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Posts posted by HAYABU5A

  1. Leopardi wrote mostly moral essays, parables, fables, and dialogues – painting life as a joke of the gods – a darkly comic view of world and its inhabitants.

    He argues we can accept the limits of analytic reason and knit it together with the synthesizing power of imagination to create aesthetic experience of truth that consists of a creative and fictional activity that brings about a poetical sacrifice of nature & of memory.

    At first it seems his pessimistic leanings are to depress the reader but instead he as the unique gift to edify the reader about the human condition and to fortify them for the future, drawing a positive conclusion.


    some examples:


    On Boredom

    "I truly believe that by tedium we should understand none other than the pure longing for happiness; not assuaged by pleasure, and not overtly afflicted by distress. But this craving, as we agreed not long ago, is never gratified; and real pleasure is never to be found. So that human life, so to speak, is composed and interwoven, partly of pain and partly of tedium; and is never at rest from one of these passions without falling into the other."

    "Is not man’s reason subject all the time to countless accidents, innumerable sickness that bring stupidity, delirium, frenzy, violence and one hundred other kinds of madness…? It is great folly to admit that our bodies are subject to things beyond our control, and nonetheless deny that the mind, which depends on the body in almost everything, is inevitably subject to anything whatever outside ourselves."


    Dialogue between Nature and a soul

    NATURE -- Go, my beloved child. You shall be regarded as my favoured one for very many centuries. Live: be great and unhappy.

    SOUL -- What evil have I done before beginning to live, that you condemn me to this misery?

    NATURE -- What misery, my child?

    SOUL -- Do you not ordain that I am to be unhappy?

    NATURE -- Yes; but only so far as to enable you to be great, which you cannot become without unhappiness. Besides, you are destined to animate a human body, and all men are of necessity unhappy from their birth.

    SOUL -- It were more reasonable that you made happiness a necessity; or this being impossible, it were better not to bring men into the world.

    NATURE -- I can do neither the one thing nor the other, because I am subordinate to Destiny, who decrees the contrary. The reason of this is as much a mystery to myself as to you. Now that you are created and designed to animate a human being, no power in the world can save you from the unhappiness common to men. Moreover, your infelicity will be especially great, owing to the perfection with which I have fashioned you.

    SOUL -- I know nothing yet, because I have only just begun to live. Doubtless this is why I do not understand you. But tell me, is greatness the same thing as extreme unhappiness? If, however, they are different, why could not the one be separated from the other?

    NATURE -- In the souls of men, and proportionately in those of all animals, they are inseparable, because excellence of soul implies great capacity for knowledge, which in exposing to men the unhappiness of humanity may be termed unhappiness itself. Similarly, a life of greater intensity involves a greater love of self, manifested in different ways. An increased desire for happiness is a consequence of this self-love and increased unhappiness, because of the impossibility of satisfying this desire, and as the unfortunate condition of humanity becomes realised. All this is decreed from the beginning of creation, and is unalterable by me. Moreover, the keenness of your intellect and the strength of your imagination will lessen considerably your power of self-control. Brute animals readily adapt all their faculties and powers to the attainment of their ends; but men rarely do so, being usually prevented by their reason and imagination, which give birth to a thousand doubts in deliberation, and a thousand hindrances in execution. The less men are inclined or accustomed to deliberate, the more prompt are they in decision, and the more vigorous in action. But such souls as yours, self-contained, and proudly conscious of their greatness, are really powerless for self-rule, and often succumb to irresolution both in thought and action. This temperament is one of the greatest curses of human life. Added to this, although by your noble talents you will easily and quickly excel most men in profound knowledge and works of the greatest difficulty, you will yet find it almost impossible to learn, or put in practice, a host of things, trivial enough, but very essential for your intercourse with others. At the same time, you will see your inferiors, and even men of scarcely any intelligence, perfectly at home with these things. Such difficulties and miseries as these occupy and surround great souls; but they are amply atoned for by fame, praise, and honours paid to their greatness, and by the lasting memory they leave behind them.

    SOUL -- Whence will come these praises and honours, -- from the heavens, from you, or from whom?

    NATURE -- From men, who alone can dispense them.

    SOUL -- But I thought my ignorance of those things necessary for the intercourse of life, which intellects inferior to mine so easily comprehend, would cause me to be despised and shunned, not praised by men. I thought too that I should surely live unknown to most of them, because of my unfitness for their society.

