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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 1 minute ago, Starfreak911 said:

    The only thing I see wrong with these is with your number 3.  Exilus mods are meant to be utility based rather than raw damage.  I can see the argument being made for many of the augment mods, but certainly not all of them.

    The meta got broken with Mesa's augment, it doesn't make sense to just let one slip through. As for consistency the Exilus slot is weird ... you see mods for mobility and utility that can go in there but then we also get mods that give us a bit of extra power strength or range? There isn't a clear set of rules for it anymore now that an augment can go in there.

    1. Instead of slapping a big sigil over your warframe to get syndicate standing how about syndicate emblems? I'm really not a fan of the designs and putting the transparency to the minimum doesn't always work not to mention I'd rather opt for a better looking sigil most of the time.
    2. Summon replacements for companions that die in battle, If a Sentinel, Kavat or Kubrow perishes why can't we summon a spectre as a replacement from our gear?
    3. Mesa's Waltz can be equipped into the Exilus mod slot, why is it just that one augment and not all augments?
    4. Design Council forum section, would be awesome to allow Design Council members to create their own topics!
    5. Endless Kuva rewards that scale the longer you're around, +50 Kuva per 5mins or whatever it could be +10 Kuva the point is 200 becomes 250, 300, 350 / or 200 becomes 210, 220 etc.
    6. Archwing's being stolen or accidentally taken on the plains ... Solution would be if you deploy it at your feet you get a Circle around you 1m or 2m Radius to indicate it will automatically equip directly to your warframe, if you aim 5m or 10m etc in front of you there will be a transparent white placeholder of where it will deploy for anybody to grab if you choose to donate one to a squad mate or plan to grab it later.
    7. "If you could pocket archwing with hold X command, and resummon with holding X again, 1 use of gear archwing would have 4/4 pockets. Flying with dargyn and parking it, doing ur business then boarding it again and repeat feels so natural." @I3jionaa
  2. On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Bladestorm - Upon activating Bladestorm, Ash’s clones will do the stabbing, leaving the player free to act. Ash can choose to join in the execution by using Teleport on a marked enemy.

    Consider adding to this by also allowing us to teleport to a shadow clone, if the clone kills the target before we can teleport it could become frustrating!



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Rubble (new mechanic) - Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health.

    Sounds good hopefully we get an augment to let it stack without a time limit, This would be balanced because you have to sacrifice a mod slot for an augment in the future.


    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Spectral Scream - Removed walk speed and jump restrictions You can now freely move while this is active! Damage output is now also affected by the Vex Armor's Fury bonus!

    Hold to toggle element when???



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Mass Vitrify - Wall health scales based on health and shields of the enemies it glasses over.

    Hey that's pretty good.



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Resonating Quake (augment) - Upon cast, places a Quake that does not require channeling to maintain, meaning Banshee can move freely. Has a short duration, and does not move with the player. Has double the range of a regular Soundquake, but does more damage near the center.

    Finally! AFKing was getting out of control.



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

    Remove the energy cost and I'm on board with this change.



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Polarize - Shards created by Polarize now scale based on power strength, as well as the percentage of damage done to that specific enemy.

    So does it scale with Strength alone? Or does it Scale with Strength and their calculated level + shields/armour.



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Discharge - Removed the damage cap. Increased base damage output from 750 to 1200. Damage and stun duration are halved for enemies further away from Volt (affected by Mods).

    That's fair.



    On 03/02/2018 at 5:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:


    Some of Zephyr's abilities are cheaper to cast while airborne - details in progress.

    Tail Wind - Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down.

    Air Burst - New ability replacing Dive Bomb. A projectile that causes an AoE burst on contact, ragdolling enemies. Can be fired into Tornadoes to make them bigger.

    Tornado - Now spawn where player is aiming and can be steered. The closest tornado will move to your aimpoint, meaning you can move them around. Tornado damage type now determined by largest amount of elemental damage absorbed, instead of last type absorbed. Tornadoes do a better job of keeping enemies captured, and shooting Tornadoes will do damage to enemies trapped inside.



    @[DE]Connor Will DE be considering the feedback from this topic???

