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Posts posted by Yg-Dosst

  1. Acrid is pretty bad for Charging up the Drop compared to a lot of other things.
    Throwing weapons or the new Ballistica would be good secondaries to power it up.


    Most of the Acrid's damage comes from the Stacking dot that is 75% of its normal damage every second for 4 seconds.

    This Dot does not apply to the Drop, You'd only be hitting it for base damage, Since the drop is unable to be hit with the debuff.


    Soma though is undoubtedly the best because of its decent aimed accuracy, high-clip, massive damage when crit built, and rediculous fire rate.

    Crit's carry into the Drop' damage, unlike the Acrid's dot.

  2. Well the main problem is that Volt is too much of a specialist character.

    He only really functions against the Corpus.

    Not just because of his electrical damage, but because his Overload only does noticeable damage when it has the massive amounts of lights and secuirty camera's to explode that are present on corpus ships, but not on grineer asteroids.


    Not only that but there are only two primaries worth using on Volt that synergize with his electric sheild, and that's only because it's a hard-coded interaction with the sheild.


    So why play a character that's a nuker, only good against the Corpus when using one of two weapon? Especially when you can play the Jack of All Trades Nukers: Saryn or Nova.


    Damage 2.0 will hopefully fix most of this, but Volt's problems run MUCH MUCH deeper than needing a simple numerical buff on shock.

  3. This is probably just a quick-fix to an issue that's burried deep in the game's mechanics.


    Since there have been some changes with the way contagion works and how it is shown and represented...

    Those changes could logically have caused issues with the throwing weapons since they disappear from your person.


    They could have just removed Contagion's interaction with Throwing weapons to not have to deal with the bugs.


    The Glaive - Saryn Combo is pretty strong. But unless it was something mechanical I doubt they would have removed it from BOTH throwing weapons as the Kestrel lacks the Glaive's fancy mods and doesn't synergize well with Contagion.


    So Here's to hoping It was a hot-patch for a  bug, trying to get Contagion 1.1 out faster; and that it gets a proper fix soon.

  4. You can't please everyone, the frame looks fine to me though it's not my cup of tea, it's a solid design that I can definitely picture it in action, trust me when you see the actual frame moving it'll look much better, this is just a concept art, with a stiff, boring pose that doesn't really channel a berserkers character.


    In my personal opinion it looks much better than Ember or Nova, although in my book Saryn is still the coolest looking female frame.


    A Wide majority of the Animations in Warframe are the exact same.

    I doubt there is going to be any special stances, idle anims, or anything different.

    We MIGHT get a new animation on one of her abilities, but there's a 90% chance it's just going to be Rhino's Roar reused.


    VERY VERY often every single warframe is in this "Boring" pose, It is pretty much the default Idle animation.

    Using the Agile Anim Set MIGHT work, but that essentially makes her no more Primal looking than any other given Warframe using the same set. If we're talking on an animation basis.


    Nothing wrong with this, but that just means that Warframe has ALWAYS carried it's characters personalities through appearance.

    And Running fast implicates nothing. Loki and Nova are the fastest characters right now followed by Ash, Each one with a different feel to them, even when simply rushing a Deception mission or something


    The Beserker Frame is pretty much completely conflicting with itself.

    It looks passive/submissive and feral/aggressive at the same time. That doesn't mix.

    And no that does not make her appear crazy, it just makes her appear... Wrong.

    She's basically a Scotch-Korean

  5. I doubt that most people could guess the roles of most the the frames without being told - judging concept art without a description just isn't a viable way to know what the warframe is really about.   - We can see what the new frame looks like, and got a short description, so knowing both things can you look at her and see her as a Berserker - I know I can.  


    The numerous Flame motif's and swirling patterns along with the default red scheme definitely imply that Ember is a fire Warframe without the need to show that.

    In Nekros the Skeletal shape of him, darkness of tone, obvious ribcage, and thin boniness are pretty strong indicators that he is a Necromancer.

