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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. On 07/01/2017 at 1:57 PM, Twilight053 said:

    Not a good fix in my opinion, while yes they should fix the lighting, it only takes some scouring to know which is the ideal glass cannon or tank areas. In addition, pressing an additional button to switch stance seems to be counter-intuitive to the fast-paced gameplay the game has to offer, especially when you can just walk into darker area while still doing damage. Even if its just a 0.5s cast, it still means death or alive if you're playing on end-game levels.

    This is not the kind of augment I'd consider on using even if I had free slot.

    An additional button? I don't understand where you're getting that from ... It's a cast the same at you cast it now but the buff you gain remains from where you were standing (light or shadow) if you want to rebuff you press it again which I add is already in the game. The only difference is that it doesn't change depending on where you move after cast unless you recast.

    Now that is cleared up I'll get onto the 'areas' debate ... some maps have more light or more shadow so you are almost forced to primarily play one buff or the other without much choice so if you find a tile that has a small amount of shadows and you want damage resistance? Great now you have to camp in that one spot if you move one foot out of line you'll get one shotted by higher scaled enemies.

    You might not consider using it if the concept was implemented as an augment but that's not to say others won't, I suggested it become an augment as a compromise if it isn't incorporated as a subtle tweak/rework of the ability itself becoming an innate feature. Debunking the 0.5s cast you mentioned it takes much longer to move from a light source to a shadow area to buff yourself to survive fatal hits, cast the shadow buff you have the ENTIRE duration of the buff as a shadow buff and within the last 5 or 10 seconds you simply glance around for a shadow and recast and leave the shadow.

    I fail to understand the concept of why it wasn't implemented this way to begin with, say for example you were almost dead and you're in a shadow taking reduced damage trying to thin out the mob attacking you a Grineer Scorpion, Infested Ancient, any unit with AOE knockdown/knockback such as Corpus and Infested MOA units will knock you into the light source and you will instantly die when it comes to higher leveled enemies.

    I could keep going on about why it should be implemented but at this point it would be beneficial for all players, complaining about pressing the button to respec your buff is illogical when most of the mirage players simply run around spamming the Simulor ... So people who don't like the idea of pressing the ability again to change buff depending on where they are standing, giving them proper control over what buff you have are opposed over a simple 1 press cast to change but are happy to keep spamming fire on their weapon for the entire magazine before it reloads that makes no sense to me I'm sorry but I really can't make sense of that.

    Edit: Side note there are frames who simply cast to activate an ability once and become god tier;

    Valkyr - Hysteria ... 1 button to cheat death

    Chroma - Vex Armor (ice element) ... Activate and find it near impossible to die.

    Wukong - Defy ... <--- see ability name

    The frame lists go on and on! Frost, Limbo, Nezha, Nyx, Rhino it's a one press and relax. However with Mirage to take reduced damage you have to actively seek out the proper lack of lighting, remain in that area and if you step out of line you die (before somebody tries to throw in her Prism Blind into the debate ... it's now Line of sight nerfed so if an enemy walks around a corner for example that wasn't there for the initial cast and they're say a level 90+ Grineer Napalm, Commander, Scorch, Corpus Sniper pretty much anything can oneshot mirage at that level of enemy scaling means my point is further proven that she needs a more reliable method of defence when using Eclipse to stay alive.

    Edit 2: "Help revive me I'm bleeding out" I can't bro if I step into the light I'll get one shotted like you ... "Use your Prism blind it'll be okay!" (casts Prism ... new enemy walks around that wasn't in the light of sight at the time of casting the ability) Hey I got one shotted sorry man we're both going to bleed out now.

    ^ This is a typical scenario for me so even if I manage to keep myself alive at some point I'll go to help my allies who are in bleedout, then I'll be subjected to the same fate as them at so much as a coin toss to see if I'll live or die.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Myscho said:

    Why not just make drop more common ?

    They stated they will increase the droprate on stream, but the amount required is still a large number and it's not the only item in the game to require mutagen samples.

    I stated that the Hema and the Helminth Charger are both new additions, so it would be incentive for players to want to get the charger ASAP because that will help farm mutagen more efficiently. 

    Edit: This also means down the track other companions would most likely receive passives.

    Edit2: Also I doubt it would ever be implemented but it would be cool if there was some feature to buff Helminth depending on how much mutagen you have, side note we now have the infested segment of our ships I have a feeling we'll be needing much more mutagen in the future.