  3. On 10/23/2017 at 3:11 AM, raz143 said:

    I have had this problem several times. It seemed to me when it occurred that steam for some reason no longer considered it a steam game and wanted to force a download to the game. So, as steam often does when downloading updates, it moved the entire file to downloads, and checked for differences between the current file and what the server says should be there. Apparently steam finds disparities in every file and then replaces every file with a new one. I have not tested with other games on steam, but the only time steam has done this for me was when I forced the computer to shut down (it the computer's power button) without closing steam first. It seems to me that when steam does not close properly it occasionally corrupts game files.

    Both of our games went black, some incompatibility with current build and graphic drivers is my guess perhaps some sort of script error etc, I could hear gunfire but see nothing since task manager held no promise since I can't see task manager 'total black screen' I forced PC off everything was fine on restart but warframe had uninstalled itself.

    I went into steam apps saw all the files there but it wouldn't run the .exe file I clicked install it realised existing files are there but then purged a lot of content and I'll be waiting 7hrs to get it back.

  4. I'm all for the change, back when Warframe was getting ddos'd I wasn't able to log on for up to a week. There have been a few cyber attacks in the past so needless to day I'm a few weeks behind through no fault of my own, unfortunately where live I don't have a fast enough connection to the servers and I wasn't able to get on no matter how much I tried during those attacks. 

    tl;dr Changes are good.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Acos said:

    You think literally hundreds of people all complaining about the same thing are all just lying to you, specifically, simultaneously? 

    Well if you read this topic you'll see that somebody is complaining and it doesn't match up with the 4 methods of saving. I don't feel like stating the obvious, so if people want to complain and get it fixed they might want to submit proof of it happening so that DE can fix it.

    However I submitted proof of it working that's how the process works :)

  6. 51 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

    I am really curious why DE made it this way that only entire team can leave Plains. You can start extraction with half of your team in normal mission, leaving Plains alone should be possible, you will leave team and be on your own inside, if you want back, let them reinvite you, easy.

    Current state is literally paradise for trolls. I understand some people want to fish, mine and so on after capturing/killing Eidolon so why not, but I want to be able to leave Plains on my own at any time. Do I really want that much, DE? I can imagine there will be a lot of technical difficulties with this since no one ever implemented current system with this in mind but we really need a way to travel into Cetus on our own and not with entire team.

    If you want to leave on your own, go to gate and timer (let's say 15 seconds) will start for you. Anyone who gets in during this time will leave for Cetus with you in separate team (if alone then alone).

    I agree!

  7. 1 minute ago, Zetalight said:

    The game saves progress when you finish a bounty. The button does not save the game. Do not change the button to say it saves the game, and do not tell other people that the button saves the game, because the button does not save the game. The bounty saves the game.

    So my idea of save and extract instead of abort mission being in place after the bounty system has saved is being taken out of context cool cool I like your style man. 

    My favorite part was where you came in here denying me free speech, scroll up and you'll see how I acknowledge the save system in great detail provide video proof that the system works, have made a suggestion on changing the U.I elements.

    Let's look at my sentence and break it down into it's raw components;

    "Since this is becoming an ongoing issue I'm making a post that suggests the old procedural generated tile maps have the abort mission and lose progress warning, while on the other hand ...

    When you are on the Plains of Eidolon  the prompt has a different title to indicate that progress is saved therefore stopping toxic people being abusive because they'll be more informed."

    "I'm making a post that suggests"



    1. 1.
      put forward for consideration.
      "I suggest that we wait a day or two"
      synonyms: propose, put forward, submit, recommend, advocate; More
    2. 2.
      cause one to think that (something) exists or is the case.
      "finds of lead coffins suggested a cemetery north of the river"
      synonyms: indicate, lead to the belief, give the impression, give the idea, argue, point to, demonstrate, show, evince More
  8. 1 minute ago, Zetalight said:

    I agree, but don't make a post saying others are wrong and toxic for not believing it won't save when you yourself confirm that the button does not, in fact, save. Far from a title change, the button needs a functionality change, and I think everybody's been agreeing on that since day 1 with people asking for in-Plains extraction options.

    It does in fact save because we finished a bounty :) I've supplied video proof that save system works, I'll make whatever post I want on the forums as long as it abides by the guidelines.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Zetalight said:

    If even the OP of the thread is saying that they have to do a bounty/incursion before hitting the button, then obviously everybody here agrees the button itself does not trigger a save, so it definitely should not be renamed to "Save and Exit" as long as that's the case.