    NATURE -- I have not the power to foresee the future, so I cannot say exactly how men will behave to you whilst you are on earth. But judging from past experience, I think they will probably be jealous of you. This is another misfortune to which great minds are peculiarly liable. Perhaps too, they will despise you, and treat you with indifference. Fortune herself, and even circumstances, are usually unfriendly to such as you. But directly after your death, as happened to one named Carnoens, or a few years later, like Milton, you will be eulogised and lauded to the skies, if not by every one, at any rate by the few men of noble minds. Perhaps the ashes of your body will be deposited in a magnificent tomb, and your likeness reproduced in many different forms, and passed about from hand to hand. Men will also study your life and writings, and at length the world will ring with your name. Always provided you are not hindered by evil fortune, or even by the very excess of your genius, from leaving undoubted testimonies of your merit; instances are not wanting of such unfortunates, known only to myself and Destiny.

    SOUL -- O mother, I care not if I be deprived of all knowledge, so long as I obtain what I most desire, happiness. And as for glory, I know not whether it be a good or evil thing, but I do know that I shall only value it in so far as it procures me happiness, directly or indirectly. Now, on your own showing, the excellence with which you have endowed me, though it may be fruitful of glory, is also productive of the greatest unhappiness. Yet even this paltry glory I may not gain until I am dead, when I fail to see how I shall benefit by it. And besides, there is the probability that this phantom glory, the price of so much suffering, may be obtained neither in life nor after death. In short, from what you yourself have said, I conclude that far from loving me with peculiar affection, as you affirmed, you bear me greater malice than that of which I can be the victim, either at the hands of men or Destiny. Why else should you have endowed me with this disastrous excellence, about which you boast so much, and which will be the chief stumbling-block in the road to happiness, the only thing for which I care?

    NATURE -- My child, all men are destined to be unhappy, as I have said, without any fault of mine. But in the midst of this universal misery, and amid the infinite vanity of all their pleasures and joys, glory is by most men considered to be the greatest good of life, and the worthiest object of ambition and fatigue. Therefore, not hatred but a feeling of especial kindliness, has prompted me to assist you as far as I could in your attainment of this glory.

    SOUL -- Tell me: among the animals you mentioned, are there any of less vitality and sensibility than men?

    NATURE -- All are so, in more or less degree, beginning with plants. Man, being the most perfect of them all, has greater life and power of thought than all other living beings.

    SOUL -- Then if you love me, place me in the most imperfect thing existing, or that being impossible, at least deprive me of this terrible excellence, and make me like the most stupid and senseless soul you have ever created.

    NATURE -- I can satisfy your second request, and will do so, since you reject the immortality I would have given you.

    SOUL -- And instead of the immortality, I beseech you to hasten my death* as much as possible.

    NATURE -- I will consult Destiny* about that first.



  2. oh boi you're gonna have alot of content to get thru, its going to be overwhelming but some would say you are very lucky enjoy that feeling while it lasts

    if you are just getting back zenurik will serve you best but if u know u want to grind Eidolon hunting go madurai (more damage for faster killing)

    you just came back when ember is getting a full rework (and vauban) very soon

  3. daggers should have the highest Critical Chance of all melee weapons

    not the highest critical DAMAGE or base damage, thats the realm of a huge powerful melee, but definately the highest chance

    speed, multi strike, critical deadly attacks on weak points, thats the dagger theme if covert stealth kills/finishers are removed

    when using a dagger you speciffically target the most vunerable part of an opponent on the body or thru their armor etc


    OR (and its prob too much work) imagine if u can equip daggers and another melee

    the dagger is actually paired with any single handed secondary, opening up a counter attack to any eligible enemy attacking u at contact range WITHOUT interrupting reload mechanisms

  4. most people are naive to the fact Tencent is not a company but one of the components of BAT (baidu,alibaba,tencent) which the Chinese Communist Party refer to as their "Tech Dragon Weapon"

    the entire purpose for existing is to target industrial internet around the world, to enable the Communist Regime's Censorship, Control, Information manipulation

    its not even anything to do with China per se, its 100% part of the communist ( Marxist–Leninist) playbook, one of the key foundational principles is rheotoric,propaganda, influence control this is why communism is one of the most dangerous threats to mankind - its anti-human in that it only exists to serve itself as a system

    what people perceive as legitimate economic capitalism in the west is only a veneer to hide the true intent, investments that have nothing to do with actual money or trade but with the true value in the blanket of influence that can be expanded, influence is the most highly valued resource of the CCP while in the west material wealth/value is

    in any case its up to governments to protect their assets and people and up to people to vote for leaders and parties who put them first, unfortunately right now in most countries there are very poor choices (it will probally take an entire generation for quality people to surface again) [WII > produce quality people > peace time - low quality generation > that current low quality generation older and in positions of power > new conflicts,challeneges,hardships produce new quality people] the CCP only existed since 1920s it is very young but was able to dominate its people at a time when the rest of the world is saturated with low quality leadership

