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Everything posted by NinthAria

  1. They very much did not go unchecked. All three of those frames have gone through balance adjustments in the past, including some nerfs that, at the time, drew exactly this kind of hyperbolic response from folks like you. But, hey, I'm sure shouting and calling the devs braindead will work this time.
  2. Thanks for the update, as always. I am seriously begging this community to learn the difference between "we value your feedback" and "we will implement exactly what you want." Please.
  3. The OP, so far, has only expressed surprise at high-value items being able to be taken as part of the lich's tribute. The rest of that sentiment you added in yourself. Whether or not they actually agree with you (and, hey, maybe they do), you're projecting pretty hard here.
  4. I'm pretty sure if the OP can kill an archon they can probably kill a lich.
  5. Eh. It's true that Steel Path has evolved a bit into offering more than just faster affinity/resource gains (Steel Path Duviri comes to mind), but none of that stuff is really required for progression--except, arguably, in Steel Path itself. So, yeah, it's the only place to get certain arcanes or whatever (or was, until the arcane packs with Whispers), but there's still a thousand ways to outpace enemy defense scaling on normal mode without those things, so...I dunno if it really matters that much? It'd be one thing if there were no other options for, say, acquiring big stuff like new weapons or warframes, but at best Steel Path just nets you the resources to build those things faster--and, frankly, not so much faster that playing the normal mode version isn't still a decent option. I feel like it's a pretty good sweet spot, personally. There's reward enough for people who can handle it, but if you go without, you're not really missing anything that you absolutely need.
  6. Hard to pick a favorite this year. The big stuff like Duviri and Whispers were great, but I enjoyed a lot of the smaller stuff too. Mirror defense is probably my favorite game mode to come out since the Zariman update last year, and Kullervo and Dagath were both excellent despite dropping in (relatively) minor updates. And of course we also got Wisp and Hildryn Prime, two of my absolute favorites (with trailers!), over the course of this year. So...yeah, speedbumps aside, I think Warframe had a pretty incredible year. Can't wait to see what next year brings.
  7. You're not a shareholder. You paid for in-game stuff, not the authority to direct the company. Posting demands (in the wrong forum, at that) like this just makes you look like a churl and decreases the odds that anybody at DE will actually listen to you.
  8. Something tells me you aren't in a position to demand anything of anyone at DE.
  9. Dagath is--very obviously, to my mind--drawing from multiple different sources of inspiration, not just the headless horseman tale. Fixating on that one aspect, in this one particular way, feels like missing the point.
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