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Posts posted by Exos.

  1. Realism... in gun designs? TENNO and OROKIN gun designs? The same guns made by egotistical, gold gilded, sadistic, space magic wielding demi-gods who have to have everything gilded in gold and so over-engineered that even the Germans wouldn't use so many parts just to lock open the chamber (the Mauser C96 used a system of levers and locks to lock open the bolt, at least 5 to 10 pieces. the colt 1911 used a hook, 1 piece).

    But i can understand it for grineer (to a degree) and corpus though. But rule of thumb for power fantasy, rule of cool, and realistic design takes a side seat. 

    • Like 1
  2. So the sigma series, the current railjack, is more like a multi role escort vessel.

    I'm proposing something more similar to a carrier in function. Delta series. Of course pilot still has his station unmodified. One of the gunnery positions will be replaced by a short range auto turret that can be disabled via damage to railjack and will have to be repaired. the other station will be a normal gunnery station. The last of the 3 major stations is a remote control piloting station for a attack drone/ fighter drone. If the drone is destroyed, it will have to be rebuilt the same way ammo and revolite is restocked. The drone can be recalled to the railjack the same way someone would recall themselves. 

    will go into further detail in a bit.

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  3. Tbh, i don't consider stug a viable thing for this. also, it still has a focus on damage. While i think the stug should be fixed, its current role should stay. me thinking of a weapon that barely does damage, and is focused almost entirely on restraining enemies.


  4. So in warframe we got alot of different guns, but most are pretty similar. just normal bang bang dead guns and few that do little else. it be interesting if we had something, a sidearm since primaries are for bang bang dead, that was focussed more on utility than killing. Not something to be the be-all end all, just an interesting little tool. 

    A grineer glue gun. It can strip off a little armor with low corrosive damage and high status, with a miniscule amount of impact damage. Its main function, is firing globs of glue onto enemies which will restrain them by glueing em to the wall or simply just having them stuck in a glob, and clog their guns. They will be immobilized and "disarmed". enemies like capture targets or noxs will be greatly slowed. the entire time, it can slowly strip away small bits of armor until the glob is gone.

    anyway. may i introduce the: Kluezer Pisttul       (sidearm)

    damage:                                   Crit                                         status                             reload          

    impact: 5                                  Chance: 5%                           chance: 85%                  1.5

    corrosive: 20                            bonus: x2



  5. SINNER!!! BURN THIS HERETIC AT THE STAKE!!!! I what i would say if i was a troll. oh, wait, i am a troll. XD

    but since this is fortuna we are talking about and not the salem witch hunts, lets tie him up with lectas, throw him in the coolant, and see if he floats or not. XD



    Tbh: to each there own, i wont judge. i mean, this is a game. if you judge someone for liking a sound track or not, then you are very petty. Also, i dont see why you need to set up a forum post for this. seems a little... excessive.

  6. So, im gonna introduce two topics as ideas for new clan dojo rooms. One of which is the clan library.

    The clan library is essentially, a place where clan members can input a full copied replica of a FULL codex scan into a collective library. Members of said clan, can also replicate these scans for their own personal codex, at a large cost of credits. Replicate an item codex (kurias dont con't): 500,000 cr. Replicate an enemy codex: 1,000,000 cr. Replicate a cephalon fragment: 2,000,000 cr. And of course, buy codex scanners.

    The other one is a clan firing range of sorts. Its mostly to test out your builds on targets of ranging levels and factions, and try out guns you don't own, but are curious about before you buy and build them. you can only test weapons you either own, the ones can have access to already via mastery, or ones that are within 1 rank above your current mastery. Any weapons you don't own CANNOT be taken out of the firing range. The only thing you can purchase at the firing range is mk-1 weapons and normal bratons. No testing for prime weapons unless already owned.

    Let me know what you think. clem clem, grakata.

  7. Hmmm... lore-wise, that makes a lot more sense than what i had going. And the dagger theme is great. The "sword" i was talking about was talking about was more or less his forearm turning into a "bladed" weapon starting from elbow down to his fused together "finger tips". So the "sword"  is probably more fittingly described as either a very short sword, or dagger. I really like the failed attempt on an Orokins life resulting in his mutilation scenario. I like that a lot.

  8. I think it would be awesome. Also, i mean, having a warframe thats able to mimic your allies and other warframes would be absolutely sh1t-in-pants terrifying to whoever had to fight it.

    Btw, If you come up with an alternate concept design, or lore behind the frame, please share it. I'd love to see it!

    Just please try to keep in the infested right arm and patches if you do.

  9. That was my current lore description for him explaining the arm and what not. During the old war wraith suffered heavy damage from the sentients (all the warframe quest have the original frame befalling some horrid fate or another) and the infested insides grew back in the damaged areas, harnessing his fury and wrath. Also, mimic does not allow you to gain an allies or enemies weapons (unless exalted weapons). Also needs to be a special case for mimicking clem. Mimic clem: You gain clems appearence, and your weapons switch to a pair of  high powered daul grakatas. Your abilities would be as a mimicked clem:

    1. say:"Clem"

    2. say:"Grakata"

    3.deploy latcher or what ever its called. The rolling grenade that sticks to you.

    4. mimic ability like mimicking frames

    5. transference (spoiler alert you non second-dreamers)

    After a lengthy conversation about this with a trolly roomate and clan-member, i want to clarify, mimic does NOT allow you to mimic objects and resource drops.

  10. Yes. I thought i could be like one of the frame "exalted weapons". in the end, it may have to leveled down to one, or done as 3 seperate loadout options as sword is config a, whip is b, claw is c.

     And yes, weapons are maintained while using mimic. In other words, mimic a grineer and hold 4, you got a grineer with an infested sword arm.

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