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Posts posted by Lyricallee

  1. I have found posts going back multiple years reporting sentinel bugs with Hydroid, but they are closed and don't seem to have a resolution.  This might be new or different.

    My impression of how it SHOULD work is that your sentinel and its weapon  should stop working while you are in undertow, but should re-enable when you stop being a puddle.  I am using a taxon with a laser rifle and both cease to function after going into and then coming out of undertow.  The sentinel stops vacuuming entirely, the laser rifle doesn't fire a shot.  When I use a shade, it did seem to continue to make me invisible.  I haven't noticed this when using other warframes, but at least when I go into undertow, it seems to be switching my sentinel from mod config A to mod config B.  If you have no mods in B, you are basically disabled.  I replicated this a couple times to be sure, but I left the Arsenal having selected config A for my Taxon and when I left my mission, it was set to config B.

    I filled all 3 configs with the same mods and my sentinel worked properly throughout a mission.  

  2. I made it through the first couple quests where you jump into Umbra and proceeded to the quest on Neptune.  Managed to finally down him, got the full cinematic but had no revives left and died on my way to the exit (should have just run to it once quest completed) Now I just cannot trigger the transference sequence, I get his armor down, but the moment I get the message to hit 5 for transference, the operator dies.  Over and Over and Over...  I just cannot hit the 5 quickly enough. I absolutely hate playing as the operator but I do have a leveled 212 amp so at least I am not on the basic one.  I don't think its the amp that is the problem though, the operators are just so squishy and particularly if you avoid them like the plague like I do, using their skills is awkward.  I have an aversion to the operator akin to a phobia (they are abhorrent to me), so gonna sit this one out.  

    (Note:  Based on suggestion from Retho below, decided to drop an Inaros specter and it kept umbra occupied for long enough so I could get beyond the quest, thanks Retho!  Also note, I watched a few of the streamers do this quest and they seemed to be able to down Umbra with a couple hits from their Amp.  Now, granted, they probably have a 3-3-3 but I am also seeing people say they were able to do this with a Mote Amp.  I think it took me at least 20 hits with my 2-1-2.  No idea what to attribute the difference to, Amps and Operators can't be modded, so maybe its a focus school thing.  I ended up using Naramon for the extra operator speed)

  3. So they are going to redesign Saryn because people with 4 forma and 2 high level arcanes in her are just too good in ESO.  You finally made her fun and a legitimate choice for the average player but might ruin her for that same player.

    The target should be making each frame usable, with a cohesive kit that can be used by average players with average weapons and maybe 1 forma in each in the majority of content.  The reaction to a frame being "OP" on current content when fully forma'd, carrying fully forma'd weapons that are available only at he higher MR ratings and equipped with max'ed arcanes should be to offer content that challenges the players who have put the investment into getting their frame and weapons to that state.  You shouldn't take away what is finally a well designed frame from everyone else.  

  4. Scythes, real scythes, are big.  


    They are not held like heavy blades, they do not function like heavy blades.  I want a scythe that takes the real farm equipment as its inspiration and makes it bigger and stronger.  Nekros deserves a giant, powerful, death bringing scythe and he would know how to use it, he wouldn't swing it like a heavy blade. 

  5. I want a giant deaths blade, not what amounts to a bent sword.  You do not hold them by the end like you do swords at all.  The one they showed in the dev stream is still at least half the size one should be.  They should have unique stances, they should not be held by the end and swung like a heavy blade.  They should be at least as tall as the person holding them.  For reference a real scythe in use  

    Like this only turned into a giant bringer of death and mayhem:


    Why would a warframe have a scythe that is less badass than what you can find an on a farm?

  6. Even if they were to remain in the physical bodies of children (which I hate btw) after killing a million beings of varying types wouldn't they mentally "grow up"?  The dialog they are given is so childish and naive.  Within the childish bodies of the Tenno is the mind of a seasoned combat veteran.  I wish they were scripted that way.

