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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 10 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

    I'm referring to accidentally mounting a wire.

    I cast an Adhesive Wire at or near ground level and use it to slow enemies.

    Teammates and I can still accidentally mount those Adhesive Wires (because they are still Dashwires) when trying to interact with an object.

    Similar existing problem: I have to trick Specters and Syndicate Operatives into not following me to a locker if I want to open it and not accidentally tell them to hold position.

    That's easy give everything but dashwire higher priority for interaction so if there is a datamass or a locker you always interact with something else first, I was under the impression that was already patched into the game but I can't seem to find it in patch notes.

    Alternatively use alt fire or reload to grab dashwire, for a long time I've thought of how it would be nice to have two types of interaction buttons for similar situations like you mentioned one example is Inaros - Devour being near a datamass or a locker it would be nice to press Reload over the enemy that way you can choose which interaction you want but that's just my personal thoughts.

    The main problem with what you're talking about comes down to bad placement of dashwire until a fix for interaction based abilities is fixed ...

    Volt shield.


    Dashwire etc. It's not strictly an Ivara problem so can we please stay on topic with the augment thanks.

  2. Just now, Rhekemi said:

    They're all fine, but Adhesive Wires means I or anyone using that Dashwire augment will place them not way up high for getting about, but at or below enemy height.

    It's incredibly annoying when trying to interact with an object or objective (hitting X) and mounting a tileset's dashwire or Ivara's.

    What's your solution to that inevitable problem?

    Ivara can cast more than a single dash wire I don't see any problem.

  3. On 04/09/2016 at 2:58 AM, Larred said:

    neat idea


    On 20/10/2016 at 9:12 AM, SenorClipClop said:

    I like it.


    On 16/10/2016 at 9:59 PM, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

    i can only hope the devs see this post and care enough to consider it


    On 22/09/2016 at 1:34 AM, RedShiftZero said:

    I don't even play Ivara and this sounds cool as


    On 04/09/2016 at 3:41 AM, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

    lol it beat mine GG

    i had an idea called the optimal Arrows Augment

    Lasting Cloak arrow: Recasting it in the same area will add on 100 percent duration to that arrow.

    Slashwire Arrow: enemies who walk through the arrow suffer from the slash bleed out proc.

    Mind-numbing Noise Arrow: enemies who hear the noise will have decreased reactions to tenno actions (similar to silence on banshee).

    Final Sleep arrow: enemies affected by sleep arrow will get an increased finisher damage received.

    if you ask me yours is a lot better lol


    On 21/10/2016 at 3:47 AM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    nice idea and id like ivara to have more of her frog theme 

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    as a side note its been voted on, so probably already underway 


    I want to say thanks for all the positive feedback guys :D

  4. 17 hours ago, Misgenesis said:

    She does need some work as shes a one trick pony and a boring, trivializing one at that. Before anyone gets their panties in a twist, yes AMD is a thing but only because its barely affected by mods. Modding for MP is the most viable route.

    Null Star and AMD could use changes. I would scrap Wormhole as well.

    Both MP and AMD need their power scaled back, MP in particular is one of those things that shouldnt exist in a horde shooter. Imagine any horde game with an ability like that, completely trivializing. And AMD is just easy instakills.


    15 hours ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    I'd like to point out nova's null star augment here. It is absolutely awesome for those that have used it. Guaranteed radial knock down around you. It's very useful and cheap cc imo, though it does require an augment.

    Antimatter drop augment is really good too, antimatter absorb. You can fire off multiple traveling shield that can absorb incoming damage. I've yet to see anyone use these abilities other than myself. I suggest you guys give them a try. Yeah you'll have to sacrifice some mods and change builds but m. Prime doesn't need much to shine.


    On the topic of these points I'd like to point out a thread I've made relating to synergy that I feel is on point here.

    My idea was simple ...

    " Neutron Star is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nova that allows all active Null Star particles to be detonated "

    The changes I propose - Each enemy killed from Molecular Prime will give you x1 Null Star for free with the maximum still at x16, this would synergize very well with the augment.


