned (play the look around wtf just happened?) for about 3 seconds while they run off to safety or you execute your next move! Perhaps turning invisible just before they notice you're there!

            - Or in the case of your decoy, it merely absorbs all of your aggro Nothing lengthy mind you, if you shoot one of them I'm sure they'll take notice of you quite quickly again (so no lasting effects basically, it just grabs what yeh got and leaves yeh on your own)


    Well that certainly was very negative of me... now for the more positive input!


        - Mind you this was not my Idea and the person in question's name eludes me at the moment, but one such gentlemen suggested in the scenario that Loki gets an aggro shifting friendly fire inducing switch teleport, That explosive barrels become viable targets to switch with. I hope you understand how golden this idea is.... Thank you person who knows I'm talking about them, possibly through some form of mystical "make Loki all he can be" powers...


        And finally that YOU OP! This post is beautiful, as are you and everyone who upvotes! ( +1 )


    Well that certainly means the Max range limit is Interfereing with the ability to play Long-range frames now isn't it?

    Unless I'm mistaken, That limit was implemented back BEFORE we had the massive, expansive, and Open-skybox tile sets of Phobos, Venus, and the like.

    While it may not be necessary by your standard stretch of the imagination, the ability to blink and swap places with that dot over there, standing on the glacier would be most magnificent.


    As for teleporting with allies and Decoys, I believe the mechanics should work similarly.

    Your Decoy is already a holographic clone of you, so no need for the overlay, just make it take your aggro.

    As for allies, the aggro on BOTH of you should be broken.

    Enemies seem to naturally have a "Delay" on changing targets from one player to another, so that "Stun" period may be naturally in the game already by some standards, but I do believe it should not be a literal hard stun, in case the ally begins attacking or trying to actively swap that aggro.

    Then again I may be wrong, but if that is the case, delaying the enemies' ability to be aggro'd for 1.5 seconds should be more then enough.


    And don't be ashamed.

    I've had posts MUCH more negative then yours.

    In fact it's one of the most cheery and upbeat I've seen.

  11. Erinys.

    Erinys are the names for the Greek Furies, Goddesses of Vengeance and is literally translated to read "Those born of Desire [for Vengeance]"


    Much better then the name of a Shield-bearing angel.


    Edit: Did I mention that some greek tales mention them being skinless?

    And torturing corrupt and damned souls inside of Hade's realm?

    Sounds more like the Beserker every minute.

  12. Hm. Noting that "Chthonia" or "Chthon" would be a good base for the name.


    However, my point is,Erinyes breaks down:

    Er - "desire"

    in - "from"

    "y" - turns a noun to an adjective, "having the property of"

    "es" - turns an adjective to a noun, "object containing this property"

    So, it would be "Those Born of Desire".

    Which makes sense with Tisiphone et al. The connotation is interesting. However, I'm also not 100% sure on that.


    And of Course Rage and Anger are indistinguishable from Passion and Desire.

    The name gets more fitting as it goes by.

  13. Oh like Vauban then, in fact Nova is tankier than Vauban and a lot faster.

    What are you talking about? They have the exact same Health, Shields and Energy.

    Not to mention that by Nature of Vortex and Bastile, Vauban is a "Stationary" Warframe.


    Oh you mean the 10 armor?

    Whoop-de-do, 0.04 more damage reduction.

    It's not like Vauban ever gets hit by anything to notice that.

    Nova on the other hand has 0 defensive abilities, as she was intended.


    My point still stands, Squisher characters have more energy.

    The only exception is Volt, who does not count as he is a severe outlier in dire need of a rework on all fronts.

  14. At the same time, though, it's very clear to players which enemies are disarmed, and which are not. It may be a little silly, but it does make sense from a game design standpoint because it removes the burden of knowledge for new players.


    I'm not qualified to comment on your other suggestions.


    That is true.

    It would need a visual indicator to signify who was disarmed.

    But an Energy colored aura of "Malfunction" sparks around the enemies weaponry would probably be a better solution.


    I need to edit that into the OP.

