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Posts posted by Anthraxicus

  1. People told DE stance formas were a bad idea from the moment that thing was leaked. They should've known better. If they were any smart, they would have said that was a joke and changed it at the last minute to something more useful, like a Exilus Forma. I mean, you are far more likely to have different builds using Handspring, Cunning Drift, Power Drift, Enemy Radar, Primed Sure Footed or whatever in every single one of your Warframes than switching stances of any melee.


    But, this is just another example of how DE is disconnected from the player base, do as they please and then get surprised by the negative response.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I haven’t checked out the wiki pages for all of these since I’m maintaining the sense of discovery in Warframe, but from what I have seen all of these do some sort of AoE damage effect (some very small, some large) that would be prime candidates for self-damage, but for some oversight or (more likely) reason DE didn’t give them the same treatment as rockets?

    I guess what I’m trying to get at is it doesn’t seem surprising that they have self-stagger now. Are they completely unusable now that their explosive nature is manifesting not as damage, but as stagger? My mind keeps going to “...so people have gotten used to running up to an enemy and shooting them in the face with an explosive weapon...?”, but I feel that’s assumptive thinking so I’m wondering if there’s something else at play that I’m not seeing that prevents players from treating the weapons differently-but-effectively, and your perspective would be great to have

    For example, I used to fire my Cyanex from inside Magnetize, because it is not attracted by the bubble. I also equip Magnum Force, which makes it spread its projectiles in a wider area. So now the projectiles can hit a wall near me or the enemies inside the bubble and the stagger effect greatly affects the rate of fire of the weapon.

    The Ferrox, which is hitscan and extremely accurate, could be used at any distance. To be honest, I didn't even know it had AoE damage before because its AoE was not the reason I used that weapon. Now it staggers me.

  3. 3 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I’ve heard that Staticor’s self-stagger is a problem.

    I haven’t used the weapon before (now I really want to), but it looks like it’s always had explosions? I’m surprised to hear that it didn’t self-damage, which is why I’m surprised to hear that the self-stagger is a problem. Is there something else going on?

    Iirc, it didn't have self damage, then DE added self damage to the charged shot and removed it again at a later patch.

    But several other weapons that didn't have self damage can now stagger the player. Even Ferrox can do that now.


    Kuva Chakkurr
    Opticor Vandal
    Synoid Simulor
    Kuva Seer
    Granmu Prism
    Exard Scaffold

  4. Self stagger was a good idea originally, but then, DE decided to #*!% it up and add stagger to weapons that didn't have self damage to begin with. Cyanex is a nightmare to use now. Staticor is suffering the same problem. 

    It is dumb decisions like this that make people dislike certain changes that had been asked by many before

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, CopperBezel said:

    You don't. Only Hildryn's passive works this way. Hildryn's shield gate and the universal shield gate are entirely separate mechanics. Your last 1 point of shield will always fully absorb any hit no matter whether it's the first point you regen or the last you have left. (And of course, only Hildryn has a lengthy invulnerability period to benefit from having her shield broken, which is itself an escape mechanism for the one frame that can't cast abilities without shields and would otherwise be stuck.)

    No. The difference between Hildryn and other Warframes is that her shield gate invulnerability phases lasts 3 seconds, instead of the normal 1.2 seconds. Other than that, you have to completely replenish your shields to completely reset the shield gate. There is even a trick you can use with Grendel + Decaying Key + Rakta Dagger. His extremely low shields gives you infinite shield gates as long as you are hitting enemies with the dagger. The second you stop, you are dead. 

  6. 1 hour ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    *Laughs in magus lockdown*

    Sure, if you are MR23+. Not so easy for newer players.

    Plus, operators are awful. Made the game too easy and dumb. 

    3 hours ago, Hexsing said:

    Nyx works well.

    Weapons - Fulmin or I like using my tricked out Attica (I'm not kidding)

    Cyanex heavily modified for Radiation.

    Hirudo - For self healing.  

    It works.

    The problem here is that the last sortie required Bow only. Weapon restrictions are annoying for some modes, especially ones with nullifying garbage.

  7. Having more shields is counter productive on all Warframes.

    DE didn't think about doing anything to overshields and requirement to fully recharge shields to activate shield gate again makes having more shields work against you.

    Instead of giving a flat 25% DR on shields, DE could make it work like armor. Each point in shields = one point of armor. Kinda like having a dynamic armor instead of fixed armor. So, fully charged shield on Mag with Redirection would be equivalent of having 1100 armor. Overshields would just add even more protection.

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

    Sometimes, a popular opinion isn't good for the game.

    Almost all of the time, people fail to realize that.

    I would love for DE to spend time countering popular suggestions they don't want to implement, and on rare occasions they do, but I also realize that most of the time they too busy to sit there, and don't want to set a precedent for doing that, since people would want to be that open and transparent about every little thing they do or dont do.


    It turns out that many unpopular  opinions from DE are also not good for the game

    • Like 16
  9. 11 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    I mean... look, I'm seeing people saying that it was buffed, that it was nerfed. But something has not being brought up yet: Enemies and Stats changes.

    Enemy EHP was lowered, Armor was effectively reduced and its no longer exponential.

    Stats were changed quiet a bit, with Viral taking the throne. But the point above is the biggest change.

    DE made enemies weaker and then made the Augments weaker too. So, its a "nerf", but considering everything else that happened togheter with it: does it really matter?


    Expect Viral to be nerfed, as per a hint from Pablo

  10. 26 minutes ago, Vespilan said:

    Wouldn't necessarily say ugly but she definetly suffers from that problem Zephyr Prime, for instance, has already suffered from; about 80% of the frames overall color is determined by one single channel which basically forces you to not pick any intrusive color for that channel. Or, as most players will probably do, either black or white.