    Yes it should change after doing a bounty or incursion, or change the entire save feature to just save on mission extract instead of this abort mission prompt we have in place currently. The current system is confusing people too much.

  10. 1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    @main_antagonist Today i lost 3 expectational cores and 10 intact ones along with some mining goods when i decided to hit the abort mission button. I finished killing the teralyst and returned the gate where i noticed the others started doing incursions, i didnt had time for that so i proceeded to hit abort. The patch notes says it will save i think.

    Well nope.

    Lost a hour long of work.

    Lost the mining materials, but most importantly lost the cores.

    At this point i rather be toxic than losing stuff again.

    You said they started doing the incursion? If they had completed it you would have had everything saved and could have ditched them if they didn't want to come to the gate with you, sorry to hear you lost your loot.

    Next time people want to leave you at the gate just jump on the first incursion you see and abort is my personal preference.

  11. As my first post states ...

    "Saving your Progress on the Plains happens in a number of ways - most of which are automatic!

    1) If you return to Cetus through the gates at any point, your mission concludes and all progress is saved.

    2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu. 

    3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions.
    4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used)."


    Some are making claims that the plains and saving does not work unless you go through the gates which is false I've now provided video streams of my gameplay to prove this. 

    The method of saving I'm using is 3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions. Followed by 2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu.  No gate required, you'll notice I go to the vendors in Cetus to show that the materials I gathered have synced to my account.


    4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used).

    I've tested this and you will lose materials such as Maprico, Iradite, Condroc Wing, Kuaka Spinal Claw etc if you use method 2 but you will retain what is stated in point 4).

    Fish will save specifically fish and fish alone ... as is the same for Mining and Consumables (example Squad Energy Restores, Archwing Launcher etc.)


    Example 1 bounty / incursion save followed by aborting the plains retaining all my loot.

    Example 2 

    Fishing and mining retaining all my loot for specific saves as stated in the patch notes.


    @Demogarose, @DreamsmithJane, @Stinker, @Oreades, @Kurtys 

  12. On 10/21/2017 at 3:54 PM, DreamsmithJane said:

    Yeah, the patch notes lied. Aborting causes you to lose all progress. Many players learned this the hard way. If someone wants to leave, and you want to stay, you are holding their rewards hostage. In some cases, those rewards represent a lot of time and effort. You are the one creating a negative experience for other players, ergo "toxic". It isn't their fault that the game doesn't work the way you think it does. Even if you have a very good reason to think so, they know differently, and act accordingly. So yes, if you hold them up for 10 minutes or more on the notion of "just abort, it's fine", they're going to be mad, because it's not fine. I'm not excusing any hostile/abusive language, but you need to know that. Aborting is not fine.

    Rather than renaming the abort button to something inaccurate, we should be allowed to manually trigger individual extraction at the gate to Cetus at any time ("Disconnect from the squad and extract? Y/N").

    Well, I can tell you that crashing right after a perfect Teralyst run cost me all of the loot, even though I reconnected. There was evidence that the loot had been there, but it wasn't in my inventory, and I couldn't collect it again. As for crashing/disconnecting either before or after completing a bounty or incursion, I couldn't say. But even if the checkpoints for those missions work as intended, you would probably still lose everything after that.

    That sounds like a server issue I bet loads of people lost their loot from the consecutive hot fixes recently one after another after another stuff like that is bound to happen, I tested it when there was no hot fixes being deployed and all my loot was still there I'll test it again later :) 

    The good news is that warframe support is pretty helpful so I'm sure you'd get your loot back if you write a ticket, I've got the habit of screenshotting or streaming my game on low resolution just as a backup when I do long loot grinds in case I need to submit a ticket

  13. 9 hours ago, Kurtys said:

    So, i just tested it and aborting the mission doesn't save your progress. I did a quick run and picked up some iradites and 2 cetus wisps before aborting, and i came back to cetus with nothing. So if it's supposed to be a feature, it's not working.

    It worked for me when I tested it, sorry to hear it didn't work for you.

  14. On 10/20/2017 at 1:37 PM, Kurtys said:

    Do you think it makes a total save or just save the item.?

    Like, if i raid a random grineer camp, kill a lot of badies, get lots of mods and ressources, and then go mine some azurites, does it save everything or only the azurites ?

    If it saves everything, it would be a funny way to manually save our progress !

    I tested it with fish and mining and it worked but I haven't tested mods or xp

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