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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 1 minute ago, Skaleek said:

    Asking to nerf something ingame just do you can avoid certain players is just the absolute wrong way to go about fixing this issue. Never ask for nerfs from DE, it always backfires. People who do credit running shouldn't be public queueing.

    I agree they shouldn't be public queuing and they shouldn't be trolling when you ask them politely to go solo instead but they do and they don't stop unfortunately. A nerf to the wave 5 credit reward is all I'm asking the credits would still be there in an alternative fashion if anything the changes would be better because you would get more credits from multiple suggestions I've provided and others are suggesting a scaling credit reward but I don't think that will be implemented unfortunately that is just my prediction after the credit nerf to raids etc.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Shade-Nightclaw said:

    Why would you care if people have an easy way to get credits when you literally need millions of them to even progress in the game? its a co-op game, its only going to benifit people to have a way to actaully get stuff

    There are so many more viable credit farming alternatives, sorties, raids the list goes on. I've stated every single reason why you asked me why I care after explaining every single reason why I do care.

  3. 12 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    I assume you're talking about running with randoms? In that case, you have no right to criticize their actions, in my opinion.

    Everyone goes to these missions for their own reasons, and unless you form a group with objectives that match your own, it's unfair for you to expect them to go out of their way for you. You see it as them ruining your run, while they would see running to Wave 20 as a waste of their time. Neither of you are wrong, go to Recruiting if it bothers you so much.

    Anyways, Dark Sectors are confirmed to be getting some pretty massive changes, so it's good to start looking at changes that might improve it, I suppose. Hard to make good suggestions though, since we really don't know anything about the new direction it will be heading in.

    Doesn't sound like you read point 5

    "5) Allow people who are staying past 5 waves to have players join them, people will be prompted with 'Are you sure you wish to join this squad they are currently at XX wave' That way you know what you're getting into when matchmaking finds a squad with a missing member who was a squad ditcher/credit farmer. I say that because it's like I said I've got them on my ignore list and without fail every time I can predict who is gonna dodge now just for credits ... the moment I recognize you from ditching a few times you go straight to my ignore list that's just a simple matter of short term and long term memory in the human mind. 

    People with legit reasons I don't even ask usually they explain why they are leaving, "dinner is ready", "gotta use the toilet" the list goes on people don't have to justify themselves but it is a nice courtesy when you ditch your squad to say why but you aren't forced to do so it's just polite. I stated that I don't ignore people unless I start to recognize the pattern of them ditching for credit rewards so I wouldn't add somebody to the ignore list for the first time they ditch but if I see it a few times I don't think I'm overreacting by knowing a tenno is gonna ditch us 100% of the time on any given dark sector.

    The fact that I've realized this is what the meta is now is why it's a problem and has to be dealt with. The I'm too lazy to solo credit farm I'll just consistently let every squad I encounter down because I'm lazy mentality makes me question why I even play with publics anymore, but if I stop playing with publics I'll make less friends and that's what the warframe community is supposed to be about these credit farmers are some of the most rude antisocial people in the game removing the beams on Akkad was a great deterrent for afk macro farmers but the credit farmers are honestly worse at least the xp macro farmers stayed past 5 waves ... "

  4. 6 hours ago, Ivan_Rid said:

    Thing is having a consistent damage resistance buff would mean you can get a consistent damage buff, and thats exactly how it would be used 99% of time.

    The way most maps are designed they have excess lighting on them so you are pretty much damage buff only for the majority of the mission it's rare to get the damage resistance buff period. That's why it needs to be changed or have an augment to make it more functional know what I mean?

    6 hours ago, Ivan_Rid said:

    I think making it a toggle ability would be better, it would slowly charge up to cap damage/resistance while you stay in a light or in a shadow, while both killing and taking hits (even on clones) would increase the charge rate.

    Well why even bother having a damage resistance buff anymore this is a straight up nerf of a suggestion because if you're in a high level mission you'll get one shotted before the buff is high enough to keep you alive and the same goes vice versa for the damage buff ... My concept seems mostly well received I'm not saying you're not entitled to an opinion I'm just telling you now if DE made that decision to take your alternative into account ... there would be salt from the community from every mirage player like you've never seen the dev bashing would get so out of hand they'd probably just revert it back. I could be wrong but imagine if iron skin, warding halo, link, blessing any damage resistance ability had to slowly scale up after being activated people who play to be tanks or bruisers would just die it would kill the class type off and nobody would play those frames anymore you know?  To further explain this that's why warding halo and iron skin and snow globe have a invulnerability period upon activation without it you'd die before it reached max capacity. 

  5. EDIT:

    22 hours ago, KirukaChan said:

    I'd be fine with a Dark Sector credit nerf if we get a credit buff to Void Fissure runs to make them like the old Void.

    This would be a perfect fix ... remove the credits from dark sectors and add them to Fissures.


    The current set-up of Dark Sector incentivizes players to only stay for 5 waves for a credit farm, which hurts those players wanting to play longer missions.

    How to balance this with ways that tie in with the dark sector Resource booster buff!

    1) Remove the credits reward entirely and just drop oberon parts after wave 5, oberon parts can be sold for credits so people who stay for the full 20+ still get the credits it's not that hard to sell oberon parts in your inventory. After 5 waves the eximus units spawn and you have your oberon drops! PRESTO ez fix.