    anyways Tencent started in the 1990's cloning and stealing digital products & IP until the development of WeChat in 2011.WeChat rolls most of the apps on a typical western user’s mobile phone into one.It has payment systems, smart city offerings such as the ability to schedule appointments at a bank, a doctor, pay traffic fines or make visa applications and e-commerce.The protected market conditions that have allowed Tencent to flourish, and the vast differences between Chinese and foreign internet users’ web habits, has seen the company struggle abroad so their focus will be on targeting the huge numbers of Chinese diaspora and tourists by making WeChat features like payment available overseas.WeChat and Tencent tried aggressively expanding into international markets like Australia and the US, their global expansion will in some places target Chinese travellers, with different strategies in emerging markets like Oceania.

    • Like 6
  5. for dev consideration, a mini-rework

    (TL;DR 4 = turrets (speakers), 3 directional, 2 less limited, 1 radial)

    everyone was asking for Vauban rework to feature turrets (sentry turrets / stationary automated weapon etc) or exalted sentinel before the reveal of his orbital cannon and combined vortex/bastille and DE explaning they did not want the game to play itself etc etc

    this lead to me to think of redudant state of banshees soundquake (and outdated kit overall) [side note i still play banshee and enjoy her outdate kit subjectively]

    4th skill (turrets) taking into the account the path her deluxe skin took, deviating from the spectre wraith of the mythological banshee to a headphone wearing audiophile, thematically soundquake could become the placement of turret like sonic weapon emplacements that gets AMPlified from the energy output of banshee and her surrounding allies - the more energy being used via abilities scales the damage of the turret = passive play results in minimal damage and use while active team play significantly enhances their power, could adapt silence animation to generate sonic speaker turret placement, energy turnover in banshees affinity range is the trigger, strong scaling to an upper limit plus cooldown (to a level of what would be natural gameplay but not over affected by unnatural spamming)

    3rd skill (silence) cast animation is now sonic booms old one, no longer 360 but now deletes all acoutisc activity in a 45deg cone LoS outward from Banshees facing direction - the stun now refreshes in the direction u are looking for the entire duration, u have to face about in order to fresh, can fresh on every animation cycle but not stack before its complete, enemies affected by silence have reduced coordination and suffer an accuracy debuff

    2nd skill (sonar) minimal changes, if at all, but the nature of sonar and echo location defies the restrictions of nullifiers and boss/unit immunity if possible (basically needs enhanced reliability)

    1st skill (sonic boom) no longer directional, now a 360deg omnidirectional blast, can use a sped up animation from legacy soundquake with sonic boom effects outwards (enhances usefulness to clear areas and armor strip from aug)

    this reshuffle and recycle has ease of implementation vs positive integration in mind while enhancing thematics

    banshees silent passive completely redudant since she never worked as intended as a stealth frame and ivara octavia now exist, replace with Harmonic Resonance passive basically an innate Adaptation - Banshee adjusts her defences to match the frequency of damage inflicted providing scaling resistance

    thank you for your time


  6. yes u dont need rivens but they let u tinker with weapons you would never normally use

    relying on rivens for your player experience is dark hole because once u set that new benchmark you will never be happy with the standard

    with chasing rivens you're trying to overperform but disposition changes will see you underdeliver when its better to underdeliver by avoiding that trap and be surprised by the overperformance when gained organically

  7. "Mad Scientist Homebrew Blacksmith Scrapyard wizard"

    Purpose: A way for players to dismantle and breakdown items into components, items that are redundant to further invest in new content while providing further resource sinks.

    Example: Specialist mechanic with experience in Orokin Tech, for a fee will attempt to decontruct and salvage weapons, warframes, sentinel & sentinel weapons, arch-equipment. No amps or Operator equipment. (Could be at Fortuna, or a unique world location)

    Players pay a fee for "an attempt" - as in roll for a chance to salvage resources -  Percentage % chance based. Fee is credits and possibly an appropriate resource.

    Crafting resources have their own roll, the lower technology the item (grineer tech<tenno tech/corpus tech<infested tech) the higher chance. Prime and Dax (or similar weapons) are exempt and yield no return.

    Catalyst/Reactor & Forma - each have their own % chance to yield a return, the more forma on an item the higher the chance of a forma successfully extracted but Prime weapons and warframes have innate lower chances of success.

    Cost perhaps scales on the tech level/MR req of the item..