    Kinda like Excal deluxe. One color to rule them all


    But I don't think Titania is the ugliest. Valkyr is awful. Zephyr too. 

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, protecttheplanet said:

    1. Either removing the drones or setting their damage immunity down to 99% would be better imo, but yea that boils down to opinion vs opinion which Im trying to gather here, to see how many people agree or disagree. Ignoring the useless one liners people threw, it does seem that some people agree.

    2. good idea. but implement ur ideas and u have bosses and hazards with drones. does that sound as much fun as bosses and hazards without drones? be honest

    3. sounds good to me. honestly i wouldnt even need higher rewards with higher levels, because that alone will scare new players away like the requirements of arbis and thats enough to me.

    This lol. but its not that bad, i like arbis, but i would like them even more without drones.

    Yeah, but it gets boring having to use only Nezha or Wukong (I hate Inaros so...) armed with Arca Plasmor or whatever os easier to kill the drones.

    I'd like to use Mag, Nova, Hildryn but DE prefers to turn the game into just another normal shooter like everything else in the market.

  12. 1 hour ago, Tamatu said:

    Good, that's the whole point!

    Arbi's are great, they are giving less used frames an opportunity to be used. We can at least have 1 gamemode in this game where those players can't just turn off their brains and spam their spores and/or other room clears.

    By less used frames, you mean the tanks that everybody uses?

    What about less tanky, even less used frames, like Mag?

    We need to face reality: Arbitration is a bloody mess, horribly thought out game mode that prioritizes a handful of tanky frames and weapons to kill large amounts of enemies which won't probably spawn anyway

  13. I might remove Redirection because shield gate only reactivates after you recharge your shields completely. So, a smaller shield pool benefits her in that regard. 

    I also plan on equipping Natural Talent, as her abilities have a long animation and make her vulnerable.

    Rolling Guard may have a spot in there. Roll after losing shields for a brief moment to activate her 4th.

    I don't like Fracturing Crush, so I won't be wasting a slot with that. 

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, CaptainMinty said:

    Part of the problem of making bosses susceptible at all to Warframe abilities is simply the sheer power of them. Even at 10% strength, a boss's armor could be stripped clean off, or locked into a stunlock. Considering the current energy economy, this will never be a good idea. If I'm swimming in endless energy as Oberon, if I can strip your armor, I will strip it. Assuming my sniper rifle can't send you to the afterlife faster.

    Also, heavy units shouldn't be geared up for taking us down. None of them should have adequate experience in dealing with Tenno. We were asleep for a long time, and considering our vast arsenal, how do you prepare someone for a Tenno attack? They can arrive undetected, meaning that there is no warning to a Tenno strike, short of goading them to come attack you, and even then you never know exactly when they will show up and with what weaponry and tactics. Also, them being able to resist our powers would only make lore sense if they were specifically equipped with anti Void equipment (we know that there exists some sort of shielding for it, Lotus says that the Grineer should've known better to invade an Orokin Tower unprepared) and in doing so would most likely be leaving them vulnerable to other means of attack.


    The Corpus are best suited to resisting us, well, because they've built equipment to do so. Nullifiers are the prime example of a unit that exists to resist Void attack. However, their shield is vulnerable to gunfire, and their actual defenses on them is pitiful compared to a regular crewman. They are specifically tailored to fight us, and have little effectiveness outside of that task, which means that while being good against a warframe's powers, they fall easily to simple gunfire or melee.

    We already have specialist units that are meant for us in one faction. We should get one for the Grineer, and I'm dead certain that the poor Infested, who haven't had much since Alad proved they could infect machines and made things worse for the system, could grow and incorporate Corpus technology into their biomass, creating special ancients meant for defending against our...well they have that now don't they? It's a shame that they don't have natural armor though. Seriously. (They do need an update/overhaul. It has been ages since the Infested have well, done something.)

    The faction though that is going in the right direction is the Corpus. The Vallis and Jupiter units are LEGIONS ahead of every other enemy in the game and it really really shows. Raknoids retreating through stealth and having hyper shielding. Corpus using aerial assaults and shockwaves to their advantage. I love them so much and wish they were in more places.

    The tiles need to be better suited for our enemies and us though. Armories where units can flee to, gathering heavier armaments to combat a Tenno threat. Better cover for them. More flanking routes for them to take. No more of the rushing that most enemies do. They should gather in groups, having heavy units breach doorways and then covering the entrance of other lighter mooks. More support units. Corpus have ospreys, nullifiers, though they need better MOA variants that also serve as heavy weapon platforms and mobile cover. Grineer have shield lads. Nice. Neat. They need like a medic or something.

    As for bosses. Immunity should come from a lore reason for them. After all, bosses should have the best equipment that can be fielded. Captain Vor having stolen Orokin technology is a great reason for him to be immune. Dude has a Void Key for crying out loud. (Please bring those back DE, not to access the Void, but like as an item in general to be used for...something) Corpus bosses should have special high value shielding designed against all targets, and that fielding said shields should be exceptionally expensive and why they only reserve it for such special projects. It only adds to the reasoning of why they'd be immune. It is fine for them to be protected from our shenanigans. We annihilate most everything anyways.


    The problem with immunity to abilities is that it turns the game into just another shooter. I am bored by normal shooters, which is why I am not playing them.

    • Like 2
  15. There are some weird things happening. 

    Mag's Magnetize makes the enemies bounce up and down inside the bubble, so they don't shoot. Because of the new status effects, it is kinda weird to mods weapons, but radiation is making it worthless, as the enemies don't shoot while they are partying inside the bubble.

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