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Everything posted by Kahrain

  1. I'll be honest, I was totally expecting more of the Quills to appear. They're pretty secretive still.
  2. I really, really really wish it had some kind of background music though. The silence is total torture for me.
  3. I often use zenurik 2 in order to slow the thing while it has a vulnerable point open. If you are in public, could that be what you are seeing?
  4. As a basic story skip, I'm totally opposed, but I thought of a way to improve the idea of one without losing too much in the deal. I thought about how to really DE/Warframe-ize the idea of a story skip, and here's what I came up with. My idea had to hit 3 points: Significantly reduce the time it would take to run the story so new and returning players can catch up to the newest content. Leverage existing work for things like mechanics and sounds to dramatically reduce development time. Provide players that did not skip with something of value so that there's an enticement for everybody. Solution: Interactive Motion Comics that are also Orbiter decorations. -- With the 3 points in mind I thought about other situations in gaming where players would want to get caught up on the story, but doing so through the original means was time consuming or off-putting. Dragon's Age came to mind and saved the day. Specifically Dragon Age Inquisition and their little motion comic tool that allowed you to revise the events in the previous two games quickly and easily. I figure that this idea is perfect for Warframe. Each quest would have its own 'Thread of Fate' (WF name: I dunno Moirai Chapter?) that could be purchased for Platinum. This would give the purchaser the option in the Codex to watch/interact with a motion comic version of the quest in order to complete it. This way the narrative is not completely lost for players that want to get through it, but still understand it. It would also allow for faster recaps for players that might want to revisit a story point. It would reuse the mechanic seen in the Waverider quest with its comic and would use sounds and voices from the quest to flesh it out. To provide the extra value for players that have done the quest, it could be used as a way to allow players to change their quest choices (probably in a limited fashion?) and provide an Orbiter decoration that when interacted with will also allow the player to play out just the comic.
  5. I do believe that Albrecht has switched bodies in his lifetime, and has taken the Kuva multiple times. I interpret his logs at the Necralisk to have a MASSIVE (thousands of years) gap between the Khra and Netra logs where a lot of scientific progress is made. The Netra and Lohk logs being the final logs before he got into the... Tomb / Sarcophagus / Ornamental treasure chest thing. That's why he mentions not taking the Kuva. He plans to move forward in time by a different method than living it. (Suspended animation, void shenanigans, whatever) Kalymos has also probably taken the Kuva, and might even be the first test subject. As for why 1999? I think that's when his initial void experiment was. Except via eternalism, it's that one where the experiment actually failed instead and unleashed some kind of technocyte virus and the events are important to the Tenno timeline. (Though I also suppose we could be watching/playing when the initial Excalibur and Mag frames were created and the people those were before.)
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