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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. Woke up got my topic locked I'm not sure why 'shrug', either way it's good to see something is being done for his rework :) Ash is a tough one to rework a lot of the community is divided on what to do with him either way I'm happy as long as we get something that isn't a cinematic and actually lets me feel a bit more engaged in my game.


  2. 12 hours ago, appleiron said:

    Refund would be nice if it doesn't take affect.

    Clearer video:


    For clarity on this video incase somebody questions the energy, we had an EV Trinity on the team for testing purposes. It's harder to notice the energy not being refunded due to the EV Trin but for the energy still being consumed and you can barely make it out on my original post. If anybody is skeptical I suggest that you try it but since there is numerous people confirming this in the topic that's more than enough proof at this point.

  3. On 18/08/2016 at 2:32 AM, AcceptYourDeath said:

    Augments are meant to provide alternative gameplay foremost not flat or general power increase. 

    Neutron Star is a good example, it has a really handy synergy if you choose to be a Melee Nova. It is a very fast and reliable way to ensure multiple ground finisher if you combine it with your slow. Might be more specific but it provides a decent ammount of protection and damage at the end for a certain playstyles. 

    Yeah so if my idea was implemented, primed enemies that survive give you more stars to do more ground finishers since you can proc the ability more often :D

  4. Watching prime time #137 @[DE]Rebecca and @[DE]Megan were talking about how amazing all the fan art is this week and it hit me we have all these Syandanas that look like capes and they would be perfect to place art on from the codex, I'm gonna get around to photoshopping some up soon. Will update this post when I get around to it :D #hypetrain





    Credit for the art I photoshopped over the cape goes to http://kedemel.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Transference-624802318

    Stay tuned I will eventually add more to this post feel free to photoshop some yourself and add them to this topic hopefully one day it will become a feature, sorry for the poor quality but I'd rather be playing the event right now so I'm only spending 5-10mins on each piece I photoshop over the capes. They'd look 10 times better if I did a displacement map! :P

    To avoid severs getting cooked from every tenno having all these customizations it would be implemented so that once you unequip the syandana the artwork is removed and you have to position it again the next time you use it. That would be one solution to a potential burden to the servers the other would be that the images placements are predetermined for scale and positioning and that would greatly reduce server loads for the configurations because it would all be preset all you have to do is pick the art you want to display.

  5. On 05/10/2016 at 11:26 AM, RealPandemonium said:

    Mirage already has a lot going for her (to a problematic degree.)  She doesn't need buffs.  Mastering Eclipse only makes her potential even more scary.

    I don't see anybody else having a problem with my proposal, perhaps you can make a thread of your own explain in detail your reasons why and link me in a PM thanks. I'd like this to topic to stay on track because if you note the title of this topic it's a 'fix' not a buff the ability is already a buff depending on if you are in the light or the dark so I don't understand what you're implying.

    The reasons why this is a fix or tweak to change how it works is simply that the ability is flawed and isn't consistent with the lighting in this game not to mention the previous explanations others have given in this topic myself included that you are disregarding. 

    My topic also compromises by being a suggested augment so I don't appreciate you taking it out of context.

    In comparison to Equinox's 'Maim' I wouldn't even consider Mirage scary. Being able to have 250% range on my Equinox and NUKE an entire tile on the map without having any power strength mods seems scary to me.


    On 05/10/2016 at 11:26 AM, RealPandemonium said:

    Mastering Eclipse only makes her potential even more scary.

    Also on a side note potential for what? That people will stop using her only with synoid simulor lol, I don't see the problem with that I've had enough of void fissures trying to pick up reactant that is flying 10m in the air because nobody uses the alt-fire on their Simulor to detonate the vortexes. "Potential" didn't Lotus say she was ripping the heads of sentients in her quest?

    I'm no expert but sentients with their 4 damage reduction gates + damage reduction linking aren't exactly weak and glass cannon mirage wouldn't really be able to pull off getting up close to multiple sentients and ripping their heads off. If anything tank mirage has always been viable ever since her lore.


    "I see the Sentients crashing down on her, dying in overwhelming numbers. Now she's out of energy, I'm telling her to go but she's laughing, tearing their heads off as they swarm.

    I have recovered something from the memory... a blueprint."

  6. My Daily Tribute hasn't been showing up properly 'if at all' since these attacks has anybody else experienced this?

    I'm already weeks behind from the old DDOS attacks since my ISP doesn't like to connect to warframe when their servers are under heavy load/being attacked.

    EDIT: I've messaged support about this in the past and they said they couldn't reimburse me for the days I didn't log on for my daily tribute due to the DDOS attacks because it's a fairly new system.

  7. My advice would be to practice parkour in all mission types until you get the hang of it, when going from Point A to B try and make it as fun as you can if you aren't on a timer in a normal mission. Doing a mobile defence? While you're on your way to the next terminal try to practice along the way, doing an exterminate? Same thing try and kill enemies with wall latches and wall attacks with your melee 'run along the wall and hit melee you'll dash off the wall and swipe with your melee weapon' things like that before you know it you'll be better at it.

  8. 4 minutes ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    Or how about hold to cast the tanky version, and quick press to cast the damage? I realize this may be too easy but it gives players total control over her abilities. I have no idea what is considered "dark" and "light" in this game. Everyone's graphic settings are different. I don't use bloom for example or motion blur. Colors look way different with "adaptive exposure" etc...

    That's a good point!

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