  5. 39 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    Because this arrow can help you to cloak all the team easily and clear the map with other frame like equinox with no risk to be seen >.>


    Smoke Shadow is a Warframe Augment Mod for Ash's Smoke Screen that allows Ash to temporarily cloak nearby allies along with himself.

    Yeah dude I still don't agree with you ... otherwise smoke shadow wouldn't be in the game. If you don't have anything else to talk about I think that wraps that debate up.

  6. On 21/10/2016 at 0:41 AM, (PS4)VaDeR81 said:

    I like these ideas, except the radiation proc. I feel the rift should do finisher damage. It doesn't go with any element we have. I've had a similar rework all based around riftsurge. It should affect all his powers. Riftsurge also needs a puncture proc for the whole duration. Less damage to us in the rift. I need an unbanish button. Hold to unbanish all targets( good for accidents) banish five dudes then bring them back all on their butts ready to die.  

    Being sent to another dimension would definitely cause some sort of radiation to be emitted, so casting it on the had would be letting a bunch of that energy and radiation spew out I don't think finisher damage would fit his theme.

  7. 22 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    That's look good but the augment for cloak look a bit overpowered >.>

    I don't see how it's overpowered when there is things in the game like equinox that can build for max range and kill an entire map tile at the press of a button :/

  8. A solution would be to buff all frames base stats for efficiency etc and remove the arcane helmets but that would upset all the people who traded for them etc.

    another would be to bring helmet arcane buffs back but without being locked to a helmet, so all the arcanes that exist exclusively helmets only would be released again in alerts that way you can equip them to any helmet you desire, arcane alerts just like the helmets once were.

  9. I'm really keen for this to be a fix or an augment, pleases me that this thread is getting attention :D 

    I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been giving positive feedback it means a lot and it's nice to know I wasn't the only person to experience this frustration.

    Looking forward to if this gets implemented I'll probably start maining mirage a bit more I've since shelved her because of the uncertainty of her 3rd ability.

  10. 1 hour ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    Your first paragraph is nonesense to be honest. I very much doubt the majority would agree to that. As for your last sentence, therein lies the problem. What is a light or dark area is not well defined, nor is it easy to define such areas due to the variations of graphical setting across users. Let's say grass is introduced on earth tile-sets. Will being inside the grass count as dark, but jumping over it count as light (assuming daytime)? Are cast shadows from other players counted as "darkened" area (it isn't)?

    Let's say the ability works off the client, based on the client's settings and thus ignores all other players in the mission. Does casting prism automatically illuminate an area making it light ? Similarly Mirage's clones block light rays around her unless she's looking at them directly, thus are they creating a darker environment? What I'm getting at, is this ability doesn't react to dynamic effects like that. All you have is a visual cue based on how the buff looks depending on where you stand. Also levels of brightness / darkness make no difference, it's either light or dark. So if you're in a very lit environment, some less bright areas will still count as light. It is simply too arbitrary to use the ability as was intended. Where imo the intended use was for players to stay in the shadows if they were on the defensive, and out in the open if they are on the offensive. All this is not an issue except in those instances where you really need damage reduction and frantically try to find an area that is considered dark but die before doing so. Sure on certain tile-sets I've memorized certain areas as light vs dark, but imo if an ability relies on you memorizing tile lighting configurations, it's not a good ability.

    Dude you nailed it 10/10 couldn't have said it better myself.

  11. I'm glad that some Mirage mains understand the frustration and agree that my idea would be a good solution :)


    On 28/09/2016 at 11:30 PM, (PS4)HSomDevil said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    All joking aside:

    This is an excellent idea. Yes, please!


    On 29/09/2016 at 0:28 AM, TaylorsContraction said:

    Or how about hold to cast the tanky version, and quick press to cast the damage? I realize this may be too easy but it gives players total control over her abilities. I have no idea what is considered "dark" and "light" in this game. Everyone's graphic settings are different. I don't use bloom for example or motion blur. Colors look way different with "adaptive exposure" etc...


