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Posts posted by Lyricallee

  1. It looks terrible with Mirage, doesn't work with her prime frame at all.  Shes not infested and this thing most definitely looks infested.  Its like they designed it for Nidus and didnt want to put the work into making a custom syadana that fit her.  She has a lovely, sleek looking appearance and this thing is like a boil on her backside.  I don't get it DE, is there something in the lore that would explain this?

  2. 5 hours ago, CruelCult said:


    You sold your Nikana to the person for 125 plat.
    That person gave you stolen platina. But it is impossible for you to know, that it was stolen.
    Then Administration comes and took you 125.
    But you have already bought  Oberon for 100.
    As a result, you got -100 platinum.


    Look at the alternative to that, you and a friend decide to collude.  Friend  buys plat, you, knowing the friends plat is illegal sell him some goods, friend charges back the plat purchase.  

    DE gets the chargeback.  If they only ban your friends account, you would have the plat free and clear which dillutes the economy.  That is also unfair.  DE taking it from you only personally affects only you while leaving it in negatively affects the whole economy.

    I would prefer that they return the goods unless there is some proof of actual collusion, but obtaining conclusive evidence is unlikely, so I think handling it in a way that benefits the community as a whole and also discourages the perpetrators is the better choice overall.

  3. On 12/9/2017 at 9:27 AM, Vypor said:



    Edit (8:54 AM): To everyone who keeps telling me that I should just only play with clan or friends. Not everyone is in a moon clan filled with thousands of people. Some folks like smaller clans. Or play at odd times. Besides that, public is fun from time to time because you can meet cool new people. How do you expect to put people in a friends list, if you're never meeting new people?

    Warframe is a social game. Why be satisfied with the status quo when it comes to public mode? Why expect things to be bad and just "Eh that's how it is? Why try to fix it?" Do we as Warframe players not pride ourselves on having one of the best communities when it comes to online gaming? I'm not making this post out of spite or malevolence. I make it because I see a problem that will leave a sour taste in the mouth of newer players. I want this game to thrive. If DE was satisfied with the status quo, we never would have gotten fixes for the mirage+synoid simulor abuse, or open world maps like Plains of Eidolon.

    I wholeheartedly agree with your initial post and with this edit in particular.  Too often people fall back on replying to posts that address issues with gameplay with the response "join a bigger clan" "only play with friends".  This cannot be what DE intended.  Going into a public group with random frames and skill levels adds a nice bit of variety.  In addition to the potential to make new friends, it also provides the ability to see varying playstyles and how they synergize.  If not some sort of reporting system, couldn't something be done to make it so you CAN'T Leech or its more work to leech than to just play?   I have found Akkad particularly bad lately (3 Leeches in one session, I quit in wave 3 only to be paired up with 2 of them in the next session).  Could an enemy maybe be drawn to the player who is doing 0 damage, or the spots where the players go to Leech be modified to not allow this behavior?  Maybe we could have a "block from group" feature so that when its pairing you up on future missions, it doesn't put you with this person ever again? Maybe on defense missions you could be required to be within 5 meters of the defense target once per wave or something similar and tailored to the mission type?  I don't know if any of these ideas has any merit, they probably don't, I just read this post after I finished a brutal Hydron session with 2 no damage leeches that hid the whole time and a level 18 Vauban with all level 0 weapons so I am responding angrily and quickly rather than thoughtfully, but I hope we as a community can spend more time thinking of and debating actual implementable mitigation's rather than the stupid default responses of "git gud" or "join a big clan"/"play with friends".

  4. I had the same issue, went to my warframe account and on the account management page it displayed a message about unable to locate the twitch link, so I hit unlink and relink and it immediately re-linked my twitch to warframe and I received the bundle within minutes after I relogged into the game.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brorelia said:

    Back in my day if a 300 oxium alert happened you would leave your t4 survival at 15 minutes just to do it.

