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  1. You've just gutted Dante and stabbed Nezha. Great, putting Dante besides Caliban in the trash bin.
  2. "Welcome to the Warframe Community. You are not allowed to have nice things." The fact that you've battling with your worst enemy, yourself. is quite funny to me. Revenant is the most comfort pick when I feel super tired on certain days, while most days I sweat my a** using squishy frames to have fun, like Saryn, Mirage and Banshee. so no... find something else to be picky with that's not affecting you.
  3. Thank you for the defense changes, love ya!
  4. That's the whole point, not everyone has friends or people that know this game well enough not to suck. also remember that the circuit gives you random warframes and weapons to choose from. it's not like I can get a defense or dps frame just cause I want to. also let's say I get an amazing damage frame like Mirage, do you think I can protect that defense with *Potentially* random weapons with probably random builds cause no one has all the weapons with 5 forma, catalyst and adaptor ready to go. like fr fr. I am also going that high because it's fun, it's Warframe and I love going against super high level enemies. I can survive and kill well enough but when I have to protect a target that dies from a wind blow....It's just not fun. Defense is horrible for random loadouts and even more for randoms that also have to use random loadouts that want to experience high level and get rewards in one go.
  5. You want proof? stay there until the enemies are at least at level 2550 and go defense, let the thrax unit go and slap your objective and then come at me with those "wise" words.
  6. There's no wall when one unit can one shot the defense, It's impossible and it should not lose us all the progress.
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