    For Rhino the fact that most of his mass is shaped to obviously be mostly armor, is rediculously over proportioned, yet still has an imposing form and the detail in his fist region in particular, tend to all say he is a bruiser.


    Even though Magnetism might not be apparent with Mag, it's obvious she's a caster by the swirling energies in her mask, the thinness and closeness of her suit, shapely body and with any of the metal swirls being only for detail.


    And even with someone who has a neutral look and even name, such as Nyx. While you may not be able to tell that she is based upon mind control, yet her general overall neutrality tends to lead to no assumptions rather than wrong ones. You don't look at Nyx and think of "Blood Mage", "Demolition Specialist", "Earth-bender" or any other wild accusations that aren't even close.


    In the case of the Beserker, a good bit of people are calling it the Bat, Cat, Bondage, Face-Banana, and Boob suspender Warframe.


    It's not neutral

    It's beyond conflicting itself and what DE said they were trying to imply/emphasize.

  6. My opinions on the skills proposed:


    Shield Bash:

    A great skill, looks like a Sonic Boom on steroids that drains shields.

    The only thing i would add is that the conversion of % shields drained Vs % dmg done must be multiplied along with the skill's rank, like:

    Rank 0: Drains 20% of the shields and deals the same dmg

    Rank 1: Drains 30% of the shields and deals x1.5 dmg

    Rank 2: Drains 40% of the shields and deals x2.0 dmg

    Rank 3: Drains 50% of the shields and deals x3.0 dmg


    Actually with some creative math crafting you can make it to where the Higher Ranks drain LESS sheilds for still more of an effect;

    Rank 0: Drains 80% for 1x damage. 100 max sheilds would drain 80 sheilds and deal 80 damage.

    Rank 1: Drains 65% for 1.85x damage. 100 max shields would drain 65 sheilds and deal 120 damage. (or 80 times 1.5)

    Rank 2: Drains 50% for 3.2x damage. 100 max shields would drain 50 sheilds and deal 160 damage (or 80 times 2)

    Rank 3: Drains 35% for 6.85x damage 100 max sheilds would drain 35 sheilds and deal 240 damage (or 80 times 3)


    Mind you the exact values would need tweaking, but this way you don't have ANY additional downsides for Ranking up the ability, and the relative damage increase would remain the same.


    Now IF this was used, rather than blasting the shields completely into damage.

    Then definitely a usage of energy would be in order. But something akin to 10 energy rather than 25 would be preferable.


    This is just my opinion though. I would be impartial to either type of this ability.

    I made this post for S#&$s and giggles, because I'm one of those weird people who enjoy doing math.

  7. You're judging concept art, emphasis on concept.


    The in game model can be different.


    I don't know what Trinity's default helmet is supposed to be and that does not make it instantly bad.



    So why not give an opinion of the concept before they put excessive time and money into the actual thing?


    Nova Looked EXACTLY the same as her concept art.

    So it's only safe to assume that if very few people can see that it is a beserker without being told by word, then the same will apply to the model.

  8. Take note the biggest issue teammates have with SotD is collision and aiming.


    If you make them able to be seen-through, shot-through, and walked-through.

    It would only make them more like shadows and be a lot less disruptive to team-play.


    The only objection to this would be Nekros no longer being able to use this to block enemies from him with shadows...

    But if this version of terrify is introduced, that would not be an issue.

  9. There is no such thing as too unique.


    Well, If nobody can tell what it is supposed to be...

    That's Too unique.


    The basic rule of Any Media is "Show don't Tell"

    And if they have to tell you something for you to understand what it's supposed to be, generally they're doing it wrong.

  10. Mask should be changed to a cat mask.

    Because cat frame.


    Is it REALLY supposed to be a Cat frame?


    I mean really.

    Rhino doesn't even look like a Rhino.


    Either way, the collar is a little too much.

    Something that is basically the definition of a Restraint, on something that is supposed to be an unrestrained ball of rage...

    It just doesn't fit.