  15. CRYENGINE SDK you to can build your own game. this engine makes its easy. I've coded games in note pad. the request you want is more trouble then its worth. your talking about recoding about 100+ or - weapon animations. applying more bandwidth. possibly a lot more. try not to be so close minded.


    I doubt weapon animations would have anything to do with it.

    You're just changing the lower body movement animations, as they appear to be separate from the upperbody/torso animations.

    And while that's still a decent bit. of animations for movement and wall-running etc.

    The only thing Weapon related would be things akin to Jump attacks, which are global for all weapons anyways.

    It would be a wonderful thing to have.

    They already have the Moa Walking animations and stomp animations they could use as resources to base it on.


    I can understand if they simply don't want to do it.

    But It'd be something that I and a lot of the other players would appreciate.


  16. Sorry, but your Radial Disarm argument isn't valid.


    It's not a buff when those heavies would normally 1 shot you with their gun, and you instead force them to run up and hit you for 1/3rd the damage.


    The arguments of handing them a Prova being completely strange and illogical, immersion breaking even, when they can resort to just hitting you with their gun still resides.

    That portion is more of a cosmetic thing then anything else.

    Akin to the complaints over Uni-moas


    What did you think about every other suggestion though?

  17. Suggested Fury-inspired names:

    The group:

    Erinys (greek name)

    Fury (latin name)

    Dirae(alternate latin name)

    The individuals:

    Alecto (punisher of anger)

    Tisiphone (punisher of murder)

    Megaera (punisher of infidelity)


    Nemesis (their buddy, and, interestingly, the name of the "original" warframe)

    Adrasteia (alt. name for Nemesis)

    Rhamnousia (another alt. name for Nemesis)

    Oddly, I've noticed while double-checking these, the direct translations provided by most online sources are completely wrong.

    For example, "Alecto" literally means "Without Speech", Megaera literally means "The Greatness", and "Tisiphone" literally means "Voice of the Weak".


    As a personal note, I think "Tisiphone" would be the best name, just because of the awesomeness that implies.


    Excalibur and Trinity seem to be the only ones to have gotten way with more then two Syllables.

    And the last time that the Design Council tried for a Greek name, Athena, it was swiftly denied.


    I hope they'll reconsider this time around though.

    Naming it after one of the Greecian Furies would be badass beyond all levels.

    Much more so then the Valkyries who are, at this point, over represented in video games and always in an incorrect fashion.

  18. Kudos to you if you understand the Joke.


    Loki is currently a problem with being under-powered.

    He's Squishy as hell and Can't even be considered a glass cannon because he's all utility.


    That's why I love him, That doesn't need to change.

    It's just that the value of his utility dies off in the later game, which makes no sense as raw utility value should be the same at every level, his abilities in and of themself are also rather lacking on the viability of causing trickery and sowing the seeds of chaos.

    Why do I say this?


    For one, Decoy has health and gets easier and easier to destroy.

    For two, Most mods do hardly anything to him, Power Range not affecting Switch Teleport because of the unnecessary range limitations.

    And lastly, Radial Disarm at high levels is just as much of a curse as it is a blessing.

    Yes, They stop shooting, but For some reason Loki decided to give them Electric Dildo-bats that swing stupidly fast for 600+ damage a swing.


    You don't want to give a Grineer Heavy Gunner ANY reason to bum-rush you.

    Especially not with a 600+ damage electric Dildo-bat...


    - - -

    So what do we do?

    It's simple...


    First order of bushiness, RADIAL DISARM should NOT hand people Melee weapons.

    In the game's coding already, enemies possess a "Rifle smash" attack and animations, and it still does a fair amount of damage itself at higher levels.

    There's no reason for Radial disarm to give them a Melee buff, when they already possess melee attacks.

    Just make the enemy run up and bash with their rifle, or take cover then start to bash when you get near.

    And to make it obvious which one's are disarmed, just add Energy colored "Malfunction" sparks around the enemies weaponry.


    Radial Disarm also has other issues. Such as dealing damage. Stop that.

    I know you ran out of ideas of what to do with Infested, but damage was a bad idea.

    Instead, Cause a permanent move speed slow on infested chargers/boxheads, no stronger then infested impedance, while disabling the abilities of Ancients caught in the blast. I would have killed for a power that shuts off the Toxic Ancient's Toxic, and the Disruptor's ability to magically remove your own energy. That alone would make him used often for high tier defense and gameplay.


