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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 1 hour ago, Atasuki said:

    Your problem sounds different then the one i usually get but I've had a few launcher issue over my time playing warframe and the solution has always been changing the language, either the 3rd or 4th bottom language used to work for me, but with the recent update (23.2.0) they don't work but Espanol does. Download the game in Espanol and when that's done (the red button on the bottom right lights up) switch to English and you're good to go. Hope that helps, Other solutions to launcher problems usually involved vpns and messing with launcher setting but they've never worked for me, might for you

    I went to jump on to play now and got hit with the 'download data was corrupted' tried a few other topics on the forums about switching the language and nothing happened with the first 3 languages I picked and then I stumbled across your tip by picking Espanol. Seems like it's verifying something and doing some sort of update so I'll edit this post with results below.


    The installer user interface was just using old poster art of excalibur and rhino when it was supposed to have a graphic from the sacrifice quest, but I could hear the music for the sacrifice ... swapped the language back to english and launched the game and now I'm in my Liset 😄 thanks

  2. 21 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    No person is important enough to have a memorial raised in their honor if that memorial can somehow cause grief to someone else, atleast not in a game we play to have fun. Leave real life at the doorstep.

    If that were the case I don't think people would have done this (see below)

    17 hours ago, Etan-gK said:

    even the lotus wept


    give them time


  3. 49 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Hopefully no.

    As been said elsewhere, not everyone enjoys seeing a reminder of death when trying to clear their mind of everyday life things (including the case of death). I said it in another thread, some people cant even read the epitaph pages in a newspaper because they dont wanna be reminded of someone they lost. Same deal in a game. We dont play games to remember our dead, we play games to clear our mind and have fun.

    Many people would very likely get upset if a piece of memorial would be placed in the game. It would also be a cheap move on the companies part. It would be a "oh look at us, we are so generous and our hearts are big!". I'd get it if a dev dies and they wanted them to stay part of the game in some way. But if they wanna honor and immortalize Biscuit it should be through a cancer research program dedicated to him or some make-a-wish like foundation thing for kids with cancer. An in-game memorial thing would just feel like a PR move, a bad PR move.

    Plenty of other games have done it can you give me an example of when that has turned out bad?

  4. As it is blessing and Link have different ability durations so there is a window where you aren't getting the maximum damage reduction and if you forget to reapply blessing you can wipe yourself out, not to mention Link can't be recast while it's active there are so many factors that make it balanced.
    If they nerf Link more I'd be fine with it only if they removed the 3 enemy target link cap, a smaller range but unlimited links, what I really want is warframes that don't have reliable abilities to be fixed.

  5. How a joke inspired a concept,

    I don't know of anybody I've ever played with that enjoys Trinity's passive or the nerfs, however my friend was joking about the nerfs today and I came up with an idea for an actual useful passive (sorry if you're a huge fan of her passive but I've never encountered a player praising it) 

    So the idea is kinda silly but works when you think about it and it's as simple as this ... you take the idea and flip it on it's head and do the opposite.

    Triage (concept)
    Trinity can revive herself from a Well of life target.

    Triage (currently)
    Trinity can revive fallen allies 20% faster (reviving them in 4 seconds as opposed to 5 seconds) and from further away.
    The current version gives you a whole 1 second? and from further away? What is the actual point it's so minuscule you don't notice it unless you were to video capture it and put a timer on it.

    In my concept the statement is "Trinity can revive herself" So this doesn't work for other warframes, if the whole squad gets wiped from a massive amount of damage or a failed Blessing recast this gives Trinity a 2nd chance to keep the team alive by buffing herself and reviving her allies. It's pretty balanced compared to Soul punch where you just aim and press 1 to revive fallen allies, even nekros can revive himself by accidentally falling on a health orb and there's usually heaps of those laying around ... we don't talk about Inaros Passive since it doesn't scale ...

    Cool you can revive your squad by getting up if you were smart enough to prepare a Well Of Life but what else is that really doing to do for her some people may ask?

    S Y N E R G Y !

    Renewal from Oberon will give Trinity extra time to revive herself the idea is that you need to lifesteal back the full Health of your warframe to get back up you can't just pop back up like a flower with 5hp.

    Bleedout mods!

    Undying Will means you don't have to have Renewal active to have better odds of reviving yourself, this also would consume a mod slot making her more balanced = less Trinity nerfs ...🤣

    Provoked to make damage to the Well Of Life easier because Provoked amplifies all damage done while bleeding out, including the continuing damage of abilities cast before being downed which means you get Health faster because of larger health restoration ... at least in theory it does because I can't test that unless it becomes an implemented feature.

    Discuss below thanks!

    2nd idea; (better as an augment honestly)

    With extra thought some people might like the idea of equivalent exchange meaning that if well of life is active and you were to go into bleedout the enemy would die instantly in your place with a cooldown period, similar to Phoenix Renewal however I think that would be better as an augment.

    @[DE]Glen @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Megan @[DE]Danielle @[DE]Steve @[DE]Sheldon

  6. On 25/04/2018 at 6:07 AM, Emulad0or said:

    No, he shouldn't. DE should fix the host migrations. People who want to go over wave 8 should look for a group in recruit chat if they want to be safe.

    Public game is open for anyone to play how they want. Imagine you as a host, wanting to leave and getting stuck because one or two players want to keep going? No thanks, we already have survivor with this terrible "wait for the rest of the squad to extract" thing.

    this guy gets it

  7. 1 hour ago, Arkadyc said:

    4. we get to whisper are opinions and get spoilers on content underground were not devs we have no rights we get our chat in game to speak are peace to each other that part of the forums isn't for us to privately dump are ideas on what we think they should do with there game and people forget that after thousands of dollars were still just apart of a process and I'm sorry if you disagree but its just an opinion and an observation. 

    I made a point in the design council about this a while ago 

    (anybody who isn't in the design council won't be able to access these links, this is a notice in advance for anybody wondering what we're talking about)

    page=363&tab=comments#comment-8507147 .... 

    363 pages on the one topic because we don't have the ability to create topics of our own in the council so yeah it's not the most organised part of the forums. That was back when I made that comment.

    If we check what the page number is at today it's much worse than before ... page=653&tab=comments#comment-9713039

    653 pages.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Starfreak911 said:

    None of the Exilus mods are pure damage though.  They always have 2 effects so there's some leniency in there.  Also Mesa's Waltz wasn't the first augment to be an Exilus mod, there's also Hysterical Assault and Escape Velocity.  This means that DE have given consideration to new augments as to whether they would be appropriate for the designation and would just need to go back to older augments and make the change where they think makes sense.

    I'll have to give to give those other augments a try thanks for the advise

  9. 5 minutes ago, I3jionaa said:

    6. I only wish if you could pocket archwing with hold X command, and resummon with holding X again, 1 use of gear archwing would have 4/4 pockets. Flying with dargyn and parking it, doing ur business then boarding it again and repeat feels so natural.

    That's a good point

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