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Everything posted by Cruelty_Squad

  1. During the Archon hunt for Boreal, my character seems to turn around whenever I transfer in and out of the warframe, anyone else having this issue? It's only this mission that does it to me.
  2. OK thanks. Was wondering how it got stuck there.
  3. Was browsing frames to do a bit of fashionframing when this melee weapon just spawned into existence, it went away when I got out of the arsenal though.
  4. These would be more useful as exilus mods, why can't we have them in that slot? Edit: Not sure where this thread would go but I am talking about weapon mods so I felt weapons was appropriate.
  5. I've got a few hundred kills with the Bo Prime Incarnon form and regular, and it's only counted 16 of them so far. What counts as a kill according the evolution seeing as I only have 16 so far?
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