    To offset it is possible to pay the vendor for the service but receive nothing in return, albeit a very small/rare chance of occuring. (ie 0.2%)



  8. Harmonic Shield Modulation (self channelling shield defence ult at the cost of no damage or CC from ult)

    Banshee focuses and channels her Sound Quake ultrasonic reverberations inwards, no longer able
    to inflict outward damage in order to enhance her shields protective barrier and constantly
    remodulating her shield frequencies to best resist enemy fire.

    [Drains 1 point of energy per second when active. 3 Energy per adaption. Affected by Ability Efficiency, and the minimum and maximum energy drain are affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration]

    • Shield can not be bypassed by any damage types while skill is active. 25% base resistance to all Elemental damage. Shield recharge rate amplified to x3.0. Passive (while activated only)
    • Innate Adaption - stacks up to 90% resistance of last damage type received from 10% for 30secs. Refresh instantly when new damage type exceeds previous highest. Affected by Duration.
    • 15% chance whenever the player receives damage to regenerate Shields at +120 shield/sec for 20secs with corresponding additional energy drain at 10 energy per activation. 10% chance to instantly restore all shields at 5 energy per activation. Cannot Stack. Affected by Efficiency, Powerstrength, and Duration.
  9. 20 hours ago, kgabor said:

    No thanks, we have enough frames with dr..

    I would rather go with giving Banshee a skill based option for survivability by replacing Sound Quake with an ability that gives invisibility on headshots, similarly to Arcane Trickery but with headshots as a trigger.

    This would go well with Banshee as a ghost and would make the frame stand out from the easy options and would justify Banshee being a strong frame.

    I would also make Sonar weakspots slowly float up to head hitboxes to create a kit synergy.

    this sounds pretty awesome tbh lol

    and very thematic too like u said as a ghost/wraith 

    • Like 1
  10. in the current environment most frames esp the newer generation or reworked ones all have some sort of damage reduction or mitigation

    banshee is a glaring exception to this

    propose an acoustically themed damage mitigation or deflection be reworked or added to her kit

    eg; sonar also disrupting enemy accuracy while active or harmonic deflection of damage (on banshee only)

    or even a augment



    Harmonic Shield Modulation - Sound Quake Augment (damage reduction)

    Banshee focuses and channels her Sound Quake ultrasonic reverberations inwards, no longer able
    to inflict outward damage in order to enhance her shields protective barrier and constantly
    remodulating her shield frequencies to best resist enemy fire.

    Drains 1 point of energy per second when active. 3 Energy per adaption. Affected by Ability Efficiency, and the minimum and maximum energy drain are affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration.

    -Shield can not be bypassed by any damage types while skill is active. Shield recharge rate amplified to x3.0. Shield is unaffected by Cold and
    Magnetic. Passive (while activated only)

    -Innate Adaption - stacks up to 90% resistance of last damage type received from 10% for
    30secs. Refresh instantly when new damage type exceeds previous highest. Affected by Duration.

    -15% chance whenever the player receives damage to regenerate Shields at +120 shield/sec for
    20secs with corresponding additional energy drain at 10 energy per activation. 10% chance to instantly restore all shields at 5 energy per activation. Cannot Stack. Affected by Efficiency, Powerstrength, and Duration.



    • Like 3
  11. just make them exilus slot compatible, probably been suggested a million times before but let us reiterate at this more relevant time

    it is so obvious and simple, alleviating many issues for just a minimal adjustment

    • u still need an adapter if u want access (gate)
    • u still must sacrifice something; range, power, utility
    • vast majority of augs offer very little in terms power, mostly it is all utility or gameplay preference (the very definition of exilus) eg; rhinos iron shrapnel - players dont take it for the aoe dmg they take it just for the refresh
    • it would actually encourage more teamplay / teamwork (always a good thing)
    • alot of people will have to reforma (min-max builds post umbra) to use them anyways
  12. id say people tend not to like her because of her survivability, it didnt used to be much of a issue with careful play but as the game evolved she is really lacking in content where u need to be self-sufficient and cannot avoid damage etc

    meanwhile you have frames like mesa that good all the love, strong defence, mitigation, while spitting out all the damage so very inconsistent in the whole dmg amplification vs defence debate

    the old soundquake spam made her generic and disliked, her history is - on release: super ult spam, nerfed then sonar tactical play, back to ult spam, ult nerfed again and here we are, stats showed she was one of the least popular overall warframes and neglected for overhaul prob because of that

    if just one of her abilities or even augment would provide her some sort of damage mitigation it would go a really long way, im sure there are many plausible ways soundwaves and sonic energy could provide that

  13. every warframe edgelord draws their classic edge from linkin park, esp black and red retro bladestorm Ash spammers (u know who u are)

    let us honor chester bennington - RIP 41 yrs too early but his spark burned bright 



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