  3. In Devstream 85:  The cost will not be changed, because people worked hard for the mutagen they have. Which makes sense and I think is a fair move by the DE team

    34 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    Hema Mutagen Sample Costs
    • In order to honour the players that have already worked to research the Hema, the Mutagen Sample cost will remain
    • There is consideration being put into raising the Mutagen Sample droprate or having it drop in chunks of 2 or 3 to alleviate the grind


    My idea for a fix will help new players who need the high amounts of mutagen, veterans already have a massive stockpile already giving us a farming advantage ... so I came up with an idea.

    Idea #1

    'Helminth Charger Passive - Doubles Mutagen Sample drops.'

    Idea #2

    'Helminth Charger Passive - Enemies killed by Helminth drop Mutagen Samples.'

    My ideas helps new players catch up since the Hema is a new weapon and the Helminth Charger is a new companion. I believe it is a reasonable compromise in my opinion :) @[DE]Steve @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Megan

  4. Just saw the new bundles of noggles added to the market, would be cool if there was a table top game we could play using our noggles as board pieces :D

    Will update this at a later date, for those who don't know what I'm referring to warhammer 40k, Chess etc.

    Tagging Devs because I'm hyped as F*** about this being implemented as a minigame like happy zephyr and wyrmius @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Steve @[DE]Megan





  5. 5 hours ago, RunningTree3 said:


    Rift Surge could be made interesting this way if the location of casting, hat or not hat, had some effect: this teleporting idea is interesting. I would also be keen to see some sort of fissure that allies can use for rifting. Or perhaps the ability to place up to two Rift Surge fissures/hats at a time, and melee-striking one would teleport to the other?

    Cataclysm should trap mobs. Yes and No. Would this mean mobs no longer can run into a Cataclysm? I would be keen to see the bubble simply have a 'push' effect, about the same strength as Magnetize, that would 'nudge' mobs inwards as it shrunk. It would trap mobs that stood their ground (ie, ranged attackers) but would be not strong enough to withstand one actively trying to run out of it.

    Perhaps 'Banish' the hat/fissure to teleport back to it, instead of recasting Rift Surge? Thereby causing some sort of AoE due to Limbo displacing into the area? Not necessarily a fan of Rad procs though. An AoE Impact proc or Knockdown would keep in theme with original Banish and its current usefulness.

    Also, and this is important: Can Banished allies gain a clone hat on their head? Everyone will now ask to be banished for the fashion.


    Full support from from me that everyone gets a hat haha, I'd like the cataclysm to not let them back out but they can freely enter! :D

    Hopefully if the idea gets implemented the devs would take a vote on what to do with the teleport if you should recast Rift surge for the teleport or Aim cast banish at the hat, the reason I wanted it on Rift surge because it wouldn't require you to aim at the hat directly, if the teleport was linked to banish you could wind up teleporting on accident at times if you miss your target, or banishing when you wish to teleport etc. I just figured it would be a more simple solution however I'm not fully opposed to it :) 

  6. 5 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    The War Within: 19.1.0 Ash Revisited Sortie Reward Changes:


      Reveal hidden contents
    • Endo (2K) 
    • Endo (4K) 
      Reveal hidden contents
    • Riven Mod
    • Lens/Greater Lenses
    • Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint
    • Exilus Adaptor Blueprint
    • Legendary Core

    New Sortie Rewards:

      Hide contents
      Reveal hidden contents
    • Riven Mod 
    • Endo (4K) 
    • Endo (2K) (radically lowered drop chance and spread across new additions) 
    • 3 Day Booster 
    • Lens/Greater Lens
    • 3 Nitain
    • Forma
    • Orokin Reactor/Catalyst Blueprint
    • Exilus Adaptor Blueprint
    • Legendary Core

    Please note regarding these changes that we took the large 2000 Endo chances and chopped/reassigned to give a more diverse set of options to have variety of other rewards. We are aiming to make the full drop table more broadly appealing. When The War Within launched, we added Rivens to Sorties as a common drop to be the new, interesting, and unique evergreen goal for players in Sorties.  Rivens remain common with these changes as we see them as the ultimate goal for Sorties. Regarding Nitain specifically, the majority of our recently active players have less than 9 Nitain in their accounts and there is considerable interest in some new ways to acquire, so we are trying out Sorties as an option. A next step here is being considered to add a completely new Ayatan in the place of 2K Endo to give collectors and Endo hunters something to look forward to. 

    Perhaps endo per sortie as a reward for each end of mission reward 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 and Leave endo out of the 3/3 grand prize? :) In case something goes bad with the drop tables again in the future. Endo as a grand prize for 3/3 was very unbalanced and it's good to see the issue has been looked at and fixed, I just have strong concerns for the future I really like the new additions to the rewards and now that we have Riven mods it would feel even worse if the endo curse was to come back in the future O_O.

    Very good to see some much needed chance though :D

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