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Everything posted by KRANOT

  1. so your sure if i do that they will send the confirmation mail to my NEW mailadress?
  2. i made the account when i was like 13 i didint know that was in their policy wouldnt that just send a confirmation email to the account i lost control over to said account? because if it does i cant ever confirm the email change
  3. to make a long story short: i lost control of my email. Basically the company that was my mail provider has a policy that after 6 months of not logging in the mail can be reassigned to someone else and I'm pretty sure that happened to my mail address. i sent a ticket but I'm not sure if that will help. i can identify myself with my ID and hope thats enough. Anyone else here who had a similar scenario? how did it go? were you able to transfer you account to a different email?
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