    On 07/10/2016 at 8:06 AM, bl4ckhunter said:

    well, given that mirage also has only 3 abilities, it'd be nice if they worked reliably at least. 


    12 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

    Hell, even if they wanted to take the easy way out and just went with which buff you'll be getting depending on how bright your energy colour is (think Equinox) would honestly do miles better at this point over the inconsistencies she has with the ability now lol.

    That aside, I do hope they take a re-look at her Eclipse ability and maybe go with something akin to your proposal. At least then we can decide what buff we want on the fly.
    A personal side note, this especially would be great since I'm not a fan (aesthetically speaking) of her 1st ability at all too much shiyt going on, bleh so I tend to just use her 3rd ability at least for some kind of damage mitigation (when applicable via darker tilesets).

    That, and I mainly only use my Explosive Legerdemain build(s) since Slight of Hand is simply one of my favourite abilities in game (at least on a conceptual level lol), and the added CC from the Augment mod (all dem freeze procs) is very lovely lol. But I digress :P


  12. 7 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

    Hell, even if they wanted to take the easy way out and just went with which buff you'll be getting depending on how bright your energy colour is (think Equinox) would honestly do miles better at this point over the inconsistencies she has with the ability now lol.

    That aside, I do hope they take a re-look at her Eclipse ability and maybe go with something akin to your proposal. At least then we can decide what buff we want on the fly.
    A personal side note, this especially would be great since I'm not a fan (aesthetically speaking) of her 1st ability at all too much shiyt going on, bleh so I tend to just use her 3rd ability at least for some kind of damage mitigation (when applicable via darker tilesets).

    That, and I mainly only use my Explosive Legerdemain build(s) since Slight of Hand is simply one of my favourite abilities in game (at least on a conceptual level lol), and the added CC from the Augment mod (all dem freeze procs) is very lovely lol. But I digress :P

    I agree 200%

    Also kudos for being another Explosive Legerdemain user that augment I love it!

    7 hours ago, taiiat said:

    the age old solution to this age old complaint - is to have light and dark more accurately reflect actually visible light and dark, rather than how inconsistent it always has been.

    it's intended for the Ability to be about Player Placement, rather than just an anytime toggleable(or locked on cast) bonus of both sides whenever you feel like it.
    as if it doesn't utilize Player Placement for the Ability, then.... it's identical to any other Ability that increases Damage you deal or any Ability that decreases Damage you take. generico supreme stat buff. i.e. dull and lame.

    There have been lots of things in this game that were intended to work a certain way and were not well received and this is one of them. I like the only the fly buff lock that I've suggested other people in this topic like it too what you're suggesting will still create the same problems you become limited, it is unreliable etc. The list of problems with it goes on I've already suggested that my alteration could be an augment at the least but the majority of people here don't like how it works currently so why release an augment when it seems that the general consensus is to fix/change it. Know what I'm saying?

  13. Will not proc on the Twin Basolk, Zenistar, Atterax, Galatine Prime I gave up testing after that can anybody confirm that this actually works my shields didn't drop, I didn't see an increase in procs nothing at all :c

  14. 2 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    No, I read it. I just think it's rude to police other people's behaviour - especially when there's no arrangements being made ahead of time. Essentially, you're complaining just because they're playing for their own reasons and not your reasons.

    I understand that you're suggesting alterations to the setup to help avoid this situation, which I acknowledged. However, since Dark Sectors are on the list to be completely re-formatted, it seems highly unlikely there will be any changes made to the current iteration. These concerns will probably not apply to the new version of Dark Sectors.

    With that mentality that's like saying I can leave every tenno to bleed out that I encounter for the rest of my account playtime until this game is no longer played by anybody because I can. "you're complaining just because they're playing for their own reasons and not your reasons." The list of reasons go on the point is it's poor attitude and I don't see why you're making excuses for their abusive behaviour.

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