  7. 1 minute ago, (PS4)LordBartimus said:

    Here's a very controversial term that you can use in response to ancient/scorpion/tusk hooks. A term that has Tumblr shook, a term that triggers all but the hardiest of gamers. Git gud. 


    The OP's comment related to the fact that the patch notes said there were changes made and he didn't see any evidence of those changes.  He had hoped the change which DE said they made would result in the ancients being less annoying.  Saying "Git Gud" ignores the main point, whether a change noted in the patch notes represents something that would buff or nerf an opponent, the patch notes should reflect the change that was implemented.  Saying "Git Gud" isnt controversial because of what it implies, which is to suggest that someone improve their skills at the game.  It is controversial because it is a very lazy way of responding where the response does more to stroke the respondents ego than to actually further the discussion being attempted.  While your second paragraph did delve into the helpful information of how you can avoid the ancients damage, it did not mention if you had seen any differences in ancients behavior since the change was made.  

    Personally, I wasn't that annoyed by ancients other than late stage survivals where they group up on you and its coupled with Exemi, plus I find them kind of gross, but I can't say I have seen a difference since they announced the change either.

  8. If they are at all rethinking the quills standing, I have to ask why is it that the quills stop finding you useful if you don't kill Eidolons?  I farmed my way to a 212 amp and now I can't gild it because I don't have 10 Eidolon Shards to get me to Adherent.  Seems like I would be more helpful to the quills with a gilded amp.  I have 0 interest in killing Eidolons.  There should be an alternative method of reaching that level in the quills - it is just a mid level after all.  This effort to make Eidolons the be all end all of progression in Warframe is disappointing and alienating.

  9. On 2/23/2018 at 3:20 PM, Ketec said:

    The ramp up time + reset puts them int o a  trash tier category compared to  most other weapons where you can get full damage every shot on every enemy  regardless if you miss or not.
    You run across hallways/plains, shoot a target, move on - that's the style of gameplay warframe has - not stop, aim, shoot, wait, move on.

    The weapons were far from nerf'd in the latest update, the Ignis Wraith, Atmos, Phage and Amprex are now so relevant, effective and fun I put forma into them this weekend and they are now part of my regularly used weapons.  No idea how you could think this was a nerf.  You could really test on your own, but also, many of the streamers have put out videos showing how much better these are now.



    I believe I also saw iFlynn doing a high level sortie with a flux rifle but maybe I am mis-remembering.

  10. 23 hours ago, DreisterDino said:


    -when all 3 people voted yes, give the person who is accused for being afk a chance to prove he is not afk: Popup a window for 5 to 10 seconds on which he has to click manually


    I think the most annoying leeches aren't actually afk, they are just not doing anything. They will click the button and continue on.  As a representative experience, I was in Akaad with a person using Ivara on a wire for leeching, they didn't bother even reviving a person who died underneath them and they had done 0 damage to anything.  When we called them out on it, they responded rudely.  This is usually what happens if you ask them to put some work in, they do respond, just negatively.  

  11. I have Frost, Ember and Loki prime already.  I have already levelled almost every frame, so I don't need the frame slots.  In order to get all the accessories and weapons, you would need to buy the ember/loki pack and the frost pack.  Since I got the Frost Prime as a bonus with Twitch Prime access, its particularly galling that I would then pay for the frost prime now.  I personally would pay $60 for an accessories and weapons pack that includes everything but the frames, even though I have one of the weapons but somehow the idea of paying $100 when I would be immediately turning around and selling 3 prime frames for credits (which I don't need either) just doesn't seem reasonable.  

    Please DE, reconsider this.

  12. I have only been playing Mesa regularly for about a week, so I don't know if this is old behavior or not.  I have only noticed it when in a squad, not solo.  

