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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 1 minute ago, RedShiftZero said:

    The boss dynamic suggestion is a great addition. I especially like the thought of a boss with those old-school reminiscent boss mechanics at the end of the course.

    Yeah man the way it is right now it's like "yay you jumped over the thing smash some containers and get out" >___>

  2. 11 minutes ago, RedShiftZero said:

    I don't want "free endo without an effort", I want a fun challenge out of the existing parkour course dynamic. Tell me a higher risk/gain alternative for farming wouldn't be an enjoyable change of pace.

    I'm definitely up for challenging gameplay as long as it isn't cheese challenge like missions packed with scrambus and nullies haha, stronger enemies with good a.i is a good challenge, harder map variants, mission modifiers, time limits etc those things I enjoy I'm not a huge fan of being debuffed when the enemy could be behind a wall draining my energy or blocking my abilities etc. A lot of people hate the hyena pack those along with bursa and other enemies are something I enjoy fighting in this game.

    My thoughts were to mix parkour challenge rooms with mini bosses (Perhaps upgraded turrets as seen in with the --> Cunning Test <-- click link) I find it strange that all these parkour vault rooms/treasure rooms are usually just guarded by lasers or a bit of coolant on the ground etc. I want to go through the challenge of the dodging all those traps just to make it inside the vault in time before the gate closes behind me or in front if I was too slow and be met with a challenge. I want to have to earn the loot not be able to cheese it with titania, volt or ripline my way around etc you made it to the vault great good for you now brace yourself and fight!

    With more challenging parkour rooms that make you earn the treasure at the end I'd sure like to have more than my pick of 20ish orokin storage containers ... big whoop they don't give you any mod in the game anymore they give you mods from a certain drop table, I have no reason to crack those open now unless I'm looking for ayatan. At least throw in a rare so we can get a Forma to make it worth our while and if you don't want people getting forma that easily then make it an actual challenge! Yeah maybe you cheesed it with a mobility frame but will you survive the fight with your max speed build with no defensive mods on your frame? Sucks to be you guess you thought you could take advantage of the games mechanics and exploit .. come back next time when you understand this isn't a walk in the park ... that's what I want.

    I feel like DE was on the right track with the Halls of Ascension, also known as The Seven Principles aka where you get your drift mods. Close but no cigar I'd say they were fun but only a few of them were challenging I did enjoy that some of them were puzzles which is a great addition where you have to rely on wits and team coordination you can't cheese those ones and I love them for that aspect.

  3. I've updated my original post at the top with proof on video she is viable as a tank for any sceptics, also demonstrating how weak she is in comparison without the shadow buff.
    If anybody wants to try tank mirage for themselves here is my build below. I have a set of Arcane Grace to keep my health regenerating a little bit more noticeable on frames such as Inaros but still viable with this build!

  4. 2 hours ago, bl4ckhunter said:

    Now that is a good idea, i don't play tank mirage but honestly i most of the time just don't bother with eclipse since the "lighting" is so unpredictable that it isn't worth the bother/energy cost even at high levels as you'll plow throught most things even without it  and i can easily see the value of being actually able to choose instead of being at the whims of a bugged lighting that gets ever more so bugged with every new tile added.

    Yeah it's pretty much the only reason I don't play her for more than a few missions here and there ... I remember how much this bugs me and then I shelf her and go with something that works reliably.

  5. 2 hours ago, -Zr-Scroll said:

    Point being: IF you really want something - you need to be prepared to work towards it and have dedication.

    I am weeks behind from all the DDoS attacks ... I sent in a support ticket to compensate me for the days lost for the tribute system since it would NOT let me log in at all. 

    Possibly because I'm in Australia and we have some of the worst internet in the world or perhaps that combined with the distance from my country to the servers while they were being attacked who knows ... the point is I tried every day while the DDoS attacks were happening and have continued to happen on and off and that is no fault of my own I can't change what has happened. Support said there is no system to reimburse players for days they haven't logged in because it's a fairly new feature etc. So RIP my login count I'll get there eventually and the clowns who were DDoS'ing DE have done more damage to the community than they know. It goes much further than just trying to piss off the Devs and Keep their precious Primed mods at high prices by attempting to prevent people from buying them they learnt the hard way that when they delay Baro DE will just keep him around week after week until the attacks stop. 