    Secondly, going down the list of abilities in reverse order.

    SWITCH TELEPORT Doesn't let you go beyond the standard 50 meters.

    Scoping in with a sniper rifle and swapping places WOULD be something that I'm sure many Loki players would want to do. It means that the only purpose for Power Range is for Radial Disarm, not a bad use of it, but why not just simply allow players to gain even more of a benefit by removing the unnecessary restriction? The Second and Third Ranks for it are EXACTLY the same.


    Also, there's no real reason behind the "Switch" part of switch teleport. Congrats, an enemy that is now 50 meters away from you is stunned for a second. Whoopee.

    Thusly I propose a "Confusion" mechanic akin to Nyx's Chaos, but different enough and only single target.

    Whenever you swap places with a target, for 1/2/2.5/3 seconds (modified by power duration) targets have a "hologram" over lay of Loki, are enabled for friendly fire, and nearby enemies start firing at the enemy that was teleported.

    Not only would this be hilariously $&*^ish...

    It refreshes your aggro.


    INVISIBILTY is pretty much fine. However the unfair buff leaning towards weapon's already high Charge damage is what it is, unfair. Increase the regular melee damage buff for Invisibility to 100%, the same as the charge damage buff. Galatine Loki is currently the used and abused way to play him at this point and it rubs my jimmies the wrong way that people aren't also encouraged to use weapons on a stealthy character that aren't F--khueg Two-handers.


    DECOY has more problems then Charles Mason right now. The most obvious being the fact that they much instantly.

    Since when were Holograms tangible and had health bars?

    Make Decoy invulnerable and rely entirely on it's duration modified by power duration.

    And Allow for Decoys to be placed at a large distance.

    This is not overpowered by ANY means as even with Decoy up and running ,some people will still target or re-target Loki anyways as per standard aggro mechanics.


    Being able to keep and maintain multiple decoys as way-points to teleport about the map and kite enemies easier is something that Loki absolutely NEEDS at higher levels, and would make long range gunplay on Loki just as viable as the up close and personal melee blender he can be.


    - - -


    So what do you guys think?

    Loki is a fun character. But for being based on Raw utility and trickery he lacks it, and it still somehow manages to scale into being worse as you get into harder enemies.

    Sorry for the F--khueg post, but that's standard with me, and it's worth a read regardless.


    Say no to Electric-Dildo bats.

    Every time you don't upvote this thread Alad V makes dosh off of all the Prova's you're handing out to people.

    Remember, If you're putting out, You're going steady with Alad.

  19. Agreed, most of the suggestions listed here are actually good. Most other suggestions revolve around "nerf her energy", "nerf her speed", "make MPrime useless", "nerf everything", "remove nova". Neither of those are good solutions as they will make Nova be something she is not.


    To reiterate: the problem is partially the fact that MPrime is good in most situations and that it clears stuff too fast in low-level areas, and partially that ultimates in general can be spammed too easily, especially with the new Corrupted mods.




    One idea might be to separate MPrime, making it into a pure debuff, and moving the secondary explosions to AM drop. Might be a silly suggestion, but it might be something.


    Anti-matter drop is already powerful by it's own accord, scaling with your weapons % wise rather then your own base damage.

    The Issue is also that MPrime doesn't scale,the same way, and therefor requires massive amounts of damage, a slow and damage amplification in order to function late game.

    If there were some way to tilt M Prime into being more reliant on a proper scaling system, either weapon damage or the enemy's health things would be much less of an issue at any level of play.


    It still doesn't change the fact that the ability has the disheartening "All is dust" appearance to it.

  20. I like the Moa legs, so long as people recognize them as such.

    I'm not a big fan of the "Catframe" craze.

    It could have been used for some amazing lore development, such as Corpus conversion of captured Tenno.

    Then again we did stop Project Zanuka, but I doubt that has anything to do with the decision.


    She's lacking a severe part of her sillouette.

    I like how DE thickened up her torso, and corrected the bend in her arms some, but now that means the legs look off in comparison.

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