    Basically, with a full energy pool I am hitting my 2 and 3 then my 4.  I see the animations and color changes as if I am using peacemaker and I can't move, but when I use my mouse, shes lifting her primary and I fire my primary (in my case a vaykor hek in case it matters) manually.  I end my 4, trigger it again and the same behavior usually happens again.  Its the 3rd or 4th time I hit my 4 that I trigger actual peacemaker.  I had noticed this happening in Akkad over the last few days, so I did a bunch of solo missions and it didn't happen once.  Am I doing something incorrectly?  Has anyone else noticed this happening?

  13. On 1/16/2018 at 4:28 AM, Toran said:

    Yeah, it's a bid sad too :highfive: The filter is the easiest way to effectively use the trade channel.

    Want to buy?
    Filter the item you're after.

    Want to sell?

    • Filter for WTB (I usually got my inventory open, along)
    • Post your offers every 2 min - mentioning prices helps alot too (if they're not shameless)

    Besides that I don't think DE have an interest in making trading more efficient, they want to sell platinum after all. In fact, we can be very happy with the current system.

    The filter is not enough.  People don't generally post their riven's full link, they just post the weapon name.  This means that if you are searching for a weapon to buy, you are also going to see all the associated rivens being posted.  The flip side of that is that if you are specifically looking for a riven, you need to put in the weapon name and will subsequently see anything that includes that weapon name including rivens.  Without the specific riven link, you are whispering seller after seller asking what the stats are - wasting time for the seller and the buyer.  I wish there was at least separate riven trade chat (so that people who don't care about rivens don't need to mess with anything at all to filter them out) and the riven chat forced the seller to put the full riven link in and allowed the buyer to filter on just the weapon type.

    The warframe market is ok as a website, but unfortunately it depends on the purchaser whispering the seller and hoping they respond.  I whispered 7 people one night about a mod I wanted to purchase - people who were listed as online and in game - and didn't get a single response.  I end up spending way too much time hanging around waiting for responses.  Folks who post in trade chat I can at least hope they are online and ready to sell (though bizarrely, even they often end up showing offline moments after they post their goods) Its also disheartening how people don't put any kind of ballpark price at all in trade chat and just expect you to offer.  I am lucky if I have 2 hours of play time a day, I don't want to spend it negotiating with people who have entirely unrealistic expectations of what they can get for their item.  If you post a reasonable price in trade chat, I am willing to pay a little bit more than I would wasting my time with the non-responders I find in warframe market.

    I understand the reasons there isn't an auction house.  I too am concerned about market manipulation and gold sellers.  I don't want the economy ruined by bots as I have seen happen in other games, but I feel like something has to be done to at least mitigate some of the frustration.  With the addition of rivens to the trade chat, the wall of text even if you have it filtered to just a few weapons you want to buy and a few weapons you want to buy rivens for on top of whatever else you are looking for is just too much.  The time I have wasted trying to contact sellers who seem to be in game but never respond and waiting on sellers when they say "just one minute, I am in a mission" and proceed to spend 20 /30 / 40 minutes in a mission while I am wandering around my orbiter is ridiculous.

  14. I have been unable to pass most of the mastery tests using my own computer, the testing room is for the most part a bright white glow so I can't see any of the platforms.  No amount of tweaking either in game options or with my nvidia settings seems to help.  I have a GTX 960, so its not an outdated gpu and my monitor manages to display the wider game in all its colorful glory.   The orokin area is a bit glowy, but I can still see. I have had to take my mastery tests on my boyfriends crappy computer where I can actually see the platforms.  If I didn't have easy access to the second computer, I don't think I would have made it past mastery 3 or 4 and I am now mastery 20.  I'm not the only one who has this issue, its been raised before so its not just a matter of skill.  I was watching a twitch stream where the host was taking a mastery test and there were multiple requests for him to show his display settings afterwards from people who have the same issue I do - but replicating those settings didn't help me.  I can't speak to the success of the others.  Just something to think about for those of you who like to fall back on a "git gud" response - its not always the answer.  

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