    2) Make enemies drop extra credits the higher the waves are this could end up causing more visual clutter than oberon drops unless the credits that are dropped are of a much higher value that would not force people to go into their inventory and sell the oberon parts but if people were to complain about that honestly it means they're too lazy to sell anything in their inventory for credits.

    3) So you get 40+k credits just for leaving at 5? why not increase that with 20k each 5 waves yeah people will still ditch at 5 just because they're too lazy to solo for that 40k but it might stop some people right? probably not this is the least viable solution I can think of.

    4) Remove the credits reward entirely and just drop oberon parts after wave 5. Similar to 

    5) Allow people who are staying past 5 waves to have players join them, people will be prompted with 'Are you sure you wish to join this squad they are currently at XX wave' That way you know what you're getting into when matchmaking finds a squad with a missing member.

  6. 10 hours ago, (PS4)Knuckles2184 said:

    I can get on board with all the arrows except for the noise one. After the duration of the noise arrow, enemies go back into an unalerted state. I feel like having a snare action will keep them alerted.

    You can't be alert if you have a face full of arrows haha :P

  7. Just realised I haven't actively played against Corpus in about a fortnight unless I was forced to in order to get the Sortie rewards ... XD I've realised to cope with how annoying the sapping ospreys are right now I'm pretending that the corpus isn't even a faction to go up against hahah. Scrambus, Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys ... NOPE! haha

  8. On 14/10/2016 at 9:27 PM, Ditto132 said:

    I might add that the dropped hat could also drain/redirect enemies energy within certain radius and stored/channelled into the hat for future use.
    The dropped hat could also provide an aura of energy regen for both allies and Limbo.

    That's a pretty neat idea :D

  9. I can't tell if the Ignis is broken or the Arcane in combination with the Ignis ...

    I have a maxed Arcane Rage set and I haven't seen it proc all day when shooting with the Ignis, I've swapped to the latron and started shooting around and sure enough it started to proc my Arcane Rage set so that leads me to believe the Ignis is broken right now and doesn't perform headshots.

    If other people can test this and confirm that my testing is correct please comment below thanks!

  10. On 07/10/2016 at 8:06 AM, bl4ckhunter said:

    well, given that mirage also has only 3 abilities, it'd be nice if they worked reliably at least. 

    Yeah I 100% agree the eclipse is too iffy it's not a consistent experience and on higher levels you're left getting one shot if you don't stand in the shadows, which on some maps can be very limiting which confines you to one spot. Sleight of hand is pretty bad but I feel like it was band-aided pretty well with the augment IMO it would be nice if it worked that way innate but I'll take it :P 

    A note to all please stay on topic I don't want this turning into a discussion about sleight of hand because that already has an augment that moderately improves the ability. I would like to see a change to Eclipse or an Augment to be implemented to solve the problem.

  11. On 09/10/2016 at 7:36 PM, Lyravain said:

    Personally, instead of refunding that energy, I'd like it if Magnetize took effect immidiately rather than have to wait half a second for it to trigger. Also, y u no use Natural Talent if it's that much of an issue. Finally, if the entire team is going for area-of-effect wipes... you go for it too. Break out that Crush and teach them not to mess with Mag :D

    It doesn't make a difference with natural talent or not the problem is if it dies before cast. Personally I only use Crush as a CC technique when somebody is bleeding out or an objective is being swamped :c

  12. 6 hours ago, AurumandArgentum said:

    As a Limbo main, I like this, it's pretty nice and it makes rift surge less of a fire and forget.

    Thanks man I agree I find it strange that he has all this visual emphasis on his hat when he was designed but all he does it really lift his hat off his head /  tip his hat and that's all there is to it. Thinking about it and how the devs keep talking about reworking him but not sure what to do and how the community is divided it eventually hit me of a way to rework him without upsetting the people who don't want him changed while also changing him for the better for those who are asking for it :)

  13. The core of this rework is keeping his current abilities the same and improving upon them based around his Hat. The reason I say that this concept works is because the changes are optional you can choose to play Limbo exactly the same as he currently is or synergize his abilities together to gain new effects! Presto improved Limbo that goes with his whole hat aesthetic 'magician' theme thing he has going on.

    (How the hat works by making 'Rift Surge' his bread and butter.) see below;

    Rift Surge -  Drops the Hat (or suspends it in the air upon cast) You still have your bonus weapon damage from casting the ability, but if you recast the ability before the duration finishes you will be teleported to where the hat was located when it was dropped. If the duration expires without recasting to teleport back to your hat ... then the hat teleports to you casting a blind within a 12m radius of Limbo.

    This will synergize with his other abilities but before I get into that ... some people might not like the look of Limbo without a hat and for that purpose the hat will have a invisible ghosting image left behind as you run around. Obviously when the hat is placed back on your head the ghosting effect would go away.

    Cataclysm - Casting Cataclysm on the hat will work more or less the same but instead of letting enemies walk in and out of the radius they are locked inside as a 'Rift prison' pushing them inwards as it shrinks.

    Rift Walk - Casting without a hat causes a blind or blast proc ... (Up to DE which one they would implement.)
    (Option -  B) ... Alternatively it would increase his passive energy regeneration without his hat protecting him from the effects of the Rift think of it as an 'energy gating device' without the hat he absorbs more energy.

    Banish - Casting Banish on your hat causes a 12m radiation proc.


    Feel free to leave constructive criticism in comments below, I hope people like this idea! Thanks for reading! @[DE]Steve Hi steve not sure what Scott's tag is please pass this onto him and see what he thinks of my concept thanks! :)

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