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Posts posted by SSC-47

  1. I was Messing around with animation sets for Valkyr when this happened...






    And it got me thinking why haven't they added robes and kilts as attachments yet? Because I don't know about you but I think this looks way better than any syndana they've made so far.


    Note: Sorry for the over-sized images but I didn't have the time to edit them.

  2. While I like the idea of rewarding players, I think it should be for buying as opposed to spending plat, and Excalibur prime is completely out of the question as far as rewards go.

  3. In your dreams m8, no point giving it vandal due beign as usefull as sheev ( aka complete crap). Lets not forget slow projektile speed and non exsistant crit and status chance. Only good is the non exsistant recoil. Karak is atleast usuable and will hit things, try to hit fast moving mobs with a dera lol

    Speak for yourself I love my Sheev. :3

  4. DE consistently refers to us, the players, as the Tenno


    Now be honest: why do you play this game?

    Probably for fun

    Why would you accept an in-game mission to exterminate all the Orokin?

    I doubt it would be a different answer

    I fail to see how this is relevant to my post, if I am missing something please feel free to let me know.


    As far as I'm concerned, Nef is the bigger target, and not just because he's so fat. We already got our revenge on Alad, twice. He's balanced as far as Karma is concerned. But Nef is just getting stronger, and that violation of our human rights that DE called "False Profit" isn't going to get retribution on itself


    F*** Nef Anyo, and F*** anyone who supports him


    This isn't even geting into the issue that Tenno are incredibly shallow. Don't deny it: you're fighting for Nef Anyo's scraps right now. The Tenno exterminated the Orokin for fun, regardless of what Arrocha tries to tell you. Tenno have ALWAYS been greedy mean-spirited mercenaries, and supporting Nef doesn't balance your karma. It just postpones his inevitable retribution (Alad already got his, so I say sell him all the data he wants)


    I guess we are supposed to forget the consequences that our actions will have not only on the Grineer but the entire system?


    Note: I do support Alad but not because of karma...


    And regarding the Orokin the lore in the game hasn't specified why we killed them so it is up for interpretation at the moment.


    If they got an army, then they would fight other syndicates (since they kill tenno for being members). Do you really want a war? or you just didn't thought of that too much?

    They are already fighting each other, but at least with Steel Meridian we would have someone who actually cares about the people they are fighting for instead of merely viewing them as a resource to be acquired.


    As opposed to curing infested? No thanks, I rather take out the bigger threat than get more meatshields.

    We will still give the data to Alad all I'm saying is we make our own copy for future use.


    Also anyone else think we should bug the data we give to Alad and keep him under surveillance just in case he's planning to betray us?;)

  7.   Yes keep on supporting the Bursas guy. Or the butcher guy. Keep on supporting those who hunt and kill Tenno daily. I'm just here to rip those clowns off of their wealth. The Sentients are coming. Cores and stuff will help a lot.

    That and acquiring the technology to cure Steel Meridian so that they provide us with an infinite army of Grineer super soldiers...

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