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Everything posted by (NSW)Archaeopteris

  1. About 1 year has passed since Cross Platform Play was introduced in this game. As a Nintendo Switch player, I'm enjoying this experience, but I'm also aware of a problem with Cross Platform Play. There are huge performance differences between platforms that this game is available. Nintendo Switch has particular low performance and therefore takes longer to load missions than other platforms. As a result, I'm frequently in trouble with loading when I use Cross Platform Play. An example of a typical problem is "while I'm loading at the end of a mission, a squad member starts loading another mission". When this occurs, I am sent to the next mission without being able to return to the orbiter. To prevent these problems, I think that the loading progress of each player should be clearly displayed on the UI. That's all about this problem. Thank you. *I wrote this topic with using Google Translate. So this may contains mistakes about English sentences, please forgive me.
  2. ゲーム機本体のスペックが低いNintendo Switch版は酷い状況です。Irupon氏が書かれているような状況の他にも、開始ロードが終わった時点でミッション目標が完了していて、自分以外は既に脱出地点にいて強制脱出のタイマーカウントが残り数秒なんて状況にも遭遇しました。 ロード中で動けないのを放置と勘違いされるなどの無用なトラブルにしばしば巻き込まれています。 このままではせっかくのクロスプラットフォーム機能も、積極的に利用したいとは全く思えません。早急な改修を望みます。 (正直に言えば、他のプレイヤーがロード中に別のプレイヤーが別のミッションのロードを開始できるという仕様自体を見直してもらいたいです)
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