    I love the default mask.

    The Ear-Banana's and Collar though just do not fit.


    I can understand if DE is trying to save their best work FOR the Alt Helms so they sale more...

    But the Collar typically isn't part of what is considered a helmet.

  11. Once again, did not read.



    Really? Or are you just basing this off of a few threads you've been a part of (Which also had quite a few people disagreeing with your baseless assumptions about "BDSM")?.



    Label it as you will "Baseless Assumptions" are just loaded words for "First-Impression"


    The Frame is giving an impression of something OTHER than what the Devs said the Warframe was designed to be.

    That is the issue.


    Ignore me if you will, but that by defination makes you ignorant, reguardless of how flowery you make your personal attacks.


    This can be a discussion or it can be a name-calling contest.

    I wanted this to be the former, yet you are one of the ones forcing it into the later.

  12. That's partially false. DE has stated many times that Warframe is their brainchild - a game they wanted to create for a very very long time. Dark Sector was supposed to be Warframe, but due to their publisher they weren't able to make it the way they wanted. So yes, this game is here for monetary reasons. But it's also here because it's what DE has wanted to make, and the art direction is one of the things that frankly should be off limits to us because it's the true visualization of their dream.


    Btw: Just because YOU think this warframe looks "wrong" doesn't mean the whole or even most of the userbase does. Protip: Don't ever sit there and speak on behalf of us all, because I damn well don't agree with you.



    Me an a large amount of the player-base think this warframe looks "Wrong"

    The only defenses that have been used are "There are different kinds of beserkers" with no examples from other tropes and media; and "It's not your game" Which is true but conveys the idea that there should never be any constructive feedback, and is actually rather destructive to a game.


    To quite frank, It's obvious that DE is failing in their declared intent.,

    As Numerous people cannot even tell what the frame was intended to be.

    People think it's supposed to be a cat. People think It has a relation with whips and bondage.


    Very few people who did not hear it called "Beserker" will actually think it is a Beserker.


    If you look at my suggestions in the OP of this thread you can tell that I am actively TRYING to keep with the ideas and goals that DE actually told the community. If this information was false, then It should be clarified, but regardless I am offering constructive feedbacks to help emphasize what they said they wanted to do.


    Use the Warframe's Skinlessness to Emphasize her Character as a Beserker.


    And to be quite frank, One cannot tell she is skinless.

    She simply lacks the raw display of muscular structure that would give a hint as to the fact that she is skinless.




    She lacks abdominals, She lacks collarbone and the upper arm muscular structure.


    While I would say that she DOES need a little more muscular structure.

    The main goal is for it to actually look like muscles, and not a skin-tight catsuit.


    Which also leads into my complaints over the Headgear, and in specific, the collar.

    Since Tropes exist because people will generally see certain features applied to specific labels.

    There is no reason that the "Beserker" Warframe should not at least follow SOME of these tropes to actually "Show not Tell" people that she is a Raging, unrelenting, unrestrained, melee-mauler.


    And When people look at a collar, the first and only ideal that can usually be applied it is is "Restraint"

    Because that's what it is.

    The Head-gear and collar are literally restraints, left over from her capture of the corpus.

    And unless you are TOLD that she is a beserker and those are restraints left over from the corpus.

    To the Average Joe, She looks Restrained. And some even equate this to the Idea of her enjoying this restraint. And often Jokingly in a sexual manner.

    That's not a Berserker.

    That is the opposite of a Berserker.


    So like I said. I am Trying to state that DE is not showing what they say they are trying to accomplish.

    Thus. I offer my constructive Criticism in the early stages in order to allow for change for the better when at a time that the investment in the character was low.


    And anyway, any Warframe is supposed to do wieird stuff but actually get to extraction alive, not act like a suicidal heart-eating maniac and let his companions carry the weight of getting his remains to extraction.

    So Ok for the theme, but it has to be mildly practical and survivable.


    Which is why most of the abilites do not work on the Frame.