  6. 6 hours ago, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

    Fair enough but how mutch higher? And I dont understandwhy the lantern target need to float higher would you be so kind as to explain please?

    Thanks for the info im on console so i dont know where i stand update wise. quick question though does the paracyst bounce the target off the ground? When i used it last it was slinging enemys that i used it on past me 

    doesn't bounce them off the ground as much when they're floating as a lantern :)

  7. An excellent explanation below from @TaylorsContraction

    1 hour ago, TaylorsContraction said:

    What is a light or dark area is not well defined, nor is it easy to define such areas due to the variations of graphical setting across users. Let's say grass is introduced on earth tile-sets. Will being inside the grass count as dark, but jumping over it count as light (assuming daytime)? Are cast shadows from other players counted as "darkened" area (it isn't)?

    Let's say the ability works off the client, based on the client's settings and thus ignores all other players in the mission. Does casting prism automatically illuminate an area making it light ? Similarly Mirage's clones block light rays around her unless she's looking at them directly, thus are they creating a darker environment? What I'm getting at, is this ability doesn't react to dynamic effects like that. All you have is a visual cue based on how the buff looks depending on where you stand. Also levels of brightness / darkness make no difference, it's either light or dark. So if you're in a very lit environment, some less bright areas will still count as light. It is simply too arbitrary to use the ability as was intended. Where imo the intended use was for players to stay in the shadows if they were on the defensive, and out in the open if they are on the offensive. All this is not an issue except in those instances where you really need damage reduction and frantically try to find an area that is considered dark but die before doing so. Sure on certain tile-sets I've memorized certain areas as light vs dark, but imo if an ability relies on you memorizing tile lighting configurations, it's not a good ability.


    Eclipse was given the ability to recast while it is already active which is a great feature but I'm hoping to improve upon that further with either an Augment or change to her Eclipse ability and when it is cast.

    As it currently works if you stand in the light you get a damage buff and if you stand in the shadows you get a damage reduction buff ... the problem is sometimes an area on certain planets/tile sets looks like it should be a shadow or a light source and you end up either thinking you're doing more damage or taking less damage which can get you wiped out.

    The change I'm suggesting is that depending on where you stand upon the initial cast or recast locks it in until the ability expires or you recast.

    So if you want to play mirage as a bruiser instead of running around synoid simulor spamming the heck out of the map >___>  You simply Stand in the shadows and cast and until the ability expires or you recast the ability while standing in the light you have that damage reduction until you choose for it to change or it runs out instead of constantly second guessing "am I buffed for damage or am I buffed for damage reduction?" darting your eyes from enemy to yourself to the light source to yourself to the enemies.

    People who run around spamming the Synoid Simulor won't know what I'm talking about because they just play mirage to nuke everything that comes in their line of sight ...

    But if you want to play her as a bruiser for melee etc it can be pretty stressful on your eyes, constantly looking at yourself and around yourself to see if you have the buff you want and why the buff you want isn't being applied.

    To further this point when you are buffing eclipse for damage reduction you can recast before the ability duration reaches zero so you are able to keep your damage reduction continuously ... but what is the point of that when any light source turns the floor into lava, transforming you from a tank into a high damage glass cannon and vice versa.

    It's a very subtle change and if somebody wants to come in here and be salty well your point is invalid because at the end of the day I did suggest this could be an augment which wouldn't force you to play her the way I'm suggesting as a change. Hope for some positive feedback from Mirage mains have a good day everyone.


    To show that mirage is viable as a tank I went against level 85 enemies on Sedna - Vodyanoi.  I still died due to reduced ability duration modifier for the Rathuum arena and that I was trying to die so show a comparison between eclipse buffs, you can see for yourself in the video below I die with the shadow buff the moment the ability ends from the 'reduced ability duration' arena debuff.


    V---------------------------------EDIT #2---------------------------------V


    I got the full duration shown here and what it's capable of instead of the 'reduced ability duration' debuff I got the 'tougher enemies' instead. Somebody might ask why I don't do this in the simulacrum ... that's because the entire area is a light source.


