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Posts posted by Epicmarkvan

  1. Playing the Kullervo mission in Duviri, got all the way to the beginning of the Orowyrm fight before a member of my party's game crashed in the space between Kullervo kneeling and the Orowyrm appearing. The game then didn't give us the Orowyrm objective but it was still flying around, so we proceeded to just continue. One of the others managed to get into the Orowyrm still and fly it around, breaking the tethers, and then went through the portal. That's when things properly broke. Our screens went entirely white, but through experimentation we found we could use abilities and when entering Operator mode our vision was restored, but the whole scene was frozen to before the Orowyrm shows up. The "arena" was undestroyed or damaged. In my idiocy I completely forgot to take any screenshots but from there we realized it was broken proper. That's where the details of the bug really end, but I continue below if you'd like to know what I did after.

    I took the liberty to explore the undamaged arena, found the floor didn't exist and could pass through it. Then, the host left and when it had finished migrating to a new host, the three of us left were thrown into our Duviri Drifters, no Warframes in sight. Gave me the ability to summon my Kaithe and fly, so I took the liberty of going under the arena and exploring the area around it. Lone arena with small islands and a bridge, nothing fancy. Until I flew into the distance for fun and came across Thrax's head and hand sticking out of nothing. Heading towards it, it popped up with a notification that I was entering the Undercroft for just a split second. No matter how much I flew around it after that, nothing further happened. So I flew away again and it brought me straight into Duviri proper, but with no enemies, objectives, or collectibles. Just Duviri with friendly NPCs only, and I can explore to my desire. Kind of neat honestly. I thought to take screenshots at this point so here's a few just going wherever I want on Duviri. I did notice a white mission marker eventually and tried heading towards that, but it invisible walled me. Also noticed the arena was on the minimap and tried to go back and got invisible walled again. 











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