    Especially Last Stand.

  14. Every time you say "sexist double standards", I can't help but feel more and more inclined to punch you in the face.


    At this point, I don't care if they actually exist, which they don't, but even if they did, your constant nagging on the issue, as if DE specifically designed her to be misogynistic, is disgusting in itself.  Please, for the sake of the thread, or at least for the sake of there actually being a change implemented, try not to basically insult the designers as such.  You destroy any credibility you have, and frankly, you make me want to keep her as is just to spite you.  Yes I can be petty, but at least I'm not alone here.


    This thread has gone on long enough.  I'm pretty sure what was needed to be said has been said already, and its quickly starting to go down the path of insults.


    The no change party seems to think that the other side wants to make berzerker this beefy she-male who is basically the same beefiness of rhino or has barely any physical change difference with him at all.


    The all change party seems to think that the other side wants to make berzerker this weak "kitty's got claws" waifu crap that seems to be everywhere.


    Of the rational people here, and there are very few, it seems that there is an agreement that she could use a bit more of a slight muscle build, but nothing drastic.  Slightly more build than trinity, but nothing like frost or rhino.  


    Everyone else is just throwing insults at the other side.  I'd honestly rather have this thread locked, just to shut people up.


    To be honest, a good bit of the Council chat has been abuzz that people are literally convinced this is supposed to be a Catwoman Frame or a Bondage frame. (And even go as far as to complain that the Dominatrix is supposed to be Saryn's "Role")


    You say there is no sexism, but there is obviously a problem here, be it sexism or something else.

    I believe the problem lies in the fact that, unless you are TOLD my word of mouth or writing that this is a beserker, people would not assume it is a beserker. People can look at ember and easily tell "Fire" from the 'flickering' Motifs on her armor; You can look at Rhino and tell he's a Tank/Bruiser, from his sheer mass and upper body strength; And even though you CAN'T look at Nyx and instantly think of mind-control, but You certainly WON'T think of "Blood Mage" or "Nuclear Physicist" or something completely unrelated.


    When people are thinking this character is something as sexual and submissive as Bondage.

    When the intended design is supposed to be an unrelenting Rage Abomination without her skin.


    There IS an issue.


    I wasn't going to sling around accusatory terms like "Misogynistic" because I don't believe that DE intended this nor do I want to drag in a political argument.

    But when people are legitimately concerned that DE are trying to sexualize a Raging, Skinless, Cut-apart, mutilated Beserker. It's pretty bad.

    And if they ARE trying to sexualize it with overt-stereotypical femininity, then they aren't trying to sell to the people who would actually play a "Beserker" character.


    Which is not good nor beneficial to the game.


    And as far as the path of insults, one person is provoking that because they feel outnumbered and the only way to be heard is to throw a hissy-fit.

    Trust me, I've felt that way before.

    And I realize how Dumb and immature it ends up making arguments.

    One-Two people being A******s should not be the reason a thread closes, when there are still very good arguments FOR and AGAINST the point.


    This thread has been very good up until page 6, and even then the posts are still better worded than most arguments and debates I've seen before.

    Locking this thread would only kill and silence the opinions of everyone here, wasting their time, effort, and research.


    I understand your anger, But please, it's not necessary.

    This continuation of this thread is more than necessary however.

  15. I really don't think they need to add unnecessary bulk.  Tenno aren't human.  A zerker doesn't need to be Mr/Mrs Hulk to smash through everything.  It could very much be like a Blitzkrieg Warframe that may not necessarily have the best defenses to Rhino (Who fits his "tank" role).  Honestly, a Zerker is fast attacker, not a slow IMA TAKE ALL THE HITS frame when I see it.  


    To be honest, I really dig the design.  I like the slimness.  A lightning bruiser.  


    Well the Key word here is "Unnecessary"


    Like I said many time.

    I does NOT need to be Female Flesh Rhino.


    Raise and emphasize the shoulders and collar bone slightly.

    It looks like she's not even able to lift up those gauntlets embedded into her arms.