  8. On 22/09/2016 at 4:43 AM, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

     Yea that seems to be the best tactic for players to Band-Aid the problem till DE can look at it... if DE looks at it

    I asked for the Paracyst and Harpak to get fixed since at release it was using alt fire to grab lanterns but then got broken during one of the updates they got disabled from grabbing floating enemies. They patched the Paracyst alt fire to grab the enemies again but the Harpak is still bugged and can't spear gun/rip line enemies so until this is fixed you should have no problem if you equip the Paracyst :)

  9. 4 minutes ago, SanguineSavant said:

    So you're frustrated because your allies are killing enemies too quickly to make it feel like Magnetize is worth casting? And that them killing the targets you marked is a failed cast?

    Yes and no, you should read what I said here. But that does happen in a sense you don't really 'mark' them it's a full cast and nothing happens ... 

    Well something does happen ... you lose your energy that's all that happens other than the cast animation.


  10. On 23/09/2016 at 9:31 PM, tastic said:

    If they are dying that quick then don't use it on fodder, heavy's/ancients/eximus is what you should be targeting

    Apart from the fact it synergizes with nearly her whole kit?


    What makes you think that the frames I listed don't have the kill potential to one shot the ancients etc heavy units?

    What you're saying in other words is basically hey you're only allowed to target these units for 'chance' for it to work? Nah I'd rather a proper fix thanks.

    And don't forget latency issues with the host.


    Mag mains will know that casting on Ancient Disruptors give you reduced duration on Magnetize too, they are resistant to it's effect and grant the reduced duration buff to all of their allies in range. I have a 27second Magnetize that goes down to 7 seconds to anything caught in the disruptor aura.

  11. The only thing that frustrates me about the mag rework is that when you cast Magnetize and an ally kills your target it consumes your energy and you have no magnetic bubble ...

    Trying to use Magnetize are we?

    Ember on the team, Check

    Radial Jav spam Excalibur, Check

    Saryn spamming Miasma or Spores, Check

    You can end up wasting thousands of energy in failed casts if you stay with a squad for 20+ waves with a team composition like that and that's when it really starts to get frustrating.

    Could we get a half energy cost return if the target dies before the ability takes effect or a full refund of energy please?

    I love the rework but that is my only flaw with it.

    Video proof below. (Updated the video to a more HD version, now shows the energy usage. For some reason the player keeps defaulting to 480p click the video settings to increase the resolution to 720p or 1080p)


  12. 15 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Possible (horrible) idea: Mutalist swarms will be composed of various different "bugs"(?) based on the eximus type. Regular swarms deal puncture procs. For silliness sake, the eximus types might do different things, fireflies, bloatflies, leechflies (i don't know anymore). For ailities, they may prolong status effects, instantaneously combust, realease gases, expose weaknesses in your frame for other infested to target (puncture)....

    I'm on board for that sounds like another idea that could be implemented.

  13. 2 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    ---> I don't understand why you don't just go for a direct buff to the moas themselves, rather than increasing the presence of a completely different enemy, the ancient. And we haven't even talked about the tar moas...

    Finally some constructive criticism, since you dislike my idea why don't you put some ideas forward on how you would buff them? Don't complain if you can't suggest a better alternative for a buff you know otherwise it just comes across like you're doing your best to derail the topic.

  14. 1 hour ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Too many stacking buffs, every one of those ancients next to an infested moa,

    These buffs already exist the only difference is I'm asking the buff to affect the Swam Mutalist in a more effective way.



    Toxic Ancient stands out for the ability to cast a toxic aura around surrounding allies, granting them Toxin b Toxin damage.



    Not only does the Ancient Disruptor possess an aura that allows its nearby allies to drain Warframe energy with each attack, their own melee attacks have a 10% chance of dealing Magnetic bMagnetic proc on players



    Ancient Healer stands out for the ability to cast a damage mitigation aura around surrounding allies.

    This aura not only grants damage reduction, but also grants stagger, and knockdown immunity to all under the aura. Damage done to protected allies will heal the Ancient Healer (up to 150% health).


    I just don't understand what you're complaining about as if this is a new thing the mechanic is already there in the game but I don't feel like the Swarm actually gets a significant buff, seriously it's like "oh look I've got a swarm on me ... (rolls out of it) gee that was super difficult" And you're complaining about buffing something that requires a simple roll to remove??? I feel like you're just looking at the concept negatively.

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