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Posts posted by HAYABU5A

  1. details from stararmor player blacklotusss translated by WF_BCAW


    "Why is the Chinese version of the game so bad. After last night's update, we received Spectres of the Rails, along with Starchart 2.0. DE gave the files for the update to Changyou, which Changyou then used to update directly. However, the Nikana Prime and the Spira Prime, which were initially only available through founder's package, is now farmable. This is the equivalent of the Lato P and the Skana P being farmable in the N.A. version of Warframe. And Changyou is saying that DE is facing some kind of internal crisis and don't have the time to respond to the situation, while claiming that they (Chanyou) cannot change the situation."

    "And that's not all. Up until the void rework (presumably they just got?), we didn't have interception or sabotage as game modes. And void keys acquired through excavation would disappear. Various prime parts would randomly disappear as well. In addition, we did not have the Tethra's Doom event, but our relays are still destroyed."

    "The Chinese version is FUBAR. The Nikana P becoming farmable have raised a S#&$storm, the forums are in chaos. So I came here in hope of getting the attention of DE and see if they can do anything about it."


  2. Quote

    Hotfix 14.7.4

    Fixed buffs not being applied correctly to weapons with damage falloff (i.e. Shotguns). Fixes amount of damage dealt at the extent of the weapon's range. Before, damage dealt at maximum falloff range was not considering Mods like Blaze and Point Blank. After, it will now consider these mod buffs in the damage value at maximum falloff range. 

    reverted or bug sneaked in ? hopefully not intended , sneaky lol

  3. mirage is one of the dev favs

    if you look at the history of the frames the dev (actual devs) favs are always op

    which makes sense because if someone is enthusiastic they will make something well otherwise its just churning out random uninspired vanilla content

  4. akbronco primed came prenerfed because of brakk, this was a uproar at the time with its gimped mag and reload when it first came out

    brakk was the holy relic reward from our big event and akbronco prime was competing for the same spot soon after but to avoid diminishing the reward its fate was sealed

    and never touched since, thus here we are today 

    poor thing.. feel sorry for it really especially after all this time, its one of those primes that was never primed 

  5. maybe its intended ? as a plat sink

    void weapons are farmed weapons with various rarity, players will use stockpiled plat to expedite the acquisition process 

    MR is purposely kept low to maximize that resource sink as part of the model, you either buy a prime access for latest gold shinies, farm while wasting your irl time, or buy from the player market - weapon tier, powerlevels, balance etc be damned it comes last in the model

    plat could be renamed to 'shortcut credits'

  6. will we get less mileage for ranking mods with the conversion ? ie. a loss on fusion core raw ranking power to endo 

    what is the conversion efficiency like..

    wont really matter for veterans but it would be pretty harsh on newer players if so, they have alot of stuff to rank up and if they have a chance to rank up before the automatic conversion more efficiently they should at least have that choice / chance

    ah well, new endo overlord cometh 

  7. this made me realize there is no reason why warframes wouldnt have perfect accuracy aiming down a scope even while sprinting hitting a target 900m downrange, it would be almost effortless for them compared to normal humans

    as we know warframes not only have far greater strength and speed but a level of physical coordination, neuromusulcar & fine motor control & reflexes, agility & dexterity etc very far beyond that of normal human being 

    its pretty impossible to draw any comparisons to sniperplay in games featuring normal human activity 

    you could even say it actually breaks lore to depict a warframe struggling with any type of sway or momentum or inferior human weapon handling & stability 

    if anything is going to have complete control and mastery of long range marksmanship - its going to be a warframe

  8. id recommend vaykor hek with maxed primed ravage etc 

    very friendly clip size / reload speed ratio, tight pellets - go for headshot for big crit multipliers   

    or it will provide you with the best sustained dmg just spamming centre of mass shots on the fly while being versatile for any content 

  9. sorry but you're addressing the wrong people

    people leaving is symptomatic and nothing more, what is the root cause of the issue ?

    "dont hate the player - hate the game"

    its the responsibility of the creator/developer of any pvp game to ensure it is well designed for gameplay to avoid issues like this, the players are just the user

    specifically pvp always requires an even playing field to be competitive and enjoyable or no one will participate, its 2016 - the bar is really high, there are tons of great pvp games everywhere 

    players leaving is just a symptom of a problem that is beyond them and its perfectly natural for them to do so if they are at any disadvantage beyond their control in any game

    people wouldnt leave if dedicated servers with host state rewind made things fair with balanced custom pvp gameplay built from the ground up, instead of ported and tweaked from a pve construct, to be competitive and enjoyable at the same time

    if anyone has a problem with people leaving take it up with the devs to eliminate problems with the mode or play another properly designed and maintained pvp game


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