    Go for a Shaolin-Monk or Bruce Lee Physique, the nice lean and sinuous kind of strength.

    If anyone is a better representation of a "Thin, Fast, Agility, Beserker" Bruce Lee would probably be it, just inject some PCP into the personality.

  16. Also to bring some balance to silly nit-picky, how about let's turn the table?


    Why doesn't she-hulk's cloth ever get torn off completely like male hulk?  Unrealistic!


    Why do people complain about women exposing skin in battle being dumb but berserkers being topless is totally ok?  Arrow to the heart will kill anyone no matter how "tough" you are. "Berserkers" in real life battlefield still wear armor.


    It's also silly that people always judge a fighter by the thickness of their muscle.  Would you like to fight any shaolin monk?   Just because a fighter's arm isn't over 6 inch think doesn't mean they can't pull off the berserk style.  Look at Bruce Lee.  Now THAT's a nice berserker model that would be a breath of fresh air.


    Your average Shaolin monk has a bit more muscle density than even her.

    But yes. Monk-esque Physique would be something lovely on her.


    It certainly doesn't need to be Rhino levels of buff.

    But that's not nearly as bad as leaving her the way she is.


    A happy medium would be in order.

  17. What's wrong with a feline berserker anyways?


    Conan and Hulk aren't the only kinds of berserkers.


    I think we already have enough bulky, slow melee frames.  I want more agile melee frames that are actually viable at lvl 100.


    I think instead of giving up the current design of the frame, which is interesting and I'm definitely buying at day one.  Maybe to please the nit-picky people who doesn't know the value of game design, just change the name of the frame to something that doesn't conflict with their idea of what a berserker is.

    Bulky and slow isn't the point.

    The point is that people are legitimately convinced this is a catwoman or BDSM frame (whips are coming out as weapons) from how conflicting the design is.

    Muscle is muscle, and as much as we can bull$%!+ the idea that "the suit does it for her" it doesn't look that way.

    If you can't rip and tear out their huge guts, then you just can't be a berserker.

    Like I said, I'm not asking for a Rhino with %$#, they just need to put more detail and increase the muscle structure on the upper body, collarbone, and neck.

    Trying to keep the "curvatious" on a skinless, torn apart abomination is actually more nasty than making her an abomination.

    Why are they trying to make her figure attractive?

  18. I agree with more or less the entire post.


    I just want to add that I DO take umbrage with the "PMS joke" thing. There's a lot of problems with female characters(in most all media) being strong.  There's almost always conditions attached.  One of the big ones is that female characters can't be strong unless they are sexy.  Another is they can't be strong unless they were broken.


    This character trips both of them.  Hysterical woman trope.  I mean that IS the origin of the word.  Hysterical.


    "For at least two thousand years of European history until the late nineteenth century hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus (from the Greek ὑστέρα "hystera" = uterus), such as when a neonate emerges from the female birth canal."  --Wikipedia quote



    She's not a strong furious warrior.  She's not a berserker, veteran of a thousand battles.  She's not imposing or strong looking.


    She's a thin weak little thing, wearing the collar of her captor.  An angry little pussy cat.  She's a beaten dog biting back at her master.


    It wouldn't take much to stop this, honestly.  Redesign her a bit so her design gives a glaring and obvious explanation for her strength.  Such as an exaggerated musculature.  Perhaps a larger frame(er, in the common sense).  Just... something.

    Holy crap.

    That was glorious.

    I'm at a loss for words...

  19. Okay, this has been said a thousand damned times now, dude.


    The skills that have been suggestion are not set in stone. They were mere suggestions provided by Scott, and that he is completely open to more suggestions by the design council. These skills have not been fleshed out, have not been implemented in any way, and have absolutely no assets whatsoever. They were just suggestions, ideas made up in his mind. Now please, get off your tirade about them.

    While I don't doubt that DE will at least skim over the thread, finding good ability advice in that storm is like trying to find a golden needle in a haystack.

