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Posts posted by Redemption

  1. So I've been hammering down on my codex scans gathering what I'm missing. I'm down to 4 missing enemy types and I am find 2 particular enemies to be VERY difficult to find. I am looking for in particular the Corvette Eximus (archwing corpus type enemy) I have 1/3 scans for this and I am looking for confirmation of WHERE exactly i can find this enemy. Much more difficult than this though it seems I am missing the "Attack Drone Eximus" Archwing type corpus enemy. I have 0 scans for these and have yest to see one. The wiki says Venus Montes however I've done a dozen or so runs now and never encountered one (Killing everything with Astral Autopsy mod for scans). So I'd be much appreciated if anyone can confirm sightings of these enemy types for me. I need reassuring they still somewhere somehow exist. My only other theory is maybe an alert or nightmare mission type Corpus. Suggestions welcome. Cheers

  2. The same reason applies to other items ingame that are still usable but not earnable or even tradable now (I really wanted Helminth Ferocity mod but thats exclusive now). So yes that buff and negative would be fine. Considering the helmets were >>earned<< at the time of use. The exclusiveness is something that should be rewarded upon for those obtaining the helmets and just as such the founders deserve to keep excal prime usable with extra stats the same can be argued here. People Earned these helmets and should rightly so be aloud to use them I understand before not being able to but now as the arcanes are fitted to frames there is no reason we cant use arcane helmets. Make it happen DE please. Allow the use of Arcane helmets once more in seperation from the 2 fitted arcanes on the warframes.

  3. 53 minutes ago, MuscleBeach said:

    So it's ok for me to have a flat 25% range on my mag with a drawback so insignificant I actually don't even remember what it was AND two more arcanes? yeah, no. If anything, they shield turn helmet arcanes into the current ones leave it at that. Now you can equip your Unique arcane the same way you do the current ones and fashion frame as you see fit. 

    As helmets are interchangeable now it would make sense to have the arcane helmets back in the game. Yes it would be fine to have that 25% range if thats what her helmet even does for the drawback of fashion framing and the - stat because those helmets were also earned.

  4. 3 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    And you don't see that as power creep when it's in ADDITION to the another 2 arcanes which could potentially even remove the trade off. 

    Just look at loki you mentioned where you lose armour for duration, that's not exactly a negative when the whole idea with loki is to not be seen and as such not shot at and it has a really small pool of armour to start with....

    you could use the same argument against founders excal prime being made unusable and to make umbra better than prime. So yeah... what was the worth in getting the helmets if they are useless now. I'd be happy with seeing them re introduced or making it so arcanes have a - stat to them to equalise the tradeoff between the 2 choices.

  5. 1 minute ago, YUNoJump said:

    Yes, but it's a good tradeoff in a lot of cases. Banshee loses about 15 shields and gets more Power, Loki gets duration for less armour, and there's a decent number of helmets which take away Parkour speed or duration in exchange for ability stats. The tradeoff is worth it in a lot of cases.

    The fact that helmets are no longer specifically tied to Arcanes doesn't change anything compared to the old system; realistically there's no reason that the old system had to restrict Arcanes to non-Arcane helmets. It's a balance thing.

    +1 exactly. its a fair exchange of stats in my opinion. and now more so than before there is no reason the arcane helmets shouldnt take that 2nd slot up. The slots are on the frame after all. 

  6. Just now, BigPapiPimp said:

    Yeah, it sucks for those of us who grabbed them when we could, supporting the game, but look at umbra excal, the people throw a fit when someone gets something unique. I understand the move to effectively remove them from the game.

    It kind of seems a waste to own something unusable. If they can rework the arcane system then given the + - I see no reason they should be so restricted unless they impose negatives onto current arcanes ... e.g. energize halfs the str effectiveness of abilities etc. Not that I'd like that but seems bad they cutoff the older player base from achievments. They really should consider making the selectable without interference now with the new system layout. Would make more sense.

  7. 4 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Basic principle is max of 2 arcanes per frame, any more could be seen as power creep.

    not so much power creep when you lose health / sprint / speed at the same time. Also the arcane helmets are generally the ugly ones imo.

  8. So this being my first post on the forums. After the so recent changes with arcanes and the way you equip them. I see no reason why the old type Arcane Helmets e.g. "Arcane Locust Helmet" should not work in conjunction with the 2 slots you get on the frame. I mean those 2 slots are on the actual frame and not a syandana anymore nor a helmet. So would it not be possible for those that have them to be able to blow the dust off of these unique arcane fitted helmets and be able to use them. I would very much like to use my ash and volt helmet without losing a slot which doesn't make sense on the frame itself. Im sure I wouldnt be alone in the functionality of this option. It wouldnt make sense why we cant use them now. Anyone else's opinions welcome I just want DE to see this and take this into consideration at the least. After all the helmets do have a + and a - stat to them.

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