    So glad it is fairly common to get these days.

    sitting on 17k currently and that is after making 100 dragon nikana which was another 15k

    This resource is not  hard to get anymore

    The dragon nikana is 75 oxium each, so 100 of them is only 7500 oxium.  The Vauban chassis alone takes 7000 oxium.  Building the Vauban from the alerts that give oxium as a reward would take you 23 alert runs.  You didn't mention what timeframe you are gaining your perspective from, but the material clearly is more difficult to farm since say a year ago as there have been mission changes that were discussed previously in this thread.  If you have been playing since release, maybe your perspective is different.  I want to build Vauban and the Archwing Launcher (1200 oxium)  do you have any other suggestions on how to acquire the material?  Have you played Vauban Prime?  Is it worth it?  I had collected quite a bit of oxium through alerts and corpus missions, but made the mistake of using it for research on clan recipes and MR Fodder weapons prior to realizing I would need this much for those 2 pieces.  

  6. The Vauban Prime Chassis takes 7000 Oxium.  This really seems like an excessive amount for a material that now takes so long to farm.  If you were to buy the oxium from the marketplace, it would cost you about 700 plat.  I spent about 30 minutes on Galatea with a Nekros and boosters and got 348 oxium. At that rate, just this one material for the Vauban Prime is 20 hours of farming.  Its not like this is the only item that takes oxium, the Archwing Launcher segment takes 1200 and I have many weapon blueprints also waiting for oxium.  If you have been playing for a while, I get it, you have stacks of the stuff, but the farming opportunities and or drop rates have decreased.  I think the desirability of the item has to be considered when they assign a material cost and the Vauban just doesn't cut it for the current effort involved.  I want to build it because I was able to farm the pieces from relics and for MR Fodder, but the frame isn't generally considered top tier.  Maybe the drop rates are reasonable, but some of the items you craft need to have their oxium costs reduced.

  7. 18 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    Yeah this change is kind of a downgrade/nerf.... I don't have the space to take 3 spears and I'm not going to go around changing my gear wheel EVERY time I might want to get some fish... not to mention I don't really want to have to remember which fish goes with which spear etc, it's all very well saying what they're for but that doesn't tell me the fish....

    I don't even understand WHY we needed 3 spears in the first place other than adding another an unnecessary grind wall. 

    DE think about your changes/decisions in relation to how a player is going to ENJOY the game, players don't like unnecessary grind, especially when we need to grind just to get something so we can grind for something else, in this case specific fish..... 

    So much this.  The gear wheel isn't big enough, even with the added slots to make it worthwhile to constantly have 3 spears loaded. 

  8. Same issue here, I tried adjusting settings on both my PC and in game settings and I can't get it to a place where I can see properly in either the mastery tests or void.  Making the display less bright doesn't negate the fact that there is a glow that block the rendering of the objects and enemies in the area.

  9. I would love it if they would re-asses pets overall.  I think our ability to choose our pets based on the mission at hand would add so much to the game.  Adding another tier to the Incubator segment that lets you get a pet out of stasis in a minute instead of 30 minutes for example.  As has been suggested, having another tier of module that allows us to auto feed the pets as well.  They could even pair the ability to unlock shorter stasis to having at least 2 pets leveled to 30 or something similar.  


  10. Is this shield issue happening anywhere else?  I completed the Hyena pack 7 or 8 times on Wednesday trying to farm for Loki parts with Little to no deaths.  Since the PoE update, I can barely even get to where the bosses spawn I die so often and when I do get to them, they are harder to kill and I use up my deaths and fail the mission.  The bursa's in particular seem tankier.  I am using the same frame, build, weapons etc.  

    I had only recently completed the War Within quest, barely had any focus and don't use the operator so it doesn't seem associated to focus changes.

  11. Since the update, my kavat cant go through doors it used to have no problem with.  Not just small doors, but very large openings.  It seems to get stuck on nothing at all in the middle of the opening.  I spammed a bunch of hyena pack missions Wednesday night for Loki parts and it was never stuck once.  As of the PoE update, it just cannot make it through the level.

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