    There's some great ideas in there. But it's night impossible to find between all of the "this button should tear the enimies all in half" posts.

    No insult to those people, but PLEASE flesh out your ideas correctly.

    It's hard to read and understand, sometimes downright painful to sift through.

  20. Well you did start a topic to discuss the frame or "rage" over it, might as well put suggestion out here since I don't have DC access, or is this just a blind rant with no goal to as how the frame can be improved?

    I do want a discussion, but on the design of the character and the 3 current abilities as they stand.

    It goes without saying that she needs some kind of sustain. And trust me you are saying EXACTLY what at least two dozen people already suggested.

    Which is why I'm mostly afraid that this'll break down into another 30+ pages of power suggestions and turn DE away from this.

    Say what you like, it's important that every player gets a word in, but it'd suck if the thread got derailed to nothing but everyone trying to suggest abilities.

  21. I would give her high health, even higher than ash, but low shields, and average energy. Armor should be below average or average.

    Now with those stats in mind onto the power to fit the frame.


    Some random ideas for power since I don't have DC access.

    One power should allow her to regain health via kills, over time, whatever to take advantage of her high health. (Buff?) (Utility)

    Another power I suppose would be a damage reduction power but as she takes damage to health her damage goes up. (Buff?) (berserk mode?)

    Shield bash seems fine as a power 1. (Common damage one power) (Would allow shield to go away and combo with the power above with health damage)

    A third power TBD

    Please let's not turn this into a power suggestion thread. That's part of the season why the Design Council thread became 32 pages of confusing and unreadable info thrown in at random.

    I didn't suggest the 3rd ability myself because I want to stick with fixing what's already there.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the ideas and a LOT of people are asking for things like that, but I've seen the horrors when the thread goes in that direction.

  22. I think the reason a lot of people have a problem with the heels is that most people in westener society commonly associate it with femininity, but it sound like you issue with it is based more on perception, had her gender been reversed I don't think you would see the collars and skinlessness as a sign of weakness.

     In Norse mythology, the son of Loki, Fenrir was viewed as a great threat to all of Asgard and the rest of the nine realms because he was powerful and untamable, so in fear they chained him up with an impossible seal called Gleipnir, one day he broke free and killed the one who had him sealed Odin, king of the gods.  

    Just because an animal is chained doesn't make it any less dangerous, people often make this mistake with leashed dogs, collars are a sign of restraint not weakness.

    Yes but "restraint" is even worse to imply than weakness when it comes to a berserker. Someone who is to have unrelentless rage.

  23. That's not my point.


    Everyone is talking about a berserker and comparing it to a bruiser like the berserker is supposed to be a giant hulk.


    The key of a berserker is rage, not strength.


    Everyone makes it seem like her being muscular is a mandate when it is not.


    He brought up facts about berserkers in real life, I know a tiny bit about it and asked him to present information of them needing to be buff.


     As far as I know no such fact exists that mandates them being muscular like Rhino.


    So why should it exist?


    It should not.


    Please understand the argument before you enter it.

    Yes but keep in mind, even though it is a false equivalency, Rage = Strength.

    In a way it does too, considering the effects of adrenaline.

    But even if this is to be a nimble, jumpty, claw attack berserker, upper body strength still applies. As much as Rhino? No. But she still needs to be able to swing a punch.

    Take a look at Torchlight 2's berserkers.

    They use claws and dodging but they still have the ability to rip and tear.

    Rage is just a multiplier to strength. And if that value is zero, it doesn't matter HOW angry you get.

  24. Without that collar I feel she would be lacking in the neck-up weight distribution for proper design.

    well like I said. It could be replaced with muscle tone and definement. Sure, NOVA got overboard on that, but it would actually fit with this character.

    It wouldn't look bland or odd without the collar if there was something there that supported it in the first place. Why not something Natural and beneficial to the "feel" of a berserker like muscle?

    You'd be amazed at all of the details you'd find in a human throat.

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