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Everything posted by PookieNumnums

  1. eclipse is better than roar in some situations. not even some. several.
  2. its greatest strength in what it can do for other frames allowing certain builds to really shine that otherwise couldnt
  3. Late, but here is an idea. If you have hall of mirrors active the mirrors should "absorb light" (blah blah using the photons to create the 'mirages'/illusions/holograms) and should trigger the defensive aspect of the ability when eclipse is cast. (or if you cast it within x seconds of triggering the ability) If you are within range of her second ability's jewels or have prism active (or cast eclipse within x seconds of using the abilities) it should trigger the damage aspect of the ability. For helminth'd version, when using eclipse within x seconds of casting the warframes 1st ability you get the damage resist, and within x seconds of using the warframes 2nd ability you get the damage buff. Suggested at maybe 90% effectiveness but for 1/3rd the duration. Limiting the duration over the effectiveness is better imo. Considering its base cost to cast, na'mean? - this is an interesting idea imo because the player could then bind elipse to the 1st or 2nd slot to automatically trigger the buff they want if theyre not interested in having BOTH options available. ALTERNATIVELY you could simply have the ability start out as a weak damage buff and high defensive buff, and the stats reverse as the timer counts down until such that at the last second the damage buff is the highest and the defensive buff is the weakest. i prefer the first suggestion though since it would allow CHOICE.
  4. Hi~ Just a request as a fashionframe is endgame type of Tenno- Is there any way that we could get Signa from the non-heirloom type Skins? Nova Asuri (bugface helmet has the little halo thingie) Trinity Strega (got the halo with the ribbons) I cannot think of others if there are any but that would be totally awesome! Thanks
  5. I understand the motivation but I feel it is a bad idea. Here is why: There is a whole lot of explanation and character development as to who we are, why we are, and what we are. There is also a lot of character development with lotus, the Queen's, teshin, and ordis that are pretty integral to understanding the setting and experience as a whole. The only way forward I see if you're going to let them skip all the important stuff (literally) is to produce a series or film that covers all of it. Something they'll have to watch if they wanna skip so that they understand. Animated comic would be a good option. Could probably cover it all in 30 minutes. Aside from learning certain game systems and mechanics, there isn't a whole lot they need out of the quests. With the way the game is set up, quest missions tend to feel repetitive since for the most part the missions are regular missions with some dialogue added. What would help, doing down this path or not, would be to streamline all the currencies in the game. Remove "standing" types like quill ostron syndicate Solaris u, Solaris V, tokens etc etc.. and convert it all down to focus. Then as you earn focus points you also earn focus tokens that you can then spend with any and all npc groups. Splitting time among all the different money types is a real strain and progression gate. Buff focus boons, let people spend focus. Another good idea would be letting us spend mastery. The game tracks how much xp was earned with frames and weapons. Let us spend that xp as a currency for other things. Perhaps spend that with NPCs for ranks. So, spend mastery (tracked excess xp) for ranks in syndicates, and spend focus for npc goods. Buff focus boons and remove focus caps. Then those same players can advance through actual content at a much higher rate after they skip their quests since skipping quests doesn't auto complete the butt loads of content islands. Grinding will have way more purpose and utility that way.
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